(A) Intent and purpose. The industrial/manufacturing districts set forth in this Chapter are established to protect the public health, to promote public safety, comfort, convenience, and the general welfare, and to protect and develop a sound economic tax base of the village and preserve/increase the value of property. These general purposes include, among others, the following specific objectives:
(1) To promote the most desirable use of land in accordance with a well considered plan so that adequate space is provided in appropriate locations for the various types of industrial and manufacturing type uses, thereby protecting and strengthening the economic base of the village;
(2) To place in separate districts those industrial/manufacturing uses, which may create noise, odors, hazards, unsightliness, or which may generate excessive traffic;
(3) To permit selected industrial/ manufacturing uses in districts where adjacency to or inclusion in a residence area has sufficient elements of service or convenience to those area to offset the disadvantages which may be created;
(4) To encourage the grouping in appropriate locations of compatible uses which will tend to draw trade that is mutually interchangeable and so promote public convenience and industrial/ manufacturing prosperity and contribute to the alleviation of traffic and pedestrian congestion;
(5) To provide for the establishment of off-street parking facilities permitted and required so as to alleviate traffic; and
(6) There are hereby created the following districts:
(a) M-R, Light Manufacturing Research Park District;
(b) M-1, Medium Manufacturing District;
(c) M-2, Heavy Manufacturing District.
(B) Residential dwelling units. Residential Dwelling units are a "permitted use" within the M-1, Medium Manufacturing District and M-2, Heavy Manufacturing District and are intended solely for use by the watchmen and their immediate family members, when located on the premises where they are employed in such capacity.
(C) Enclosure of operations. All industrial and manufacturing uses shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings, except:
(1) Off-street parking and loading (see requirements);
(2) And as may otherwise be provided for herein.
(D) Off-street parking/loading and unloading facilities.
(1) Parking of trucks when accessory to the conduct of a permitted or special use shall be limited to vehicles having not over 1-1/2 ton capacity, exception for pick-up or delivery services during normal hours of operation;
(2) Trucks in excess of 1-1/2 ton capacity shall not be parked in the open within 100 feet of a residential district boundary line;
(4) All maneuvering and staging for parking, loading, and deliveries must be accommodated on site. There shall be no maneuvering or staging in streets.
(F) Outdoor storage.
(1) All storage for the building and accessory uses and products shall be enclosed within buildings, except as provided for in this section.
(a) The use of containers (freight, oversees, cargo, or portable-on-demand storage units, etc.) is prohibited, except for periods less than 72 hours in conjunction with a move or a remodel.
(b) In the event that it is not feasible to accommodate storage within buildings, it may be screened by an architecturally-pleasing masonry wall landscaped in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. The masonry fence must provide full 100% screening from neighboring properties and rights-of-way, as proven through the use of line-of-sight studies.
(c) In the event that it is not feasible to accommodate storage within the primary building, it may be enclosed in an accessory building that meets the following criteria.
1. One accessory storage building is allowed per zoning lot.
2. It must be located in the rear yard.
3. It may not exceed 1,000 square feet in area, 12 feet in height from the floor to the eave, or 15 feet in height from the floor to the roof peak.
4. It must be constructed on a concrete slab capable of supporting the material contained within the building. The concrete slab must be at least four inches thick.
5. The accessory building must be architecturally compatible with the principal structure. It must be constructed of durable materials and may not be sided with metal or fiberglass.
6. The accessory storage building may be used for storage purposes only. It may not be used for habitation, manufacturing, sales, or any non-storage use.
7. A minimum ten-foot pathway must be provided from an entrance to the principal structure to the entrance to the accessory storage building.
(2) Outdoor storage shall be included and shown within the required landscape plan.
(G) Landscaping. Placement of all landscaping shall be made in accordance with the provisions of this section and § 159.030, inclusive.
(1) All applications for building permit requested for new construction in any industrial/manufacturing district must have a previously approved landscape plan, which shall be submitted to the Village Planner for review and subject to approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission;
(2) The exterior storage of materials and inventory, where permitted by the Planning and Zoning Commission, shall be effectively screened from view from any district boundary line and right-of-way. Landscaping may consist of live or decorative plantings, or fencing, and must be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission; and
(3) Where business/commercial uses abut or are across the street from a residential district, adequate landscape screening shall be provided, as determined by the Village Planner and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(1) Any use established in a Manufacturing District after the effective date of this chapter shall be so operated as to comply with the performance standards set forth herein for the district in which the use shall be located. No use lawfully established on the effective date of this chapter shall be so altered or modified as to conflict with, or further conflict with, the performance standards established for the district in which such use is located.
(2) All performance standards shall be governed by the current state or federal Environmental Protection Agency Regulations and the Occupational Safety Health Act (OSHA). Also, the performance standards shall be governed by the current Fire Department Guidelines and Requirements as recommended by the National Fire Protection Association, and any other local governing regulations.
(3) When hazardous liquids and gases and also toxic matter are allowed to be stored under this chapter, then the Fire Department shall be advised in writing as to the conditions, materials, and manufacturer's recommendations with regard to fire fighting (Including evacuation plans and emergency action plans and treatment).
(4) Every and any building hereinafter constructed, expanded, remodeled, or in any way altered or modified shall have as part of its general design a decorative or functional structure having a height above grade of between 12 and 15 feet, and extending across not less than 50 percent of an exterior surface wall facing a street or roadway.
(5) In addition, not less than the first four feet, measured vertically from at grade, of any exterior surface facing a street or roadway, shall be covered with a brick, stone, or other decorative architectural material.
(I) Ingress/egress onto a public street.
(1) Access is limited to not more than two points of ingress and/or egress per lot. The Village Board may approve additional points of access upon demonstration of need and sound traffic planning and management principles.
(2) Minimum width to be 24 feet at property line. Maximum width to be that of 40 feet at property line, or as may be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. This can include, but not limited to, two through lanes, one left turning lane and an appropriately landscaped island;
(3) Location to be approved by the Village Engineer, Village Planner and/or as directed by the Village Planning and Zoning Commission and Village Board;
(4) Details of design and construction shall meet all village requirements; and
(5) Entrance curbs and storm drainage provisions shall be required on all street frontages, and shall meet with the approval of the Village Engineer and the standard specifications of the village.
