(A) Intent and purpose. Uniform standards and procedures shall be established to manage the development, siting, installation, and operation of solar energy collection conversion systems (SECS) and small wind energy systems (SWES) to ensure that these devices are installed in a manner that will protect and promote public health and safety and preserve the character of the village.
(B) Definitions.
(1) "SMALL WIND ENERGY SYSTEMS (SWES)." A wind energy conversion system consisting of a wind turbine, a tower or post and associated controls of conversion electronics that is located on the ground as an accessory use/structure and with a nameplate capacity of less than 50 kilowatts for residential systems and less than 100 kilowatts for nonresidential systems.
(2) "SOLAR ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEMS (SECS)." Solar energy collection panels are a type of photovoltaic (PV) system that collects energy from sunlight and converts it into usable energy for a building.
(C) Solar energy conversion systems (SECS).
(1) Solar panels shall be permitted on any roof in any zoning district as a permitted accessory use. No freestanding solar panels shall be allowed in any residential district.
(2) All frame and visible structural parts of the panels shall be neutral in color. No solar panel shall be artificially lighted.
(3) A building permit is required and the application shall conform to electrical/ building code for wind and load requirements.
(4) Solar panels shall be used primarily to generate energy for the property where it is located.
(5) Roof coverage shall not exceed more than 50% of the total roof surface of a structure.
(6) No solar panel shall be located closer than ten feet from an adjacent property line.
(7) Solar panels shall be parallel with the roof line when possible especially when visible from the right-of- way and shall not be elevated more than 30 degrees off the roof pitch where it is attached or no more than five feet whichever is less.
(Ord. 17-1420, passed 12-6-17)
To establish the A-1, Agricultural District with its intent to maintain existing farmland and certain related uses as principal and primary uses of the land; To provide for the preservation of fertile and tillable soils as a natural resource; To provide open areas which contribute to the stability of the environment and enhancement of air and water quality; and, To provide for a continuation of the food supply for local residents, county, state as well as the world.
The following uses are permitted within the district:
(A) Agricultural activities:
(1) Farming, horticulture, forestry, crop and tree farming, truck farming, gardening, dairy farming, stock raising, horse breeding, domestic animals, poultry breeding and raising, together with the operation of any machinery or vehicles incidental to the above uses;
(2) Research and/or experimental farms;
(3) Greenhouses and/or nurseries;
(4) Roadside stand for the display of agricultural products raised on the premises but not including live animals and provided that the stand shall contain not more than 600 square feet of floor area. Such stands or produce offered for sale shall be located not less than 50 feet from the center line of the highway, except a temporary roadside stand may be located not less than 20 feet from the nearest edge of pavement. They shall be placed at such locations only during the harvest season of produce offered for sale and shall contain not more than 200 square feet of floor area. Each roadside stand shall have facilities approved by the Zoning Administrator for vehicle ingress and egress and adequate off-street parking;
(5) Farmer's market.
(B) Residential uses:
(1) Farm homestead on a parcel which meets the site and structure requirements within this district.
(2) A single family detached dwelling on a parcel which was legally created consisting of five acres or more, recorded on or before the amendment date of this chapter/section.
(C) Cemeteries, including any mausoleum located thereon;
(D) Public buildings erected by any governmental agency;
(E) Meeting halls and offices for agricultural, horticultural, rural, or public conservation agencies;
(F) One sign not larger than 20 square feet in area pertaining to the sale, lease or identification of the premises on which it is located or the sale of products produced thereon;
(G) Poultry farms;
(H) The storage and grinding of grain, farm products and machinery and equipment related thereto;
(I) Truck gardening, nurseries, mushroom barns and apiaries;
(J) Waterways and such hydraulic power plants and terminals as may be erected by the village, county, state or federal government or by the Greater Metropolitan Sanitary District of Chicago;
(K) Golf courses, club houses and country clubs;
(L) Dog kennels not nearer than 500 feet to any zone, residential district, or an existing dwelling other than the dwelling of the owner or lessee of the property;
(M) Essential services such as: gas regulatory stations, telephone exchanges, electric substations, and well sites, which are not municipally/governmentally owned;
(N) Transmission pipelines, utilities, easements and rights-of-way not directly serving a specific premises, but used for the general transportation of the pipelines, utilities, product, or services;
(O) Railroad rights-of-way and passenger stations;
(P) Uses not explicitly enumerated in this section as permitted uses, but closely similar thereto, provided those uses are not explicitly mentioned as permitted or special uses elsewhere in this chapter.
