(A)   Any person desiring to run a large pipe from the town’s main to his premises for the purpose of providing a hydrant for use in case of fire, shall be permitted to connect with the street main at his own expense, and shall be permitted to use water therefrom for fire purposes only. All hydrants so constructed on premises of patrons shall be sealed with suitable material, and any person breaking or permitting another to break such seal, except for the purposes of fighting fire, shall be subject to and shall pay a penalty as set forth in § 51.999. Such proposed connection shall first be approved by the Town Board.
   (B)   Any person desiring to secure the protection provided in division (A) of this section, and whose premises are located without the corporate limits of the town may do so as under the provisions and penalties of division (A) of this section, provided that he shall pay the Clerk $50 for each hydrant, and provided such connection is first approved by the Town Board.
(Ord. 21.4, passed 1-5-54)