(A)   Purpose. The residential illumination standards are intended to protect the public health and general welfare by controlling adverse impacts of glare and light trespass associated with poorly shielded or inappropriately directed lighting fixtures.
   (B)   Applicability. The residential illumination standards apply to all Residential Zoning Districts.
   (C)   Glare. Any outdoor lighting shall have the necessary shielding and/or beam-angle control and must be directed, shaded, shielded, or otherwise located, designed and controlled so as to prevent glare on adjacent properties and streets.
   (D)   Light spillage. All outdoor lighting must be designed, installed and maintained to avoid the adverse impact of glare and light trespass associated with poorly shielded or inappropriately directed lighting fixtures. Average maintained foot-candles at the property line may not exceed 0.10 foot-candles. The property line is the line bounding a lot from another lot or from a street.
(Ord. 17-1419, passed 12–6-17)