1. No licensee, his or her agents or employees, purchasing or receiving any article of property shall: (1) receive any property without first viewing a form of identification containing the photograph of the person identified; (2) melt, alter, destroy, sell, redeem, remove from the licensed premises or otherwise dispose of such article, within fifteen days after the receipt and report of any property is made as required by this chapter, except upon written permission from the Chief of Police, or his or her designee; (3) purchase or receive any property from any person under the age of eighteen years, without his or her parents or guardian being present at the time of the transaction, and without receiving a consent, a copy of which must be submitted along with the records required by this chapter; (4) purchase or receive any property or surrender any property from six p.m. to eight a.m., Monday through Saturday, and six p.m. Saturday to eight a.m. Monday; (5) conceal, secrete, or destroy, for the purpose of concealing, any article purchased or received for the purpose of preventing identification; (6) deface, alter, or remove any serial number or identifying marks from an article in his or her possession; (7) take possession of debased or altered property, as described in (6) above. However, those licensed pawnbrokers in possession of such property at the time of passage of this chapter shall have sixty days to dispose of such property.
2. Each pawnbroker shall retain in his or her possession the property pawned for at least one hundred twenty days from the date of the pawn.
3. Each pawnor has a right to redeem his or her property within the period of possession required in subsection 2 of this section. Property not so redeemed may be sold by the pawnbroker.
1. It shall be unlawful for any pawnbroker to employ any clerk or person under the age of eighteen years to receive any pawn or make any loan.
2. Each pawnbroker shall employ and have on premises during hours of operation at least two employees at the age of eighteen years or older.
Each pawnbroker licensed under the provisions hereof shall provide a safe place for the keeping of the property received by him or her and shall have sufficient insurance on the property held in pawn to cover the pawnors' loss in case of destruction by fire or natural disaster. This policy shall provide coverage directly to the pawnors, as their interest may appear.
1. Whenever the Chief of Police, or his or her designee, has reason to believe that any licensee, or his or her agents or employees, has possession of any stolen property on the licensed premises, he or she shall have the right and duty to enter and search the premises of such person for the purpose of discovering stolen property.
2. No licensee, his or her agents or employees, shall refuse, resist, or attempt to prevent the Chief of Police, or his or her designee, with or without warrant, from examining the licensed premises for the purposes of discovering stolen property, or any violation of this chapter.
This section seeks to ensure that residential, public, family uses and pawnbrokers and delayed deposit services will be located in separate and compatible locations. It is a subject of legitimate concern for the City to ensure the quality of life and protect the property values and economic vitality of its neighborhoods.
1. Location. No person, whether as principal or agent, clerk or employee, either himself or herself or any other person, or as an officer of any corporation, or otherwise, shall place, maintain, own or operate any pawnbroker or delayed deposit service business in the following locations:
A. In any zoning district other than commercially or industrial zoned areas of the City.
B. Within one thousand feet (1,000 ft.) of any residentially zoned or used property, or any property designated on the City's comprehensive plan as residential oriented.
C. Within one thousand feet (1,000 ft.) of a church which conducts religious programs.
D. Within one thousand feet (1,000 ft.) of a children's daycare, nursery school, preschool, elementary school, junior high school or senior high school.
E. Within one thousand feet (1,000 ft.) of any park or recreational facility operated and improved by the City.
2. Measurement of Distance. The distance between any pawnbroker or delayed deposit service facilities and any daycare, school, church, public park, or any property designated for residential use or used for residential purposes shall be measured in a straight line, without regard to intervening structures, from the closest property line of the pawnbroker or delayed deposit service facility to the closest property line of any daycare, school, church, public park or any property designated for residential use or used for residential purposes.