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Romeoville Overview
Romeoville, IL Code of Ordinances
   (A)   Intent and purpose. The purpose of this section is to alleviate or prevent congestion of the public roads, and so promote the safety and welfare of the public by establishing minimum requirements for the off-street parking of motor vehicles in accordance with the use to which property is placed.
   (B)   Scope. The off-street parking provisions of this chapter shall apply as follows:
      (1)   For all buildings and structures erected and all uses of land established after the effective date of this chapter, accessory off-street parking facilities shall be provided as required by the regulations of the District in which the buildings or uses are located. However, where a building permit has been issued prior to the effective date of this chapter, and provided that construction is begun within one year of the effective date and diligently prosecuted to completion, off-street parking, loading and unloading facilities as required herein need not be provided.
      (2)   When the intensity of the use of any building, structures, or premises shall be increased through addition of dwelling units, gross floor area seating capacity, or other units of measurement specified herein for required off-street parking facilities the off-street parking as required herein shall be provided for the increase in intensity of the land use. No building or structure lawfully erected or use lawfully established prior to the effective date of this chapter shall be required to provide the additional off-street parking facilities unless and until the aggregate increase in units of measurement shall equal not less than 15% of the units of measurement existing on the effective date of this chapter, in which event off-street parking facilities as required herein shall be provided for the total increases.
      (3)   Whenever the existing use of a building or structure shall hereafter be changed to a new use, off-street parking facilities shall be provided as required for the new use. However, if the building or structure was erected prior to the effective date of this chapter, additional off-street parking facilities are mandatory only in the amount by which requirements for the new use would exceed those for the existing use of the latter were subject to the parking and loading provision of this chapter.
   (C)   Existing off-street parking facilities. Accessory off-street parking facilities which are located on the same lot as the building or use served and which were in existence on the effective date of this chapter or were provided voluntarily after the effective date shall not hereafter be reduced below, or if already less than, shall not further be reduced below, the requirements of this chapter for a similar new building or use.
   (D)   Voluntary establishment. Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed to prevent the voluntary establishment of off-street parking facilities to serve any existing use of land or buildings provided that all regulations herein governing the location, design, improvement, and operation of the facilities are adhered to.
   (E)   Damage or destruction. For any conforming or legally non-conforming building or use, as restricted by §§ 159.140 through 159.147 which is in existence on the effective date of this chapter, which subsequently thereto is damaged or destroyed by fire, collapse, explosion, or other cause, and which is reconstructed, re-established, or repaired, off-street parking facilities equivalent to any maintained at the time of the damage or destruction shall be restored or continued in operation. However, in no case shall it be necessary to restore or maintain off-street parking facilities in excess of those required by this chapter for equivalent new uses in construction.
   (F)   Control of off-site facilities. Where required off-street parking facilities are provided on land other than the zoning lot on which the building or use served by the facilities is located, they shall be and remain in the same possession or ownership as the zoning lot occupied by the building or use to which the off-street parking facilities are necessary. No such off-site parking facilities shall be authorized and no zoning certificate shall be issued where the plans call for off-site parking facilities other than on the same zoning lot until and unless the Planning and Zoning Commission has reviewed the plans and heard the applicant and made findings that the common ownership or possession of the zoning lot and the site of the parking facilities are reasonably certain to continued an that the off-street parking facilities will be maintained at all times during the life of the proposed use or building.
   (G)   Submission of plot plan. Any application for a building permit, or for a certificate of occupancy where no building permit is required, shall include therewith a plot plan, drawn to scale and showing dimensions, any off-street parking facilities to be provided shall be in compliance with this chapter.
   Off-street parking facilities accessory to residential use and development in any residential district in accordance with the requirements of this section shall be used solely for the parking of vehicles controlled by the occupants of the dwelling structures to which the facilities are necessary, or by guests of the occupants of the structure, and as regulated in § 159.019 of this chapter.
(Am. Ord. 07-0508, passed 2-21-07)
   Off-street parking facilities for different buildings, structures, or uses, or for mixed uses, may be provided collectively in any zoning district in which separate parking facilities for each constituent use would be permitted, provided that the total number of spaces so located together shall not be less than the sum of the separate requirements for each use. Developer, builder and/or development shall provided a recorded document for cross access easements when property or properties have more than one tenant/occupant to the property for parking lot usage by patrons, employees, and the like.
