(a) All officers and employees of the city not specifically required to furnish an individual bond shall be covered by a uniform and/or blanket bond, which shall indemnify against losses through one of the following conditions:
(1) Failure of officers and employees covered thereunder to faithfully perform their duties or to account properly for all monies or property received by virtue of their positions or employment; and/or
(2) Fraudulent or dishonest acts committed by officers and employees covered thereunder.
(b) Any such blanket bond shall be approved as to its form and sufficiency of the surety by the Director of Law. The premium of any such blanket bond shall be paid by the city. When an elected or appointed official, while in the good faith discharge of his or her duties imposed by law or ordinance, is sued as a result of those duties, the Director of Law shall defend the official or require the Mayor to contract for outside legal counsel to defend said elected or appointed official.
(Ord. 1998-25, passed 5-18-1998)