General Provisions
50.001 Definitions
50.002 Superintendent's right of entry
50.003 Damaging, destroying utility equipment prohibited
50.004 State laws incorporated by reference
Building Sewers
50.015 Permit required
50.016 Excavations
50.017 Costs, expense of installation
50.018 Separate sewer for each building; exception
50.019 Connection of new building to old sewer
50.020 Specifications for building sewers
50.021 Inspections
50.030 Purpose
50.031 Standards of workmanship; abrogation and greater restrictions
50.032 Application required
50.033 General requirements
50.034 Easements, rights-of-way, and permits
50.035 Sewer installation regulations
50.036 Water installation regulations
50.037 Inspection and testing
50.038 Two-party hookups
50.039 Master metered hookups
50.040 Connections to meet city regulations
50.041 When connection to public sewer system required
50.042 Water and sewer taps, illegal tap-ins
50.043 Owner to provide suitable toilet facilities for connection
50.044 Connections to be conveniently located with respect to city lines and mains
50.045 Storm water drain connection prohibited
50.046 Cost of connection
50.047 Sewer connections to comply; failure deemed nuisance
Private Systems
50.060 Prohibited when connection to public sewer system available
50.061 Specifications for private systems when connection to public system not available
50.062 Privies, vaults and septic tanks
50.070 Right to purchase, use water
50.071 Application for service
50.072 Water to be used for domestic consumption only; resale prohibited
50.073 Customers with boilers or pressure vessels
50.074 Use by city; use for public purpose
50.085 Meter deposit
50.086 Meters installed, maintained at expense of city
50.087 Testing meters; fee
50.088 Defective meter; determination of water consumption
50.089 Use of water supplied on other than metered basis
50.090 Use of water not being discharged into sewer facilities; special meters
50.091 Use of water for building purposes to be metered; deposit
50.092 Meter readings
Discharge Regulations
50.105 Deposits of garbage, wastes prohibited
50.106 Discharges to natural outlets
50.107 Discharge of unpolluted waters
50.108 Prohibited discharges
50.109 Discharges subject to approval
50.110 Preliminary treatment
50.111 Maintenance of preliminary treatment facilities
50.112 Control manholes
50.113 Grease, oil, and sand interceptors
50.114 Measurements, tests, and analysis
50.115 Discharge of industrial wastes
50.116 Special agreements
50.117 Inflammable substances; substances which might cause obstructions prohibited
50.118 Discharges containing high concentrates of substances which add to cost of operation; special charges
Rates and Charges
50.130 Monthly water rates
50.131 Monthly sewer rates
50.132 Sewage dumping charge
50.133 Payment due date; delinquency
50.134 Water meter installation charge
50.135 Sewer tap fee
50.136 Water service connection fee
50.137 Reconnection fee
50.138 Charge for checking meter reading
50.139 Returned check charge
50.140 Security deposit
50.141 Adjustments
50.142 Special rates and charges for commercial institutions or industries by reason of unusual use of water
50.143 Mailing of bills and notices
Extensions of Service
50.155 Contract between customer, city required
50.156 Customer to pay costs; refund of advance payments
50.157 Manner of installation governed by city
Administration and Enforcement
50.170 Easement, right-of-way to be granted by each customer
50.171 City owns lines, meters, and the like
50.172 Discontinuance of service; reconnection
50.173 Interruption of service
50.174 Refusal of service
50.175 Complaints
50.176 Liability
50.177 Amendments to regulations
50.998 Notice of violation
50.999 Penalty