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Romeoville Overview
Romeoville, IL Code of Ordinances
§ 159.088 RESERVED.
§ 159.089 RESERVED.
   (A)   Intent and purpose. The airport districts are intended as a zoning designation applied to a large land area which includes a General Aviation/Reliever Category Airport as defined by FAA standards and related ancillary uses. These uses include, but are not limited to, those necessary for airport operations and certain airport related industrial and commercial uses. The district is further intended to allow for efficient airport operations and utilization of certain amenity uses. These general purposes include the following specific objectives:
      (1)   Promotion of the most desirable use of land in conformance with an FAA approved airport site plan;
      (2)   Promotion of the economic viability and operational value of the airport located within the district; and
      (3)   To encourage the development of the airport within the district as an entity which will benefit transportation and economic development on a local and regional basis.
(Ord. passed)
   (A)   Permitted uses. The following types of land use are permitted in this district:
      (1)   Uses designed to store or house aircraft (i.e. hangers, ground or the like);
      (2)   Uses designed for servicing and maintenance of aircraft;
      (3)   The construction, use and operation of runways designed for the ground and air movements of aircraft;
      (4)   General Aviation/Reliever Category Airports as defined by FAA standards and related ancillary uses;
      (5)   Residential uses, but only in conjunction with and on the same lot as an agricultural use or as allowed by applicable commercial or industrial district regulations;
      (6)   Lot areas and widths for public utility or governmental uses shall be as regulated by this section and not as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission and/or Village Board, respectively;
      (7)   All the uses listed or allowed as either permitted or Special Use or accessory uses under the A-1, P-1, B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, M-R and M-1 districts shall be permitted uses in the AD-1 District, except personal communication facilities which shall be a special use in the AD-1 District and in accordance with §§ 159.042(N) and 159.176, except as provided in division (A)(10).
      (8)   Roadside stands 600 square feet or less in size used for the display and sale of any agricultural product, except live animals and located only on lots which include an agricultural use;
      (9)   For the purposes of this section, accessory uses shall be allowed as permitted or principal uses and subject to all principal use regulations;
      (10)   Personal communication facility; and
      (11)   Uses not explicitly enumerated in this section as permitted uses but are closely similar thereto provided that those uses are not explicitly listed as prohibited uses.
   (B)   Prohibited uses.
      (1)   Residential uses which are not in conjunction with or on the same lot as an agricultural use and residential uses which are not established as per applicable regulations of any commercial or industrial district or use;
      (2)   Public or private incinerators;
      (3)   Mining or extraction of minerals, sand, topsoil, gravel or other aggregates, including equipment, buildings or structures for screening, crushing, mixing, washing or storage except that this shall not prohibit earthwork related to site development;
      (4)   Cement block manufacture;
      (5)   Ready mix concrete or asphalt plants;
      (6)   Vehicle storage pounds or facilities, except for aviation equipment;
      (7)   Drive-in theaters;
      (8)   Junk yards and vehicle wrecking yards;
      (9)   Stone and gravel quarries, including crushing, grading, washing and loading equipment and structures;
      (10)   Sanitary landfill;
      (11)   Slaughtering of livestock, poultry and the like;
      (12)   Any uses listed under the M-2 classifications that is not allowed under the M-1 designation or otherwise listed as a prohibited use;
      (13)   Roadside agricultural product display and stands larger than 600 square feet in size, stands not located on a lot which includes an agricultural use or stands displaying for sale live animals; and
      (14)   Uses not explicitly enumerated in this section as permitted, but are closely similar thereto provided those uses are not explicitly listed as permitted uses.
   (C)   Site and structure requirements.
      (1)   District size. The minimum size of the AD-1 District shall be 162 acres;
      (2)   Lot Definition. For the purposes of this section a lot shall be defined as a subdivided or platted lot, the area of a large, unsubdivided, unplatted parcel leased as an individual lot, a parcel adjacent to a public street or roadway or any combination thereof. For the purposes of this section, the boundaries of leased lots shall be treated in the same manner as the boundaries of a subdivided, platted lot of record. For the purposes of this section, any lot line adjacent to a public or private street or roadway shall be considered a front lot line;
      (3)   Lot coverage. Lot coverage is not applicable.
      (4)   Building height. As regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for airports.
      (5)   Individual lot size and dimensions.
