Editor’s note: For references to ordinance histories for the Zoning Code prior to January 1, 2005, please see Appendix D.
159.001 Title
159.002 Intent and purpose
159.003 Definitions
159.004 Interpretation
159.005 Scope
159.006 Separability
159.007 Zoning districts
159.008 Zoning maps
159.009 Annexation
159.013 Use and bulk
159.014 Sight triangle
159.015 Accessory structure table
159.016 Lot area and dimensions
159.017 Street access
159.018 Number of buildings per lot
159.019 Parking of vehicles
159.020 Accessory structures or use
159.021 Personal communication facility
159.022 Performance standards - general
159.023 Performance standards - noise
159.024 Performance standards - vibration
159.025 Performance standards - noxious, odorous, and toxic matter
159.026 Performance standards - emissions
159.027 Performance standards - fuel burning equipment
159.028 Special uses
159.029 Airports
159.030 Landscaping and tree preservation
159.031 Uses not specifically permitted
159.032 Public utility exemptions
159.033 Public utilities
159.034 Home occupations
159.035 Fences, walls, retaining walls and hedges
159.036 Appearance review (Beautification Commission)
159.037 Flood plain regulations
159.038 Residential illumination standards
159.039 Solar and small wind energy devices
159.040 A-1, Agricultural District intent and purpose
159.041 Permitted uses
159.042 Special uses
159.043 Temporary uses
159.044 Accessory uses
159.045 Site and structure requirements
159.046 Special provisions
159.047 Reserved
159.048 Reserved
159.049 Reserved
159.050 P-1, Public/Private and Land Conservation District intent and purpose
159.051 Permitted uses
159.052 Special uses
159.053 Temporary uses
159.054 Accessory uses
159.055 Site and structure requirements
159.056 Special provisions
159.057 Reserved
159.058 Reserved
159.059 Reserved
159.060 Residential districts general requirements
159.061 E-R, Estate Residential District (43,560 sq. ft.)
159.062 R-1, Single Family Residential (20,000 sq. ft.)
159.063 R-2, Single Family Residential (15,000 sq. ft.)
159.064 R-3, Single Family Residential (10,000 sq. ft.)
159.065 R-4, Single Family Residential (8,000 sq. ft.)
159.066 R-5, Single Family Residential (6,500 sq. ft.)
159.067 R-6, Attached Residential (5-8 D.U./ Acre)
159.068 R-7, General Residential (9-12 D.U./ Acre)
159.069 R-5A, Single Family Residential (6,000 sq. ft.)
159.070 General requirements
159.071 B-1 Local Shopping District
159.072 B-2 Community Shopping District
159.073 B-3 Highway/Regional Shopping District
159.074 B-4 Automotive Service District
159.075 P-B, Planned Business District
159.076 DD - Downtown District
159.077 Reserved
159.078 Reserved
159.079 Reserved
159.080 Industrial/manufacturing districts general requirements
159.081 M-R, Light Manufacturing/Research Park District
159.082 M-1, Medium Manufacturing District
159.083 M-2, Heavy Manufacturing District
159.084 Reserved
159.085 Reserved
159.086 Reserved
159.087 Reserved
159.088 Reserved
159.089 Reserved
159.090 Airport districts general requirements
159.091 AD-1, Airport District
159.092 AD-2, Airport District
159.093 Reserved
159.094 Reserved
159.095 Reserved
159.096 Reserved
159.097 Reserved
159.098 Reserved
159.099 Reserved
159.100 University District general requirements
159.101 Reserved
159.102 Reserved
159.103 Reserved
159.104 Reserved
159.105 Off-street parking general requirements
159.106 Use of facilities
159.107 Joint use of facilities
159.108 Computation of parking spaces
159.109 Schedule of off-street parking requirements
159.110 Mixed land uses and other land uses
159.111 Handicapped parkings
159.112 Loading, unloading and outdoor storage general requirements
159.113 Use of facilities
159.114 Joint use of facilities
159.115 Size, access and design of loading, unloading and outdoor storage
159.116 Schedule of off-street loading, unloading requirements
159.117 Reserved
159.118 Reserved
159.119 Reserved
159.120 Reserved
159.121 Signs purpose
159.122 Scope
159.123 Prohibited signs
159.124 General provisions
159.125 Signs exempted from this section
159.126 Classifications of signs
159.127 Permitted signs
159.128 Sign area bonuses
