General Provisions
51.01 Designation of Water and Sewer Department
51.02 Definitions
51.03 Inspection of premises
51.04 Condition of services; duty of owner
51.05 Use of fire hydrants; inspection
51.06 Hydrants on private property
Water and Sewer System
51.20 Permit required for water and sewer connection
51.21 Water and sewer taps
51.22 Emergency repairs
51.23 Connection to system required
51.23.A Connections prohibited
51.24 Lines across private property
51.25 Cutting into water or sewer lines prohibited
51.26 Application for water and sewer service
51.26.A Irrigation
51.26.B Fire hydrant use/bulk water purchase
51.27 Water meters; location and ownership
51.28 One service per meter allowed
51.29 Multi-family dwellings; multi-purpose buildings
51.30 Service discontinued for noncompliance
51.31 Water and sewer rates and tap fees
51.32 Inspection of plumbing required
51.33 Payment of water and sewer service
51.34 Leak adjustment policy
51.99 Penalty