The purpose of the R-2EC zone classification is to accommodate a need for moderate density residential districts within the East Central Community (Central Bench national historic district) which reflects its unique historical development in terms of lot configuration, lot size, building architectural features, building and fencing materials, building size, and incorporating both single-family and two-family dwelling units.
(Ord. 2011-4, 1-18-2011)
Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to any permitted use.
Accessory dwelling unit (see Section 15-13-39 for ADU requirements).
Church, synagogue or similar permanent building used for regular religious worship.
Cluster subdivision, in accordance with Chapter 9.
Cottage lots in the area between 23rd Street and 27th Street, and lots fronting Harrison Boulevard (see Section 15-13-42 for requirements).
Educational institution.
Greenhouse, noncommercial only.
Home occupation.
Household pets.
Pigeon loft for the housing of racing pigeons (only allowed on single-family residential lots), in accordance with the standards contained in Section 15-13-19.
Public building, public parks, recreation grounds and associated buildings.
Residential facilities for elderly persons (see Section 15-13-25 for facility requirements).
Residential facility for persons with a disability (see Section 15-13-15 for facility requirements).
Residential garage sales or yard sales.
Short-Term rental (see Section 15-13-38 for requirements).
Single-family dwelling.
Temporary building for use incidental to construction work. Such building shall be removed upon the completion or abandonment of the construction work.
Two-family dwelling, in accordance with the requirements of Section 15-13-27.
(Ord. 2016-63, 12-20-2016, eff. 1-1-2017; amd. Ord. 2022-53, 11-15-2022; Ord. 2024-12, 5-7-2024)
The following uses shall be permitted only when authorized by a conditional use permit as provided in chapter 7 of this title:
Cemetery with customary incidental uses, including, but not limited to, mortuary, mausoleum, crematory, staff housing, service shops and chapel.
Group dwellings in accordance with chapter 10 of this title.
Infill developments.
Planned residential unit development (PRUD), in accordance with chapter 8 of this title.
Private park, playground, or recreation area, but not including privately owned commercial amusement business.
Privately operated concession or amusement business in a public park.
Public school bus terminal, subject to the following:
A. School buses are owned and operated by the school district;
B. Facility is located in conjunction with school administrative office;
C. Accessory maintenance and fuel operations must be specifically applied for and approved.
Public utility substation or water storage reservoir developed by a public agency.
(Ord. 2012-10, 2-28-2012)
A. Minimum Lot Area:
1. Single-family dwelling: Five thousand (5,000) square feet.
2. Two-family dwelling or other main building: Ten thousand (10,000) square feet. For lots subdivided prior to January 18, 2001: Seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet provided that seventy five percent (75%) of the linear block is developed as duplexes.
3. Corner lot: Six thousand (6,000) square feet.
B. Lot Width: Minimum lot width: Forty feet (40'); corner lot, sixty feet (60'); all lots with a maximum width of seventy five feet (75'), except that the depth of a corner lot may exceed seventy five feet (75').
C. Yard Setbacks:
1. Front: Front, minimum setback: Twenty feet (20'), except average where fifty percent (50%) frontage is developed, but not less than fifteen feet (15'). Maximum setback: Thirty five feet (35').
2. Side:
a. Main building:
(1) Minimum setback: Five feet (5'), with a total width of two (2) side yards of not less than fifteen feet (15') for single- family dwelling or two-family dwelling, and sixteen feet (16') each side for other main building plus one foot (1') each side for each two feet (2') main building is over thirty five feet (35') high.
(2) Maximum setback for single-family or two-family dwelling: Ten feet (10') on one side and twenty four feet (24') on the other side.
b. Accessory building: Five feet (5'), except one foot (1') if located at least four feet (4') in rear of main building, but not closer than six feet (6') to dwelling on adjacent lot.

