Upon application to and issuance by the Zoning Administrator of a permit thereof, the following use may be operated as a temporary use: processing, screening, washing yards and plants of the quasi-temporary nature connected with the construction of roads which are normally removed when a specific purpose is completed, are permitted under this classification after a permit is obtained from the Building Officer. This permit shall be effective for a period not to exceed six continuous months and shall not be renewed for more than one successive period at the same location.
Accessory uses may include the following:
(A) Accessory uses, buildings, or other structures and devices customarily incidental to and commonly associated with a permitted or special use may be permitted, provided they are operated and maintained under the same ownership and on the same parcel, do not include structures or structural features inconsistent with the permitted or special use, and as regulated by §§ 159.020 and 159.003 under "Accessory Building or Use".
(B) Accessory uses may include the following:
(3) Tent or fabric structures used by a public agency on publicly owned land for salt storage, sewage sludge storage, and other similar uses.
(Am. Ord. 07-0508, passed 2-21-07; Am. Ord. 19-1555, passed 4-3-19)
(A) Minimum lot area. Except as may otherwise be provided, an area of not less than one acre shall be provided for each permitted or special use located on the parcel.
(B) Minimum lot width/frontage. A minimum width of 100 feet shall be provided for each lot.
(C) Lot depth. A minimum depth of 200 feet shall be provided for each lot.
(D) Lot coverage. Lot coverage shall not exceed 30%.
(E) Building height. No building or structure shall be erected or altered to exceed a maximum height of 25 feet or two stories whichever is less.
(F) Setbacks. Yard area setbacks for principal building or structure shall be as follows:
(1) Front yard, not less than 50 feet front the front property line;
(2) Side yard, not less than 25 feet from each side property line; and
(3) Rear yard, not less than 30 feet from the rear property line.
(G) Floor area ratio. Floor area ratio shall not exceed three tenths (0.3).
(H) Minimum size of dwelling unit. Each single family detached dwelling and any other structure occupied in whole or in part for residential purposes shall contain at least 1,000 square feet of floor area on the first floor if one story, or 720 square feet of floor are on the first floor level if two stories.
(B) Off-street loading/unloading requirements. Loading/unloading requirements shall be in accordance with the applicable regulations set forth in §§ 159.112 through 159.116 of this chapter.
(D) Outdoor storage. All outdoor storage facilities for the principal building or structure and its accessory uses and products shall be enclosed by an architecturally pleasing fence, wall, or planting materials adequate to conceal the facilities.
(G) Ingress/egress on the property: Access is limited to not more than one point for the principal building or structures, however, accessory structures on contiguous parcels of land solely dedicated to agricultural purposes may also have one point of access to the adjacent roadway.
(H) Land use change.
(1) Upon the discontinuance of any permitted or special use the new use must make application to the village to have said site and landscape plans reviewed by the Village Staff and Planning and Zoning Commission; and
(2) Documentation regarding use and bulk, lot coverage, street access, parking requirements, accessory uses and landscaping all need to be submitted to the village for review and approval by the Zoning Administrator, Planning and Zoning Commission and Village Board of Trustees.
(I) Trucks. One commercial vehicle/ equipment may be parked and must be owned or legally controlled by the residents or occupants of the principal use and located within the buildable area. Small pick-up trucks or vans used principally as passenger cars are excluded from this requirement;
(J) Tents. Tents shall not be erected, used, or maintained on any privately- owned lot, except such tents as are customarily used for temporarily recreation purposes. Tents are permitted on publicly-owned lots as set forth in the accessory uses section, § 159.054; and
(K) Horses and other animals. Horses, mules, cattle, sheep, goats, swine, or poultry, may not be housed or stabled closer than 100 feet from any adjoining property line when allowed as a permitted or special use.
(Am. Ord. 19-1555, passed 4-3-19)