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Romeoville Overview
Romeoville, IL Code of Ordinances
§ 159.062 R-1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (20,000 SQ.FT.).
   (A)   Intent and purpose. The R-1 District is intended to provide areas for medium sized single family development. It should be designed to allow for the placement of adjoining commercial districts, school and park sites, and other amenities.
   (B)   Permitted uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)). The following uses are permitted within the R-1 district:
      (1)   Single family detached dwelling units;
      (2)   Home occupations, as regulated in § 159.034 of this chapter;
      (3)   Parks, forest preserves, and recreational areas, when publicly owned and operated;
      (4)   Off-street parking, as regulated in §§ 159.105 through 159.111 of this chapter;
      (5)   Signs, as regulated in §§ 159.121 through 159.133 of this chapter;
      (6)   Accessory uses, as regulated in § 159.020 of this chapter and within this section;
      (7)   Temporary buildings for construction purposes, for a period of time not to exceed construction, or not more than 24 months, whichever is less, unless otherwise approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission;
      (8)   Public utility facilities, as defined in the State Act entitled, "An Act Concerning Public Utilities"; and
      (9)   Personal communication facility, located on property owned by the village or other government entity.
   (C)   Special uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)): Upon recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission, after public hearing on the petition pertaining thereto, in accordance with the requirements set forth in § 159.176, special uses of this chapter, the corporate authorities of the village may, by "special use permit" allow the following in the R-1 District:
      (1)   Railroad rights-of-way and trackage, but not including classification yards, terminal facilities, or maintenance facilities;
      (2)   Private recreation areas or camps;
      (3)   Schools (elementary and secondary), including playgrounds and athletic fields auxiliary thereto;
      (4)   Churches and church-schools, and other places of worship;
      (5)   Public service uses, including:
         (a)   Filtration plants, pumping stations, and water reservoirs;
         (b)   Police, fire stations and, any public building erected by any governmental agency;
         (c)   Telephone exchange facilities; and
         (d)   Electric substations and booster stations.
      (6)   Day or nursery schools, public or private;
      (7)   Family day care homes as defined by § 159.003 of this chapter;
      (8)   Planned residential or institutional developments, under single ownership or control, in which incidental business or recreational facilities for the convenience of the occupants may be furnished. For such developments, the Village Board may vary the bulk regulations of this subchapter, provided the variations are consistent with the general purpose and intent of this subchapter, and as set forth in §§ 159.150 through 159.159, and will result in better site planning and thus be of greater benefit both to the occupants of the development and the surrounding areas; and,
      (9)   Personal communication facility (see § 159.021).
   (D)   Temporary uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)). Upon application to and issuance by the Zoning Administrator of a permit thereof, the following use may be operated as a temporary use: processing, screening, washing yards and plants of the quasi-temporary nature connected with the construction of roads which are normally removed when a specific purpose is completed, are permitted under this classification after a permit is obtained from the Building Inspector. This permit shall be effective for a period not to exceed six continuous months and shall not be renewed for more than one successive period at the same location.
   (E)   Accessory uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)): Accessory uses, buildings, or other structures and devices customarily incidental to and commonly associated with a permitted or special use may be permitted; provided they are operated and maintained under the same ownership and on the same parcel, do not include structures or structural features inconsistent with the permitted use or special use and do not involve the conduct of any business, trade, or industry. Accessory uses may include the following:
      (1)   Garages, carports, or other parking spaces for the exclusive use of residents or occupants of the premises (see § 159.020);
      (2)   Swimming pools, exclusively for the use of the residents and their guests that are setback from every property line at least ten feet and not located in the front yard;
      (3)   Real estate signs, not exceeding 12 square feet for each face that are setback from every property line at least ten feet;
      (4)   Gardening (the raising of vegetables and fruits) and keeping of household pets exclusively for the use and personal enjoyment of residents of the premises and not for commercial purposes.
   (F)   Site and structure requirements.
      (1)   Lot area. The minimum area for each lot shall be not less than 20,000 square feet (0.46 acres).
      (2)   Lot width/frontage. The minimum lot width for each lot shall be not less than 120 feet. Corner lots shall be not less than 165 feet.
      (3)   Lot depth. The minimum lot depth for each lot shall not be less than 160 feet.
      (4)   Building coverage. Building coverage shall not exceed 40%.
      (5)   Building height. No building within the R-1 District hereinafter constructed shall exceed 30 feet in height to the highest roof peak, or 2-1/2 stories, whichever is less.
      (6)   Setbacks.
         (a)   Front yards, shall be not less than 40 feet from the property line;
         (b)   Side yards, shall be not less than 15 feet for each side yard from the property line. Corner side yards shall be not less than 40 feet; and
         (c)   Rear yards, shall be not less than 30 feet from the property line.
      (7)   Floor area ratio (F.A.R.). For all uses the floor area ratio for each lot shall not exceed six tenths (0.6).
      (8)   Minimum dwelling unit size.
         (a)   Two or fewer bedrooms, 1,600 square feet;
         (b)   Three bedrooms, 1,825 square feet;
         (c)   Four bedrooms, 2,000 square feet; and
         (d)   Five bedrooms, 2,200 square feet.
      (9)   Lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage shall be 50%.
      (10)   Minimum landscape coverage. The minimum landscape coverage shall be 50%.
(Am. Ord. 05-0285, passed 6-15- 05; Am. Ord. 06-0369, passed 2-1- 06; Am. Ord. 07-0508, passed 2- 21-07; Am. Ord. 08-0698, passed 8-20-08; Am. Ord. 09-0800, passed 12-16-09; Am. Ord. 11-0924, passed 10-5-11; Am. Ord. 18-1482, passed 5-16-18)
§ 159.063 R-2, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (15,000 SQ.FT.).
   (A)   Intent and purpose. The R-2 District is intended to reflect contemporary design standards in housing developments. Developments within this district should be so planned as to allow for the placement of local commercial districts, school and park sites, and other amenities.
   (B)   Permitted uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)). The following uses are permitted within the R-2 district:
      (1)   Single family detached dwelling units;
      (2)   Home occupations, as regulated in § 159.034 of this chapter;
      (3)   Parks, forest preserves, and recreational areas, when publicly owned and operated;
      (4)   Off-street parking, as regulated in §§ 159.105 through 159.111 of this chapter;
      (5)   Signs, as regulated in §§ 159.121 through 159.133 of this chapter;
      (6)   Accessory uses, as regulated in § 159.020 of this chapter;
      (7)   Temporary buildings for construction purposes, for a period of time not to exceed construction, or not more than 24 months, whichever is less, unless otherwise approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission;
      (8)   Public utility facilities, as defined in the State Act entitled, "An Act Concerning Public Utilities"; and
      (9)   Personal communication facility, located on property owned by the village or other government entity.
   (C)   Special uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)). Upon recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission, after public hearing on the petition pertaining thereto, in accordance with the requirements set forth in § 159.176, special uses of this chapter, the corporate authorities of the village may, by "special use permit" allow the following in the R-2 District:
      (1)   Railroad rights-of-way and trackage, but not including classification yards, terminal facilities, or maintenance facilities;
      (2)   Private recreation areas or camps;
      (3)   Schools (elementary and secondary), including playgrounds and athletic fields auxiliary thereto;
      (4)   Churches and church-schools, and other places of worship;
      (5)   Public service uses, including:
         (a)   Filtration plants, pumping stations, and water reservoirs;
         (b)   Police, Fire stations and, any public building erected by any governmental agency;
         (c)   Telephone exchange facilities; and
         (d)   Electric substations and booster stations.
      (6)   Day or nursery schools, public or private;
      (7)   Family day care homes as defined by § 159.003 of this chapter;
      (8)   Planned residential or institutional developments, under single ownership or control, in which incidental business or recreational facilities for the convenience of the occupants may be furnished. For such developments, the Village Board may vary the bulk regulations of this subchapter, provided the variations are consistent with the general purpose and intent of this subchapter, and as set forth in §§ 159.150 through 159.159, and will result in better site planning and thus be of greater benefit both to the occupants of the development and the surrounding areas; and,
      (9)   Personal communication facility (see § 159.021).
