17.65.100 Loading Space Requirements
   (a)   Number of Spaces Required
      (1)   For commercial uses, loadings spaces shall be provided in accordance with the following:
TABLE 65-3
Minimum Required Loading Spaces - Commercial
Gross Floor Area
Minimum Spaces Required
Less than 25,000 sq. ft.
1 small space (12 ft. by 20 ft.)
25,001 to 50,000 sq. ft.
2 small spaces (12 ft. by 20 ft.)
Over 50,001 sq. ft.
1 large space per unit (12 ft. by 45 ft.), plus 1 additional large space for each additional 50,000 square feet, with a maximum of 4 spaces required
         (2)   In Light Manufacturing, Manufacturing/Industrial, and Airport Development Districts, loadings spaces shall be provided in accordance with the following:
TABLE 65-4
Minimum Required Loading Spaces - Industrial
Gross Floor Area
Minimum Spaces Required
Less than 50,000 sq. ft.
1 small space per unit (12 ft. by 20 ft.)
Over 50,001 sq. ft.
1 large space per unit (12 ft. by 45 ft.), plus 1 additional large space for each additional 50,000 square feet, with a maximum of 4 spaces required
      (3)   Required loading spaces in other Districts will be determined on a case by case basis, depending on the requirements of each project.
   (b)   Dimensions
      The dimensions of loading spaces shall be as specified in the table above.
   (c)   Location
      All loading areas shall be located adjacent to loading doors and outside of any required aisles or other circulation areas. Adequate turning radii shall be provided to allow a vehicle to maneuver without backing into a street or without backing into the loading space from the street.
[Ord. No. 474, Section 5, 5/28/08; Ord. No. 515, Exhibit J, 5/22/13; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit N, 9/10/14; Ord. No. 549, Exhibit A, 8/24/16.]