17.65.040 General Provisions
   (a)   Location
      The required parking spaces shall be located on the same site with the primary use or structure, on premises contiguous to them, or in a location conforming to an approved Location and Development Plan in compliance with Chapter 17.150 (Location and Development Plan) of this title. Property within the ultimate right-of-way of a street or highway shall not be used to provide required parking or loading facilities.
   (b)   Residential Uses
      Required parking facilities for Residential Zone Districts shall be located on the same lot or parcel of land as the use the parking facilities are intended to serve, or within a single development as approved by the Planning Director. The facilities shall be conveniently and safely located on the site. Required parking facilities provided by a given project shall be used exclusively for parking purposes by that project or residence, and shall not be leased, sold, or utilized by other projects or entities.
      Within a required front yard area, vehicles may be parked only on a parking space as defined in Section 17.65.080 (Parking Facility Development Standards) of this Chapter.
      Vehicles may be parked in a side or rear yard area, or within the buildable area of a lot on a parking space as defined in Section 17.65.080 (Parking Facility Development Standards) of this Chapter, provided that a minimum of four feet (4') of clearance is provided between the vehicle and the adjacent outside wall of any structure containing windows.
   (c)   Non-Residential Uses
      Required parking for non-residential uses shall be located:
      (1)   On the same lot or parcel of land as the use which the facilities serve; or
      (2)   On an adjoining lot or parcel of land under the same ownership as the lot supporting the use the parking facilities serve, provided that the adjoining lot is merged with the property containing the primary use for which the parking is required; or a covenant of easement is recorded for parking purposes in accordance with Section 17.65.090(a) (Combined or Shared Parking Facilities).
      (3)   On a lot or parcel of land separated only by an alley (20 feet wide or less) from the lot or parcel supporting the use the parking facilities serve, provided:
         A.   That said lots or parcels are under the same ownership; and
         B.   That said lots or parcels would be contiguous if not separated by the alley; and
         C.   That direct vehicular and pedestrian passage between said lots or parcels would be possible if the alley were vacated; and
         D.   That the parking and vehicular access on said lots or parcels can be designed to ensure safe pedestrian movement between the parking and the property containing the primary use it is intended to serve; and
         E.   That a Covenant of Easement is recorded for parking purposes in accordance with Section 17.65.090 (a), or Section 17.65.090 (b) (Combined or Shared Parking Facilities) for joint use of parking facilities.
   (d)   Change in use
      A change in use that results in a more intensive parking requirement shall comply with all current parking and loading standards of this Chapter.
   (e)   Two or more uses
      Where two or more uses are located in the same development or structure, the parking requirements shall be the sum of the separate requirements per use, except as specifically provided by this Chapter.
   (f)   Parking and loading spaces to be permanent
      Parking and loading spaces shall be paved and permanently available, marked and maintained for parking or loading purposes for the use they are intended to serve. The Director may approve the temporary reduction of parking or loading spaces in conjunction with a seasonal or intermittent use with the approval of a Temporary Use Permit issued in compliance with Chapter 17.75 and 17.155 (Temporary Uses and Structures and Temporary Use Permits) of this title.
   (g)   Parking and loading to be unrestricted
      Owners, lessees, tenants, or persons having control of the operation of a premise for which parking or loading spaces are required by this Chapter shall not prevent, prohibit or restrict authorized persons from using these spaces without prior approval of the Director.
   (h)   Use of parking area for activities other than parking
      Required off-street parking, circulation, and access areas shall be used exclusively for the temporary parking and maneuvering of vehicles and shall not be used for the sale, lease, display, repair, or storage of vehicles, trailers, boats, campers, mobile homes, merchandise, or equipment, or for any other use not authorized by the provisions of this Code.
   (j)   Maintenance
      All required parking and loading space areas including their driveways and aisle widths shall be maintained in good condition and available for their intended use. Parking areas shall be kept free of litter, trash, debris and display or advertising not specifically approved in accordance with this Zoning Code.
      Inside garage storage shall not encroach into required parking and loading space areas and vehicles shall not be continuously parked in these areas. All parked vehicles shall be operable and currently registered.
[Ord. No. 474, Section 5, 5/28/08; Ord. No. 515, Exhibit J, 5/22/13; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit N, 9/10/14; Ord. No. 549, Exhibit A, 8/24/16.]