   (D)   Temporary uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)): Upon application to and issuance by the Zoning Administrator of a permit thereof, the following use may be operated as a temporary use: processing, screening, washing yards and plants of the quasi-temporary nature connected with the construction of roads which are normally removed when a specific purpose is completed, are permitted under this classification after a permit is obtained from the Building Officer. This permit shall be effective for a period not to exceed six continuous months and shall not be renewed for more than one successive period at the same location.
   (E)   Accessory uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)). Accessory uses, buildings, or other structures and devices customarily incidental to and commonly associated with a permitted or special use may be permitted; provided they are operated and maintained under the same ownership and on the same parcel, do not include structures or structural features inconsistent with the permitted use or special use and do not involve the conduct of any business, trade, or industry. Accessory uses may include the following:
      (1)   Garages, carports, or other parking spaces for the exclusive use of residents or occupants of the premises (see § 159.020);
      (2)   Swimming pools, exclusively for the use of the residents and their guests that are setback from every property line at least ten feet and not located in the front yard;
      (3)   Real estate signs, not exceeding 12 square feet for each face that are setback from every property line at least ten feet;
      (4)   Gardening (the raising of vegetables and fruits) and keeping of household pets exclusively for the use and personal enjoyment of residents of the premises and not for commercial purposes.
   (F)   Site and structure requirements:
      (1)   Lot area. The minimum area for each lot shall be not less than 15,000 square feet (0.34 acres).
      (2)   Lot width/frontage. The minimum lot width for each lot shall be not less than 100 feet. Corner lots shall be not less than one hundred 125 feet in width.
      (3)   Lot depth. The minimum lot depth for each lot shall not be less than 150 feet.
      (4)   Building coverage. Building coverage shall not exceed 40%.
      (5)   Building height. No building within the R-2 District hereinafter constructed shall exceed 30 feet in height to the highest roof peak, or 2-1/2 stories, whichever is less.
      (6)   Setbacks.
         (a)   Front yards, shall be not less than 35 feet from the property line;
         (b)   Side yards, shall be not less than 15 feet for each side yard from the property line. Corner side yards shall be not less than 35 feet; and
         (c)   Rear yards, shall be not less than 30 feet from the property line.
      (7)   Floor area ratio (F.A.R.). For all uses the floor area ratio for each lot shall not exceed six tenths (0.6).
      (8)   Minimum dwelling unit size.
         (a)   Two or fewer bedrooms, 1,375 square feet;
         (b)   Three bedrooms, 1,600 square feet;
         (c)   Four bedrooms, 1,825 square feet; and
         (d)   Five or more bedrooms, 2,000 square feet.
      (9)   Lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage shall be 50%.
      (10)   Minimum landscape coverage. The minimum landscape coverage shall be 50%.
(Am. Ord. 05-0285, passed 6-15-05; Am. Ord. 06-0369, passed 2-1-06; Am. Ord. 07-0508, passed 2-21-07; Am. Ord. 08-0698, passed 8-20-08; Am. Ord. 09-0800, passed 12-16-09; Am. Ord. 11-0924, passed 10-5-11; Am. Ord. 18-1482, passed 5-16-18)
§ 159.064 R-3, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (10,000 SQ.FT.).
   (A)   Intent and purpose. The R-3 District is intended to reflect contemporary design standards in housing development. While the district allows for smaller lot sizes, it is anticipated that developments within this district will provide for greater amenities such as increased open space, recreational facilities, pedestrian access, and other improvements.
   (B)   Permitted uses. Permitted uses. (See land use chart, § 159.060(G)). The following uses are permitted within the R-3 district:
      (1)   Single family detached dwelling units;
      (2)   Home occupations, as regulated in § 159.034 of this chapter;
      (3)   Parks, forest preserves, and recreational areas, when publicly owned and operated;
      (4)   Off-street parking, as regulated in §§ 159.105 through 159.111 of this chapter;
      (5)   Signs, as regulated in §§ 159.121 through 159.133 of this chapter;
      (6)   Accessory uses, as regulated in § 159.020 of this chapter;
      (7)   Temporary buildings for construction purposes, for a period of time not to exceed construction, or not more than 24 months, whichever is less, unless otherwise approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission;
      (8)   Public utility facilities, as defined in the State Act entitled, "An Act Concerning Public Utilities"; and
      (9)   Personal communication facility, located on property owned by the village or other government entity.
   (C)   Special uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)). Upon recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission, after public hearing on the petition pertaining thereto, in accordance with the requirements set forth in § 159.176, special uses of this chapter, the corporate authorities of the village may, by "special use permit" allow the following in the R-3 District:
      (1)   Railroad rights-of-way and trackage, but not including classification yards, terminal facilities, or maintenance facilities;
      (2)   Private recreation areas or camps;
      (3)   Schools (elementary and secondary), including playgrounds and athletic fields auxiliary thereto;
      (4)   Churches and church-schools, and other places of worship;
      (5)   Public service uses, including:
         (a)   Filtration plants, pumping stations, and water reservoirs;
         (b)   Police, fire stations and, any public building erected by any governmental agency;
         (c)   Telephone exchange facilities; and
         (d)   Electric substations and booster stations.
      (6)   Day or nursery schools, public or private;
      (7)   Family day care homes as defined by § 159.003 of this chapter;
      (8)   Planned residential or institutional developments, under single ownership or control, in which incidental business or recreational facilities for the convenience of the occupants may be furnished. For such developments, the Village Board may vary the bulk regulations of this subchapter, provided the variations are consistent with the general purpose and intent of this subchapter, and as set forth in §§ 159.150 through 159.159, and will result in better site planning and thus be of greater benefit both to the occupants of the development and the surrounding areas; and,
      (9)   Personal communication facility (see § 159.021).
   (D)   Temporary uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)). Upon application to and issuance by the Zoning Administrator of a permit thereof, the following use may be operated as a temporary use: processing, screening, washing yards and plants of the quasi-temporary nature connected with the construction of roads which are normally removed when a specific purpose is completed, are permitted under this classification after a permit is obtained from the Building Officer. This permit shall be effective for a period not to exceed six continuous months and shall not be renewed for more than one successive period at the same location.
   (E)   Accessory uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)). Accessory uses, buildings, or other structures and devices customarily incidental to and commonly associated with a permitted or special use may be permitted; provided they are operated and maintained under the same ownership and on the same parcel, do not include structures or structural features inconsistent with the permitted use or special use and do not involve the conduct of any business, trade, or industry. Accessory uses may include the following:
      (1)   Garages, carports, or other parking spaces for the exclusive use of residents or occupants of the premises (see § 159.020);
      (2)   Swimming pools, exclusively for the use of the residents and their guests that are setback from every property line at least ten feet and not located in the front yard;
      (3)   Real estate signs, not exceeding 12 square feet for each face that are setback from every property line at least ten feet;
      (4)   Gardening (the raising of vegetables and fruits) and keeping of household pets exclusively for the use and personal enjoyment of residents of the premises and not for commercial purposes.
   (F)   Site and structure requirements.
      (1)   Lot area. The minimum area for each lot shall be not less than 10,000 square feet (0.23 acres).
      (2)   Lot width/frontage. The minimum lot width for each lot shall be not less than 80 feet. Corner lots shall be not less than 105 feet.
      (3)   Lot depth. The minimum lot depth for each lot shall not be less than 125 feet.
      (4)   Building coverage. Building coverage shall not exceed 40%.
      (5)   Building height. No building within the R-3 District hereinafter constructed shall exceed 30 feet in height to the highest roof peak, or 2-1/2 stories, whichever is less.
      (6)   Setbacks.
         (a)   Front yards, shall be not less than 30 feet from the property line;
         (b)   Side yards, shall be not less than ten feet for each side yard from the property line. Corner side yards shall be not less than 30 feet; and
         (c)   Rear yards, shall be not less than 25 feet from the property line.
      (7)   Floor area ratio (F.A.R.). For all uses the floor area ratio for each lot shall not exceed six tenths (0.6).
      (8)   Minimum dwelling unit size.
         (a)   Two or fewer bedrooms, 1,200 square feet;
         (b)   Three bedrooms, 1,500 square feet;
         (c)   Four bedrooms, 1,800 square feet; and
         (d)   Five or more bedrooms, 2,000 square feet.
      (9)   Lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage shall be 50%.
