31.01 Meetings to be public; exceptions
31.02 Notice
31.03 Day; hour
31.04 Location
31.05 Special meetings
31.06 Chairman pro tem
31.07 Convening of meetings; lack of a quorum
31.08 Standing committees enumerated
31.09 Committee vote
31.10 Special committees
31.11 Deferring committee reports
31.12 Ordaining clause
31.13 Vote required; yeas and nays
31.14 Approval or veto of ordinances; resolutions, motions
31.15 Reconsideration and passage over veto
31.16 Ordinances to be published
31.17 When ordinances take effect
31.18 Censure or expulsion of aldermen
31.19 Quorum established
31.20 Supervision of code of ordinances
31.21 Granting of permission for maintenance or construction of temporary structures on city-owned rights-of-way
31.22 Electronic attendance at meetings rules
Rules of Procedure
31.30 Order of business
31.31 Presiding officer to preserve order, decide questions
31.32 Presiding officer may clear chamber
31.33 Leaving, walking around chamber while question being put
31.34 Recognition required before speaking
31.35 Scope of debate
31.36 Presiding officer to decide who speaks
31.37 Visitors addressing Council
31.38 Presentation of new matter
31.39 Debate regulated
31.40 Distracting members while speaking
31.41 Calling a member to order
31.42 Appeals from the chair
31.43 Questions of personal privilege
31.44 Voting required; exceptions
31.45 Special order of business
31.46 Seconding of motions; when motions to be written
31.47 Withdrawal of motions
31.48 Division of questions
31.49 Name of movant to be entered in journal
31.50 Taking, entering of votes; explanation of votes not permitted
31.51 Announcement and changes of votes
31.52 Precedence of motions
31.53 Motions to adjourn
31.54 Moving the previous questions
31.55 Motions to lay on the table and take from the table
31.56 Motions to postpone or defer
31.57 Motions to refer to committee
31.58 Motions to amend
31.59 Motions to reconsider
31.60 Filling of blanks
31.61 Robert's Rules adopted
31.62 Suspension, amendment of rules
Salary of aldermen, see § 30.09
All meetings of the city council, of any standing or special committee of the Council, and of any zoning or other board, committee, or agency of the city shall be open to the public, except for:
(A) Collective bargaining sessions between employees and the city or its representatives.
(B) Meetings or portions of meetings where the acquisition of real property is being considered.
(C) Meetings or portions of meetings where a pending court proceeding against or on behalf of the city is being considered.
(D) Meetings to consider information regarding appointment, employment, or dismissal of an employee or officer, provided that no final action thereon may be taken except at a public meeting.
('69 Code, § 2-40)
Statutory reference:
Meetings of public agencies, ILCS Ch. 5, Act 120, §§ 1 et seq.