         (a)   Any lot adjacent to a public street of roadway shall have a minimum size of 10,000 square feet;
         (b)   Any lot adjacent to a public street or roadway shall have a minimum lot width of 50 feet as measured at the front property line as defined by this chapter;
         (c)   Any lot adjacent to a public street or roadway shall have a minimum lot depth of 100 feet as measured from the front property line as defined by this chapter;
         (d)   Lot size and dimensional requirements shall not apply to any lot not adjacent to a public street or roadway.
      (6)   Yards.
         (a)   Any structure on any lot which is adjacent to a public street or roadway shall be setback 50 feet from the property line adjacent to or parallel to that street;
         (b)   The distance between all structures on all lots within the district shall be as per or in accordance with applicable building and fire codes;
         (c)   No specific yard requirements shall apply to structures on lots which are not adjacent to a public street or roadway;
         (d)   The minimum transitional yard requirements for all structures shall be not less than those specified below:
            1.   Where a side lot line coincides with a side or rear lot line in an adjacent residential district, a yard shall be provided along such side lot line. Such yard shall be twice the dimension of the minimum side yard which is required for a residential use on the adjacent residential lot;
            2.   Where a rear lot line coincides with side lot line in an adjacent residential district, a yard shall be provided along such side lot line. Such yard shall be twice the dimension of the minimum side yard which is required for a residential lot;
            3.   Where a rear lot line coincides with a rear lot line in an adjacent residential district, a yard shall be provided along such a rear lot line. Such yard shall be not less than 40 feet in depth.
      (7)   Floor area ratio (F.A.R.). is not applicable.
   (D)   Special provisions.
      (1)   All non-aviation business, servicing, processing and the like shall be conducted and take place within completely enclosed buildings except roadside agricultural product sales and display stands and off-street parking;
      (2)   For the purposes of this section more than one principal building shall be allowed on one lot.
      (3)   Signage. Signs erected on property or on structures on lots adjacent to or abutting a public street shall be regulated as per §§ 159.121 through 159.133 of this chapter.
      (4)   Off-street parking and loading. As required or allowed by §§ 159.105 through 159.111 and 159.112 through 159.116 of this chapter.
      (5)   Performance and Development standards. All non-aviation uses and activities shall conform with Chapter 158 in its entirety and §§ 159.022 through 159.027 and 159.080 of this chapter.
      (6)   Landscaping. Placement of all landscaping shall be made in accordance with the provisions of this section and traditional landscaping techniques. Any area on any individual lot within the AD-1 District not used for construction or vehicular purposes shall be adequately landscaped according to §§ 159.030, 159.080(G) and the following:
         (a)   All applications for building permit requested for new construction in the AD-1 District must have a previously approved landscape plan by the Village Planner and Planning and Zoning Commission;
         (b)   The landscaping plan must show all areas which will contain grass, ground cover, location of all trees, shrubbery, and other growth proposed. All areas designated for landscaping must be completed as soon as possible after the completion of the building, and no later than six months from the date of the occupancy permit;
         (c)   Landscaping or planting will not be delayed for a period in excess of one year after the completion of any building;
         (d)   Certificates of occupancy may not be issued prior to the time the landscaping requirements are completed. If so issued, certificates of occupancy shall then state: "Landscaping not approved, approval required within six months of the date of this certificate";
         (e)   Minor revisions from the landscaping plan may be made without obtaining prior approval. Amounts and location of land set aside for landscaping may not be reduced;
         (f)   The exterior storage of materials and inventory, where permitted by the Planning and Zoning Commission, shall be effectively screened from view from any district boundary line and right-of-way. Landscaping may consist of live or decorative plantings, or fencing, and must be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission; and
         (g)   Where the AD-1 District abuts or is across the street from a residential district, adequate landscape screening shall be provided, as determined by the Village Planner, recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approved by the Village Board of Trustees.
      (7)   Ingress and egress. Ingress/ egress to any lot off of or to any public street shall be subject to § 159.017 of this chapter and the following:
         (a)   Access is limited to not more than two combined ingress/egress points, or as may be recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approved by the Village Board of Trustees;
         (b)   Minimum width to be 30 feet at property line. Maximum width to be 75 feet at property line, or as may be recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approved by the Village Board of Trustees;
         (c)   Location to be approved by the Village Engineer, Village Planner and/or as directed by the village;
         (d)   Details of design and construction shall meet all Village requirements; and
         (e)   Entrance curbs and storm drainage provisions shall be required on all street frontages, and shall meet with the approval of the Village Engineer and the standard specifications of the village.
