15-24-1: Airport District
15-24-2: Airport Districts Purpose
15-24-3: Definitions
15-24-4: Uses Allowed In Each Airport Zone
15-24-5: Site Development Standards
15-24-6: Landscaping Setbacks And Coverages
15-24-7: Special Limitations
15-24-8: Architectural Character And Other Guidelines For The Airport Commercial (A-C) Zone
15-24-9: Architectural Character And Other Guidelines For The Airport Industrial (A-I) Zone
15-24-10: Airport Overlay Zone And Airport Area Special Regulations
The "airport district" is defined as those properties that are within the area bordered by Hinckley Dr., 4400 South (south city boundary), the west city boundary adjacent to Roy City, and the east city boundary adjacent to Riverdale City. The area is centered about the Ogden-Hinckley airport and contains both public and private lands.
(Ord. 2002-24, 6-4-2002, eff. 6-16-2002)
The purpose of each zoning category within the airport district is described below:
A. Airport Commercial Zone (A-C):
1. District Characteristics: This airport commercial zone is intended to protect and preserve prime lands within the airport district for high quality aeronautically related commercial development.
2. Purpose Of District: The airport commercial zone provides for sales and services with access to the Ogden-Hinckley airport. It is intended that such sales and services be aeronautically related in nature, or support other aeronautical activities.
B. Airport Industrial Zone (A-I):
1. District Characteristics: The airport industrial zone is intended to protect and preserve lands within the airport district for limited aeronautically related industrial, research or manufacturing uses. The airport industrial zone is also intended to protect and preserve land for aeronautical uses such as airplane hangars, taxi lanes, fixed base operators, etc. The airport industrial zone may be established on airport district properties that are appropriate for limited aeronautically related industrial, research, or manufacturing uses, as well as properties that are appropriate for aeronautical uses in support of airport operations.
2. Purpose Of District: The purpose is to accommodate a range of aeronautically related industrial uses that are of limited intensity, e.g., aeronautically related parts manufacturing and research and development, and other aeronautical uses in support of airport operations, e.g., hangars, tie down areas, fixed base operators, etc. The uses should be aeronautical in nature, or support aeronautical activities, should not create hazards or emissions of noxious odors, smoke or noise, nor have exterior storage of materials or parts.
(Ord. 2002-24, 6-4-2002, eff. 6-16-2002)
As used in this chapter, the following terms mean:
AERONAUTICAL ACTIVITY OR PRODUCT: Any activity or product which involves, makes possible or is required for the operation of aircraft, or which contributes to or is required for the safety of such operations.
AIRPORT APPROACH AREA: The specified area at each end of the airport landing area required for the safe flight of aircraft in landing, taking off or maneuvering at or in the vicinity of the airport.
AIRPORT APPROACH, TRANSITIONAL, HORIZONTAL, AND CONICAL SURFACE ZONES: These zones apply to the area under the approach, transitional, horizontal, and conical surfaces as defined in subsection 15-24-10D of this chapter.
AIRPORT ELEVATION: The elevation in feet above mean sea level of the highest point of the landing area of the airport.
AIRPORT HAZARD: Any structure or natural growth of use of land which penetrates, obstructs, or restricts the airspace required for the safe flight of aircraft in landing, taking off, or maneuvering at or in the vicinity of an airport, or is otherwise hazardous to such landing, taking off, or maneuvering of aircraft.
AIRPORT INSTRUMENT LANDING AREA: A landing area equipped with precision electronic air navigation aids adequate to permit the landing of aircraft by an instrument approach under restricted visibility conditions.
AIRPORT LANDING AREA: The runway or the specially prepared surface within the boundaries of an airport designed for aircraft landing and taking off operations.
AIRPORT NONINSTRUMENT LANDING AREA: Any landing areas other than an instrument landing area.
AIRPORT NONPRECISION INSTRUMENT RUNWAY: A runway having an existing instrument approach procedure utilizing air navigation facilities with only horizontal guidance, or area type navigation equipment, for which a straight in nonprecision instrument approach has been approved or planned, and for which no precision approach facilities are planned or indicated on an FAA planning document or military service's military airport planning document.
AIRPORT PRECISION INSTRUMENT RUNWAY: A runway having an existing instrument approach procedure utilizing an instrument landing system (ILS), or a precision approach radar (PAR). It also means a runway for which a precision approach system is planned and is so indicated by an FAA approved airport layout plan or any other FAA planning document, or military service's military airport planning document.
