The Transit Overlay applies to those properties defined by the overlay district on the zoning map of Ogden City. The Transit Overlay generally is applied to properties that are within one (1) block of a stop on the Ogden Express Bus Rapid Transit line and that front an arterial or other major street. (Ord. 2022-49, 11-15-2022)
Property designated as a Transit Overlay Zone shall be designated with the suffix “(TO)” after the applicable classification of the underlying zone. For example, if the Transit Overlay Zone were being combined with the R-4 zone, it would be designated on the official zoning map as “R-4 (TO).” (Ord. 2022-49, 11-15-2022)
The following additional uses are allowed within the Transit Overlay:
Live-work units (see section 15-13-43 of this title for requirements). (Ord. 2022-49, 11-15-2022)
A. No new building shall be constructed, and no addition to an existing building shall be made that would increase the floor area by more than twenty-five percent (25%), to accommodate any of the uses listed in section 15-42-4, except for a live-work unit.
B. No additional parking is required for conversion to any of the uses listed in section 15-42-4, except for a live-work unit, except required handicap accessible parking spaces. (Ord. 2022-49, 11-15-2022)