      (10)   Minimum landscape coverage. The minimum landscape coverage shall be 50%.
(Am. Ord. 05-0285, passed 6-15-05; Am. Ord. 06-0369, passed 2-1-06; Am. Ord. 07-0508, passed 2-21-07; Am. Ord. 08-0698, passed 8-20-08; Am. Ord. 09-0800, passed 12-16-09; Am. Ord. 11-0924, passed 10-5-11; Am. Ord. 18-1482, passed 5-16-18)
§ 159.065 R-4, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (8,000 SQ.FT.).
   (A)   Intent and purpose. The R-4 District is intended to reflect contemporary design standards in housing development. While the district allows for smaller lot sizes, it is anticipated that developments within this district will provide for greater amenities such as increased open space, recreational facilities, pedestrian access, and other improvements.
   (B)   Permitted uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)). The following uses are permitted within the R-4 district:
      (1)   Single family detached dwelling units;
      (2)   Home occupations, as regulated in § 159.034 of this chapter;
      (3)   Parks, forest preserves, and recreational areas, when publicly owned and operated;
      (4)   Off-street parking, as regulated in §§ 159.105 through 159.111 of this chapter;
      (5)   Signs, as regulated in §§ 159.121 through 159.133 of this chapter;
      (6)   Accessory uses, as regulated in § 159.020 of this chapter;
      (7)   Temporary buildings for construction purposes, for a period of time not to exceed construction, or not more than 24 months, whichever is less, unless otherwise approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission;
      (8)   Public utility facilities, as defined in the State Act entitled, "An Act Concerning Public Utilities"; and
      (9)   Personal communication facility, located on property owned by the village or other government entity.
   (C)   Special uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)). Upon recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission, after public hearing on the petition pertaining thereto, in accordance with the requirements set forth in § 159.176, special uses of this chapter, the corporate authorities of the village may, by "special use permit" allow the following in the R-4 District:
      (1)   Railroad rights-of-way and trackage, but not including classification yards, terminal facilities, or maintenance facilities;
      (2)   Private recreation areas or camps;
      (3)   Schools (elementary and secondary), including playgrounds and athletic fields auxiliary thereto;
      (4)   Churches and church-schools, and other places of worship;
      (5)   Public service uses, including:
         (a)   Filtration plants, pumping stations, and water reservoirs;
         (b)   Police, fire stations and, any public building erected by any governmental agency;
         (c)   Telephone exchange facilities; and
         (d)   Electric substations and booster stations.
      (6)   Day or nursery schools, public or private;
      (7)   Family day care homes as defined by § 159.003 of this chapter;
      (8)   Planned residential or institutional developments, under single ownership or control, in which incidental business or recreational facilities for the convenience of the occupants may be furnished. For such developments, the Village Board may vary the bulk regulations of this subchapter, provided the variations are consistent with the general purpose and intent of this subchapter, and as set forth in §§ 159.150 through 159.159, and will result in better site planning and thus be of greater benefit both to the occupants of the development and the surrounding areas; and
      (9)   Personal communication facility (see § 159.021).
   (D)   Temporary uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)). Upon application to and issuance by the Zoning Administrator of a permit thereof, the following use may be operated as a temporary use: processing, screening, washing yards and plants of the quasi-temporary nature connected with the construction of roads which are normally removed when a specific purpose is completed, are permitted under this classification after a permit is obtained from the Building Officer. This permit shall be effective for a period not to exceed six continuous months and shall not be renewed for more than one successive period at the same location.
   (E)   Accessory uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)). Accessory uses, buildings, or other structures and devices customarily incidental to and commonly associated with a permitted or special use may be permitted; provided they are operated and maintained under the same ownership and on the same parcel, do not include structures or structural features inconsistent with the permitted use or special use and do not involve the conduct of any business, trade, or industry. Accessory uses may include the following:
      (1)   Garages, carports, or other parking spaces for the exclusive use of residents or occupants of the premises (see § 159.020);
      (2)   Swimming pools, exclusively for the use of the residents and their guests that are setback from every property line at least ten feet and not located in the front yard;
      (3)   Real estate signs, not exceeding twelve (12) square feet for each face that are setback from every property line at least ten feet;
      (4)   Gardening (the raising of vegetables and fruits) and keeping of household pets exclusively for the use and personal enjoyment of residents of the premises and not for commercial purposes.
   (F)   Site and structure requirements:
      (1)   Lot area. The minimum area for each lot shall be not less than 8,000 square feet (0.18 acres).
      (2)   Lot width/frontage. The minimum lot width for each lot shall be not less than 75 feet. Corner lots shall be not less than 95 feet.
      (3)   Lot depth. The minimum lot depth for each lot shall not be less than 105 feet.
      (4)   Building coverage. Building coverage shall not exceed 40%.
      (5)   Building height. No building within the R-4 District hereinafter constructed shall exceed 30 feet in height to the highest roof peak, or 2-1/2 stories, whichever is less.
      (6)   Setbacks.
         (a)   Front yards, shall be not less than 25 feet from the property line;
         (b)   Side yards, shall be not less than ten feet for each side yard from the property line. Corner side yards shall be not less than 25 feet; and
         (c)   Rear yards, shall be not less than 25 feet from the property line.
      (7)   Floor area ratio (F.A.R.). For all uses the floor area ratio for each lot shall not exceed six tenths (0.6).
      (8)   Minimum dwelling unit size.
         (a)   Two bedrooms, 1,200 square feet;
         (b)   Three bedrooms, 1,375 square feet;
         (c)   Four bedrooms, 1,600 square feet; and
         (d)   Five or more bedrooms, 1,800 square feet.
      (9)   Lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage shall be 50%.
      (10)   Minimum landscape coverage. The minimum landscape coverage shall be 50%.
(Am. Ord. 05-0285, passed 6-15-05; Am. Ord. 06-0369, passed 2-1-06; Am. Ord. 07-0508, passed 2-21-07; Am. Ord. 08-0698, passed 8-20-08; Am. Ord. 09-0800, passed 12-16-09; Am. Ord. 11-0924, passed 10-5-11; Am. Ord. 18-1482, passed 5-16-18)
§ 159.066 R-5, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (6,500 SQ.FT.).
   (A)   Intent and purpose. The R-5 District is intended to reflect contemporary design standards in housing development. While the district allows for smaller lot sizes, it is anticipated that developments within this district will provide for greater amenities such as increased open space, recreational facilities, pedestrian access, and other improvements.
   (B)   Permitted uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)). The following uses are permitted within the R-5 district:
      (1)   Single family detached dwelling units;
      (2)   [Reserved];
      (3)   Home occupations, as regulated in § 159.034 of this chapter;
      (4)   Parks, forest preserves, and recreational areas, when publicly owned and operated;
      (5)   Off-street parking, as regulated in §§ 159.105 through 159.111 of this chapter;
      (6)   Signs, as regulated in §§ 159.121 through 159.133 of this chapter;
      (7)   Accessory uses, as regulated in § 159.020 of this chapter;
      (8)   Temporary buildings for construction purposes, for a period of time not to exceed construction, or not more than 24 months, whichever is less, unless otherwise approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission;
      (9)   Public utility facilities, as defined in the State Act entitled, "An Act Concerning Public Utilities"; and
      (10)   Personal communication facility, located on property owned by the village or other government entity.
   (C)   Special uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)). Upon recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission, after public hearing on the petition pertaining thereto, in accordance with the requirements set forth in § 159.176, special uses of this chapter, the corporate authorities of the village may, by "special use permit" allow the following in the R-5 District:
      (1)   Railroad rights-of-way and trackage, but not including classification yards, terminal facilities, or maintenance facilities;
      (2)   Private recreation areas or camps;
      (3)   Schools (elementary and secondary), including playgrounds and athletic fields auxiliary thereto;
      (4)   Churches and church-schools, and other places of worship;
      (5)   Public service uses, including:
         (a)   Filtration plants, pumping stations, and water reservoirs;
         (b)   Police, fire stations and, any public building erected by any governmental agency;
         (c)   Telephone exchange facilities; and
         (d)   Electric substations and booster stations.