   (A)   When a determination of the number of off-street parking spaces required by this chapter results in a requirement of a fractional space, any fraction of one-half or less may be disregarded, while a fraction in excess of one-half shall be counted as one parking space.
   (B)   The total number of accessory parking spaces provided for one-family, two-family or multiple family dwellings shall not exceed that required by this chapter for such or for any equivalent new use by more than 50% or four spaces, whichever number is greater.
   (C)   Size and access (off-street parking).
      (1)   Size. A required off-street parking space in all districts shall be at least
nine feet six inches in width (WP) and at least 18 feet in length, exclusive of access drives or aisles, ramps, curbs, columns, office or work areas. The width and length of all parking spaces adjacent to curb and gutter shall be measured from the edge of pavement. All spaces shall have a minimum vertical clearance of at least seven feet. Aisles widths between vehicular parking spaces shall be not less than the following:
         (a)   Forty-five degree angle with a 16 feet 6 inch stall length (SL), 15 foot aisle width (AW), and 48 feet wall to wall (W) measured to and from the edge of pavement, accommodating one-way aisle travel;
         (b)   Sixty degree angle with 18 foot stall length (SL), 18 foot aisle width (AW), and 54 foot wall to wall (W) measured to and from edge of pavement, accommodating one-way aisle travel;
         (c)   Sixty degree angle with 18 foot stall length (SL), 26 foot aisle width (AW), and 62 foot wall to wall (W) measured to and from edge of pavement, accommodating two-way aisle travel; and,
         (d)   Ninety degree angle with 18 foot stall length (SL), 26 foot aisle width (AW), and 62 foot wall to wall (W) measured to and from edge of pavement, accommodating two-way aisle travel.
      (2)   Access. Each required off-street parking space shall open directly on an aisle or driveway of such width and design as to provide safe and efficient means of vehicular access to the parking space, unless the parking facilities are serviced by a parking attendant. All off-street parking facilities shall be designed with appropriate means of vehicular access to a street or alley in a manner which will least interfere with traffic movements. No driveway across public property nor curb cut shall exceed a width of 25 feet, unless otherwise allowed within this chapter.
      (3)   Measurement of space. When determination of the number of required off-street parking spaces results in a requirement of a fractional space, any fraction up to and including one-half shall be disregarded; and, any fraction over one-half shall be interpreted as one parking space.
   (D)   Design and maintenance.
      (1)   Open and enclosed parking spaces. Accessory parking spaces located on the same lot as occupied by the use served may be open to the sky or enclosed in a building. Accessory parking spaces located in a residential district elsewhere than on the same lot occupied by the use served shall be open to the sky except when otherwise allowed as a special use.
      (2)   Surfacing. All open off-street parking areas, including driveways and aisles, shall be improved with a compacted stone base, not less than eight inches thick, surfaced with not less than three inches of compacted asphalt or concrete as approved by the village.
      (3)   Curbing. All parking lots shall have complete non-mountable curbing system at the perimeter of the lots. This system shall be designed to retain and direct storm water on-site.
      (4)   Screening and landscaping. All applications for a building permits requested for new construction in multi-family residential, commercial, and manufacturing districts shall provide a landscaping plan which shall be submitted to the Village Planner for review and subject to approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Village Board of Trustees. All open automobile parking areas containing more than four parking spaces shall be effectively screened on each side adjoining or fronting on any property situated in a residential district or any institutional premises by a wall, fence or densely planted compact hedge not less than five feet nor more than seven feet in height. The required screening shall conform with the front and side yard setback requirements of the district in which the parking is located. Landscaping requirements under the business/commercial section of this chapter shall also apply where required.
      (5)   Lighting. Any lighting used to illuminate off-street parking areas shall be directed away from any residential properties and public highways in such a way as not to create a nuisance.
      (6)   Signage. Directional and regulatory signs only are permitted on parking areas.
      (7)   Repair and service. No motor vehicle repair work of any kind shall be permitted in conjunction with accessory off- street parking facilities provided in a residential district. The sale of gasoline and motor oil in conjunction with accessory off-street parking facilities is not permitted in any residential district.
      (8)   Required setbacks. Except for otherwise provided for herein this chapter or within a specific zoning district, no parking space nor portion thereof shall be established within the front yard setback of any business, commercial, industrial, manufacturing, airport or university district. Further any decorative or landscaping wall, fence or hedge developed around any parking area shall be subject to the setback requirements of this chapter in the same manner as the parking lot.