3. Corner Lot: Side facing street on corner lot, fifteen feet (15'), except average where fifty percent (50%) frontage is developed, but not less than ten feet (10').
4. Rear:
a. Main building: Thirty feet (30').
b. Accessory building: One foot (1'), except eight feet (8') where accessory building rears on side yard of adjacent corner lot.
D. Building Height:
1. Minimum: One story.
2. Maximum: Two and one-half (21/2) stories or thirty five feet (35').
E. Lot Coverage: No accessory building or group of accessory buildings shall cover more than twenty five percent (25%) of the rear yard area; except if the only accessory building is a garage, it may exceed the twenty five percent (25%) coverage provided it is no larger than five hundred twenty eight (528) square feet.
F. Landscaping: For single dwellings, all yard areas are required to be landscaped and maintained. For new single-family construction the landscaping shall be installed within eighteen (18) months of the time of the first occupancy of the dwelling. For duplex requirements see subsection 15-13-16F of this title.
(Ord. 2011-4, 1-18-2011)
A. Dwelling Sizes For Units Constructed After July 31, 2010:
1. Minimum Size: For a single-family dwelling or a dwelling unit in a duplex the minimum square footage (excluding any basement) is one thousand one hundred (1,100) square feet for a single- story building or, for a two-story building, eight hundred (800) square feet on the main level with a total minimum of one thousand three hundred (1,300) square feet for the two (2) stories.
2. Maximum Size: For a single-family dwelling or a dwelling unit in a duplex the maximum square footage (excluding a basement) is two thousand four hundred (2,400) square feet for a single-story building or, for a two-story building, one thousand four hundred (1,400) square feet on the main level and two thousand eight hundred (2,800) square feet for the total of two (2) stories. If more than fifty percent (50%) of the same side of the block has dwellings larger than these maximums for either single-story or two-story respectively, then the new construction can exceed these maximums but cannot be larger than the largest home on that block in square footage.
B. Exterior Building Materials And Design: In order to protect the historic integrity established by the existing buildings in this zone, the building design and exterior finishes of all new dwellings, garages, or accessory structures, including new additions or exterior remodeling of existing buildings or accessory structures after July 31, 2010, shall comply with the following design requirements and materials. Properties which are on the local historic register are subject to the requirements of the local landmarks commission and are exempt from these standards if a certificate of historic appropriateness grants approval contrary to these standards.
1. Exterior Solid Wall Surface Materials:
a. Face brick (maximum brick size 25/8 inches by 95/8 inches);

b. Wood lap or tongue and groove wood siding that creates horizontal lines;

c. Hardiplank or similar nonvinyl or nonmetal siding material that creates a horizontal wood lap appearance; or

d. Stucco or stucco appearing material so long as there are breaks in the wall plane with brick or stone relief areas.

e. A combination of brick as the base ground level material around all four (4) sides of the building and stucco appearing material, wood or hardiplank type materials above the brick; provided that on single-story buildings the brick extends at a minimum to the bottom of the windowsills and for two-story structures the brick extends at a minimum to the beginning of the second story, and the transition between the two (2) types of exterior materials is defined by a projection of the upper floor beyond the main wall or a break in the wall surface due to a porch roofline.

2. Exterior Solid Wall Accent Surface Materials: There are portions of a wall surface that can be designed as either areas of decoration to a building or provide a continuity of design depending on the design concept of the building. Materials used on gable ends of a building, dormers, bay projections, chimneys, quoins, pillars and other ornamental features have a wider variety of design patterns and materials and are not limited to materials with horizontal lines. Materials that are allowable for these features are:
a. The same brick, wood, stucco, or hardiplank or similar nonvinyl or nonmetal siding material that creates a horizontal wood lap appearance used on the main walls of the building.

b. Stucco, wood, or synthetic materials that have a wood or stucco appearance and create a variation of patterns that accent the architectural feature.

c. Brick, stone or synthetic stone in patterns different from the major wall material.

3. Windows On Wall Surfaces Facing A Public Street: The minimum amount of glass for the ground floor level of a dwelling facing the street is fifteen percent (15%) of the wall surface and, for dwellings on a corner lot, ten percent (10%) of the wall surface facing the side street. For two-story dwellings, the minimum amount of glass for the second story is ten percent (10%) of the wall surface facing the street and, for the second story of a dwelling on a corner lot, seven and one-half percent (7.5%) of the second story wall facing the side street.
4. Roof Design And Materials: Only roof designs that either are gabled, gambrel, or hip design are permitted. The minimum roof slope is three to twelve (3:12) (3 rise to 12 length). The roof exterior surface is limited to asphalt shingles, wood shake or wood shingle, tile or tile appearing material or composite materials that have the same visual appearance as the permitted materials.

5. Entry Porches: All new single-family dwellings and at least one dwelling unit in a new duplex are required to have a main entrance facing the street with a porch and associated roof over that porch. The roof covering over the porch shall be an extension of the house in design and building materials and shall have a minimum projection over the front door of four feet (4') and a maximum of eight feet (8'). The porch shall be a minimum of five feet (5') wide along the front face of the building and may extend the full length of the front of the dwelling. It must remain open on two (2) sides (except for insect see through screens) and cannot have glass or walls taller than forty inches (40") around the sides that are open. Existing porches, as of July 31, 2010, that are open on three (3) sides shall not be enclosed on one side but shall remain open on three (3) sides. New porches which are open on three (3) sides and designed to follow the architectural lines and the material of the existing home as provided in these standards can extend the deck, roof and columns or posts into the required front yard setback a maximum of eight feet (8') and the eave overhang a maximum of ten feet (10').