      (6)   Day or nursery schools, public or private;
      (7)   Planned residential or institutional developments, under single ownership or control, in which incidental business or recreational facilities for the convenience of the occupants may be furnished. For such developments, the Village Board may vary the bulk regulations of this subchapter, provided the variations are consistent with the general purpose and intent of this subchapter, and as set forth in §§ 159.150 through 159.159, and will result in better site planning and thus be of greater benefit both to the occupants of the development and the surrounding areas;
      (8)   Personal communication facility (see § 159.021); and
      (9)   Group care home, as defined herein.
   (D)   Temporary uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)). Upon application to and issuance by the Zoning Administrator of a permit thereof, the following use may be operated as a temporary use: processing, screening, washing yards and plants of the quasi-temporary nature connected with the construction of roads which are normally removed when a specific purpose is completed, are permitted under this classification after a permit is obtained from the Building Officer. This permit shall be effective for a period not to exceed six continuous months and shall not be renewed for more than one successive period at the same location.
   (E)   Accessory uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)). Accessory uses, buildings, or other structures and devices customarily incidental to and commonly associated with a permitted or special use may be permitted; provided they are operated and maintained under the same ownership and on the same parcel, do not include structures or structural features inconsistent with the permitted use or special use and do not involve the conduct of any business, trade, or industry. Accessory uses may include the following:
      (1)   Garages, carports, or other parking spaces for the exclusive use of residents or occupants of the premises (see § 159.020);
      (2)   Swimming pools, exclusively for the use of the residents and their guests that are setback from every property line at least ten feet and not located in the front yard;
      (3)   Real estate signs, not exceeding 12 square feet for each face that are setback from every property line at least ten feet;
      (4)   Gardening (the raising of vegetables and fruits) and keeping of household pets exclusively for the use and personal enjoyment of residents of the premises and not for commercial purposes.
   (F)   Site and structure requirements.
      (1)   Lot area. The minimum area for each lot shall be not less than 6,500 square feet (0.15 acres).
      (2)   Lot width/frontage. The minimum lot width for each lot shall be not less than 65 feet. Corner lots shall be not less than 85 feet.
      (3)   Lot depth. The minimum lot depth for each lot shall not be less than 100 feet.
      (4)   Building coverage. Building coverage shall not exceed 40%.
      (5)   Building height. No building within the R-5 District hereinafter constructed shall exceed 30 feet in height to the highest roof peak, or 2-1/2 stories, whichever is less.
      (6)   Setbacks.
         (a)   Front yards, shall be not less than 25 feet from the property line;
         (b)   Side yards, shall be not less than a total combination of 15 feet, however, in no case shall any side yard be less than five feet from the property line. Corner lot side yards shall not be less than 25 feet; and
         (c)   Rear yards, shall be not less than twenty (20) feet from the property line.
      (7)   Floor area ratio (F.A.R.). For all uses the floor area ratio for each lot shall not exceed sixty-five tenths (0.65).
      (8)   Minimum dwelling unit size.
         (a)   Two bedrooms, 1,100 square feet;
         (b)   Three bedrooms, 1,200 square feet;
         (c)   Four bedrooms, 1,300 square feet.
      (9)   Lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage shall be 50%.
      (10)   Minimum landscape coverage. The minimum landscape coverage shall be 50%.
(Am. Ord. 05-0285, passed 6-15-05; Am. Ord. 06-0369, passed 2-1-06; Am. Ord. 07-0508, passed 2-21-07; Am. Ord. 08-0698, passed 8-20-08; Am. Ord. 09-0800, passed 12-16-09; Am. Ord. 11-0924, passed 10-5-11; Am. Ord. 18-1482, passed 5-16-18)
§ 159.067 R-6, ATTACHED RESIDENTIAL (5-8 D.U./ACRE).
   (A)   Intent and purpose. The R-6 District is intended to serve as a buffer between the more standard single-family developments, higher density residential and business/commercial districts. While allowing for attached and townhouse designs, developments within this district should also retain, whenever possible, a single-family characteristic (such as by breaking up the mass of buildings and avoiding the look of expansive garages). The maximum allowable density within the R-6 District shall not exceed eight dwelling units per acre, and all development within an R-6 District shall be processed according to the requirements of §§ 159.150 through 159.159, planned unit developments of this chapter.
   (B)   Permitted uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)). The following uses are permitted within the R-6 district:
      (1)   Attached Residential/townhouses with special use permit approval according to the Planned Unit Development requirements of this chapter;
      (2)   Single family detached dwelling units;
      (3)   Home occupations, as regulated in § 159.034 of this chapter;
      (4)   Parks, forest preserves, and recreational areas, when publicly owned and operated;
      (5)   Off-street parking, as regulated in §§ 159.105 through 159.111 of this chapter;
      (6)   Signs, as regulated in §§ 159.121 through 159.133 of this chapter;
      (7)   Accessory uses, as regulated in § 159.020 of this chapter;
      (8)   Temporary buildings for construction purposes, for a period of time not to exceed construction, or not more than 24 months, whichever is less, unless otherwise approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission;
      (9)   Public utility facilities, as defined in the State Act entitled, "An Act Concerning Public Utilities"; and
      (10)   Personal communication facility, located on property owned by the village or other government entity.
   (C)   Special uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)). Upon recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission, after public hearing on the petition pertaining thereto, in accordance with the requirements set forth in § 159.176, special uses of this chapter, the corporate authorities of the village may, by "special use permit" allow the following in the R-6 District:
      (1)   Railroad rights-of-way and trackage, but not including classification yards, terminal facilities, or maintenance facilities;
      (2)   Private recreation areas or camps;
      (3)   Schools (elementary and secondary), including playgrounds and athletic fields auxiliary thereto;
      (4)   Churches and church-schools, and other places of worship;
      (5)   Public service uses, including:
         (a)   Filtration plants, pumping stations, and water reservoirs;
         (b)   Police, fire stations and, any public building erected by any governmental agency;
         (c)   Telephone exchange facilities; and
         (d)   Electric substations and booster stations.
      (6)   Day or nursery schools, public or private;
      (7)   Planned residential or institutional developments, under single ownership or control, in which incidental business or recreational facilities for the convenience of the occupants may be furnished. For such developments, the Village Board may vary the bulk regulations of this subchapter, provided the variations are consistent with the general purpose and intent of this sub-Chapter, and as set forth in §§ 159.150 through 159.159, and will result in better site planning and thus be of greater benefit both to the occupants of the development and the surrounding areas;
      (8)   Rest homes/nursing homes;
      (9)   Philanthropic and eleemosynary (charitable) institutions;
      (10)   Family care homes for the developmentally disabled, within 2,000 feet of an existing family or group care home for the developmentally disabled;
      (11)   Group care homes for the developmentally disabled, six to 15 residents. Such a home shall submit, as part of its application, a statement of the exact nature of the planned home, the qualifications of the agency or organization which will operate the home, a statement of the type and number of personnel which will be employed in the proposed home, and evidence that the home will comply with all federal, state, county, or local licenses or certificates which may be required by law for the type of program to be operated. The proposed home shall also conform with the following additional standards:
         (a)   Off street parking requirements, as regulated by §§ 159.105 through 159.111 of this chapter;
         (b)   The group care home will conform to the type and outward appearance of the residences in the area in which it is located. This provision shall in no way restrict the installation of any ramp or other special feature required to serve the disabled residents;
         (c)   To prevent the concentration of family group care homes for the developmentally disabled and impaction of a neighborhood by a high concentration of such residences, care shall be exercised when considering an application for a special use permit for such residences, which, if granted, would not increase the number of developmentally disabled persons within a 2,000 foot radius of the proposed home. This provision is intended to ensure that the capacity of a neighborhood's existing social structure to accommodate such homes is not exceeded and that a concentration of such homes does not develop that might inadvertently create an institutional setting which would impede the proper functioning of such homes;
         (d)   Group care homes shall be located in single-family detached dwellings only or in buildings designed solely and wholly for such use; and
         (e)   Exception shall be only as described in this section, group care homes for the developmentally disabled, with six to ten residents, shall be subject to no greater restrictions or requirements than those imposed upon all other residential uses in the zoning district in which the group care home is to be located.
      (12)   Personal communication facility (see § 159.021).