   (E)   Location of off-street parking facilities. Off-street parking spaces may be located in any yards, except required front yards. The location of off-street parking spaces in relation to the use served shall be as prescribed hereinafter. All distances specified shall be within walking distance between the parking spaces and a main entrance to the use served:
      (1)   For uses in a residential district. Parking spaces accessory to dwellings shall be located on the same zoning lot as the use served. Spaces accessory to uses other than dwellings may be located on a lot adjacent to, or directly across the street or alley from the lot occupied by the use served, but in no case at a distance in excess of 300 feet from such use.
      (2)   For apartments, condominiums or efficiency units containing four or more dwelling units on the same lot or parcel of land as the building they are required to serve, or on a separate lot or parcel of land not more than 300 feet from the nearest entrance to the main building being served, provided the lot or parcel of land selected for the parking facilities is located in a apartment district or a less restricted district.
      (3)   For boarding house, clubs, congregate care, convalescent homes, dormitories, fraternity, halfway house, health club, hospitals, lodge, lodging house, nursing home, orphanages, rooming house, sanitariums, sorority, and for other similar uses, the off-street parking facilities required shall be on the same lot or parcel of land as the main building or buildings being served, or upon properties contiguous to the zoning lot upon which is located the building or buildings they are intended to serve.
      (4)   For uses in business and industrial/ manufacturing districts. All required parking spaces shall be within 1,000 feet of the use served, except for spaces accessory to dwelling units (not including hotels) which shall be within 300 feet of the use served. However, no parking spaces accessory to a use in a business or manufacturing district shall be located in a residential district, unless recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission in accordance with § 159.172 of this chapter to the Village Board of Trustees.
(Am. Ord. 06-0369, passed 2-1-06; Am. Ord. 07-0599, passed 12-19-07; Am. Ord. 08-0655, passed 5-21-08)
   For the following uses, accessory off-street parking spaces shall be provided as required herein. Parking spaces required on an employee basis shall be based on the maximum number of employees on duty or residing, or both, on the premises at any one time.
   (A)   Floor area. The term "floor area" of a building or structure shall mean the gross floor area of a building or structure as measured from interior wall to interior wall. It is the purpose of this section to measure the floor area which will contribute to the parking demand of either employees or customers. Therefore, "floor area" for the purposes of this section shall not include any area used for the following uses:
      (1)   Hallways enclosed on two sides by permanent walls;
      (2)   Elevator, escalator or stair wells;
      (3)   Rest room facilities;
      (4)   Dressing, fitting or alteration rooms;
      (5)   Employee cafeteria facilities;
      (6)   Employee lounge areas used as work areas;
      (7)   Special employee meeting rooms not utilized by employees as general work areas during the normal course of business; and
      (8)   Any other areas accessory to the principal use of a building and not used as an employee work area.
   (B)   Residential uses, as follows:
      (1)   One-family dwellings and two- family (duplex) dwellings. Two parking spaces shall be provided for each dwelling unit.
      (2)   Multiple-family dwellings. One and one-half parking spaces for a one bedroom; two parking spaces for a two bedroom; and, two and one-half spaces for a three bedroom, plus five percent of the total for visitor and required number of handicapped spaces as outlined herein.
      (3)   For one and two bedroom dwelling units on the second floor of a building located in a B-1, B-2 or B-3 District, when the first floor is occupied for business uses, 1-1/2 parking spaces per dwelling unit shall be provided.
      (4)   Hotels and full-service hotels. One parking space shall be provided for each dwelling unit or lodging room, plus such additional space as deemed necessary because of any supplementary parking generative activities such as bars, ballrooms, dining rooms, night club facilities, banquet rooms and the like.
      (5)   Boarding houses and rooming houses. One parking space shall be provided for each lodging room, plus one space for the owner or manager on premises.
      (6)   Private clubs and lodges (with sleeping facilities for guests). One parking space shall be provided for each lodging room plus parking spaces equal in number to 10% of the capacity in persons (exclusive of the lodging room capacity) of the club or lodge.
      (7)   Private clubs and lodges (without sleeping facilities for guests). Parking spaces equal in number to 20% of the capacity in persons shall be provided, but not less than one parking space for each 200 square feet of floor area used for assembly.
      (8)   For dormitories, fraternities and sororities. One parking space for each five active members, plus one additional space for each employee.