6. Garage Requirement, Design, Exterior Material, Locations And Other Parking Regulations:
a. Any new single-family dwelling or two-family dwelling constructed after July 31, 2010, is required to include, at a minimum, a one car garage as part of the construction.
b. New attached garages shall have the same exterior wall treatment as the dwelling to which the garage is attached.
c. Detached new or remodeled garages located behind the home on an interior lot may have either the same exterior wall treatment as the dwelling or may use one of the solid wall surface materials listed under subsection B1 of this section.
d. A garage constructed after July 31, 2010, shall have a roof slope the same as or up to sixteen percent (16%) less than the dwelling, such as 4:12 garage roof for a dwelling with a 6:12 pitch roof, shall use the same material used in the gable ends of the roof of the dwelling if such roof treatment exists on the dwelling, and the eave line of the garage roof facing the street shall have the same detail/ornamentation that is present on the exterior of the dwelling facing the street. If no ornamentation exists on the dwelling, none is required on the garage. Roofing material for the garage shall be the same roofing material as the home.
e. A new garage constructed on an interior lot may be freestanding and set back behind the back line of the home or attached to the rear of the home with either a side or rear garage door for vehicle entry into the garage.

f. A garage constructed on a corner lot may be:
(1) Freestanding in the rear yard if located a minimum of twenty feet (20') behind the side line of the home on the side facing a street on a corner lot and if it can meet the other required yard setbacks. If the garage cannot meet the required minimum setbacks it may be less than twenty feet (20') from the side line of the home, but in no case shall it be less than five feet (5') behind the side line of the home on the side facing a street on a corner lot (see figure i of this section);
(2) Behind the home on the opposite side of the lot from the street corner and not facing the street (see figure ii of this section); or
(3) Attached to the home with an entrance into the garage on the side of the house facing the street (see figure iii of this section).

g. Notwithstanding other general regulations, no recreational vehicle or accessory vehicle parking slab is permitted in the side yard setback or at the side of a dwelling in this zone and no front yard parking slab is permitted, even if no parking is available on the site in this zone.
h. Driveways leading to legal parking shall be a maximum of twelve feet (12') in width along the side of the home and then shall flare to a width necessary to provide access to the garage and the maneuvering room needed to access the garage, except access from a side street to a garage on a corner lot may have a maximum width of twenty four feet (24').
7. Accessory Building Under Two Hundred (200) Square Feet, Location, Exterior Material And Other Regulations: An accessory building under two hundred (200) square feet, other than a garage or accessory dwelling unit, shall comply with the following regulations:
a. The accessory building may be located:
(1) For a dwelling on an interior lot, other than a multiple family dwelling, in a location allowed by the yard setbacks of this chapter;
(2) For a dwelling on a corner lot, other than a multiple family dwelling, in a location described in subsection B.6.f.(1) or (2); or
(3) For a multiple family dwelling, only in the rear yard.
b. Exterior wall finish materials are limited to:
(1) Brick, stone or synthetic stone;
(2) Wood lap, tongue and groove siding, hardi-plank, or other similar siding;
(3) Vinyl/resin siding, glass, stucco or stucco appearing material;
(4) Metal siding that has a baked enamel paint or vinyl coating. No galvanized or bare metal permitted;
(5) Architectural metal when approved by the planning commission on a case by case basis.
c. Roofing shall be made of materials designed for such application, including composition asphalt/fiberglass shingles, wood shakes, slate, tile or similar appearing materials, standing seam metal roof systems and metal shingles, and vinyl/resin materials if part of a pre-manufactured building. Galvanized metal surfaces, reflective surfaces or reuse materials that are not originally designed as an exterior wall or roof finish material are not permitted.
d. The director may allow the use of materials other than those listed above only if they are compatible with the exterior materials and finishes of the main residential building. If agreement cannot be reached on compatibility, the proposed materials/finishes shall be subject to planning commission review and approval.
8. Protection of Existing Brick:
a. Except as provided in subsection 8.b., covering of existing exterior brick with any other type of material or paint is prohibited.
b. Painting or sealing of unpainted brick may be approved by the planning commission if an evaluation is submitted to the planning commission that has been reviewed by the director providing information that:
(1) Painting or sealing of the brick is required to provide a protective surface that will limit the continued erosion of the brick;
(2) The paint or sealant used will preserve the brick; and
(3) The color of the paint or sealant will match the existing brick color.
C. Exceptions:
1. Additions, repairs or maintenance of an existing dwelling may vary from either the exterior wall materials or the roof design and materials required by subsection B of this section if the building exterior material or the roof design and materials, as of July 31, 2010, do not meet the material types or roof shape specified in this section and the addition or repair will match the existing building in exterior materials and roof shape.
2. If the exterior material of an existing dwelling is impossible to match because the material is no longer available, the exterior wall material may be any of the allowed exterior materials permitted in this section.
3. If an addition is to the rear of a dwelling on an interior lot and does not face a street, the exterior wall material may be any of the allowed exterior materials permitted in this section.
(Ord. 2011-67, 12-13-2011; amd. Ord. 2020-33, 8-4-2020; Ord. 2021-61, 12-7-2021; Ord. 2022-58, 11-15-2022)