(Am. Ord. 12-0984, passed 5-2-12)
The following uses may be allowed by a "special use permit' in accordance with the provisions of § 159.176 of this chapter, and provided the uses are located on a lot of not less than five acres with a minimum width of 400 feet and a minimum depth of 400 feet. If a "special use permit" is granted and portions of the property are sold reducing the lot size to less than four acres or reducing the width or depth of the property to less than 400 feet the "special use permit" will be deemed to have been revoked concurrent to that action. The following uses are special uses within the district:
(A) Mining or extraction of minerals, sand, gravel, topsoil, or other aggregates, including equipment, buildings, or structures for screening, crushing, mixing, washing, or storage, provided that:
(1) No open pit or shaft will be less than 200 feet from any property line or public roadway;
(2) All buildings or structures shall be located not less than 200 feet from any property line;
(3) The borders of the property shall be fenced with a solid fence or wall at least six feet in height when the property is adjacent to or across the street from any district other than an industrial district;
(4) A plan of development for the reclamation of the land shall be provided as part of the application for the special use permit. The plan of development shall be accompanied by a written agreement between the owner or his agent and the village and a performance bond in an amount equal to the cost of the reclamation of the land as set forth in the development plan;
(5) No blasting or other use of explosives is permitted unless specifically requested and authorized within the special use permit after the required public hearing by the Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC). If permitted by the Village Board, blasting must conform to the following standards:
(a) The use handling and detonation of explosives (sometimes referred to as "blasting") in connection with said quarrying operations shall be under the direct supervision of persons having the requisite experience and knowledge to conduct such operations with safety. If such persons are hereafter required to be licensed by any federal agency, state or county, such persons shall meet the licensing requirements and obtain such license and furnish such proof to the village.
(b) The storage of explosives shall be in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations and shall be stored in magazines, buildings, or structures which shall meet the safety requirements of such laws and regulations.
(c) Blasting procedures shall be in accordance with modern techniques, generally accepted in the quarrying industry, whereby a shot shall consist of a series of drill holes containing quantities of explosives fired or detonated in sequence of multiple delays at intervals of milliseconds, so as to counteract and reduce the ground motion or earthborne vibration from each successive detonation (sometimes referred to as "short period delay blasting"). Blasting procedures shall be designed, on the basis of maximum charge per delay (that is, quantity of explosives in pounds per detonation) and distances in feet, so that the maximum ground vibration intensity shall not exceed 0.5 inches per second of ground particle velocity resulting from any shot or blast measured by any one of three mutually perpendicular planes of ground motion as recorded at the nearest existing building.
(d) Blasting procedures shall be subject to and comply with the applicable lawful requirements of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, Illinois Department of Mines and Minerals, Mine Enforcement and Safety Administration (MESA) of the United States Department of the Interior, and any other governmental agency having jurisdiction thereof.
(e) Blasting procedures shall be in conformity with approved safety regulations, customs, and practices generally accepted in the quarrying industry, and the safety regulations of governmental agencies having jurisdiction thereof.
(f) Compliance with the provision of these regulations governing blasting procedures and quarrying operations shall be subject to review and inspection from time-to-time by authorized village officials, upon reasonable prior notice and during reasonable business hours.
(g) The actual detonation of any blast will be restrictive to the local time period between 1:30 pm and 4:30 pm Monday through Saturday of each week. No blasting shall take place on Sunday or on the following legal holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
(B) Parks and forest preserves.
(C) Essential services, including, but not limited to: police and fire stations, communication reception and transmission facilities, public utilities, gas regulator stations, telephone exchanges, electric substations.
(D) Membership riding clubs, including but not limited to polo clubs, rodeo clubs and similar uses.
