There shall be a pedestrian crosswalk across Lakeside Avenue, the westerly line of said crosswalk to be 838 feet easterly of the east line of Vista Drive.
There shall be a pedestrian crosswalk across Valle Vista Road, the northerly line of said crosswalk to be 1250 feet northerly of the north line of Manzanita Road.
(Added by Ord. No. 3342 (N.S.), effective 5-21-69)
SEC. 72.189.02. LAKESIDE.
There shall be a pedestrian crosswalk across Lakeside Avenue at a point 640 feet northwest of Riverside Avenue.
(Added by Ord. No. 10318 (N.S.), effective 2-7-14)
There shall be a pedestrian crosswalk across Riverview Avenue, the northerly line of said crosswalk to be 880 feet southerly of the south line of Summit Avenue.
SEC. 72.189.2. LAKESIDE.
There shall be a pedestrian crosswalk across El Monte Road at a point 930 feet west of main entrance to El Monte County Park.
(Added by Ord. No. 2083 (N.S.), effective 8-18-60; amended by Ord. No. 10041 (N.S.), effective 4-2-10)