   (D)   Temporary uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)). Upon application to and issuance by the Zoning Administrator of a permit thereof, the following use may be operated as a temporary use: processing, screening, washing yards and plants of the quasi-temporary nature connected with the construction of roads which are normally removed when a specific purpose is completed, are permitted under this classification after a permit is obtained from the Building Inspector. This permit shall be effective for a period not to exceed six continuous months and shall not be renewed for more than one successive period at the same location.
   (E)   Accessory uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)). Accessory uses, buildings, or other structures and devices customarily incidental to and commonly associated with a permitted or special use may be permitted; provided they are operated and maintained under the same ownership and on the same parcel, do not include structures or structural features inconsistent with the permitted use or special use and do not involve the conduct of any business, trade, or industry. Accessory uses may include the following:
      (1)   Garages, carports, or other parking spaces for the exclusive use of residents or occupants of the premises;
      (2)   Real estate signs, not exceeding 12 square feet for each face that are setback from every property line at least ten feet;
      (3)   Gardening (the raising of vegetables and fruits) and keeping of household pets exclusively for the use and personal enjoyment of residents of the premises and not for commercial purposes.
   (F)   Site and structure requirements:
      (1)   Lot area and dwelling unit sizes. The following minimum lot areas and dwelling unit sizes shall apply within the district:
         (a)   For single family detached dwelling, lots shall be not less than 8,000 square feet in area and dwelling units shall be not less than 2,000 square feet in area;
         (b)   For townhomes/attached residential dwelling units there shall be a minimum lot area of not less than the following:
Size of Unit
Min. Lot Square Footage
Min. Unit Square Footage
4 Bedrooms
3 Bedrooms
2 Bedrooms
      (2)   Lot width/frontage. The minimum lot width for each lot within the district shall be as follows:
         (a)   Single family residential shall be not less than the requirements within the R-4, Single Family Residential District;
         (b)   Townhomes/attached residential shall be not less than 55 feet. Corner lots shall be not less than 75 feet.
      (3)   Lot depth. The minimum lot depth for each lot shall not be less than 90 feet.
      (4)   Building coverage. Building coverage shall not exceed 40%.
      (5)   Building height. No building within the R-6 District hereinafter constructed shall exceed 30 feet in height to the highest roof peak, or 2-1/2 stories, whichever is less.
      (6)   Setbacks.
         (a)   Front yards, shall be not less than 25 feet from the property line;
         (b)   Side yards.
            1.   Detached single family dwellings: shall not be less than a total combination of 15 feet, however, in no instance shall any side yard be less than five feet from the property line. Corner side yards shall not be less than 20 feet.
            2.   Townhomes and attached residential dwellings: shall not be less than ten feet from the property line, except that interior side yards shall not be required. Corner side yards shall not be less than 20 feet.
         (c)   Rear yards, shall be not less than 25 feet from the property line;
         (d)   Minimum building separations.
            1.   Front to front, rear to rear or front to rear shall be not less than 50 feet;
            2.   End to end (side to side) shall be not less than 20 feet;
            3.   Front to end, rear to end shall be not less than 35 feet;
            4.   Corner to corner (point to point) shall be not less than 35 feet;
         (e)   Minimum contiguous area shall be not less than ten acres.
      (7)   Floor area ratio (F.A.R.). For all uses the floor area ratio for each lot shall not exceed sixty-five tenths (0.65).
      (8)   Lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage shall be 50%.
      (9)   Minimum landscape coverage. The minimum landscape coverage shall be 50%.
      (10)   Number of units per building. a maximum of four units shall be allowed per building.
   (G)   Building design guidelines.
      (1)   Facades.
         (a)   The primary facade of each home shall face the public street.
         (b)   Facades must be articulated. Articulation may take the form of staggering the wall of the building as well as through porches, bay or bow windows and balconies.
         (c)   All building facades must be constructed primarily of brick or stone. High quality accent materials, such as cedar siding and vinyl siding (0.46 minimum thickness), may be incorporated into the design provided that they do not cumulatively cover more than 25% of the primary facade and that they do not cumulatively cover more than 50% of any other facade.
      (2)   Architectural detail.
The primary facade must include at least two of the following architectural elements. Any other street-facing facade must include at least one of the following architectural elements:
         (a)   Porches (minimum five-foot projection);
         (b)   Second-story balconies (minimum five-foot projection) or balconets;
         (c)   Roof overhangs (minimum one-foot projection);
         (d)   Bay or bow windows;
         (e)   Cantilevered windows;
         (f)   Chimney breasts;
         (g)   Copper design elements including accent roofs (copper flashing to brick exterior must be wraggle cut / saw cut into brick and remortered) and copper gutter flashing;
         (h)   Stone accent pieces;
         (i)   Pediments over windows and doors;
   The elements must be incorporated into the design of the buildings so that they are compatible with the building's architectural style and also harmonious with the architecture and scale of the neighborhood.
      (3)   Entrances.
         (a)   The primary entry and door to each structure shall face the public street.
         (b)   Tunnel-like entrances shall be avoided. No entry shall be recessed more than six feet from the face of the primary facade, exclusive of porches.
      (4)   Fenestration.
         (a)   Windows shall be incorporated into all facades.
         (b)   Windows must cover 15% of the facade area. No section of blank wall may exist that is greater than 15 linear feet without being interrupted by a window. This standard applies to living areas as well as to accessory structures such as garages and sheds.
      (5)   Parking/garages.
         (a)   Off-street guest parking areas must be incorporated into the design of all developments with six or more dwelling units. One parking space shall be provided for each three homes, to a maximum of ten parking spaces. This requirement excludes any parking that may be provided on driveways.
         (b)   A minimum two-car garage shall be incorporated into each dwelling unit.
         (c)   The garage shall be designed so as not to dominate the primary facade of the building. Garages may be located as follows:
            1.   Setback six feet from the primary facade of the building;
            2.   Side loaded with windows along the primary facade and elements to give a uniform appearance with the rest of the dwelling;
            3.   Projecting no more than 4 feet in front of the primary facade but must include living space (with windows) above.
         (d)   All garage doors must include raised panels and windows in order to reduce their monotonous appearance.
         (e)   Garage doors must be recessed a minimum of eight inches from the face of the garage so as to cast a shadow on the door thereby reducing its appearance.
      (6)   Roofing.
         (a)   Roofs must be covered in architectural shingles (300 lb.), slate roof, clay tile, or laminated clay tile replica.
         (b)   The color of roof-top vents must match the roofing material.
      (7)   Landscaping.
         (a)   Foundation landscaping consisting of shade and ornamental trees, evergreens, shrubbery, hedges, flowers, and/or other live planting materials shall be incorporated around all buildings. Particular attention shall be paid toward screening mechanical equipment softening large expanses of building walls; and accenting entrances and architectural features of the unit(s).
         (b)   Clusters of landscaping shall be planted strategically in rear and side yards of townhouses to provide privacy to residents. Whenever possible, landscaping should be used to minimize views directly into neighbors windows.
         (c)   An irrigation system shall be installed in all landscape areas.
      (8)   Anti-monotony.
         (a)   No two single-family dwellings of identical front elevation, or facade, shall be constructed or located on adjacent lots, nor shall there be constructed or located more than 15% of single-family dwellings of the same elevation or facade in any block. A change in front elevation or facade shall be deemed to exist when there is a substantial difference in roof line, type and location of windows, and/or kind and arrangement of materials.
         (b)   There shall not be constructed or located more than 15% of townhomes/ single-family attached dwellings of the same elevation or facade in any block. A change in the front elevation or facade shall be deemed to exist when there is a substantial difference in roof line, type and location of windows, and or kind and arrangement of material.
   (H)   Possible variance process.
      (1)   Residential buildings or structures which demonstrate exceptional architectural merit and an intention to provide diversification to the housing stock of the Village of Romeoville may, upon application made to the Village Board of Trustees, be granted a variance from the provisions of this chapter requiring the use of particular materials for exterior finishes to allow the use of different materials or to allow the use of a different percentage or proportion of the materials otherwise required in the exterior finish of such a structure, but no such variance shall be available or granted to allow the use of aluminum siding, or imitation brick or stone sheeting.
