(a) Location
The required parking spaces shall be located on the same site with the primary use or structure, on premises contiguous to them, or in a location conforming to an approved Location and Development Plan in compliance with Chapter 17.150 (Location and Development Plan) of this title. Property within the ultimate right-of-way of a street or highway shall not be used to provide required parking or loading facilities.
(b) Residential Uses
Required parking facilities for Residential Zone Districts shall be located on the same lot or parcel of land as the use the parking facilities are intended to serve, or within a single development as approved by the Planning Director. The facilities shall be conveniently and safely located on the site. Required parking facilities provided by a given project shall be used exclusively for parking purposes by that project or residence, and shall not be leased, sold, or utilized by other projects or entities.
Within a required front yard area, vehicles may be parked only on a parking space as defined in Section 17.65.080 (Parking Facility Development Standards) of this Chapter.
Vehicles may be parked in a side or rear yard area, or within the buildable area of a lot on a parking space as defined in Section 17.65.080 (Parking Facility Development Standards) of this Chapter, provided that a minimum of four feet (4') of clearance is provided between the vehicle and the adjacent outside wall of any structure containing windows.
(c) Non-Residential Uses
Required parking for non-residential uses shall be located:
(1) On the same lot or parcel of land as the use which the facilities serve; or
(2) On an adjoining lot or parcel of land under the same ownership as the lot supporting the use the parking facilities serve, provided that the adjoining lot is merged with the property containing the primary use for which the parking is required; or a covenant of easement is recorded for parking purposes in accordance with Section 17.65.090(a) (Combined or Shared Parking Facilities).
(3) On a lot or parcel of land separated only by an alley (20 feet wide or less) from the lot or parcel supporting the use the parking facilities serve, provided:
A. That said lots or parcels are under the same ownership; and
B. That said lots or parcels would be contiguous if not separated by the alley; and
C. That direct vehicular and pedestrian passage between said lots or parcels would be possible if the alley were vacated; and
D. That the parking and vehicular access on said lots or parcels can be designed to ensure safe pedestrian movement between the parking and the property containing the primary use it is intended to serve; and
(d) Change in use
A change in use that results in a more intensive parking requirement shall comply with all current parking and loading standards of this Chapter.
(e) Two or more uses
Where two or more uses are located in the same development or structure, the parking requirements shall be the sum of the separate requirements per use, except as specifically provided by this Chapter.
(f) Parking and loading spaces to be permanent
Parking and loading spaces shall be paved and permanently available, marked and maintained for parking or loading purposes for the use they are intended to serve. The Director may approve the temporary reduction of parking or loading spaces in conjunction with a seasonal or intermittent use with the approval of a Temporary Use Permit issued in compliance with Chapter 17.75 and 17.155 (Temporary Uses and Structures and Temporary Use Permits) of this title.
(g) Parking and loading to be unrestricted
Owners, lessees, tenants, or persons having control of the operation of a premise for which parking or loading spaces are required by this Chapter shall not prevent, prohibit or restrict authorized persons from using these spaces without prior approval of the Director.
(h) Use of parking area for activities other than parking
Required off-street parking, circulation, and access areas shall be used exclusively for the temporary parking and maneuvering of vehicles and shall not be used for the sale, lease, display, repair, or storage of vehicles, trailers, boats, campers, mobile homes, merchandise, or equipment, or for any other use not authorized by the provisions of this Code.
(j) Maintenance
All required parking and loading space areas including their driveways and aisle widths shall be maintained in good condition and available for their intended use. Parking areas shall be kept free of litter, trash, debris and display or advertising not specifically approved in accordance with this Zoning Code.
Inside garage storage shall not encroach into required parking and loading space areas and vehicles shall not be continuously parked in these areas. All parked vehicles shall be operable and currently registered.
[Ord. No. 474, Section 5, 5/28/08; Ord. No. 515, Exhibit J, 5/22/13; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit N, 9/10/14; Ord. No. 549, Exhibit A, 8/24/16.]
(a) Required Spaces
Table 65-2 specifies the number of off-street parking spaces required for specific uses. The requirement for a use not specifically mentioned shall be the same as for a specified use which has the most similar traffic and/or parking generating characteristics. The Planning Director shall determine what constitutes similar traffic generating characteristics.
As provided in Chapter 17.140 (Minor Variances) of this Code, the Planning Director may approve up to a thirty percent (30%) reduction in the number of required parking spaces. Reductions of more than thirty percent (30%) may be approved by the Planning Commission, as provided in Chapter 17.135 (Major Variances).
