(A)   Intent and purpose. The purpose of the P-B District is to provide for a setting whereby multiple use, contemporary business park development can occur. The district may be established only in those instances where the compatibility of a wide variety of architect- ural design standards, landscape design standards, and restrictive covenants which have been previously adopted by the Village Board, have been found to exist at the time of any request to amend a current zoning parcel to the P-B District. Only parcels that are a minimum of 40 acres in size and under single ownership or unified control at the time of application shall be considered for amendment to the P-B District. The Village Board shall determine that adequacy of any proposed amendment to the P-B District. Because developments within the P-B District, like planned unit developments, are expected to incorporate multiple uses and a variety of design standards in a contemporary business park setting, which uses may have unique or unusual impacts on the use and enjoyment of property in the Village, the Village Board may authorize departures and exceptions from strict conformance with the dimension, area, height, bulk and other regulations and limitations of the P-B District, of the other provisions of this chapter and of the other codes and ordinances of the village, provided the same are specified in an annexation agreement, in an ordinance that provides for the zoning of property in the P-B District or in an ordinance or resolution that approves a conceptual, preliminary or final site plan for a use that is to be constructed in the district.
   (B)   Permitted uses. Permitted uses shall include the following:
      (1)   Casino (land based) subject to the approval of a development agreement by and between the village and developer;
      (2)   Offices: business, professional, governmental and medical;
      (3)   Service business uses shall include the following:
         (a)   Automobile rental or leasing service;
         (b)   Depository and non-depository credit institutions, banks, currency exchanges, pay day loans, and similar uses subject to the following conditions.
            1.   Drive through facilities are permitted. New drive through facilities shall not face a public street.
            2.   Indoor and parking lot security cameras are required in conformance with this chapter.
            3.   Development of new depository and non-depository credit institutions, banks, currency exchanges, pay day loans, and similar uses.
               a.   New construction on heretofore vacant lots must be a minimum of two stories in height.
               b.   The second story must be functional and cover a minimum of 75% of the floor area of the first floor.
               c.   New institutions in existing buildings are not required to add a second story. Existing drive through facilities shall be allowed to continue but may not be expanded.
         (c)   Conference centers;
         (d)   Data processing and computer center, including service and maintenance;
         (e)   Gas/service stations;
         (f)   Health, tennis, racquetball, recreation clubs, fitness clubs, and spa or day spa;
         (g)   Philanthropic and charitable institutions;
         (h)   Restaurants, including alcohol sales and service, and drive-in or drive-through service;
         (i)   Schools - business, corporate training, data processing or electronics.
      (4)   Industrial type uses shall include the following:
         (a)   Food processing, handling, distribution and warehousing;
         (b)   Laboratories, offices, and other facilities for research testing, data analysis and development;
         (c)   Light manufacturing and assembly;
         (d)   Printing and publishing;
         (e)   Storage and distribution not including bulk commodities or motor freight terminals;
         (f)   Product research and development;
         (g)   Warehouse including storage of materials, goods or products and office uses related thereto, provided that all storage occurs within a completely enclosed building;
         (h)   Showrooms and distribution facilities.
      (5)   Temporary uses of the land for the installation, maintenance and operation of facilities used by contractors in the ordinary course of construction related to a parcel of land which the temporary construction yard is an integral part, provided such facilities shall be located not less than 200 feet from any building used for residential purposes (that building not being a part of the development site subdivision-planned development), and provided that the period of such temporary use shall not exceed the duration of the construction for the development of the site;
      (6)   Accessory uses customarily incidental to the above uses or permitted in any of the Manufacturing Districts including structured parking. The retail uses permitted pursuant to this subdivision shall be included within the same building as to which such use is accessory, provided that the use permitted pursuant to this subdivision may be accessed directly from the outside by clients or customers and such use may be advertised by signage that is separate from that to which it is accessory;
      (7)   Personal communication facility, located on property owned by the village or other government entity;
      (8)   Shopping center (PUD required);
      (9)   Public utility and/or service type uses as follows:
         (a)   Essential services including fully-automated gas regulation stations;
         (b)   Railroad passenger stations when not located on railroad property;
         (c)   Water works, reservoirs, pumping stations, filtration plants and wells;
         (d)   Sewage treatment plants;
         (e)   Other governmental and utility service uses.
      (10)   Food truck or food truck operator, subject to requirements of Chapter 129 (Food Trucks and Food Truck Operators) of this Code of Ordinances.
