Materials Recovery Operators and Materials Recovery Facilities
EDITOR'S NOTE: This chapter, previously titled “Junk Dealers and Junk Yards”, was re-titled “Materials Recovery Operators and Materials Recovery Facilities” upon the adoption of Ordinance 2001-01, passed January 2, 2001.
832.01   Definitions.
832.02   License required.
832.03   License application.
832.04   License fee.
832.05   Reports by Police Department and Planning Commission; public hearings.
832.06   Licensing standards.
832.07   Council action on applications.
832.08   License transfer, display and term.
832.09   License renewal; grounds for denial or renewal.
832.10   License suspension and revocation.
832.11   Sign required.
832.12   Records.
832.13   Retention and identification of goods.
832.14   Report to Police Department.
832.15   Fence required; site standards.
832.16   Hours of operation; transactions with thieves and minors prohibited.
832.17   Burning prohibited without incinerator.
832.18   Soliciting and scavenging prohibited.
832.19   Enforcement.
832.99   Penalty.
   Uniform fee schedule - see ADM. Ch. 210
   Secondhand dealers of bicycles - see TRAF. 430.06
   Solicitors, canvassers and vendors - see B.R. & T. Ch. 864
   Burning of refuse - see S.U. & P.S. 1060.26, 1060.27
   Signs - see P. & Z. Ch. 1222