      (8)   Outdoor storage. Outdoor storage related to buildings or uses adjacent to or abutting any public street shall be subject to § 159.080(I) and the following:
         (a)   All outdoor storage facilities for the building and accessory uses and products shall be enclosed by an architecturally pleasing fence, wall, or planting materials adequate to conceal the facilities from adjacent properties and the public street right-of-way; and,
         (b)   Outdoor storage shall be included and shown within the required landscape plan.
      (9)   General regulations. Sections 159.014 through 159.035 of this chapter shall only apply to a parcel or parcels adjacent to, abutting or fronting on a public street.
      (10)   Inconsistent regulations. In the event of inconsistencies between the regulations of this district and other codes of the village, the regulations of this district shall apply.
      (11)   Land use changes.
         (a)   Upon the discontinuance of any "permitted or special use" the new use must make application to the village to have said site and landscape plans reviewed by the Village Staff, Planning and Zoning Commission and Village President and Board of Trustees; and
         (b)   Documentation regarding Use and bulk, lot coverage, street access, parking requirements, accessory uses and landscaping all need to be submitted to the village for review and approval by the Village Planner, Planning and Zoning Commission and Village President and Board of Trustees.
(Am. Ord. 06-0369, passed 2-1-06; Am. Ord. 07-0508, passed 2-21-07)
   (A)   Intent and purpose. The AD-2 District is intended as a designation assigned to areas adjacent and related to land zoned AD-1, reliever category airport facilities, and AD-1 Districts which include a reliever category airport by allowing mixed land uses, flexible, yet orderly development, to protect and promote public safety, comfort, convenience and the general public welfare, and to protect and enhance the economic value of parcels the district includes. These general purposes include the following specific objectives:
      (1)   Promotion of the most desirable use of land in conformance with an FAA approved airport site plan;
      (2)   Promotion of the economic viability and operational value of the airport located within the district; and
      (3)   To encourage the development of the airport within the district as an entity which will benefit transportation and economic development on a local and regional basis.
   (B)   Permitted uses.
      (1)   All the uses listed or allowed as either permitted or Special Uses or accessory uses under the A-1, P-1, B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, M-R, M-1 and AD-1 districts shall be permitted uses in the AD-2 District, except personal communication facilities which shall be a special use in the AD-2 District and in accordance with §§ 159.042(N) and 159.176, unless the personal communication facility is located on village-owned property and in which case it shall be a permitted use;
      (2)   Residential uses, but only in conjunction with and on the same lot as an agricultural use or as allowed by applicable regulations of the aforementioned zoning districts;
      (3)   The construction and operation of runways, but only for the ground movement or transportation of aircraft;
      (4)   Lot areas and widths for public utility of governmental uses shall be as required by this section and not as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission or Village Board, respectively;
      (5)   Bars, taverns, cocktail lounges and package liquor stores when operated as an ancillary use to restaurants, hotels, motels, clubs and events sanctioned or sponsored by a governmental or educational jurisdiction;
      (6)   Public and community utility service uses; and
      (7)   Use not explicitly enumerated in this section as permitted uses, but are closely similar thereto provided those uses are not explicitly listed as prohibited uses, not withstanding § 159.031 of this chapter.
   (C)   Prohibited uses.