(J) Land Use development or change.
(1) Upon new construction/development of any property within the M-R, M-1 or M-2 Districts being either "permitted or special use", under this section, application must be to the village to have recommendations from Village Staff, Planning and Zoning Commission and final approval by the Village Board of Trustees.
(2) Upon the discontinuance of any "permitted or special use", under this section, the new use must make application to the Village to have said site and landscape plans reviewed by the Village Staff, Planning and Zoning Commission and Beautification Commission for compliance with this chapter and other regulations. Review by the Village Board of Trustees is not necessary for a permitted use by this section, however, special uses and other amendments to this Zoning Code are subject to further review by the Village Board; and
(3) Documentation regarding Use and bulk, Lot coverage, street access, parking requirements, accessory uses and landscaping all need to be submitted to the Village Planner, Planning and Zoning Commission and Village President and Board of Trustees for review and approval.
(4) Any construction or development of a structure with more than 2,500 square feet or on a lot or parcel larger than one-acre in size shall occur only as a planned unit development.
(K) Special provisions. The following special provisions shall apply to those specific uses outlined in this section:
(1) All outdoor parking, storage and sales space shall be improved with a permanent, durable, and dustless surface (asphalt or concrete), and shall be graded and drained so as to dispose of all surface water without detriment to surrounding uses. All unpaved surfaces shall be sodded and landscaped accordingly;
(2) All outdoor storage facilities for fuel, raw materials, and products shall be enclosed by a fence, wall, or plant materials adequate to conceal the facilities from adjacent properties and public rights-of-way;
(3) No wastes or materials shall be deposited upon a lot in such a form that they may be transferred off the property by natural causes or forces;
(5) Lighting used to illuminate any outdoor sales area, off-street parking or loading areas shall be so arranged and designed as to reflect the light away from adjoining properties;
(6) All outdoor parking areas shall conform with the off-street parking regulations as enumerated in § 159.019 of this chapter;
(7) Linear lighting (including neon, fluorescent, rope-lighting, LED lighting, and low voltage strip-lighting) primarily intended as an architectural highlight to attract attention or used as a means to identification or advertisement shall be prohibited.
(L) Manufacturing lighting standards.
(1) A photometric plan will be required as part of the final development plan for all nonresidential projects and for residential developments that utilize parking lots. It will also be required for billboards/signage where a final development plan is not required. The plan must show the location, size (wattage), mounting height, orientation, type, design, and plans for all outdoor lighting and signs including wall mounted lighting. The plan must show the levels of illumination in footcandles (fc) at ground level (minimum 10' x 10' grid). A catalog sheet showing the proposed lighting fixtures must be included.
(a) Lighting for photometric plans must be maintained and operable at all times.
(2) To reduce glare, only "fully shielded" or "full cutoff" light fixtures are allowed. Fully shielded means that no light is emitted above the horizontal plane passing through the lowest point of the light-emitting element, so that direct light emitted above the horizontal plane is eliminated. In addition, on sites adjacent to residential property, no direct light source (bulb/filament) shall be visible at the property line at ground level.
(3) The average maintained illuminance shall not exceed nor be less than 80% of the levels set below. Uses not listed below shall not exceed nor be less than 80% if the levels set by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA). The uniformity ratio shall not exceed the level set by the IESNA. These levels include:
| Average
| Minimum
| Maximum
| Uniformity Ratio
| (fc)
| (fc)
| (Avg/Min)
| Average
| Minimum
| Maximum
| Uniformity Ratio
| (fc)
| (fc)
| (Avg/Min)
| |
Regional shopping center | 3.6 | 0.6 | -- | 6:1 |
Fast food facility | 3.6 | 0.6 | -- | 6:1 |
Commercial shopping center | 2.4 | 0.4 | -- | 6:1 |
Office parking | 2.4 | 0.4 | -- | 6:1 |
Neighborhood shops | 2.4 | 0.4 | -- | 6:1 |
Industrial parking | 2.4 | 0.4 | -- | 6:1 |
Church parking | 2.4 | 0.4 | -- | 6:1 |
Building entrances | -- | 5.0 | -- | -- |
Apartment parking lots | 1.6 | 0.3 | -- | 6:1 |
Truck parking and maneuvering areas | 2.4 | -- | -- | -- |
Bank drive thru and ATM areas | -- | -- | 40 | -- |
Service station: | ||||
- Pump islands | 30 | -- | 45 | -- |
- Service areas | 3 | -- | -- | -- |
Auto lots | 7 | 1.2 | 20 | 6:1 |
Note: These requirements only apply to areas used by vehicles and pedestrians. They do not apply to landscaped areas.
(4) Where non-residential sites are adjacent to residential sites, the light level at the property line produced by the non-residential lighting shall not exceed 0.0 footcandles.
(5) Except as otherwise allowed in the development regulations, luminaries shall not be mounted in excess of 30 feet above grade, or the height of the primary structure, whichever is less; provided however, luminaries located within 200 feet of a single family residential zoning district shall not be mounted in excess of 20 feet above grade or the height of the primary structure, whichever is less.
(6) Service-station canopy lighting shall be accomplished using flat-lens full-cutoff down-lighting fixtures, shielded in such a manner that the edge of the fixture shielded be level with or below the light source envelope.
(7) All other under-canopy lights must be fully recessed into the canopy.
(8) All non-residential lighting is required to be turned off no later than 60 minutes after business hours, only leaving the minimum lighting necessary for site security.
(a) The minimum site security lighting must meet the minimum standards in division (L)(3) of this section.
(b) Security lighting must be capable of being activated and turned off by photo sensors or time.
1. Security lighting must be illuminated ½ hour prior to sunset and turned off ½ after sunrise.
(c) Parking lots must meet the minimum illumination standards in § 159.070(M)(3).
(d) For all manufacturing buildings developed prior to the adoption of division (M)(1) of this section which were not required to submit a photometric plan to the village, wall mounted entrance/exit lighting is required for all entrances and exits on commercial buildings.
(9) Definitions and terms used in this section shall be defined by the IESNA handbook, latest edition.
