The order of business for the council shall be as follows:
   (A)   Call to order.
   (B)   Invocation.
   (C)   Pledge of allegiance.
   (D)   Roll call.
   (E)   Presentation of the journal of the proceedings of the last meeting, or meetings, and correction and approval of the same.
   (F)   Special presentations, if any.
   (G)   Consent calendar.
   (H)   Opening of sealed bids, if any.
   (I)   Reports of city officials.
   (J)   Communications.
   (K)   Citizens wishing to present questions to the council. (Discussion on any one subject shall be limited to 10 minutes, unless by a majority vote of the council it is extended. Procedure for addressing the council: rise, be recognized by the mayor, give name and address.)
   (L)   Reports of standing committees.
   (M)   Reports of special committees.
   (N)   Business deferred from previous meeting.
   (O)   New business.
   (P)   Citizens wishing to ask questions re: the evening's business.
   (Q)   Adjournment.
('69Code, §2-69; amend. Ord. O-15-94, passed 3-1-94; amend. Ord. O-06-05, passed 3-1-05)