Use | Required Number of Spaces |
Use | Required Number of Spaces |
Residential Uses | |
Single-family, detached and attached in R1 and DL zone districts | 2-car enclosed garage for each unit. Said garage shall have a minimum clear dimension of 20-feet by 20-feet free of any obstructions including mechanical equipment. |
Duplex units | 2-car enclosed garage for each unit |
Apartments, condominiums, townhouses, and similar developments | 2 spaces per unit, with 1 space required to be covered, plus 1 guest space for every 2 dwelling units, plus the following: 3 spaces for each on-site rental or sales office for developments of 100 units or less, plus 1 additional space for each additional 100 units or fraction thereof. Single car garages shall have a minimum clear dimension of 10-feet by 20-feet free of any obstructions including mechanical equipment. |
Mobile home park | 2 covered spaces per unit, plus 1 guest space per every 2 units, plus 2 spaces for each on-site sales or rental office |
Fraternity-sorority/lodge/bed and breakfast | 1 space per bed, plus 1 guest space for every 3 beds |
Convalescent facility/residential care facility | 1 space for every 4 beds, plus parking for on-site employee housing |
Public Assembly and Community Uses | |
Church, chapel, religious facility, cemetery, mortuary | 1 space/3 fixed seats (or 54" of bench seating), or 1 space/25 square feet of gross floor area of assembly area where there are no fixed seats |
Theatres: | |
Movie - multiple screen | 1 space/5 seats, plus 7 spaces for employees |
Movie - single screen | 1 space/5 seats, plus 5 spaces for employees |
Live performance | 1 space/4 fixed seats |
Assembly | 1 space/50 square feet of gross floor area |
Day care (all types), nursery school | 1 space per employee, plus 1 space/10 children (or participants) based on facility capacity |
Private elementary and junior high school | 1.5 spaces/classroom, plus 1 space/5 fixed seats in auditorium, gymnasium or similar public assembly facility, or 1 space/35 SF-GFA of assembly area where there are no fixed seats |
Private high school | 1.5 spaces/classroom, plus 1 space/5 students based on maximum student capacity |
College or university (public/private) | 1 space/employee, plus 1 space/3 students based on maximum student capacity |
Trade school, business school, adult education (public/private) | 1 space/3 students, plus 1 space for each staff member, faculty member, and employee |
Museums, art galleries | 1 space/300 SF-GFA |
Libraries | 1 space/300 SF-GFA |
Hospitals and medical centers (providing acute care, clinical, surgical, teaching, research and office services) | 1 space/2 patient beds, plus 1 space for each employee and staff member on largest shift |
Industrial Uses | |
Ambulance service | 1 space per 250 SF-GFA; plus 1 space per service vehicle |
Construction yards | 1 space per 250 SF-GFA, plus 1 space per 7,000 sq. ft. of yard area |
Junk, salvage, vehicle wrecking and impound yard | 1 space per 250 SF-GFA; plus 1 space per 7,000 sq. ft. of yard area |
Manufacturing and processing uses (not including buildings used exclusively for warehouse purposes) | 1 space/500 SF of industrial/manufacturing area, plus 1 space/250 SF of office use, plus 1 space/1,000 SF of warehouse area (Note: Buildings in the MI zone district which are built with the intention of converting to a more parking-intensive use at a later date may be required to submit a parking plan showing the configuration of parking for the ultimate use.) |
Mini-storage warehouse | 1 space/50 storage units; plus 1 space/250 SF-GFA of office area; plus 2 spaces for a caretaker's residence |
Recycling facilities, public (collection only) | 1 space per 1,000 SF-GFA; plus 1 space per 7,000 sq. ft. of yard area |
Recycling facilities, commercial (processing) | 1 space per 500 SF-GFA; plus 1 space per 7,000 sq. ft. of yard area. |
Research and development | 1 space/250 SF-GFA |
Upholstery shop, welding shop | 1 space per 500 SF-GFA |
Warehouse/distribution facility, indoor agriculture | 1 space per 1,000 SF-GFA for the first 20,000 sq. ft; 1 space per 2,000 SF-GFA for that portion between 20,000 and 40,000 sq. ft.; 1 space per 4,000 SF-GFA for that portion over 40,000 Plus 1 space/300 SF-GFA of office use |
Office Uses | |
Medical and dental offices | 1 space/250 SF-GFA, with a minimum of 4 spaces |
Veterinary office | 1 space/250 SF-GFA, with a minimum of 4 spaces |