(10) All freestanding poles shall:
(a) Be located within landscaped areas or planter islands, or on sidewalks, maintaining an accessible sidewalk width.
(b) Have concrete bases painted to match the primary building color or finished to match parking screen walls, or shall have decorative steel bases.
(c) Be located to avoid conflict with trees.
(d) All poles shall be numbered.
(11) Commercial outlot lighting fixtures must be architecturally compatible with fixtures used elsewhere in the development.
(12) The village shall have the right to conduct a post-installation inspection to verify compliance with the requirements of this chapter, and if appropriate, to require a remedial action at no expense to the village.
(13) Non-conforming lighting; all lighting fixtures shall be brought into conformity when at such time as 50% or more of the poles are changed, replaced, or added on a property.
(14) The Village of Romeoville retains the right to require that when a non-residential property abuts a residential property or the light from any such non-residential property directly effects any other property that high pressure sodium lights shall be required.
(15) Linear lighting (including neon, fluorescent, rope-lighting, LED lighting, and low voltage strip-lighting) primarily intended as an architectural highlight to attract attention or used as a means to identification or advertisement shall be prohibited.
(16) Maintenance standards; all lighting fixtures present must be illuminated and complaint with the adopted International Property Maintenance Code.
(Am. Ord. 07-0508, passed 2-21- 07; Am. Ord. 07-0519, passed 3- 21-07; Am. Ord. 16-1306, passed 9-7-16; Am. Ord. 20-1628, passed 4-1-20)
(A) Intent and purpose.
(1) To provide for parcels of land for large, attractively landscaped sites for research activities or specialized compatible industrial activities, and office buildings;
(2) To require adequate off-street parking and limited access to roads through the use of frontage roads;
(3) To promote the grouping of M-R uses and oppose and discourage the hazards to safety and nuisance to traffic congestion generated by "strip-commercial" or "industrial developments";
(4) To provide some retail uses that service the manufacturing research uses within the industrial areas and that do not depend on the direct visits of retail customers;
(5) To promote manufacturing research development in planned industrial parks;
(6) To locate industrial uses on lands suitable for those purposes, but at locations that would not be harmful or disadvantageous to nearby or adjacent property;
(7) To encourage the grouping of compatible industrial activities, thereby promoting convenience, efficiency and safety in transportation; and
(8) To discourage the intrusion of residential and commercial uses which are incompatible with planned industrial uses.
(B) Permitted uses. No land shall be used or occupied and no building, structure, or premises shall be erected, altered, enlarged, occupied, or used, except as otherwise provided in this chapter for other than one or more of the following specified uses:
(1) Business service or office establishments:
(a) Bank or financial institutions;
(b) Business offices;
(c) Professional offices;
(d) Regional sales offices;
(e) Merchandise and product display space, but not direct sales; and,
(f) Clinics in conjunction with research.
(2) Industrial types of uses:
(a) Design firms;
(b) All manufacturing and industrial activities, including fabrication, processing, assembly, disassembly, repairing, cleaning, servicing, testing, packaging, and storage of materials, products, and goods that can be conducted wholly within enclosed buildings;
(c) Electronic industries;
(d) Laboratories and research firms involved in the research, experimentation or testing of materials, goods, or products; and,
(e) Printing, publishing, or lithography establishments.
(3) Public, quasi-public, and governmental buildings and facilities:
(a) Essential services-electric substation, sewage disposal plant, water well site;
(b) Office building; and,
(c) United States Post Office.
(4) Personal communication facility, located on property owned by the village or other government entity.
(5) Food truck or food truck operator, subject to the requirements of Chapter 129 (Food Trucks and Food Truck Operators Ordinance).
(C) Special uses. Upon recommendation by the Planning & Zoning Commission, after public hearing on the petition pertaining thereto, in accordance with the requirements set forth in § 159.176, special uses of this chapter, the corporate authorities of the village may, by "special use permit" allow the following in the district:
(1) Planned unit developments;
(2) Railroad rights-of-way and passenger stations, but not including railroad yards and shops;
(3) Warehousing and wholesaling, but not including motor freight terminals;
(4) Personal communication facility (see § 159.021);
(5) Establishments utilizing hookahs or water pipes;
(6) Contractor or construction shops;
(7) Automobile and truck painting, upholstering, repairing, reconditioning, and body and fender repairing, when done within the confines of a structure;
(8) Motor vehicle towing services, with outdoor storage of vehicles.
(D) Temporary uses. Upon application to and issuance by the Zoning Administrator of a permit therefore, the following uses may be operated as temporary uses:
(1) Temporary building, trailer, or yard for construction materials or equipment, both incidental and necessary to construction in the Zoning District. Each permit shall specify the location of the building or yard and the area of permitted operation. Each permit shall be valid for a period of not more than six calendar months and shall not be renewed for more than four successive periods at the same location;
(2) Temporary office, both incidental and necessary for the sale or rental of real property. Each permit shall specify the location of the office and the area of permitted operation. Each permit shall be valid for a period of not more than one year and shall not be renewed for more than five successive periods at the same location; and,
(3) Real estate subdivision sign not to exceed 100 square feet for each face. Sign shall be non illuminated. Each permit shall specify the location of the sign. Each permit shall be valid for a period of not more than one year and shall not be renewed for more than five successive periods at the same location.
(E) Accessory uses. Accessory uses, buildings, or other structures and devices customarily incidental to or commonly associated with a permitted use or special use may be permitted, provided they are operated and maintained under the same ownership, on the same parcel, and do not include structures or features inconsistent with the permitted use or special use.
(F) Prohibited uses.
(1) All uses not expressly authorized in this section.
(G) Site and structure requirements.
(1) Minimum lot area. A separate ground area of not less than 20,000 square feet shall be designated provided and continuously maintained for each structure of land containing a permitted or special use;
(2) Minimum lot frontage. A minimum lot frontage of 80 feet shall be provided for each permitted or special use;
(3) Front yard. All structures shall be set back a least 80 feet from the front lot line on dedicated roads and 130 feet from the center line on non-dedicated roads;
(4) Side yard. All structures shall be set in a distance of not less than 30 feet from the side lot line;
(5) Rear yard. All structures shall be set in a distance of not less than 30 feet from rear lot line;
(6) Maximum height. No structure or portion thereof shall exceed a height of 25 feet;
(7) Floor area ratio. Not to exceed 1.00; and
(8) Maximum lot coverage. Not more than 25 percent of the lot area may be occupied by buildings and structures including accessory buildings.