   (C)   Business/commercial/retail and service uses, as follows:
      (1)   Automobile laundry. Ten parking/ stacking spaces shall be provided for each wash rack, plus one space for each employee.
      (2)   Barber shops, beauty shops/parlors. Three parking spaces for the first station, chair or operator; plus, two paces for each additional station, chair or operator.
      (3)   Bowling alleys. Five parking space shall be provided for each alley, plus one parking space for each 300 feet of floor area devoted for affiliated uses, bars, restaurants, and the like.
      (4)   Convenience food stores. One parking space shall be provided for each 300 square feet of floor area.
      (5)   Establishments handling the sale and consumption of any type of beverage and/or food on the premises. One parking space shall be provided for each 50 square feet of floor area accommodating customers.
      (6)   Furniture and appliance stores, household equipment or furniture repair shops. One parking space shall be provided for each 600 square feet of floor area.
      (7)   Full line grocery store, drug stores. One parking space shall be provided for each 200 square feet of floor area.
      (8)   Gas station, full-serve (see also gas station, self-serve). One space for every employee on the maximum shift plus, one space for each 250 square feet of floor area and two spaces for each repair bay, which the repair bay may not be counted towards the credit of meeting the parking requirements. In no instance shall a required parking space or its maneuvering area conflict with vehicles being fueled or awaiting fuel.
      (9)   Gas station, self-serve only. One space for every employee on the maximum shift plus, one space for each 250 square feet of floor area. In no instance shall a required parking space or its maneuvering area conflict with vehicles being fueled or awaiting fuel.
      (10)   Gas station, self-serve with mini-mart. One and one-half space for each fuel nozzle. In no instance shall a required parking space or its maneuvering area conflict with vehicles being fueled or awaiting fuel.
      (11)   Motor vehicle sales and equipment/ machinery sales. One parking space shall be provided for each 300 square feet of floor area, inclusive of showrooms, offices, parts department and customer waiting areas. Parking spaces required for this use must be clearly identified and marked to be for customer, service and employee parking only and shall not be used for parking of any other vehicles.
      (12)   Motor vehicle repair/service. Five parking spaces shall be provided for the first repair/ service bay; Plus, two parking spaces for each additional repair/service bay. Parking spaces required for this use must be clearly identified and marked to be for customer, service and employee parking only and shall not be used for parking of any other vehicles.
      (13)   Retail centers. Four parking spaces shall be provided for each 1,000 square feet of customer service area, excluding storage space. Retail stores. One parking space shall be provided for each 300 square feet of customer service area, excluding storage space.
      (14)   Theaters (indoor). One parking space shall be provided for each 3-1/2 seats up to 500 seats, plus one parking space for each four seats above 500 seats. (Outdoor) reservoir space equal to 10% of the capacity.
      (15)   Undertaking establishments, funeral parlors. Twelve parking spaces shall be provided for each chapel or parlor, plus one parking space for each funeral vehicle kept on the premises, and one parking space for each employee.
   (D)   Offices (business or professional) as follows:
      (1)   Offices (business, professional or governmental). One parking space for each 250 square feet of floor area on the ground, first or single floor area; one parking space for each 400 square feet of occupied floor space below the ground or first floor area; and, one parking space for each 300 square feet of floor space above the ground or first floor area.
      (2)   Banks/savings institutions. One parking space for each 200 square feet of ground, first or single floor area; One parking space for each 400 square feet of occupied floor space below the ground or first floor area; and, One parking space for each 300 square feet of floor space above the ground or first floor area; provided, however, that when a drive-through window or windows are provided to serve patrons, customers or clients calling for service at such windows in motor vehicles, then the parking space requirements shall be reduced as follows (credit against the aforementioned criteria):
         (a)   For each such drive-through window deduct four spaces;
         (b)   For each 200 square feet of area set aside for motor vehicles waiting in line for service at a drive-through window deduct one space; and
         (c)   For each drive-through cash station deduct one space.
      (3)   For medical or dental office uses having floor area space as follows:
         (a)   Less than 1,000 square feet of floor area, 1.75 spaces per 100 square feet of floor area; or
         (b)   At least 1,000 square feet of floor area but less than 5,000 square feet of floor area, 1.35 spaces per 100 square feet of floor area; or
         (c)   At least 5,000 square feet of floor area but less than 15,000 square feet of floor area, 0.85 spaces per 100 square feet of such floor area; or
         (d)   At least 15,000 square feet of floor area, 0.75 spaces per 100 square feet of floor area.