      (2)   Furthermore, and without otherwise limiting any term or provision of this chapter, or of any amendment thereto, any person proposing to construct any accessory structure that demonstrates either architectural merit, planning excellence or a commitment to diversifying the housing stock of the Village of Romeoville may upon application made to the Village Board be granted a variance from the provisions of this chapter regarding the use of particular materials for exterior finishes to allow the use of different materials or to allow the use of a different percentage or proportion of materials otherwise required for the exterior finish of such structure, provided that the Village Board determines, based upon evidence presented by the applicant, that the proposed variance will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood in which the property is located, that the proposed variance will not be injurious to other property in the neighborhood in which the property is located, and that the proposed variance will not substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood in which the property is located.
(Am. Ord. 05-0266, passed 4-6-05; Am. Ord. 05-0285, passed 6-15-05; Am. Ord. 06-0369, passed 2-1-06; Am. Ord. 07-0508, passed 2-21-07; Am. Ord. 08-0698, passed 8-20-08; Am. Ord. 09-0800, passed 12-16- 09; Am. Ord. 11-0924, passed 10-5-11; Am. Ord. 18-1482, passed 5-16-18)
§ 159.068 R-7, GENERAL RESIDENTIAL (9-12 D.U./ACRE).
   (A)   Intent and purpose. The R-7 District is intended to provide areas for higher density residential development, and to serve as a buffer between more standard single family development and commercial or other land uses that are incompatible with single family developments. The minimum acreage for a R-7 District shall not be less than 15 acres, and the maximum allowable density shall not exceed 12 dwelling units per net buildable acre. All developments within an R-7 District shall be processed in accordance with the requirements of §§ 159.150 through 159.159. Planned unit developments of this chapter.
   (B)   Permitted uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)). The following uses are permitted within the R-7 district:
      (1)   Single family detached dwelling units;
      (2)   Parks, forest preserves, and recreational areas, when publicly owned and operated;
      (3)   Signs, as regulated in §§ 159.121 through 159.133 of this chapter;
      (4)   Off-street parking, as regulated in §§ 159.105 through 159.111 of this chapter;
      (5)   Temporary buildings for construction purposes, for a period of time not to exceed construction, or not more than 24 months, whichever is less, unless otherwise approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission; and
      (6)   Public utility facilities, as defined in the State Act entitled, "An Act Concerning Public Utilities";
      (7)   Attached housing and townhouses with special use permit approval according to the Planned Unit Development requirements of this chapter;
      (8)   Multiple family dwelling units with special use permit approval according to the Planned Unit Development requirements of this chapter; and
      (9)   Personal communication facility, located on property owned by the village or other government entity.
   (C)   Special uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)). Upon recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission, after public hearing on the petition pertaining thereto, in accordance with the requirements set forth in § 159.176, special uses of this chapter, the corporate authorities of the village may, by "special use permit" allow the following in the R-7 District:
      (1)   Railroad rights-of-way and trackage, but not including classification yards, terminal facilities, or maintenance facilities;
      (2)   Private recreation areas or camps;
      (3)   Schools (elementary and secondary), including playgrounds and athletic fields ancillary thereto;
      (4)   Churches and church-schools, and other places of worship;
      (5)   Public service uses, including:
         (a)   Filtration plants, pumping stations, and water reservoirs;
         (b)   Police, fire stations and, any public building erected by any governmental agency;
         (c)   Telephone exchange facilities; and
         (d)   Electric substations and booster stations.
      (6)   Day or nursery schools, public or private;
      (7)   Planned residential or institutional developments, under single ownership or control, in which incidental business or recreational facilities for the convenience of the occupants may be furnished. For such developments, the Village Board may vary the bulk regulations of this subchapter, provided the variations are consistent with the general purpose and intent of this subchapter, and as set forth in §§ 159.150 through 159.159, and will result in better site planning and thus be of greater benefit both to the occupants of the development and the surrounding areas;
      (8)   Rest Homes/nursing homes;
      (9)   Philanthropic and eleemosynary institutions;
      (10)   Home occupations as regulated in § 159.034 of this chapter;
      (11)   Family care homes for the developmentally disabled, not within 2,000 feet of an existing family or group care home for the developmentally disabled;
      (12)   Group care homes for the developmentally disabled, six to 15 residents. Such a home shall submit, as part of its application, a statement of the exact nature of the planned home, the qualifications of the agency or organization which will operate the home, a statement of the type and number of personnel which will be employed in the proposed home, and evidence that the home will comply with all federal, state, county, or local licenses or certificates which may be required by law for the type of program to be operated. The proposed home shall also conform with the following additional standards:
         (a)   Off street parking requirements, as regulated by §§ 159.105 through 159.111 of this chapter;
         (b)   The group care home will conform to the type and outward appearance of the residences in the area in which it is located. This provision shall in no way restrict the installation of any ramp or other special feature required to serve the disabled residents;
         (c)   To prevent the concentration of family group care homes for the developmentally disabled and impaction of a neighborhood by a high concentration of such residences, care shall be exercised when considering an application for a special use permit for such residences, which, if granted, would not increase the number of developmentally disabled persons within a 2,000 foot radius of the proposed home. This provision is intended to ensure that the capacity of a neighborhood's existing social structure to accommodate such homes is not exceeded and that a concentration of such homes does not develop that might inadvertently create an institutional setting which would impede the proper functioning of such homes;
         (d)   Group care homes shall be located in single-family detached dwellings only or in buildings designed solely and wholly for such use; and
         (e)   Exception shall be only as described in this section, group care homes for the developmentally disabled, with six to ten residents, shall be subject to no greater restrictions or requirements than those imposed upon all other residential uses in the zoning district in which the group care home is to be located.
      (13)   Mobile home park, as described herein. An authorized mobile home park under the guidelines of a planned unit development with a special use permit shall provide areas for the development of modern mobile home parks, complete with amenities normally found in standard single-family areas. Mobile home parks should be located in such a way as to minimize their impact on more standard residential development, but not so far removed from the community services and facilities. All developments of this type shall be processed according to §§ 159.150 through 159.162 Planned Unit Developments of this chapter:
         (a)   Site and structure requirements.
            1.   Lot area. The minimum area for each unsubdivided mobile home site shall be not less than 6,000 square feet;
            2.   Lot width. The minimum width for each unsubdivided mobile home site shall be 50 feet, and on corner lots, 65 feet;
            3.   Setbacks. The minimum distances between structures shall be as follows:
Front to Front
Not less than 25 feet
Side to Side
Not less than 15 feet
Rear to Rear
Not Less than 20 feet
Front to Side
Same as Front to Front
Front to Rear
Same as Front to Front
Rear to Side
Same as Side to Side
         (b)   Patio. Each mobile home site shall provide an appropriate outdoor living space to supplement the interior living space of a mobile home, either by constructing a deck or patio with conformance to the setbacks above.
            1.   Size. The minimum size of each mobile home patio shall be 180 square feet;
            2.   Location. Every patio location shall be convenient to the entrance of the mobile home, appropriately related to the open areas of the site and other facilities, fitted to terrain and natural features, and related to anticipated mobile home models;
            3.   Elevation. Where practical, the patio shall be at an elevation at least as high as the elevation of its mobile home stand. Where topographical conditions permit, the mobile home patio and adjoining yard area on the entry side of the mobile home may be as much as two feet higher than the mobile home stand in order that the level of the patio and outdoor living area will be close to the floor level of an in place mobile home. The grade difference between the patio and the stand may be taken up by a retaining wall or cribbing or by an earth slope. Where the patio is higher than the mobile home stand, adequate surface drainage of the mobile home stand shall be provided across the other side or ends of the stand.
         (c)   Tenant storage facilities. Storage facilities shall be provided on or conveniently near each mobile home site for the active storage of outdoor equipment, furniture, or tools and for the inactive storage of such other materials as are used only seasonally or infrequently by the typical tenant and which can not be conventionally stored in a typical mobile home. There shall be a minimum of 90 cubic feet provided for general storage for each mobile home site. Storage facilities shall be designed in a manner that will enhance the appearance of the park and shall be constructed of suitable weather resistant materials appropriate for the use and maintenance contemplated.
         (d)   Density. The total density of any mobile home park shall not exceed seven units per acre.
