234.01 Assistant Director of Finance
234.015 Contract Compliance Officer
234.017 Business Operations Administrator
234.02 Purchase of insurance
234.03 Purchasing Policy
234.035 Credit card policy
234.04 Infrastructure and building contracts
234.05 Earned Interest Clearance Fund
234.06 Charges for documents
234.07 Petty Cash Funds
234.08 Grantwood Recreational Park Fund created; deposit and use
234.09 Solon Sanitary Landfill Enterprise Fund (Repealed)
234.10 Sale of recycled materials
234.11 Underground Storage Tank (UST) Fund
234.12 Investment Policy
234.13 Supervisor of Accounting
234.14 Audit Committee
234.15 General Fund Cash Reserve policy
234.16 Self Insured Workers Compensation Fund
Establishment, see Charter Art. VI, § 1
Finance Committee, see § 220.06(a)(1)
Finance Director generally, see Charter Art. VI, § 3
Finance generally, see Charter Art. X
State law provisions, see R.C. §§ 733.10 et seq.