   52.01   Definitions
   52.02   General rules and regulations
   52.03   Approval required
   52.04   Unlawful connections
   52.05   Test completion
   52.06   Guarding excavations
   52.07   Tap fees
   52.08   Service pipe connections
   52.09   Plastic or copper service pipes
   52.10   Depth of service pipe
   52.11   Service ditch inspection
   52.12   Trench refilling
   52.13   Stop cocks and waste cocks
   52.14   Stop boxes
   52.15   Separate cut-off boxes
   52.16   Control valve; private lines
   52.17   Service pipe responsibility
   52.18   Sewer repair procedure
   52.19   Fire protection
   52.20   Sprinkling
   52.21   Pipe substitution
   52.22   Service connection before paving
   52.23   Replacing iron service pipe
   52.24   One meter to each service
   52.25   Meters; how placed
   52.26   Meter pits
   52.27   Meter responsibility
   52.28   Meters failing to register
   52.29   Testing meters at request of user
   52.30   Check valve between meter and boiler
   52.31   Interference; violation
   52.32   Denial of city liability
   52.33   Flat rates
   52.34   Non-payment of billings
   52.35   Interfering with fire hydrants
   52.36   Repair shut-offs
   52.37   Changing pipes
   52.38   Cross-connections
   52.39   Emergencies; private line
   52.40   After-hour service calls
   52.41   Liability for damages; interpretation
   52.99   Penalty