         (e)   Mobile home stand. That part of an individual lot reserved for the placement of the mobile home shall be called the mobile home stand, and shall conform to the following standards:
            1.   Placement. The mobile home stand shall be so placed as to provide for the practical placement to the site of both the mobile home and its appurtenant structures, and the retention of the mobile home on the site in a stable condition and its satisfactory relationship to its surroundings;
            2.   Size. The size of the mobile home stand shall be suitable for the mobile home to be served by the individual park and suitable to fit the dimensions of the mobile home to be placed on said site, including such appurtenant structures or appendages thereto;
            3.   Location. The location of each mobile home stand shall be at such elevation, distance, and angle in relation to the adjoining street and the mobile home lot driveway that placement and removal of the mobile home is practical;
            4.   Construction. The mobile home stand shall be constructed so as to conform with applicable standards and specifications of the village;
            5.   Gradient. There shall be a minimum of 2% longitudinal and adequate crown for cross gradient and surface drainage.
         (f)   Skirting. Every mobile home hereafter placed in the village shall have skirting around its full outside perimeter. Such skirting shall extend from the base of the mobile home to ground level. All skirting placed on a mobile home shall be compatible and consistent with both the design and exterior color of the mobile home. The owner of a mobile home shall be responsible for the placement and maintenance of such skirting on a mobile home.
         (g)   Anchor tie-down. Every mobile home hereinafter placed in the village shall have devices for anchoring such mobile home so as to prevent uplift or overturning. All cables used for anchoring shall themselves be anchored in concrete. No anchoring cable shall extend beyond the outside perimeter of the mobile home. The owner of the mobile home shall be responsible for ensuring that such mobile home is so anchored.
         (h)   Streets and walks. The construction of all streets shall conform to the standards and specifications of the village as required in Chapter 158, Development Regulations. In order to minimize wind forces, every attempt shall be made to provide for curvilinear street layout and design. The construction of all sidewalks, as required, shall be made in conformity with the standards and specification of the village, as provided in Chapter 158, Development Regulations. Also, individual walkways to each mobile home stand shall be provided, extending from the adjacent parking area and in conformity with the standards and specifications as noted above.
         (i)   Public utilities. All utilities shall be located underground as required in Chapter 158. Each mobile home shall be connected to public water and sanitary facilities and natural gas lines. Gas storage tanks, including tanks storing propane shall not be permitted.
         (j)   Park Attendant. Every mobile home park shall be at all times under the charge of an attendant or manager, whose duties shall include the maintenance of the park and its facilities and equipment in a clean, orderly, and sanitary condition, and who shall be answerable for any violation of the provisions of this section.
         (k)   Off-street parking. Off-street parking shall be provided as required in §§ 159.105 through 159.111 of this chapter.
         (1)   Building height. Building height shall be as follows:
            1.   Mobile homes, not more than one story; and
            2.   Non-residential permitted and special uses, not more than 30 feet.
         (m)   Minimum dwelling unit size shall be as follows:
            1.   Two or fewer bedrooms, 600 square feet; and
            2.   Three or more bedrooms, 1,200 square feet.
         (n)   Floor area ratio (FAR). Maximum FAR shall be as follows:
            1.   Mobile homes, not applicable; and
            2.   For non-residential uses, the FAR for each lot shall not exceed six tenths (0.6).
         (o)   Additions to mobile homes. No permanent structure shall be affixed to any mobile home, except for a canopy, awning, garage, carport, deck or patio designed for use with the particular mobile home. The site coverage of a mobile home, together with any expansion or accessory structure permitted thereto by the section shall not exceed 30% of the total mobile home site area.
         (p)   Dwelling unit restrictions. Dwelling units other than approved mobile homes shall not be permitted within a mobile home park, and mobile homes may be located only within an approved mobile home park, and on approved mobile home sites.
         (q)   Fire extinguishers. Every mobile home shall be equipped with one two and on half-pound fire extinguisher's, Type ABC, which shall be located in the kitchen area of the mobile home. The owner of the mobile home shall be responsible for ensuring that such fire extinguishers are so placed and operation at all times.
         (r)   Dependent mobile homes and trailers. In no event shall a dependent mobile home, non-permanent shelter, or other vehicle designed for sleeping purposes, other than an independent mobile home, be permitted for occupancy at any time in a mobile home park. trailers, campers, and other accessory vehicles, including boats, shall not be located within a mobile home park unless placed within an approved storage area designed for the collective placement of all such trailers, campers, boats, and other accessory buildings.
         (s)   Record keeping. Each mobile home park shall be provided with a custodian's office where each mobile home entering such park shall be assigned to a site, given a copy of the park rules and regulations, and registered according to the prescribed form. Such registration shall include the name and address of the owner and every occupant of such mobile home and the square feet of floor space contained in such mobile home. Such registration shall also include the license number of such mobile home and of the towing vehicle as well as the state issuing such licenses. The registration shall be signed by the owner or operator of the mobile home. No person shall furnish misinformation for purposes of registration. The registration records shall be neatly and securely maintained, and no registration shall be destroyed until six years have elapsed following the date of registration. The register shall be available at all times for inspection by the Village Manager or his or her designee.
         (t)   Certificate of title. No mobile home shall be admitted to a mobile home park if it does not display, in accordance with Section 3-120 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, Approved July 1, 1970, as amended, a display certificate of title. No mobile home park operator shall admit a mobile home that does not display proper certificate of title.
         (u)   Landlord and Tenant Act. Prior to the placement of a mobile home in a mobile home park, and upon the renewal of the mobile home site lease, the owner of the mobile home park shall provide for each mobile home in the mobile home park a current copy of the State Mobile Home Landlord and Tenant Act.
         (v)   Removal of tongue, hitch and wheels. Upon the placement of a mobile home within a mobile home park, the owner of such mobile home shall remove from the mobile home the tongue, hitch, and wheels.
         (w)   Lease restrictions. All leases for each mobile home site shall be for not less than one year in duration.
         (x)   Permits required. In addition to the approval of a planned unit development with special use permits, the owner of a mobile home park shall obtain or cause to be obtained the following:
            1.   A building permit for all structures, permanent facilities, mobile home stands and accessory structures;
            2.   Individual occupancy permits for all mobile homes upon initial placement of the mobile home on the mobile home site, any subsequent relocation of the mobile home within the mobile home park, or any subsequent re-occupancy of the mobile home;
            3.   A disconnect permit for any mobile home relocated within a mobile home park or removed from a mobile home park; and
            4.   License fees. In addition to the application fee, the licensee shall pay to the village on or before January 1 of each year an annual license fee as follows:
1 to 10 lots
$400 plus $40 per lot
11 to 50 lots
$650 plus $40 per lot
51 to 100 lots
$800 plus $40 per lot
101 to 500 lots
$1,000 plus $50 per lot
501 or more lots
$1,500 plus $60 per lot
            5.   Any license grantee hereunder shall be subject to revocation or suspension by the village, provided, however, that the village shall first serve or cause to be served on the licensee a written notice in which shall be specified the way or ways in which the licensee has failed to comply with the regulations herein. The village shall require the licensee to remove or abate the nuisance or unsanitary or objectionable condition specified in the notice within ten days.
         (y)   Street lights. Street lights, parkway trees, and other non-roadway improvements shall be provided as required in Chapter 158.
      (14)   Personal communication facility (see § 159.021).
   (D)   Temporary uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)). Upon application to and issuance by the Zoning Administrator of a permit thereof, the following use may be operated as a temporary use: processing, screening, washing yards and plants of the quasi-temporary nature connected with the construction of roads which are normally removed when a specific purpose is completed, are permitted under this classification after a permit is obtained from the Building Officer. This permit shall be effective for a period not to exceed six continuous months and shall not be renewed for more than one successive period at the same location.
   (E)   Accessory uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)). Accessory uses, buildings, or other structures and devices customarily incidental to and commonly associated with a permitted or special use may be permitted; provided they are operated and maintained under the same ownership and on the same parcel, do not include structures or structural features inconsistent with the permitted use or special use and do not involve the conduct of any business, trade, or industry. Accessory uses may include the following:
      (1)   Garages, carports, or other parking spaces for the exclusive use of residents or occupants of the premises;
      (2)   Real estate signs, not exceeding 12 square feet for each face that are setback from every property line at least ten feet.