159.129 Special signs
159.130 Permits required
159.131 Violations
159.132 Administration and enforcement
159.133 Permit fees
159.140 Non-conforming, buildings, structures and uses intent and purpose
159.141 Existing uses
159.142 Discontinuance of land
159.143 Termination and removal
159.144 Repairs and alterations
159.145 Damage and destruction
159.146 Additions and enlargements
159.147 Exceptions
159.150 General - PUD
159.151 Development standards
159.152 Building standards
159.153 Application procedures
159.154 General Development Plan
159.155 Final Development Plan (FDP)
159.156 Amendments to the Planned Unit Development
159.157 Planned unit developments - residential
159.158 Planned unit developments - business/commercial
159.159 Planned Unit Developments - manufacturing/industrial
159.170 Administration and enforcement
159.171 Zoning Board of Appeals
159.172 Zoning variances
159.173 Zoning appeals
159.174 Planning and Zoning Commission duties
159.175 Zoning Code amendments
159.176 Special uses
159.177 Annexation procedures
159.178 Application fees and other charges
159.179 Public hearings
159.999 Penalty
Appendix A: Figures
Appendix B: Images
Appendix C: Summary Table and Land Use Table
Appendix D: Past Histories Table
This chapter is adopted for the following purposes:
(A) To promote and protect the public health, safety, morals, comfort, and general welfare of the people of the village;
(B) To divide the village into zones or districts restricting and regulating therein the location, erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, and use of buildings, structures, and land for residence, business, manufacturing, and other specified uses;
(C) To protect the character and the stability of the residential, business, and manufacturing areas within the village and to promote the orderly and beneficial development of such areas;
(D) To provide adequate light, solar benefit, privacy, and convenience of access to property;
(E) To regulate the intensity of use of lot areas, and to determine the area of open spaces surrounding buildings necessary to provide adequate light, solar benefit, air, and to protect the public health;
(F) To establish building lines and the location of buildings designed for residential, business, manufacturing, or other uses within those areas;
(G) To fix reasonable standards to which buildings or structures shall conform;
(H) To prohibit uses, buildings, or structures incompatible with the character of development or intended uses within specified zoning districts;
(I) To prevent additions to, or alteration or remodeling of, existing buildings or structures in such a way as to avoid the restrictions and limitations imposed hereunder;
(J) To limit congestion in the public streets and protect the public health, safety, convenience, and general welfare by providing for the off-street parking of motor vehicles and the loading and unloading of commercial vehicles;
(K) To protect against fire, explosion, noxious fumes, and other hazards, in the interest of the public health, safety, comfort, and general welfare;
(L) To prevent the overcrowding of land and undue concentration of structures, so far as is possible and appropriate in each district, by regulating the use and bulk of buildings in relation to the land surrounding them;
(M) To conserve the taxable value of land and buildings throughout the village;
(N) To provide for the gradual elimination of non-conforming uses of land, buildings, and structures which are adversely affecting the character and value of desirable development in each district;
(O) To define and limit the powers and duties of the administrative officers and bodies as provided herein;
(P) To lessen or avoid the hazard to persons and damage to property resulting from the accumulation or runoff of storm or flood waters;
(Q) To facilitate and insure the preservation of sites, areas, and structures of historical, architectural and aesthetic importance; and
(R) To prescribe penalties for the violation of, and methods for the administration and enforcement of, the provisions of this Ordinance or any amendment thereto.