   (C)   Special uses. Upon recommendation by the Planning & Zoning Commission, after public hearing on the petition pertaining thereto, in accordance with the requirements set forth in § 159.176, Special Uses of this Chapter, the corporate authorities of the village may, by "special use permit" allow the following in the district:
      (1)   Churches, church schools and other places of worship.
      (2)   Day care center and/or night care facilities;
      (3)   Full service hotel;
      (4)   Heliports;
      (5)   Hospitals;
      (6)   Hotel;
      (7)   Cannabis facility. As used in this chapter, "cannabis facility" shall mean a "dispensing organization," "infuser," "processor," or "transporter" as defined in the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act, 410 ILCS 130/1 et seq. and the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act, P.A. 101-27 (hereinafter collectively referred to as the Cannabis Acts). In addition to all other special use permit standards required to be met pursuant to this chapter, distribution facilities for medical cannabis shall meet the specific standards listed below:
         (a)   Dispensing organizations, infuser, processor, transporter, located within the Village of Romeoville shall be and are required to be established, operated, and maintained in full compliance with the Cannabis Acts and all other applicable village ordinances and Illinois statutes.
         (b)   Dispensing organizations, infuser, processor, transporter, shall not be located within 750 feet of the property line of any pre-existing public or private pre-schools, elementary schools, secondary schools, or day care centers. Dispensing organizations, infuser, processor, transporter, shall not be located within 750 feet of any property zoned within the UD University zoning district. In addition, dispensing organizations, infuser, processor, transporter, shall not be located within 750 feet from any of the following identified locations: any public library within the limits of the village, the Romeoville Village Hall, the Romeoville Recreation Center, or the Edward Athletic and Event Center. For purposes of this division (C)(7), the relevant distance shall be measured between the nearest points on the property lines of the lot(s), tract(s) or tax parcel(s) used for cannabis related uses, and the lot(s), tract(s) or tax parcel(s) or zoning districts from which any separation required by this division (C)(7) shall be maintained.
            1.   In addition to the distance/separation requirements otherwise set forth in this section, any dispensing organization, infuser, processor, transporter, located in a P-B zoning district shall not be located within 750 feet of any church or place of worship within the corporate limits of the village that is located in a zoning district other than a P-B zoning district, an M-1 zoning district or an M-2 zoning district.
         (c)   Dispensing organizations, infuser, processor, transporter, shall not be located in any building containing, in whole or in part, any residential uses.
      (8)   Outdoor dining areas, accessory to a permitted use serving liquor.
      (9)   Planned unit developments in accordance with the provisions under §§ 159.150 through 159.157;
      (10)   Satellite antenna dishes conforming to § 159.021;
      (11)   Other uses: Other non-retail office, financial, institutional and industrial uses, not specifically listed above when found to have economic and performance compatibility with the established uses or adjoining properties.
   (D)   General conditions.
      (1)   Not more than one principal building or structure shall be located on a zoning lot within this district, except as a planned development;
      (2)   Every use, unless expressly exempted by this section, shall be operated in its entirety within a completely enclosed building;
      (3)   Outdoor storage of goods, products, materials, supplies, machinery, or equipment shall not be permitted. Commercial vehicles shall be enclosed with a fence or a solid landscape screen or any combination thereof at a height of not less than six feet above grade;
      (4)   Except as otherwise provided, establishments of drive-in or drive-through types are prohibited;
      (5)   Every use, unless expressly exempted by this section shall comply with the "Performance Standards", §§ 159.022 through 159.027 of this chapter, if applicable. All retail uses, unless expressly exempted by this section, shall comply with the Business District standards provided in § 159.070 of this chapter;
      (6)   Requests for uses or building permits of an industrial nature in the P-B District, shall be required to be accompanied by a certificate from a scientific research laboratory or consultant approved by the Village Board certifying compliance with the "Performance Standards" as required in this section, if such certificate is requested by the Village Board;
      (7)   Not less than 15% of the lot area shall be provided for landscaping and open space purposes;
      (8)   A complete landscape plan prepared by a "landscape architect" or qualified landscape contractor shall be presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review and recommendation to the Village Board for their action before the issuance of a building permit; and
      (9)   Outside lighting shall be designed and placed so as not to be disturbing to adjacent residential areas or traffic or public roadways.
   (E)   Site and structure requirements.
      (1)   District size. The minimum area for the P-B District shall be not less than ten acres.
      (2)   Individual lot area. Individual lots within a P-B District shall have a minimum area of 20,000 square feet.