Business and professional | 1 space/250 SF-GFA, with a minimum of 4 spaces |
Financial services (banks, savings and loans, credit unions) | 1 space/250 SF-GFA, with a minimum of 4 spaces |
Commercial Uses - Retail, Service, and Other | |
Automotive/RV service and repair | 2 spaces, plus 3 spaces/service bay (service bays do not count as spaces), parking areas shall not be utilized for storage or overnight parking. The storage of vehicles/RVs shall be a separate area and screened from adjacent uses. |
Automotive car wash | 3/1,000 SF-GLA |
Self-service car wash | 2 spaces/wash bay (wash bays do not count as spaces) |
Automobile sales | 1 space/2,000 SF-GLA |
Dance studio, karate studio and similar uses | 1 space/100 SF-GFA |
Furniture stores | 1 space/500 SF-GFA |
General retail | 1 space/250 SF-GFA If restaurant space occupies more than 10% of total GFA, then additional parking shall be provided for excess restaurant space beyond the 10%. The additional parking shall be calculated at the restaurant rate. |
Hotels and motels | 1 space/guest room, plus additional spaces for restaurant and public assembly areas as required for those uses |
Laundromat | 1 space/3 washing machines |
Plant nurseries | 1 space/1,000 SF indoor GFA, plus 1 space/2,000 SF gross outdoor retail area |
Outdoor sales, including lumber yards, salvage yards | 1 space/1,000 SF gross outdoor retail area, plus additional parking as required for indoor sales area, service facilities, and other uses |
Residential sales office (temporary) | 3 spaces per model home or unit, including at least 1 space designated for vehicles displaying a handicapped placard |
Temporary sales (Christmas Tree/pumpkins) | 1 space per each 500 SF of tree/pumpkin display area. Minimum number of spaces is subject to review and approval by the City; at least 1 space must be designated for vehicles displaying an accessible placard. |
Recreation Uses | |
Arcades | 1 space/150 SF-GFA |
Billiard parlor | 2 spaces per billiard table |
Bowling alley | 5 spaces/lane, plus auxiliary uses calculated separately as required by this Section |
Dance halls | 1 space/20 gross SF dance floor area, plus 1 space per 3 fixed seats. Where there are no fixed seats, 1 space per 20 SF of seating area. |
Driving range | Parking requirements subject to case-by-case review |
Golf course - regulation and pitch and putt | Parking requirements subject to case-by-case review |
Gym, spa, health club | 1 space/100 SF-GFA |
Miniature golf | 1.5 spaces/hole, plus other uses calculated separately as required by this Section |
Skating rink - ice or roller | 1 space/100 SF of rink, plus other uses calculated separately as required by this Section |
Public swimming pool (as defined by the Uniform Building Code) | 10 spaces, or 1 space/1,000 SF of lot area, plus 1 space/2 employees, whichever is greater |
Handball/racquetball - commercial facility | 3 spaces/court, plus other uses calculated separately as required by this Section |
Tennis courts - commercial facility or associated with private club | 3 spaces/court, plus other uses calculated separately as required by this Section |
Restaurants | |
Restaurants (as defined in Chapter 17.200 of this Code) | 1 space/100 SF-GFA or 1 space for every 3 persons (as determined by occupancy load) |
Restaurants (drive-through, fast food, and walkup restaurants, as defined in Chapter 17.200 of this Code) | 1 space for every 3 seats or 10 spaces/1,000 SF-GFA, whichever is greater. A minimum of 5 spaces shall be provided. Restaurants with drive-through areas must provide at least 6 on-site queuing spaces for patron vehicles ahead of the menu board, or as approved by the City |
Outdoor dining areas in excess of 16 seats for sit-down or fast food restaurants | 1 space/200 SF of outdoor seating area or 1 space for every 3 seats, whichever is greater |
Abbreviations: SF = square feet, GFA = gross floor area, GLA = gross land area | |
(b) Fractional Spaces
If the calculation of required parking spaces results in a fractional number, that number shall be rounded up to the next whole number.
(c) Accessible Parking
Accessible parking requirements are established by Title 24 of the State of California. The parking standards contained in this section are identical to those established by the State at the time of the adoption of this Zoning Code. Any change in the State’s accessible parking requirements shall preempt the affected requirements in this section.
(1) Number of Spaces Required.
