Apartment and mixed-use dwelling projects with seventeen (17) or more dwelling units shall provide interior amenity space and a combination of rooftop, open green space, or additional interior amenity area.
A. The minimum required amount of amenity space is:
1. A minimum of four hundred (400) square feet of interior amenity space.
2. An additional ten (10) square feet of interior space for every unit over forty (40) dwelling units.
3. Any combination of an additional fifty (50) square feet of rooftop or open green space per dwelling unit or an additional twenty-five (25) square feet of interior space per dwelling unit.
B. Interior amenity space requirements may be made up of one (1) or more of the following designated spaces, provided the floor area meets the minimum requirements:
1. Fitness center;
2. Spa;
3. Hot tub;
4. Cooking and dining facilities for group gatherings;
5. Library/study;
6. Clubhouse;
7. Lounge; or
8. Game room.
C. Rooftop or open green space areas shall include at least three (3) of the following amenity features:
1. Playground with a three hundred (300) square foot minimum area;
2. Gas fire pit with seating area with a minimum fifteen foot (15') radius paved area;
3. Two (2) or more tables with chairs;
4. Permanent game area with equipment such as shuffleboard, or chess/checkers tables;
5. Community garden and shed area of at least thirty (30) square feet per twenty (20) units;
6. Outdoor grill at one grill per forty (40) units or portion thereof;
7. Fenced dog park with a two hundred (200) square foot minimum area;
8. Recreational field or court; or
9. Outdoor swimming pool.
(Ord. 2023-16, 4-11-2023)
A. Landmarks Commission Review Required: External alterations or additions to any structures within the 25th Street historic district must be reviewed by the Ogden City landmarks commission. These changes include, but are not limited to, new construction, additions to buildings, signs, awnings, and facade renovation. The proposed changes will be reviewed using the standards and guidelines of title 17 of this code.
B. Additions To Existing Buildings: Existing buildings located in the 25th Street historic district may not be increased in height through rooftop additions or the construction of additional stories unless:
1. Additional floors were removed in the past and the new construction is based on physical and pictorial historical documentation establishing that the new addition is within the limits of size, scale and design of the original historic construction of the building; or
2. The following criteria are met:
a. The addition is set back from the front face of the existing building;
b. The addition is not visible from the pedestrian level when viewed from the front of the building or from the sidewalk directly across the street from the center of the building where the addition is proposed; and
c. The addition is not visible from the pedestrian level of the sidewalk on the same side of the street as the building where the addition is proposed from a distance of three hundred feet (300') in either direction from the building. If a lot on the same side of the street as the building is vacant, it shall be assumed that a twenty-five foot (25') tall building would be placed in the space to make the analysis of visibility of the addition.
(Ord. 2023-16, 4-11-2023)
To promote art uses in the Nine Rails Creative District, the C-9 zone offers unlimited residential densities, more uses, lower setbacks, and lower parking requirements than prior zones. In recognition of these allowances, development also is required to provide or contribute to public art within the Nine Rails Creative District.
A. The public art requirement applies to any or the following:
1. A new multiple-family dwelling project, or an addition to an existing project that adds two (2) or more dwelling units.
2. A new non-residential building of two thousand (2,000) square feet floor area or more, or an addition to an existing building that adds two thousand (2,000) square feet floor area or more.
B. The public art requirement may be satisfied in any of the following ways:
1. By placing a durable public art piece or pieces on the private project site in a location clearly visible from the public right-of-way. Plans for the art shall be included in the development plan application.
2. By placing a durable public art piece or pieces within the public right-of-way or on public property within the Nine Rails Creative District with approval of the responsible agency.
3. By making a financial contribution equal to or exceeding one percent (1%) of the project's building valuation to an approved city or public art program, which contribution will be used for public art within the Nine Rails Creative District.
4. Any equivalent combination of the above.
C. The dollar value of the public art provided shall be equal to or exceed one percent (1%) of the project's building valuation. The director may require an independent appraisal to verify the value.
D. The art shall be reviewed following the public art procedures in Title 4 of this code.
(Ord. 2023-16, 4-11-2023)
A. Building Maintenance: Building maintenance is encouraged while an owner is waiting for a new potential use. Demolition permits are issued only if a building is declared a hazard or upon approved building permit for new construction.
B. Demolition Permit Issuance: Prior to obtaining a demolition permit for the demolition of any main building, the applicant must receive project development plan approval for the immediate reuse of the lot. The submissions must be accompanied with a cost escrow or performance bond to assure timely and proper installation. This bond shall be in addition to the bond required under section 16-9-4 of this code, demolition or moving of buildings or structures code. The bond required under this subsection may be included as part of other required bonding for installation of landscaping or public improvements as an alternative method of performance.
C. Waiver Of Reuse Requirements: Where fire or natural disaster has caused widespread and major damage to properties, and/or where immediate demolition and clearing of the land is necessary to remove hazardous conditions, the director may waive the requirement for immediate reuse of the lot and order immediate demolition. The director may require interim improvements to secure the lot and maintain an attractive site until redevelopment may occur.
(Ord. 2023-16, 4-11-2023)
Buildings that are located east of Adams Avenue and properties facing either side of Adams Avenue are:
A. prohibited from painting or covering exterior brick except as provided in Subsection B.
B. painting or sealing of unpainted brick may be approved by the planning commission if an evaluation is submitted to the planning commission that has been reviewed by the director providing information that:
1. painting or sealing of the brick is required to provide a protective surface that will limit the continued erosion of the brick.
2. the paint or sealant used will preserve the brick.
3. the color of the paint or sealant will match the existing brick color.
(Ord. 2024-8, 4-9-2024)