Angle parking (60 degree) is hereby established in El Cajon in the cul-de-sac of Ora Belle Lane.
(Added as Section 72.160.1 by Ord. No. 5586 (N.S.), effective 9-20-79; Section 72.160.1 repealed and section added as Section 72.159.11 by Ord. No. 6386 (N.S.), effective 8-5-82)
It is hereby determined upon the basis of an engineering and traffic survey that the speed permitted by State law outside of business and residence districts as applicable upon the highways hereafter designated in this article is greater than is reasonable or safe under the conditions found to exist upon such highways and it is hereby declared that the prima facie speed limit shall be as hereafter in this article specified on those highways or parts of highways designated, when signs are erected giving notice thereof.
The prima facie speed limit on Wildcat Canyon Road (County Road E3) from the southerly Barona Indian Reservation Boundary northerly to the south line of San Vicente Road (County Road E5) is hereby decreased to and established at 50 miles per hour.
(Added by Ord. No. 7937 (N.S.), effective 8-8-91)