A. Multi-Family Residential Uses. Accessible parking spaces shall be provided at a minimum rate of two percent (2%) of the multi-family dwelling units assigned parking spaces. At least one (1) space of each type of parking facility (garage, private garage, carport, and open parking spaces) shall be made accessible even if the total number exceeds 2 percent. At least 5 percent of unassigned or guest parking spaces shall be accessible.
B. Required handicapped parking spaces shall count toward fulfilling off-street parking requirements.
C. Van accessible spaces shall be provided at a rate of one in every eight accessible spaces.
D. In the event only one handicapped parking space is required, such space shall be van accessible.
E. Accessible parking spaces shall be provided for all uses, other than as specified above, at the following rate:
Total Number of Parking Spaces Provided
| Number of Handicapped Parking Spaces Required
Total Number of Parking Spaces Provided
| Number of Handicapped Parking Spaces Required
1 - 25 | 1 |
26 - 50 | 2 |
51 - 75 | 3 |
76 - 100 | 4 |
101 - 150 | 5 |
151 - 200 | 6 |
201 - 300 | 7 |
301 - 400 | 8 |
401 - 500 | 9 |
501 - 1,000 | 2% of total |
1,001 and over | 20 plus one for each 100, or fraction over 1,001 |
(2) Accessible Parking Size and Location. Accessible parking spaces shall have the following dimensions:
A. Where single spaces are provided, they shall be 14-feet wide and lined to provide a 9-foot parking area and a 5-foot loading and unloading access aisle on the passenger side of the vehicle.
B. A double accessible space can be provided with a 23-foot wide area lined to provide a 9-foot parking area on each side of a 5-foot loading and unloading access aisle in the center.
C. Van accessible spaces shall provide an 8-foot wide loading and unloading access aisle.
D. All spaces shall be located near or convenient to a level or ramped entrance, not exceeding five percent (5%) slope, to the facility served by the parking space.
E. Parking spaces for the handicapped shall be signed and restricted for use by the handicapped only.
(3) Any revisions to Title 24 of the California Government Code shall supersede these requirements.
(d) Compact Parking
Compact parking spaces are not permitted. However, such spaces existing on the effective date of this Zoning Code shall be exempted. Parking lots which contain compact spaces as of the effective date of this Code which are re-striped to eliminate compact spaces will not be subject to the parking requirements of this Chapter, if the elimination of compact spaces results in a deficit of parking (as calculated using the standards in this Chapter).
[Ord. No. 474, Section 5, 5/28/08; Ord. No. 515, Exhibit J, 5/22/13; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit N, 9/10/14; Ord. No. 549, Exhibit A, 8/24/16.]
Parking facilities shall be designed to be fully accessible, adequate and safe ingress and egress shall be provided from and to a street, highway, alley, or driveway and shall conform to the following minimum standards:
(a) Parking Space Dimensions
(1) Standard Spaces
The minimum size of a standard parking space shall be nine feet wide and eighteen feet long (9' x 18').
(2) Parallel Spaces
The minimum size of a parallel parking space shall be nine feet wide and twenty-four feet long (9' x 24').
(b) Parking Access
Access leading to parking facilities, including garages for private residences, shall meet the following dimensions:
(1) Width - The minimum width for driveways and drive aisles shall be twenty feet (20') for one-way traffic and twenty-six feet (26') for two-way traffic. Where one-way drives exist, pavement graphics and directional signs and arrows shall be provided. Greater widths may be required at the discretion of the City.
(2) Minimum Residential Driveway Length - Driveways for single family or duplex units in any zoning district shall be a minimum of twenty feet (20') in length as measured from the back of sidewalk to the front of the garage door.
(3) Limit on Residential Driveways - The number of permitted driveways shall be one per fifty feet (50') of lot frontage, or fraction thereof, not to exceed a total of two (2) driveways. A curved driveway with two (2) entrances shall count as one (1) driveway for the purposes of this section.
(4) Non-residential Driveway Spacing - The distance between non-residential driveways; and between non-residential driveways and public rights-of-way shall conform to the City’s Public Works standards.
(5) Maneuvering Areas - Except for residential uses of two (2) or fewer units per building site, access facilities adjoining roadways classified as Collector Street or higher in the General Plan Circulation Element shall be arranged so that any vehicle can leave the parking area and enter into an adjoining vehicular right-of-way traveling in a forward direction.
[Ord. No. 474, Section 5, 5/28/08; Ord. No. 515, Exhibit J, 5/22/13; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit N, 9/10/14; Ord. No. 549, Exhibit A, 8/24/16; Ord. No. 583, Section 3, 2/28/18.]