(H) Special provisions.
(1) Enclosure of operations. All business, servicing, or processing shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings, except the following:
(a) Off-street parking or loading; and
(b) Accessory uses.
(a) Front Yard: 35 feet;
(b) Side or rear yard, not adjacent a residential zoning district: Ten feet, provided that the required setback for off-street parking, loading, and unloading areas may be reduced to zero if an easement providing access between and across the subject property and the adjoining lots(s) has been duly recorded. Such reduction in the required off-street parking, loading, and unloading area setback may only be permitted along the lot line coincident with the adjoining property that is party to the recorded access easement agreement.
(c) Side or rear yard adjacent to a residential use: 50 feet; and
(d) No parking in corner side yards.
(7) Outdoor storage. All in accordance with applicable regulations set forth in § 159.080(I); and
(8) Accessory uses. All in accordance with applicable regulations set forth in § 159.020.
(Am. Ord. 06-0369, passed 2-1-06; Am. Ord. 07-0508, passed 2-21-07; Am. Ord. 08-0652, passed 5-21-08; Am. Ord. 11-0924, passed 10-5-11; Am. Ord. 16-1306, passed 9-7-16; Am. Ord. 18-1482, passed 5-16-18)
(A) Intent and purpose.
(2) All business, production, servicing, and processing shall take place within completely enclosed buildings unless otherwise specified. Within 150 feet of a residence district, all storage shall be in completely enclosed buildings, or structures, and storage located elsewhere in this district may be open to the sky but shall be enclosed by solid walls or fences (including solid doors or gates thereto at least eight feet high), but in no case lower in height than the enclosed storage and suitably landscaped. However, open off-street loading facilities and open off-street parking of motor vehicles under one and one-half ton capacity may be unenclosed throughout the district, except for the screening of parking and loading facilities as may be required under the provisions of §§ 159.105 through 159.116;
(4) Uses established after the effective date of this chapter shall conform fully to the performance standards herein set forth for the district.
(B) Permitted uses. No land shall be used or occupied and no building, structure, or premises shall be erected, altered, enlarged, occupied, or used, except as otherwise provided in this chapter for other than one or more of the following specified uses:
(1) Permitted Uses within the M-R District;
(2) Adult entertainment facility or similar use subject to the following conditions:
(a) Shall not be located within 250 feet of the property boundary of a residential use.
(b) Shall not be located within 1,000 feet of the property boundaries of any school, day care center, cemetery, public park, forest preserve, public housing, or place of religious worship.
(3) Apparel and other products manufactured from textiles;
(4) Art needle work and hand weaving;
(5) Automobile painting, upholstering, repairing, reconditioning, and body and fender repairing, when done within the confines of a structure;
(6) Awnings, Venetian blinds;
(7) Bakeries;
(8) Books, hand binding and tooling;
(9) Bottling and distribution of beverages; works;
(10) Brushes and brooms;
(11) Buildings equipment, building materials, lumber, coal, sand and gravel yards, and yards for contracting equipment of public agencies, or public utilities, or materials or equipment of similar nature, provided that the yard contain a principal building of at least 5,000 square feet.
(12) Cameras and other photographic equipment and supplies;
(13) Canning and preserving;
(14) Canvas and canvas products;
(15) Carpet and rug cleaning;
(16) Carting, express hauling, or storage yard;
(17) Ceramic products such as pottery and small glazed tile;
(18) Cleaning and dyeing establishments when employing facilities for handling more than 1,500 pounds of dry goods per day;
(19) Clothing;
(20) Consignment stores, pawn shops, resale stores, second hand stores, precious metal purchase stores and other similar uses;
(21) Contractor or construction shops, such as the following:
(a) Building
(b) Cement
(c) Electrical
(d) Refrigeration
(e) Air Conditioning
(f) Heating and ventilating
(g) Masonry
(h) Painting
(i) Plumbing
(j) Roofing
(k) Landscaping;
(22) Cosmetics and toiletries;
(23) Crematoriums;
(24) Creameries and dairies;
(25) Drugs with warehousing and distribution of such items;
(26) Electrical appliances, such as lighting fixtures, irons, fans, toasters, television receivers, and home movie equipment, but not including electrical machinery;
(27) Electrical supplies, manufacturing, and assembly of (such as wire and cable assembly switches, lamps, insulation, and dry cell batteries);
(28) Food products, processing and combining of, baking, boiling, canning, cooking, dehydrating, freezing, frying, grinding, mixing, and pressing;
(29) Fuel sales, no retail sales and no gas station uses;
(30) Fuel sales with storage of fuel oils, gasoline, and other flammable products limited to 120,000 gallons per tank, with the total storage on a zoning lot not to exceed 500,000 gallons;
(31) Fur goods, not including tanning and dyeing;
(32) Glass products, from previously manufactured glass;
(33) Hosiery;
(34) House trailers, manufacture;
(35) Ice, dry and natural;
(36) Ink mixing and packing, and inked ribbons;
(37) Laboratories, medical, dental, research, experimental, and testing, provided there is no danger from fire or explosion nor of offensive noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odors, heat, glare, or other objectionable influences;
(38) Laundries;
(39) Leather products, including shoes and machine belting, but not including tanning and dyeing;
(40) Luggage;
(41) Machine shops for tool, die, and pattern making;
(42) Meat products/meat packaging plant, not including a slaughter house;
(43) Metal finishing, plating, grinding, sharpening, polishing, cleaning, rustproofing, and heat treatment;
(44) Metal stamping and extrusion of small products, such as costume jewelry, pins, needles, razor blades, bottle caps, buttons, and kitchen utensils;
(45) Musical instruments;
(46) Orthopedic and medical appliances, such as artificial limbs, braces, supports, and stretchers;
(47) Palm reader, psychic or similar uses;
(48) Paper products, small, such as envelopes, stationery, bags, paper boxes, tubes, and wallpaper printing;
(49) Perfumes and cosmetics;
(50) Pharmaceutical products;
(51) Plastic products, but not including the processing of the raw materials;
(52) Precision instruments such as optical, medical, and drafting;
(53) Products from finished materials: plastic, bone, cork, feathers, felt, fibre, paper, fur, glass, hair, horn, leather, precious and semi-precious stones, rubber, shell, or yarn;
(54) Printing and newspaper publishing, including engraving and photoengraving;
(55) Public and community service uses:
(a) Bus terminals, bus garages, bus lots, street railway terminals, or street car houses;
(b) Electric substations, transmission structures and lines, wood or metal poles, and underground cables;
(c) Fire stations;
(d) Municipal or privately-owned recreation buildings or community centers;
(e) Parks and recreation areas;
(f) Police stations;
(g) Sewage treatment plants;
(h) Telephone exchanges;
(i) Water filtration plants;
(j) Water pumping stations; and,
(k) Water reservoirs.