(E) Agribusiness uses:
(1) Riding stables, not nearer than 500 feet to any zoned residential district or 500 feet from an existing dwelling other than the dwelling of the owner or lessee of the site, but not less than 100 feet from any property line of the owner or lessee of the site;
(2) Mechanized industrial animal farms;
(3) Buying or selling of livestock, but not a stockyard or a slaughter house;
(4) Sale of farm supplies by farmers as agents, where grain elevators or similar commercial facilities are not maintained on the farm premises;
(5) Agricultural implement sales and services;
(6) Grain storage, when not accessory to the pursuit of agriculture;
(7) Animal Feed: preparation, grinding, mixing, and storage;
(8) Feed yards;
(F) Sanitary landfills, public or private, provided that the facilities are not less than 1,000 feet from any residential use and potable municipal well;
(G) Private schools or colleges;
(H) Convalescent or nursing homes;
(I) Railroad yards and shops;
(J) Hunting, fishing, game preserves and recreational clubs or camps;
(K) Floodplain development;
(L) Off premise or outdoor advertising (billboard) sign, see requirements contained in §§ 159.121 et seq. (Signage);
(M) Uses not explicitly enumerated in this section as special uses, but closely similar thereto, provided those uses are not explicitly mentioned as permitted or special uses elsewhere in this chapter;
(N) Personal communication facility (see § 159.021).
(O) Churches and church-schools, and other places of worship.
(Am. Ord. 06-0369, passed 2-1- 06; Am. Ord. 07-0508, passed 2- 21-07; Am. Ord. 18-1482, passed 5-16-18)
Upon application to and issuance by the Zoning Administrator of a permit thereof, the following use may be operated as a temporary use: processing, screening, washing yards and plants of the quasi-temporary nature connected with the construction of roads which are normally removed when a specific purpose is completed, are permitted under this classification after a permit is obtained from the Building Officer. This permit shall be effective for a period not to exceed six continuous months and shall not be renewed for more than one successive period at the same location.
Accessory uses, buildings, or other structures and devices customarily incidental to and commonly associated with a permitted or special use may be permitted; provided they are operated and maintained under the same ownership and on the same parcel, do not include structures or structural features inconsistent with the permitted use or special use and do not involve the conduct of any business, trade, or industry. Accessory uses may include the following:
(A) Garages, carports, or other parking spaces for the exclusive use of residents or occupants of the premises (see § 159.020);
(B) Living quarters of persons employed on the premises, and not rented or otherwise used as a separate dwelling;
(C) Swimming pools, exclusively for the use of the residents and their guests that are setback from every property line at least ten feet and are not to be located in the front yard;
(D) Real estate signs, not exceeding 12 square feet for each face that are setback from every property line at least ten feet;
(E) Gardening (the raising of vegetables and fruits) and keeping of household pets exclusively for the use and personal enjoyment of residents of the premises and not for commercial purposes; and
(F) Home occupations: See § 159.034 of this chapter.
(Am. Ord. 07-0508, passed 2-21-07)
(A) Minimum lot area. A separate ground area of not less than five acres shall be designated, provided, and continuously maintained for each structure or land containing a permitted or special use.
(B) Minimum lot width/frontage. A minimum lot frontage of 500 feet shall be provided for each lot used for a permitted or special use.
(C) Maximum lot depth. A maximum lot depth of not over three times the width of the lot shall be permitted.
(D) Lot coverage. Lot coverage shall not exceed 5% percent.
(E) Building height. No principal building or structure shall exceed 2-1/2 stories or 25 feet in height, and no accessory structure shall exceed one story or 20 feet in height, except as provided for within a normal farming operation.
(F) Setbacks. Yard area for principal building or structure setbacks are as follows:
(1) Front yards, for all buildings or structures shall be setback at least 100 feet from the center line of all roadways.
(2) Side yards, for all buildings or structures shall be set in from the side lot line with a distance of not less than 20 feet on the least side, with the sum of the two sides not less than 45 feet.
(3) Rear yards, for all buildings or structures shall be setback a distance of not less than 80 feet from the rear lot line.
(G) Floor area ratio: Not to exceed three tenths (0.3), as explained in § 159.003 under "floor area ratio"; and
(H) Minimum size of dwelling unit. Each single family detached dwelling and any other structure occupied in whole or in part for residential purposes shall contain at least 1,000 square feet of floor area on the first floor if one story, or seven hundred and 720 square feet of floor are on the first floor level if two stories.
(Am. Ord. 06-0369, passed 2-1-06)