(a) Paving Required
(1) All parking spaces and associated driveways shall be entirely paved with concrete or asphalt-type surfacing as per City standards and requirements.
(2) All newly constructed driveways and parking areas shall be concrete, asphalt, or as otherwise approved by the City.
(3) Parking on areas which do not meet the above standards shall be prohibited.
(b) Parking Space Delineation
All parking spaces shall be clearly delineated with a 4-inch wide double stripe, a 4-inch gap between stripes, and an overall width of 12 inches wide and 20 feet long. The ends of the striping can be rounded or squared. In order to maintain the 9-foot wide parking space standard mentioned above, parking striping shall be spaced center to center.
(c) Construction
(1) All driveways and parking areas shall be constructed and striped in accordance with road and drainage standards established by the City Engineer and the Fire Department.
(2) Wheel stops, ground-mounted bumpers, and similar devices are permitted. Curbs shall be used in conjunction with landscaped areas, as approved by the City.
(d) Lighting
(1) All on-site lighting shall be energy efficient, stationary and directed away from adjoining properties and public rights-of-way.
(2) Light fixtures shall be shielded so no light is emitted above the horizontal plane of the bottom of the light fixture.
(3) Light fixtures shall be shielded so no light above 0.5 foot-candle spills over onto adjacent properties and rights-of-way. There shall be no spillover (0.0 foot-candle) onto adjacent residential used or zoned properties.
(e) Landscaping and Screening
Parking lot landscaping shall be provided and maintained as required in Chapter 17.60 and 17.15 of this Zoning Code.
[Ord. No. 474, Section 5, 5/28/08; Ord. No. 515, Exhibit J, 5/22/13; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit N, 9/10/14; Ord. No. 549, Exhibit A, 8/24/16.]
(a) For Uses on Separate Lots or Parcels
Required parking facilities for non-residential uses may be provided collectively for two (2) or more buildings or uses located on the same or separate contiguous lots or parcels of land, provided that the total combined parking facilities meet or exceed all other minimum parking capacity requirements for the buildings or uses. A covenant, approved as to form by the City Attorney, shall be recorded describing the combined parking arrangement and granting reciprocal access rights to the parking facilities.
(b) Shared Parking Facilities
Where two (2) or more uses are sharing parking facilities, the applicant may propose the use of shared parking, provided that a “Shared Parking Analysis” is approved by the City, demonstrating that sufficient parking will be provided at all times for all uses. Such Shared Parking Analysis shall be prepared pursuant to guidelines published by the Urban Land Institute or other guidelines as approved the City. Where separate parcels exist within a single development, a parking agreement shall be required, per Section 17.65.090(a), above.
[Ord. No. 474, Section 5, 5/28/08; Ord. No. 515, Exhibit J, 5/22/13; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit N, 9/10/14; Ord. No. 549, Exhibit A, 8/24/16.]
(a) Number of Spaces Required
(1) For commercial uses, loadings spaces shall be provided in accordance with the following:
Gross Floor Area
| Minimum Spaces Required
Less than 25,000 sq. ft. | 1 small space (12 ft. by 20 ft.) |
25,001 to 50,000 sq. ft. | 2 small spaces (12 ft. by 20 ft.) |
Over 50,001 sq. ft. | 1 large space per unit (12 ft. by 45 ft.), plus 1 additional large space for each additional 50,000 square feet, with a maximum of 4 spaces required |
(2) In Light Manufacturing, Manufacturing/Industrial, and Airport Development Districts, loadings spaces shall be provided in accordance with the following:
Gross Floor Area
| Minimum Spaces Required
Less than 50,000 sq. ft. | 1 small space per unit (12 ft. by 20 ft.) |
Over 50,001 sq. ft. | 1 large space per unit (12 ft. by 45 ft.), plus 1 additional large space for each additional 50,000 square feet, with a maximum of 4 spaces required |
(3) Required loading spaces in other Districts will be determined on a case by case basis, depending on the requirements of each project.
(b) Dimensions
The dimensions of loading spaces shall be as specified in the table above.
(c) Location
All loading areas shall be located adjacent to loading doors and outside of any required aisles or other circulation areas. Adequate turning radii shall be provided to allow a vehicle to maneuver without backing into a street or without backing into the loading space from the street.
[Ord. No. 474, Section 5, 5/28/08; Ord. No. 515, Exhibit J, 5/22/13; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit N, 9/10/14; Ord. No. 549, Exhibit A, 8/24/16.]