      (3)   Individual lot width/frontage. Individual lot width shall be a minimum lot width of 125 feet, corner lots shall be a minimum of 175 feet.
      (4)   Lot depth. The minimum lot depth for each lot shall not be less than 160 feet.
      (5)   Lot coverage/impervious surface. Lot coverage/impervious surface shall not exceed 60% of the lot. Lot coverage plus impervious 85% of the total lot.
      (6)   Building height. The height of any building or structure shall not exceed three stories or 50 feet, except as provided for in increased yard setbacks where additional building height is being considered, the setback or the required yard shall be increased by 1/2 a foot for each foot of building height in excess of 50 feet. Parking shall be permitted in the additional yard.
      (7)   Setbacks.
         (a)   Front yards, shall be not less than 50 feet in depth along major or secondary arterials, or a major collector as defined by § 159.003 and the Village of Romeoville Master Transportation Plan, or 35 feet along all other roadways;
         (b)   Side yards, there shall be two side yards, neither of which shall be less than 20 feet in width, except as provided by the divisions below;
         (c)   Rear yards, there shall be a rear yard of not less than 30 feet in depth, except as provided by the divisions below;
         (d)   Rear and side yards adjacent to water areas. When 50% or more of a rear or side property line is immediately adjacent to a natural water area or a storm water retention/detention area which includes, at its narrowest point, a minimum width of 20 feet, the required rear and side yard shall be ten feet. This provision shall only apply if adequate access is available to said water area; and,
         (e)   Transitional yards, where the district adjoins a residential district, shall be provided in accordance with the following:
            1.   Where a side lot line coincides with a side or rear lot line of property in an adjacent residence district, a yard shall be provided along the side or rear lot line. This yard shall be equal in dimension to the minimum side yard which would be required under this chapter for residential use or the adjacent property in the residence district;
            2.   Where the extension of a front or side lot line coincides with the front lot line of an adjacent lot located in a resident district, a yard equal in depth to the minimum front yard required by this chapter on the adjacent lot in the residence district shall be provided along the front or side lot line for a distance of at least 25 feet, from such a lot in the residence district. There shall be an unobstructed, green setback of no less than ten feet along the remainder of the front or side lot line; and
            3.   If a rear lot line of a lot is contiguous to a side lot line of a lot located in a residence district, a rear yard shall be provided along that rear lot line equal in dimension to the minimum side yard required under this chapter on the adjacent residential lot.
      (8)   Floor area ratio (F.A.R.). The floor area ratio shall not exceed six tenths (0.60) for a single story building, nor one (1.00) for a multi-story building.
      (9)   Special provisions.
         (a)   Signage. Signage as permitted by §§ 159.121 through 159.133 of this chapter.
         (b)   Off-street parking, loading/ unloading. Off-street parking and loading facilities shall be provided as required or permitted by §§ 159.105 through 159.111 of this chapter, except parking setbacks shall be as follows:
            1.   Front Yard: 35 feet;
            2.   Side or Rear Yard: Ten feet;
            3.   Side or rear yard adjacent to a residential use: 50 feet; and
            4.   No parking in corner side yards.
      (10)   Accessory uses accessory uses, buildings, or other structures and devices customarily incidental to or commonly associated with a permitted or special use may be permitted, provided they are operated and maintained under the same ownership and on the same parcel and do not include structures or structural features inconsistent with the permitted or special use or with § 159.020 of this chapter. Accessory uses may include the following:
         (a)   Storage building /structure accessory to and used exclusively by the occupants/tenants/owners of the premises.
         (b)   Real estate signs not exceeding 32 square feet for each face and set back from every property line at least ten feet.
         (c)   Outdoor dining areas, subject to the requirements of § 159.070(K).
(Am. Ord. 06-0369, passed 2-1-06; Am. Ord. 07-0508, passed 2-21-07; Am. Ord. 07-0599, passed 12-19-07; Am. Ord. 08-0651, passed 5-21-08; Am. Ord. 09-0800, passed 12-16-09; Am. Ord. 10-0816, passed 1-20-10; Am. Ord. 11-0924, passed 10-5-11; Am. Ord. 12-0990, passed 7-18-12; Am. Ord. 14-1086, passed 2-5-14; Am. Ord. 16-1306, passed 9-7-16; Am. Ord. 18-1482, passed 5-16-18; Am. Ord. 19-1606, passed 12-18-19; Am. Ord. 20-1675, passed 12-16-20; Am. Ord. 23-1826, passed 3-15-23)