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   A.   Turf grass limitations: Turf grass shall not be allowed on:
      1.   Slopes greater than twenty-five percent (25%);
      2.   Under the drip line of an evergreen tree or shrub;
      3.   In areas that are shaded from direct sunlight for more than six (6) hours a day during the growing season.
   B.   Planting design: The landscape planting design shall:
      1.   Have at least eighty percent (80%) of the plantings being water-wise shrubs, perennials, and ornamental grasses planted as a minimum in groups of three (3) plants spaced no further apart from each other than the general growth width of the plant in order to increase the microclimate shade area of the root zones of the plants;
      2.   Group plantings into hydro zones so they can be efficiently irrigated.
      3.   Select and installed plants which are appropriate for the physical condition of site specific locations;
      4.   Allow the use of pots, raised containers or other means of containing plantings provided this type of planting does not exceed more than ten percent (10%) of the landscaped area.
      5.   Locate plants with thorns or spines a minimum of ten feet (10') from any public walkway;
      6.   Plant species that are a public nuisance, invasive to neighboring properties, cause excess litter, or are considered weeds shall not be planted.
   C.   Soil Preparation: The soil during construction in new developments and expansion projects is compacted and needs to be prepared to allow the water and air exchange to take place in the planting areas. The soil in the landscaped areas shall be broken up by tilling or fracturing to a minimum depth of six inches (6") and mixed with organic soil amendments.
   D.   Landscape Maintenance:
      1.   Landscaped areas shall be kept free of litter, weeds, and debris.
      2.   Landscaped areas shall be weeded on a regular basis. Perennial plants shall be trimmed, cutting back dead growth and seed heads after seeds have dropped.
      3.   Trees and shrubs shall be pruned to avoid damage to other improvements, structures, or utility lines.
      4.   Dead branches or dead trees, shrubs, or other plant materials must be removed from the property.
      5.   Required trees, shrubs, or other plant materials that have died and been removed shall be replaced. (Ord. 2022-34, 7-5-2022)