(56) Public utility electric substations and distribution centers, gas regulations centers and underground gas holder stations;
(57) Repair of household or office machinery or equipment;
(58) Rubber products, small, and synthetic treated fabrics, (excluding all rubber and synthetic processing), such as washers, gloves, footwear, bathing caps, and atomizers;
(59) Silverware, plate and sterling;
(60) Soap and detergents, packaging only;
(61) Soldering and welding;
(62) Sporting and athletic equipment, such as balls, baskets, cues, gloves, bats, racquet, and rods;
(63) Statuary, mannequins, figurines, and religious and church art goods, excluding foundry operations;
(64) Storage of household goods;
(65) Storage of flammable liquids, fats, or oil in tanks each of 50,000 gallons or less capacity, but only after the locations and protective measures have been approved by local governing officials;
(66) Tattoo parlor, subject to all health regulations of village, county and state;
(67) Textiles, spinning, weaving, manufacturing, dyeing, printing, knit goods, yarn, thread, and cordage, but not including textile bleaching;
(68) Tool and die shops;
(69) Tools and hardware such as bolts, nuts, screws, doorknobs, drills, hand tools and cutlery, hinges, house hardware, locks, nonferrous material castings, and plumbing appliances;
(70) Toys;
(71) Wholesaling and warehousing, local cartage express facilities (but not including motor freight terminals);
(72) Personal communication facility, located on property owned by the village or other government entity.
(C) Special uses. Upon recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission, after public hearing on the petition pertaining thereto, in accordance with the requirements set forth in § 159.176, special uses of this chapter, the corporate authorities of the village may, by "special use permit" allow the following in the district:
(1) Banks and financial institutions;
(2) Business and professional offices;
(3) Carpet, floor, and wall coverings sales and service;
(4) Electrical, plumbing, hardware, HVAC sales and service;
(5) Firearms sales and service, including a firing range, indoor only;
(6) Furniture and office supplies, sales and service;
(7) Cannabis facility. As used in this chapter, "cannabis facility" shall mean either a "cultivation center," "dispensing organization," "craft grower," "infuser," "processor," or "transporter" as defined in the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act, 410 ILCS 130/1 et seq. and the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act, P.A. 101-27 (hereinafter collectively referred to as the Cannabis Acts). In addition to all other special use permit standards required to be met pursuant to this chapter, distribution facilities for cannabis shall meet the specific standards listed below:
(a) Cultivation centers, craft growers:
1. Cultivation centers and craft growers located within the Village of Romeoville shall be and are required to be established, operated, and maintained in full compliance with the Cannabis Acts and all other applicable village ordinances and Illinois statutes.
2. Cultivation centers and craft growers shall not be located within 1,000 feet of the property line of any pre-existing public or private pre-schools, elementary schools, secondary schools, day care centers, home day care, group day care homes, part day child care facilities, or an area zoned for residential use.
3. Cultivation centers and craft growers shall not be located in any building containing, in whole or in part, any residential uses.
(b) Dispensing organizations, infuser, processor, transporter:
1. Dispensing organizations, infuser, processor, transporter, located within the Village of Romeoville shall be and are required to be established, operated, and maintained in full compliance with the Cannabis Acts and all other applicable village ordinances and Illinois statutes.
2. Dispensing organizations, infuser, processor, transporter, shall not be located within 750 feet of the property line of any pre-existing public or private preschools, elementary schools, secondary schools, or day care centers. Dispensing organizations, infuser, processor, transporter, shall not be located within 750 feet of any property zoned within the UD University zoning district. In addition, dispensing organizations, infuser, processor, transporter, shall not be located within 750 feet from any of the following identified locations: any public library within the limits of the village, the Romeoville Village Hall, the Romeoville Recreation Center, or the Edward Athletic and Event Center. For purposes of divisions (C)(7)(a)2., (C)(7)(b)2. and (C)(7)(b)2.A. of this section, the relevant distance shall be measured between the nearest points on the property lines of the lot(s), tract(s) or tax parcel(s) used for cannabis related uses, and the lot(s), tract(s) or tax parcel(s) or zoning districts from which any separation required by divisions (C)(7)(a)2., (C)(7)(b)2. and (C)(7)(b)2.A. of this section shall be maintained.
A. In addition to the distance/separation requirements otherwise set forth in this division (C)(7), any dispensing organization, infuser, processor, transporter, located in an M-1 or M-2 zoning district shall not be located within 750 feet of any church or place of worship within the corporate limits of
the village that is located in a zoning district other than a P-B zoning district, an M-1 zoning district or an M-2 zoning district.
3. Dispensing organizations, infuser, processor, transporter, shall not be located in any building containing, in whole or in part, any residential uses.
4. Any special use permit granted prior to the adoption of this division (C)(7)(b)4. for medical cannabis distribution under the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act prior to January 1, 2020 shall hereby also be deemed to permit the sale of recreational cannabis under and in accordance with the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act.
(8) Motor freight terminals;
(10) Restaurants, including drive-thru facilities and alcohol sales and service;
(11) Retail sales of goods or products manufactured, assembled, or warehoused on the premises provided that no more than 20% of the building be used for retail space;
(12) Sales or leasing of truck, truck tractor, truck trailer, car, car trailer, buses, heavy equipment, farm equipment, and other similar uses when all equipment is in operable condition, provided that the lot contain a principal building of at least 5,000 square feet;
(13) Stadiums, auditoriums, and arenas;
(14) Self-service storage facilities (SSSF) not in excess of 15 feet in height to the ridge line of the units;
(15) Personal communication facility (see § 159.021);
(16) Planned unit development;
(17) Residential uses. Dwelling units for watchmen and their families when located on the premises where they are employed in such capacity.
