(a)   City officials and employees shall be entitled to use city-owned computers to perform their duties as approved by the Mayor and/or department heads. All computers and applications, including software, e-mail, internet and the like shall be used for city business only. Using computers for sexually oriented material, gambling or anything that is disruptive to city business is strictly prohibited and may result in disciplinary action, including termination.
   (b)   The Director of Information Technology shall assign passwords to each employee after approval by the Mayor and/or department heads. In addition, he or she shall also approve the installation of any software on computers for the purpose of compatibility. Use of e-mail or the internet is not personal, confidential or subject to any privacy consideration, and all computers shall be monitored by the Director of Information Technology.
   (c)   Each department head may adopt and implement additional or supplemental rules and regulations on the use of computers in their department. This may include what websites are accessible to employees to perform their duties, what programs (software) each employee may use, disaster recovery plans and the like.
(Ord. 2004-243, passed 11-1-2004)