   (E)   Wholesale establishments, not including warehouses and storage buildings other than accessory. One parking space shall be provided for each 600 square feet of floor area.
   (F)   Establishments manufacturing or industrial engaged in the following: production, processing, cleaning, servicing, testing, or repair of materials, goods or products. One parking spaces shall be provided for each shift employee; Plus one space for each vehicle used in the conduct of the enterprise.
   (G)   Warehouse and storage buildings. One parking spaces shall be provided for each employee; Plus one space for each vehicle used in the conduct of the enterprise.
   (H)   Educational buildings, public buildings and community service buildings as follows:
      (1)   Churches. One space per four seats or one space per each 18 inches of bench length (if no seating, one space per 60 square feet of sanctuary space) plus spaces required for uses other than the conduct of worship services.
      (2)   Nursery, Elementary and Middle schools. One parking space for each employee; Plus one space for each 100 square feet of floor area dedicated to administrative offices to be reserved for visitor parking.
      (3)   High schools. Eight parking spaces for each classroom; Plus one space for employee; Plus one space for each 100 square feet of floor area dedicated to administrative offices to be reserved for visitor parking.
      (4)   Colleges, universities, business, professional and trade schools. One parking space shall be provided for each employee; Plus one space shall be provided for each four students based on the maximum number of students attending classes on the premises at any one time during any 24 hour period.
      (5)   Arenas, auditoriums, banquet halls/ facilities, convention halls, dance halls, exhibition halls, skating rinks and other similar places of assembly. Parking spaces equal in number to 33% of the maximum capacity in persons shall be provided.
      (6)   Health centers, governmentally operated. Three parking spaces shall be provided for each staff member and visiting doctor.
      (7)   Health centers/clubs. One parking space shall be provided for 25% of the membership or the maximum occupancy of the building, whichever is greater.
      (8)   Hospitals. One parking space shall be provided for each two hospital beds; Plus one parking space for each two employees (other than staff doctors); Plus, one parking space for each doctor assigned to the staff.
      (9)   Institutions for the care of the insane and feeble-minded. One parking space shall be provided for each employee; Plus one parking space for each four patients/rooms on the premises.
      (10)   Libraries, art galleries and museums, public. Four parking spaces shall be provided for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area.
      (11)   Municipal or privately owned recreational buildings or community centers. One parking space shall be provided for each one employee; Plus, one parking space shall be provided for each 250 square feet of floor area; Plus, five parking spaces for each baseball, football, soccer or similar fields provided.
      (12)   Public utility and public service uses. One parking space shall be provided for each one employee; plus one parking space shall be provided for each vehicle used in the conduct of the public entity; plus two parking spaces shall be provided for use by the general public, if applicable, as determined by the Zoning Administrator.
      (13)   Rest homes or nursing homes. One parking space shall be provide for each four beds; Plus one parking space for each one employee; and one parking space for each doctor assigned to the staff.
      (14)   Sanitariums, convalescent homes or institutions for the aged or for children. One parking space shall be provided for each four beds; Plus one parking space for each two employees (other than staff doctors); Plus one parking space for each doctors assigned to the staff.
      (15)   For the following uses, parking spaces shall be provided in adequate number, as determined by the Zoning Administrator, to serve persons employed or residing on the premises as well as the visiting public:
         (a)   Airports or aircraft landing fields and heliports;
         (b)   Convents and monasteries;
         (c)   Crematories and mausoleums;
         (d)   Outdoor amusement establishments, fairgrounds, permanent carnivals, kiddie parks, and other similar amusement centers;
         (e)   Penal and correctional institutions;
         (f)   Rectories and parish house; and
         (g)   Swimming pools.
(Am. Ord. 06-0369, passed 2-1-06; Am. Ord. 07-0599, passed 12-19-07; Am. Ord. 12-0972, passed 4-4-12)
   (A)   When two or more uses are located on the same zoning lot or within the same building, parking spaces equal in number to the sum of the separate requirements for each such use shall be provided. No parking space or portion thereof shall serve as a required space for more than one use unless otherwise authorized by the Planning and Zoning Commission in accordance with § 159.158 of this chapter.
   (B)   For uses not listed heretofore in this schedule of parking requirements, parking spaces shall be provided on the same basis as required for the most similar listed use, or as determined by the Zoning Administrator.