(18) Uses not explicitly enumerated in this division as "special uses", but closely similar thereto, provided that these uses are not explicitly mentioned as a permitted or special use elsewhere in this zoning code.
(19) Churches and church schools, and other places of worship.
(D) Miscellaneous uses.
(1) Accessory uses;
(2) Radio and television towers;
(3) Temporary buildings for construction purposes, for a period not to exceed the duration of the construction; and
(4) Tent or fabric structures used for salt storage, sewage sludge storage, landscape material storage or other similar uses, but only if the same shall have been constructed or placed into use on or before August 7, 2019. Any tent or fabric structure other than those within the meaning of the preceding sentence shall only be permitted in accordance with the provisions of § 159.020(F)(1)(b).
(E) Site and structure requirements:
(1) Minimum area. The minimum area for the district shall be not less than ten acres.
(2) Individual lot area. Individual lots within a district shall have a minimum area of 20,000 square feet.
(3) Individual lot width/frontage. Individual lot width shall be a minimum of 100 feet, corner lots shall be a minimum of 125 feet.
(4) Lot depth. The minimum lot depth for each lot shall not be less than 200 feet.
(5) Lot coverage/impervious surface. Lot coverage shall not exceed 60% of the lot. Lot coverage plus impervious surface coverage shall not exceed a total of 85% of the total lot.
(6) Building height. No building or structure shall be erected or altered to exceed a maximum height of 40 feet or 3-1/2 stories, whichever is less.
(7) Setbacks.
(a) Front yards. A 25 foot front yard shall be required, from the property line. For properties having multiple frontages, a front yard setback shall be provided along each such street. For properties whose front yard abuts a residential district, the front yard setback shall be not less than 50 feet;
(b) Side yards. Side yard areas shall be not less than 20 feet in width, except that a side yard which abuts a residential district shall be not less than 30 feet;
(c) Rear yards. Not less than 25 feet, except when a rear lot line adjoins a railroad right-of-way including also spur or team track right-of-way, a rear yard need not be provided. Where abutting or across from a residential district, a 50 foot rear lot line shall be required.
(8) Floor area ratio (F.A.R.). For all uses the Floor area ratio (F.A.R.) for each lot shall not exceed eight-tenths (0.80).
(F) Special provisions:
(1) Enclosure of operations. All business, servicing, or processing shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings, except the following:
(a) Off-street parking or loading; and
(b) Accessory uses.
(a) Front yard: required front yard setback;
(b) Side or rear yard, not adjacent a residential zoning district: Five feet side or ten feet rear, provided that the required setback for off-street parking, loading, and unloading areas may be reduced to zero if an easement providing access between and across the subject property and the adjoining lots(s) has been duly recorded. Such reduction in the required off-street parking, loading, and unloading area setback may only be permitted along the lot line coincident with the adjoining property that is party to the recorded access easement agreement.
(c) Side or rear yard adjacent to a residential use: 50 feet; and
(d) No parking in corner side yards.
(7) Outdoor storage. All in accordance with applicable regulations set forth in § 159.080(I); and
(8) Accessory uses. All in accordance with applicable regulations set forth in § 159.020.
(Am. Ord. 05-0312, passed 2-1-06; Am. Ord. 06-0369, passed 2-1-06; Am. Ord. 07-0508, passed 2-21-07; Am. Ord. 09-0800, passed 12-16-09; Am. Ord. 11-0924, passed 10-5-11; Am. Ord. 12-0972, passed 4-4-12; Am. Ord. 14-1086, passed 2-5-14; Am. Ord. 18-1482, passed 5-16-18; Am. Ord. 19-1586, passed 8-7-19; Am. Ord. 19-1606, passed 12-18-19; Am. Ord. 20-1675, passed 12-16-20; Am. Ord. 23-1826, passed 3-15-23)
(A) Intent and purpose.
(2) Within 150 feet of a Residence District, all business, production, servicing, processing, and storage shall take place or be within completely enclosed buildings, except that storage of materials or products may be open to the sky provided the storage area is enclosed with a solid wall or fence, as required within this chapter, or as additionally required by the Zoning Officer. However, within 150 feet of a Residence District, off-street loading facilities and off-street parking of motor vehicles under one and one-half ton capacity may be unenclosed, except for screening of parking and loading facilities as may be required under the provisions of §§ 159.112 through 159.116.
(B) Permitted. The following uses are permitted:
(1) Any use permitted in the M-1 District;
(2) Any production, processing, cleaning, servicing, testing, repair, or storage of materials, goods, or products which conforms to the performance standards established for this district;
(3) Cement block manufacturer;
(4) Personal communication facility, located on property owned by the village or other government entity.
(C) Special uses. Upon recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission, after public hearing on the petition pertaining thereto, in accordance with the requirements set forth in § 159.176, special uses of this chapter, the corporate authorities of the village may, by "special use permit" allow the following in the district:
(1) Any use which may be allowed as a "special use" in the M-1 District;
(2) Clean construction and demolition debris (CCDD) facility in conformance with the state statutes governing the siting, location, approval, notice, study and fees of such facilities. In addition, CCDD facilities must conform to the following standards:
(a) Facilities must obtain and maintain a permit from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). Facilities must conform to all IEPA regulations and submit to all inspections from the IEPA or its designee, the Will County Land Use Department.
(b) The borders of the property shall be screened with a solid fence, wall, landscaped berm at least six feet in height, or natural screen barrier capable of providing 100% screening when the property is adjacent to or across the street from any district other than an industrial district or when the property abuts a public right-of-way.
(c) Facilities must ensure that no dirt, mud, dust, or debris is tracked onto any public roadway by vehicles leaving the site. Any costs for road cleaning shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant.