      (1)   Residential uses which are not in conjunction with or on the same lot as an agricultural use and residential uses which are not established as applicable regulations of any commercial or industrial district or use;
      (2)   Public or private garbage incinerators;
      (3)   Mining or extraction of minerals, sand, gravel, topsoil, or other aggregates, including equipment, buildings or structures for screening, crushing, mixing, washing, or storage except that this shall not prohibit the earthwork related to site development;
      (4)   The construction and operation of runways except only for the ground movement or transportation of aircraft;
      (5)   Airports;
      (6)   Roadside agricultural product display and sale stands larger than 600 square feet in size, stands not located on a lot which includes an agricultural use or stands displaying for sale live animals;
      (7)   Automobile racetracks, raceways, and speedways;
      (8)   Bars, taverns, cocktail lounges and packaged liquor stores which are not operated as an ancillary use to restaurants, hotels, motels, clubs and events sanctioned or sponsored by a governmental or educational jurisdiction;
      (9)   Cement block manufacture;
      (10)   Ready mix concrete or asphalt plants;
      (11)   Vehicle storage pounds or facilities;
      (12)   Drive-in theaters;
      (13)   Junk yards and vehicle wrecking yards;
      (14)   Stone and gravel quarries, including crushing, grading, washing and loading equipment and structures;
      (15)   Sanitary landfill;
      (16)   Slaughtering of livestock, poultry and the like;
      (17)   Any use listed under the M-2 classification which is not specifically listed as a permitted use under division (B) hereof, except those allowed under the M-1 designation and except as provided by division (B)(7) of this chapter;
      (18)   Any use listed under the AD-1 classification which is not specifically listed as a permitted use, under division (B) hereof, and except as provided by division (B)(7) of this chapter; and
      (19)   Uses not explicitly enumerated in this section but are closely similar thereto provided those uses are not explicitly listed as permitted uses.
   (D)   Accessory uses.
      (1)   Accessory uses and structures as defined by this chapter and including individual sewage disposal, water and sewer units or systems as regulated by the village, but subject to the following regulations:
         (a)   Shall be operated and maintained under the same ownership and located on the same lot as the permitted or principal use to which it is accessory;
         (b)   Shall be located in the rear or side yard areas only;
         (c)   Shall be located not less than ten feet from a lot line of adjoining lots, except on corner lots, not nearer to the rear lot line than the distance of the required side yard for the lot adjoining the rear lot line and not nearer to the side street line than the distance required for a side yard adjoining a street, or in the case of a reverse corner lot, the required front yard on the lot adjoining the rear lot line; and on through lots that do not have a rear lot line adjoining a no access strip, not nearer to the rear lot line adjoining a street than the distance required for a front yard. The aforementioned distances shall be doubled when adjacent to a residentially zoned property;
         (d)   Shall be no more than one story in height, except utility towers which may be of a height as approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission;
         (e)   Shall not be constructed or occupied prior to the construction and occupation of the lot's principal structure, respectively; and
         (f)   Shall cover no more than 50% of the side or rear yard area.
      (2)   Roadside stands used for the display and sale of any agricultural products, but subject to the following regulations:
         (a)   Shall be no more than 600 square feet in size;
         (b)   Shall not be used for the display or sale of live animals;
         (c)   Shall be allowed in any yard area;
         (d)   Shall be no closer than ten feet to any side or rear property line and no closer than 25 feet to any front property line; except on corner lots, not nearer to the rear lot line than the distance of the required side yard for the lot adjoining the rear lot line and not nearer to the side street line than the distance required for a side yard adjoining a street; or in the case of a reverse corner lot, the required front yard on the lot adjoining the rear lot line; and on a through lot that does not have a rear lot line adjoining a no access strip, not nearer to the rear lot line adjoining a street than the distance required for a front yard. The aforementioned distances shall be doubled when adjacent to a residentially zoned property;
         (e)   Shall be no more than 25 feet in height;
         (f)   Shall only be located on a lot which includes an agricultural use; and
         (g)   Shall cover no more than 50% of any rear, side or front yard area.
      (3)   Agricultural buildings and struc-tures, but subject to the following regulations:
         (a)   Shall be allowed in rear and side yard areas only;
         (b)   Shall be no closer than ten feet to any property line, except on corner lots, not nearer to the rear lot line than the distance of the required side yard for the lot adjoining the rear lot line and not nearer to the side street line than the distance required for a side yard adjoining a street, or in the case of a reverse corner lot, the required front yard on the lot adjoining the rear lot line; and on through lots that do not have a rear lot line adjoining a street than the distance required for a front yard. The aforementioned distances shall be doubled when adjacent to a resident-ially zoned property;
         (c)   Shall be no more than one story in height;
         (d)   Shall only be located on lots which include an agricultural use; and
         (e)   Shall cover no more than 50% of the rear or side yard area.
   (E)   Site and structural requirements:
      (1)   District size: An AD-2 District shall be no less than 20 acres in size.