   (F)   Site and structure requirements:
      (1)   Lot area. The minimum lot areas shall apply within the district:
         (a)   For single family detached dwelling units there shall be not less than 8,000 square feet;
         (b)   For townhomes/attached residential dwelling units there shall be a minimum lot area of not less than the following:
Size of Unit
Min. Lot Square Footage
Min. Unit Square Footage
3 Bedrooms
2 Bedrooms
1 Bedroom
      (2)   Lot width/frontage. The minimum lot width for each lot shall be not less than 50 feet. Corner lots shall be not less than 70 feet.
      (3)   Lot depth. The minimum lot depth for each lot shall not be less than 80 feet.
      (4)   Building coverage. Building coverage shall not exceed 40%.
      (5)   Building height. No building within the R-7 District hereinafter constructed shall exceed 40 feet in height to the highest roof peak, or 3-1/2 stories, whichever is less.
      (6)   Setbacks.
         (a)   Front yards, shall be not less than 25 feet from the property line;
         (b)   1.   Townhomes/attached residential side yards shall be not less than 20 feet from the property line and interior sides shall not be required;
            2.   Multiple family side yards shall not be less than 20 feet from the property line;
         (c)   Rear yards, shall be not less than 25 feet from the property line;
         (d)   Minimum building separations, townhomes/attached residential:
            1.   Front to front, rear to rear or front to rear shall be not less than 50 feet;
            2.   End to end (side to side) shall be not less than 20 feet;
            3.   Front to end, rear to end shall be not less than 35 feet;
            4.   Corner to corner (point to point) shall be not less than 35 feet;
         (e)   Minimum building separations, multiple family residential:
            1.   Front to front, rear to rear or front to rear shall be not less than 50 feet;
            2.   End to end (side to side) shall be not less than 30 feet;
            3.   Front to end, rear to end shall be not less than 35 feet;
            4.   Corner to corner (point to point) shall be not less than 35 feet;
         (f)   Minimum contiguous area shall be not less than 15 acres.
      (7)   Floor area ratio (F.A.R.). For all uses the Floor area ratio for each lot shall not exceed sixty-five tenths (0.65).
      (8)   Lot Coverage. The maximum lot coverage shall be 50%.
      (9)   Minimum Landscape Coverage. The minimum landscape coverage shall be 50%.
(Am. Ord. 05-0285, passed 6-15- 05; Am. Ord. 06-0369, passed 2- 1-06; Am. Ord. 07-0508, passed 2-21-07; Am. Ord. 09-0800, passed 12-16-09; Am. Ord. 11- 0924, passed 10-5-11; Am. Ord. 18-1482, passed 5-16-18)
   (A)   Intent and purpose. The R-5A District is intended to reflect the historic development patterns of the older areas within the community. The district allows for the smaller lot sizes and setbacks prevalent when the homes were built. The purpose of the R-5A district is to encourage investment in older subdivisions. Corner lots sharing rear lot lines, as defined above, shall be treated as interior lots for the purpose of locating accessory structures, provided, however, that the corner side yard is enclosed by a fence not less than four feet in height.
   (B)   Permitted uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)). The following uses are permitted within the R-5A district:
      (1)   Single family detached dwelling units;
      (2)   [Reserved];
      (3)   Home occupations, as regulated in § 159.034 of this chapter;
      (4)   Parks, forest preserves, and recreational areas, when publicly owned and operated;
      (5)   Off-street parking, as regulated in §§ 159.105 through 159.111 of this chapter;
      (6)   Signs, as regulated in §§ 159.121 through 159.133 of this chapter;
      (7)   Accessory uses, as regulated in § 159.020 of this chapter;
      (8)   Temporary buildings for construction purposes, for a period of time not to exceed construction, or not more than 24 months, whichever is less, unless otherwise approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission;
      (9)   Public utility facilities, as defined in the State Act entitled, "An Act Concerning Public Utilities"; and
      (10)   Personal communication facility, located on property owned by the village or other government entity.
   (C)   Special uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)). Upon recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission, after public hearing on the petition pertaining thereto, in accordance with the requirements set forth in § 159.176, special uses of this chapter, the corporate authorities of the village may, by "special use permit" allow the following in the R-5 District:
      (1)   Railroad rights-of-way and trackage, but not including classification yards, terminal facilities, or maintenance facilities;
      (2)   Private recreation areas or camps;
      (3)   Schools (elementary and secondary), including playgrounds and athletic fields auxiliary thereto;
      (4)   Churches and church-schools, and other places of worship;
      (5)   Public service uses, including:
         (a)   Filtration plants, pumping stations, and water reservoirs;
         (b)   Police, fire stations and, any public building erected by any governmental agency;
         (c)   Telephone exchange facilities; and
         (d)   Electric substations and booster stations.
      (6)   Day or nursery schools, public or private;
      (7)   Planned residential or institutional developments, under single ownership or control, in which incidental business or recreational facilities for the convenience of the occupants may be furnished. For such developments, the Village Board may vary the bulk regulations of this subchapter, provided the variations are consistent with the general purpose and intent of this subchapter, and as set forth in §§ 159.150 through 159.159, and will result in better site planning and thus be of greater benefit both to the occupants of the development and the surrounding areas;
      (8)   Personal communication facility (see § 159.021); and
      (9)   Group care home, as defined herein.
   (D)   Temporary uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)). Upon application to and issuance by the Zoning Administrator of a permit thereof, the following use may be operated as a temporary use: processing, screening, washing yards and plants of the quasi-temporary nature connected with the construction of roads which are normally removed when a specific purpose is completed, are permitted under this classification after a permit is obtained from the Building Officer. This permit shall be effective for a period not to exceed six continuous months and shall not be renewed for more than one successive period at the same location.
   (E)   Accessory uses (see land use chart, § 159.060(G)). Accessory uses, buildings, or other structures and devices customarily incidental to and commonly associated with a permitted or special use may be permitted; provided they are operated and maintained under the same ownership and on the same parcel, do not include structures or structural features inconsistent with the permitted use or special use and do not involve the conduct of any business, trade, or industry. Accessory uses may include the following:
      (1)   Garages, carports, or other parking spaces for the exclusive use of residents or occupants of the premises (see § 159.020);
      (2)   Real estate signs, not exceeding 12 square feet for each face that are setback from every property line at least ten feet;
      (3)   Gardening (the raising of vegetables and fruits) and keeping of household pets exclusively for the use and personal enjoyment of residents of the premises and not for commercial purposes.
   (F)   Site and structure requirements.
      (1)   Lot area. The minimum area for each lot shall be not less than 6,000 square feet (0.13 acres).
      (2)   Lot width/frontage. The minimum lot width for each lot shall be not less than 60 feet. Corner lots shall be not less than 80 feet.
      (3)   Lot depth. The minimum lot depth for each lot shall not be less than 100 feet.
      (4)   Building coverage. Building coverage shall not exceed 40%.
      (5)   Building height. No building within the R-5A District hereinafter constructed shall exceed 30 feet in height to the highest roof peak, or 2-1/2 stories, whichever is less.
      (6)   Setbacks.
         (a)   Front yards, shall be not less than 22 feet from the property line;
         (b)   Side yards, shall be not less than five feet from the property line. Corner lot side yards shall not be less than 20 feet; and
         (c)   Rear yards, shall be not less than 20 feet from the property line.
      (7)   Floor area ratio (F.A.R.). For all uses the floor area ratio for each lot shall not exceed sixty-five tenths (0.65).
      (8)   Minimum dwelling unit size.
         (a)   Two bedrooms, 1,100 square feet;
         (b)   Three bedrooms, 1,200 square feet;
         (c)   Four bedrooms, 1,300 square feet.
      (9)   Lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage shall be 50%.
      (10)   Minimum landscape coverage. The minimum landscape coverage shall be 50%.
   (G)   The only territories that can be zoned to the R-5A district are those territories where more than 75% of the dwelling units were built prior to 1975.
(Am. Ord. 05-0285, passed 6-15- 05; Am. Ord. 05-0313, passed 2- 1-06; Am. Ord. 06-0369, passed 2-1-06; Am. Ord. 07-0508, passed 2-21-07; Am. Ord. 08-0698, passed 8-20-08; Am. Ord. 09- 0800, passed 12-16-09; Am. Ord. 11-0924, passed 10-5-11; Am. Ord. 18-1482, passed 5-16-18)