(d) All loads accepted for disposal at the site shall be able to trace back to their point of origin through the use of the applicable IEPA Certification form and a profile number unique to each generating source location. Records of loads accepted shall be kept in accordance with the site's IEPA permit or for a period of three years. In the event of consolidated loads accepted containing soils originating from more than one generator, a list of all origins will be traceable from the records or confirmation through analytical testing may be utilized.
(e) At a minimum, one random soil load delivered to the facility each day, shall be selected for a discharge inspection. The driver of any randomly selected load must be directed to discharge the load at a separate, designated location within the facility. The load shall be spread out and screened with a PID or other monitoring devices approved by the applicable authorities. Readings shall not exceed the background levels. Loads shall also be screened for non-CCDD materials. Documentation of results shall be recorded and the records kept per the site's IEPA permit. If the load is rejected then the load is to be immediately removed from the site and no further loads are to be accepted from the generating source until compliance with IEPA regulations can be re-established.
(f) Any rejected loads shall be reported to the applicable authorities within 24 hours. For all loads the owner or operator is required to report, at a minimum, name and location address of facility, the date and time of the inspection, the weight or volume of the CCDD or uncontaminated soil, the name of the hauler, the name of the hauling firm, the vehicle identification number or license plate number, the source site owner and operator, and the location of the site of origin of the fill.
(g) No on-site salvaging of CCDD materials or byproducts shall be allowed unless expressly permitted by the IEPA. Materials serving a beneficial use on site may be re-used.
(h) A plan for the reclamation of the land shall be provided as part of the application for the special use permit. The plan of reclamation shall be accompanied by security in an amount equal to the cost to cover the site with one foot of topsoil and appropriate seeding. The applicant shall provide a cost estimate for this work by a certified professional engineer. This estimate may be reviewed every five years and adjusted for the current state of the facility and the Construction Cost Index (CCI). Any security amount required by the IEPA may be deducted from this amount.
(i) In the event of facility closure by any enforcement agency, operations shall cease until the facility owner provides written proof that the matter has been resolved with the applicable authorities, and that such authorities or a court of competent jurisdiction have authorized the reopening and continued operation of the facility.
(3) Compost facility in conformance with the state statutes governing the siting, location, approval, notice, study and fees of such facilities. In addition, compost facilities must conform to following standards:
(a) Facilities must obtain and maintain a permit from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). Facilities must conform to all IEPA regulations and submit to all inspections from the IEPA or its designee, the Will County Land Use Department.
(b) The borders of the property shall be screened with a solid fence, wall, or landscaped berm at least six feet in height when the property is adjacent to or across the street from any district other than an industrial district or when the property abuts a public right-of-way.
(c) Facilities must ensure that no dirt, mud, dust, or debris is tracked onto any public roadway by vehicles leaving the site. Any costs for road cleaning shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant.
(4) Electrical power generation station or facility in conformance with the state statutes governing the siting, location, approval, notice, study and fees of such facilities. In addition, such facilities must conform to following standards:
(a) Facilities must obtain and maintain a permit from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). Facilities must conform to all IEPA regulations and submit to all inspections from the IEPA or its designee.
(b) The borders of the property shall be screened with a solid fence, wall, or landscaped berm at least six feet in height when the property is adjacent to or across the street from any district other than an industrial district or when the property abuts a public right-of-way.
(c) Facilities must ensure that no dirt, mud, dust, or debris is tracked onto any public roadway by vehicles leaving the site. Any costs for road cleaning shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant.
(5) Junk yards and automobile wrecking yards, provided they are contained within completely enclosed buildings or screened by a solid wall or uniformly painted solid fence at least 12 feet high. Outside storage not to exceed the height of the solid fence or if the topography of nearby residential areas within 660 feet allows for visual contact, outside storage shall not be seen;
(6) Mining or extraction of minerals, sand, gravel, topsoil, or other aggregates, including equipment, buildings, or structures for screening, crushing, mixing, washing, or storage, provided that:
(a) No open pit or shaft will be less than 200 feet from any property line or public right-of-way;
(b) All buildings or structures shall be located not less than 200 feet from any property line;
(c) The borders of the property shall be fenced with a solid fence or wall at least six feet in height when the property is adjacent to or across the street from any district other than an industrial district;
(d) A plan of development for the reclamation of the land shall be provided as part of the application for the special use permit. The plan of development shall be accompanied by a written agreement between the owner or his agent and the village and a performance bond in an amount equal to the cost of the reclamation of the land as set forth in the development plan;
(e) No blasting or other use of explosives is permitted unless specifically requested and authorized within the special use permit after the required public hearing by the Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC). If permitted by the Village Board, blasting must conform to the following standards:
1. The use, handling and detonation of explosives (sometimes referred to as "blasting") in connection with said quarrying operations shall be under the direct supervision of persons having the requisite experience and knowledge to conduct such operations with safety. If such persons are hereafter required to be licensed by any federal agency, State of Illinois or Will County, such persons shall meet the licensing requirements and obtain such license and furnish such proof to the village.
2. The storage of explosives shall be in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations and shall be stored in magazines, buildings, or structures which shall meet the safety requirements of such laws and regulations.
3. Blasting procedures shall be in accordance with modern techniques, generally accepted in the quarrying industry, whereby a shot shall consist of a series of drill holes containing quantities of explosives fired or detonated in sequence of multiple delays at intervals of milliseconds, so as to counteract and reduce the ground motion or earthborne vibration from each successive detonation (sometimes referred to as "short period delay blasting"). Blasting procedures shall be designed, on the basis of maximum charge per delay (that is, quantity of explosives in pounds per detonation) and distances in feet, so that the maximum ground vibration intensity shall not exceed 0.5 inches per second of ground particle velocity resulting from any shot or blast measured by any one of three mutually perpendicular planes of ground motion as recorded at the nearest existing building.
4. Blasting procedures shall be subject to and comply with the applicable lawful requirements of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, Illinois Department of Mines and Minerals, Mine Enforcement and Safety Administration (MESA) of the United States Department of the Interior, and any other governmental agency having jurisdiction thereof.
5. Blasting procedures shall be in conformity with approved safety regulations, customs, and practices generally accepted in the quarrying industry, and the safety regulations of governmental agencies having jurisdiction thereof.