      (2)   Lot definition. For the purposes of this section a lot shall be defined as a subdivided or platted lot, the area of a large, undivided, unplatted parcel leased as an individual lot, a parcel adjacent to a public street or roadway or any combination thereof. For the purposes of this section, any lot line adjacent to a public or private street or roadway shall be considered a front lot line.
      (3)   Individual lot sizes and dimensions:
         (a)   Individual lots within the AD-2 District shall have a minimum area or 10,000 square feet;
         (b)   Individual lots within the AD-2 District shall have a minimum lot width of 30 feet as measured at the front property line as defined by this Chapter; and
         (c)   Individual lots within the AD-2 District shall have a minimum depth of 100 feet as measured from any front lot line as defined by this chapter.
      (4)   Yards.
         (a)   Individual lots within the AD-2 District shall have the following minimum required yards or setbacks:
            1.   Front Yard: 50 feet;
            2.   Rear Yard: 20 feet; and
            3.   Side Yard: 15 feet.
         (b)   The minimum transitional yard requirements for all principal structures shall be not less than those specified below:
            1.   Where a side yard lot line coincides with a side or rear lot line in an adjacent Residential District, a yard shall be provided along such side lot line. Such yard shall be twice the distance of the minimum side yard required for a residential use on the adjacent residential lot;
            2.   Where a rear lot line coincides with a side lot line in an adjacent residential district, a yard shall be provided along such rear lot line. Such yard shall be twice the distance of the minimum side yard required for residential use on the adjacent residential lot; and
            3.   Where a rear lot line coincides with a rear lot line in an adjacent Residential District, a yard shall be provided along such rear lot line. Such yard shall be not less than 30 feet in depth.
      (5)   Lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage allowed on any individual lot within the AD-2 District shall be no more than 50%.
      (6)   Floor area ratio. The maximum floor area ratio on any individual lot within the AD-2 district shall be no more than 1.00.
      (7)   Building height. The maximum height of individual buildings on individual lot within the AD-2 District shall be subject to regulations imposed by the FAA as applicable.
   (F)   Special provisions. All business, servicing, processing and the like shall be conducted and take place within completely enclosed buildings, except roadside agricultural product sales and display stands and off-street parking and loading.
      (1)   Signs. As required or allowed by §§ 159.121 through 159.133 of this chapter.
      (2)   Off-street parking and loading/ unloading. As required or allowed by §§ 159.105 through 159.111 of this chapter.
      (3)   Performance standards. As required or allowed by Chapter 158 in its entirety, §§ 159.022 through 159.027 and § 159.080(D) of this chapter, and all applicable building, fire, construction, electrical and plumbing codes as adopted by the village.
      (4)   Landscaping. Any area on any individual lot within the AD-2 District not used for construction or vehicular purposes, shall be adequately and attractively landscaped in accordance with plans reviewed by the Village Staff. The basis for this review shall be a comparison of said plans to conformance with the spirit and intent of the regulations listed herein.
      (5)   Ingress and egress. As required or allowed by §§ 159.017 and 159.080(H) of this chapter.
      (6)   Outdoor storage.
         (a)   All outdoor storage facilities for the building and accessory uses and products shall be enclosed by an architecturally pleasing fence, wall, or planting materials adequate to conceal the facilities from adjacent properties and the public street right-of-way; and
         (b)   Outdoor storage shall be included and shown within the required landscape plan.
      (7)   General regulations. Sections 159.014 through 159.035 of this chapter shall only apply to a parcel or parcels adjacent to, abutting or fronting on a public street.
      (8)   Inconsistent regulations. In the event of inconsistencies between the regulations of this District and other Codes of the village, the regulations of this district shall apply.
      (9)   Land use change.
         (a)   Upon the discontinuance of any "permitted or special use" the new use must make application to the village to have said site and landscape plans reviewed by the Village Staff, Planning and Zoning Commission and Village President and Board of Trustees; and
         (b)   Documentation regarding Use and bulk, Lot coverage, street access, parking requirements, accessory uses and landscaping all need to be submitted to the village for review and approval by the Village Planner, Planning and Zoning Commission and Village President and Board of Trustees.
(Ord. 06-0369, passed 2-1-06; Am. Ord. 07-0508, passed 2-21-07)
§ 159.093 RESERVED.
§ 159.094 RESERVED.
§ 159.095 RESERVED.
§ 159.096 RESERVED.