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As used in this Chapter, the following words and terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this Section:
AVERAGE SLOPE: Shall mean and be determined by the use of the following formula:
   A.   S = .00229 (I) (L)
      S = Average slope in percent.
      .00229 = The conversion factor of square feet to acres.
      A = Total number acres in the parcel.
      I = Contour interval in feet. The contour interval may not exceed ten feet (10').
      L = Summation of the length of all contour lines, in feet, within the parcel.
   B.   In the determination of the average slope, the average (A) need not include any part of the site having a slope greater than thirty percent (30%). If such areas are excluded from determination of average slope, their acreage shall not be included as part of the total area of the site for purposes of determining the number of dwelling units allowed, but may be included with individual building lots.
   C.   Areas with slopes exceeding thirty percent (30%) may be:
      1.   Placed in permanent open space and maintained by a responsible legal entity; or
      2.   Platted with adjacent approved building lots with an open space easement; or
      3.   Other proposals may be prepared by the developer and submitted for approval of the Planning Commission.
BUILDABLE LAND: That land within a lot or development site, no part of which has slope exceeding thirty percent (30%).
DEVELOPMENT SITE: Shall mean and include the total perimeters of a subdivision or a planned unit development, or a tract, lot or parcel of land intended to be used as commercial, industrial or institutional use.
GROSS ACREAGE: The total area of the development, including all rights of way and other nonresidential uses.
IMPERVIOUS MATERIALS MATTER: That is impenetrable by moisture.
NATURAL VEGETATION: This term shall include orchards, indigenous trees, shrubs, grass and perennial growth.
NET RESIDENTIAL ACREAGE: All land within a development site devoted exclusively to a residential use.
OPEN SPACE: Includes land area of the site not covered by buildings, parking structures, or accessory structures except recreational structures. May also include any combination of public, private and common spaces.
USABLE OPEN SPACE: Is that which:
   A.   Has been properly designed;
   B.   Has been provided with landscaping and perhaps other facilities; and/or
   C.   Has been provided with a program of continuing maintenance.
(Ord. 76-15, 5-6-1976; amd. Ord. 85-27, 6-13-1985; 1999 Code)