141.06 RENEWALS.
Every licensed pawnbroker shall apply for a license annually by application, as if for an original license. There shall be no automatic renewal, such application shall be filed, and a fee paid not less than forty-five days prior to the expiration of the current license.
No pawnbroker license shall be sold or transferred. The purchaser or purchasers of a pawnbroker business, or of the majority of the stock of a corporation operating a pawnbroker business, shall make application for, and obtain, a new license before operating such business at the location for which the license has been issued.
Any person conducting several or separate pawnbroker businesses shall pay the license fee and procure a license for each place, and any violations in one licensed premises shall be deemed violations in all premises licensed by that pawnbroker.
Every licensed pawnbroker shall display his or her license conspicuously in the business so that it may be readily observed by all persons entering the premises.
141.10 RECORDS.
1.   Every pawnbroker shall accurately and legibly enter in ink, in the English language, the following information at the time of purchase or receipt of any property: (1) the date and hour of the transaction; (2) the amount paid, advanced, or loaned for the article; (3) a detailed and accurate description of the article; (4) when applicable, the model number and/or serial number; and (5) the name, house number and street of the person from whom the property is purchased or received, his/her date of birth, driver's license number, State of Iowa identification number or Social Security number, sex, age, height, race and type of photo identification presented, (6) the amount lent and the number of any pawn ticket issued therefor.
2.   When the pawn log sheets are complete, or upon demand from the Chief of Police, or his or her designee, the licensee shall surrender the original sheets to the Chief of Police, or his or her designee, who shall provide a copy of the sheets to the licensee; the originals to remain the property of the City. The licensee shall also maintain a record of the name and residential address of a person redeeming an article of property, the date of such transaction, and a description of the article redeemed. In the event property is disposed of, other than by redemption, the licensee shall record a description of the property, how disposed, and the name and address to whom the article was transferred. Such redemption or sales records shall be maintained by the licensee for one year from the date of the transaction, and shall be, at all times, open to examination and recordation by the Chief of Police, or his or her designee.
3.   Every pawnbroker shall install, maintain and operate a security camera system that captures the video images of persons transacting business on the premises. The video capture shall hold images for at least 15 days.