6. Compliance with the provision of these regulations governing blasting procedures and quarrying operations shall be subject to review and inspection from time-to-time by authorized village officials, upon reasonable prior notice and during reasonable business hours.
7. The actual detonation of any blast will be restrictive to the local time period between 1:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday of each week. No blasting shall take place on Sunday or on the following legal holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
(7) Personal communication facilities;
(8) Pollution control facilities including, but not limited to, landfill and/or compaction operations, used in the disposal and/or storage of wastes, not classified as "hazardous, special wastes", by the appropriate county, state and/or federal governmental agencies.
(9) Recycling center, garbage transfer station or similar type of use in conformance with the state statutes governing the siting, location, approval, notice, study and fees of such facilities;
(10) Stockyards, slaughtering, livestock, poultry, and the like;
(11) Temporary building, trailer, or yard for construction materials or equipment, both incidental and necessary to construction in the Zoning District. Each permit shall specify the location of the building or yard and the area of permitted operation. Each permit shall be valid for a period of not more than six calendar months and shall not be renewed for more than four successive periods at the same location;
(12) Temporary office, both incidental and necessary for the sale or rental of real property. Each permit shall specify the location of the office and the area of permitted operation. Each permit shall be valid for a period of not more than one year and shall not be renewed for more than five successive periods at the same location; and,
(13) Real estate subdivision sign not to exceed 100 square feet for each face. Sign shall be non-illuminated. Each permit shall specify the location of the sign. Each permit shall be valid for a period of not more than one year and shall not be renewed for more than five successive periods at the same location.
(D) Temporary uses. Upon application to and issuance by the Zoning Officer of a permit therefore, the following uses may be operated as temporary uses:
(1) Temporary building, trailer, or yard for construction materials or equipment, both incidental and necessary to construction in the Zoning District. Each permit shall specify the location of the building or yard and the area of permitted operation. Each permit shall be valid for a period of not more than six calendar months and shall not be renewed for more than four successive periods at the same location;
(2) Temporary office, both incidental and necessary for the sale or rental of real property. Each permit shall specify the location of the office and the area of permitted operation. Each permit shall be valid for a period of not more than one year and shall not be renewed for more than five successive periods at the same location; and,
(3) Real estate subdivision sign not to exceed 100 square feet for each face. Sign shall be non illuminated. Each permit shall specify the location of the sign. Each permit shall be valid for a period of not more than year and shall not be renewed for more than five successive periods at the same location.
(E) Accessory uses. Accessory uses, buildings, or other structures and devices customarily incidental to or commonly associated with a permitted use or special use may be permitted, provided they are operated and maintained under the same ownership, on the same parcel, and do not include structures or features inconsistent with the permitted use or special use.
(F) Site and structure requirements.
(1) Minimum area. The minimum area for the district shall be not less than ten acres.
(2) Individual lot area. Individual lots within a district shall have a minimum area of one acre, 43,560 square feet.
(3) Individual lot width/frontage. Individual lots shall be a minimum width of 200 feet, corner lots shall be a minimum of 225 feet.
(4) Lot depth. The minimum lot depth for each lot shall not be less than 200 feet.
(5) Lot coverage/impervious surface. Lot coverage shall not exceed 60% of the lot. Lot coverage plus impervious surface coverage shall not exceed a total of 85% of the total lot.
(6) Building height. No building or structure shall be erected or altered to exceed a maximum height of 40 feet or 3-1/2 stories, whichever is less.
(7) Setbacks.
(a) Front yards. A 25 foot front yard shall be required, from the property line. For properties having multiple frontages, a front yard setback shall be provided along each such street. For properties whose front yard abuts a residential district, the front yard setback shall be not less than 50 feet;
(b) Side yards. Side yard areas shall be not less than 20 feet in width, except that a side yard which abuts a residential district shall be not less than 30 feet;
(c) Rear yards. Not less than 25 feet, except when a rear lot line adjoins a railroad right-of-way including also spur or team track right-of-way, a rear yard need not be provided. Where abutting or across from a residential district, a 50 foot rear lot line shall be required.
(8) Floor area ratio (F.A.R.). For all uses the floor area ratio (F.A.R.) for each lot shall not exceed eight-five hundredths (0.85).
(G) Special provisions.
(1) Enclosure of operations. All business, servicing, or processing shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings, except the following:
(a) Off-street parking or loading; and
(b) Accessory uses.
(a) Front yard: Required front yard setback;
(b) Side or rear yard, not adjacent a residential zoning district: Five feet side or ten feet rear, provided that the required setback for off-street parking, loading, and unloading areas may be reduced to zero if an easement providing access between and across the subject property and the adjoining lots(s) has been duly recorded. Such reduction in the required off-street parking, loading, and unloading area setback may only be permitted along the lot line coincident with the adjoining property that is party to the recorded access easement agreement.
(c) Side or Rear yard adjacent to a residential use: 50 feet; and
(d) No parking in corner side yards.
(7) Outdoor storage. All in accordance with applicable regulations set forth in § 159.080(I); and
(8) Accessory uses. All in accordance with applicable regulations set forth in § 159.020.
(9) IEPA regulations adopted by reference. The standards, specifications, and regulations of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, latest editions, are hereby incorporated into this chapter and made a part thereof this reference. Such standards, specifications, and regulations shall include those as required by the following:
(a) Illinois Pollution Control Board Rules and Regulations: Public Water Supplies;
(b) Illinois Pollution Control Board Rules and Regulations: Livestock Waste;
(c) Illinois Pollution Control Board Rules and Regulations: Solid Waste;
(d) Illinois Pollution Control Board Rules and Regulations: Air Pollution Regulations;
(e) Illinois Pollution Control Board Rules and Regulations: Noise Pollution Control Regulations;
(f) Illinois Pollution Control Board Rules and Regulations: Water Pollution;
(g) State of Illinois: The Environmental Protection Act, and Illinois Pollution Control Board Rules and Regulations, Mine Waste Regulations.
(Am. Ord. 06-0369, passed 2-1-06; Am. Ord. 07-0508, passed 2-21-07; Am. Ord. 11-0924, passed 10-5-11; Am. Ord. 11-0925, passed 10-5-11; Am. Ord. 14-1086, passed 2-5-14)