AIRPORT PRIMARY SURFACE: A surface longitudinally centered on a runway. When the runway has a specifically prepared hard surface, the primary surface extends two hundred feet (200') beyond the end of that runway; but when the runway has no specifically prepared hard surface, or planned hard surface, the primary surface ends at the end of that runway. The width of the primary surface of a runway will be that width prescribed in part 77 of the federal aviation regulations (FAR) for the most precise approach existing or planned for either end of that runway. The elevation of any point on the primary surface is the same as the elevation of the nearest point on the runway centerline.
AIRPORT RUNWAY: The paved surface of an airport landing area.
AIRPORT VISUAL RUNWAY: A runway intended solely for the operation of aircraft using visual approach procedure with no straight in instrument approach procedure and no instrument designation indicated on an FAA approved airport layout plan, a military service's approved military airport layout plan, or by any planning document submitted to the FAA by competent authority.
AIRSIDE: The movement and nonmovement areas of the airport accessible to aircraft. Includes all runways, taxiways, taxi lanes, hangars and ramps.
LANDSIDE: The areas of the airport property accessible to vehicles only, generally limited to the terminal areas, public parking areas, and other buildings and businesses inaccessible to aircraft.
(Ord. 2002-24, 6-4-2002, eff. 6-16-2002)
Of the following list of possible uses, those uses designated in any district as a "P" are permitted uses; uses designated with a "C" will be allowed only when authorized by a conditional use permit obtained as provided in chapter 7 of this title; uses designated with an "N" and uses that are not listed are not allowed. Accessory uses to the permitted or conditional uses are allowed.
Uses | A-C | A-I |
Uses | A-C | A-I | ||
Entertainment and recreational: | ||||
Indoor cultural, entertainment and recreation uses and businesses which provide as a main use activities for patrons of all ages by means of film, performance or action, e.g., movie theaters, live theater, sports. | P | N | ||
Indoor or outdoor public events or civic activities. | P | P | ||
Institutional: | ||||
Aeronautically related educational institutions, e.g., flight schools, flight simulator training facilities, etc. | P | P | ||
Aeronautically related trade or vocational school, e.g., flight support services, aircraft maintenance training, etc. | P | P | ||
Public buildings or other public uses. | P | P | ||
Manufacturing: | ||||
Manufacturing establishments solely engaged in the assembly of already processed materials into new aeronautically related products, e.g., flight simulators, flight instruments, avionics, airframes, etc., provided the activity is conducted and all materials and new products are stored within a completely enclosed building, and: | ||||
The activity does not produce noise, smell, or smoke detectable outside the building. | C | P | ||
The activity does not produce smoke or smell and does not produce noise greater than the maximum allowable sound levels listed in title 12, chapter 14 of this code. | N | P | ||
Manufacturing process which involves refining, casting, cutting, processing, creating, or assembling of new aeronautically related products, e.g., light metal part molding, aircraft engine components, composite materials, tool machining, semiconductors, crystals, etc., provided manufacturing process and storage of materials and new products occurs inside an enclosed building, and: | ||||
The process does not produce noise, fumes, smoke, or waste products that can be detected outside the building. | C | P | ||
The process does not produce smoke, fumes or waste products that can be detected outside the building, or noise greater than the maximum allowable sound levels listed in title 12, chapter 14 of this code. | N | P | ||
Manufacturing process which involves refining, casting, cutting, processing, creating, or assembling of new nonaeronautically related products, e.g., book publishing, printing, foreign trade zone (FTZ) companies, etc., provided manufacturing process and storage of materials and new products occurs inside an enclosed building, does not produce noise, smell, or smoke or waste products detectable outside the building, and does not occupy more than 20 percent of the floor area of an existing building. Existing building must have at least 80 percent floor area occupied by other allowed uses when the conditional use permit is granted. | C | N | ||
Residential: | ||||
Dormitories for air support operations or facilities. | N | P | ||
Dormitories for flight training or other educational facilities. | C | P | ||
Single-family dwelling unit for night watchman and family provided unit is attached to and accessory to a permitted use on the site. | C | C | ||
Sales: | ||||
A sales establishment of less than 1,000 square feet of floor area doing business in an enclosed permanent structure engaged in the selling of goods or merchandise to the general public for personal, household, or business use (excluding retail tobacco specialty business) and rendering services incidental to the sale of such goods, e.g., grocery, clothing, supplies, jewelry, toys, etc. | P | N | ||
A sales establishment of 1,000 to 5,000 square feet of floor area doing business in an enclosed permanent structure engaged in the selling of goods or merchandise to the general public for personal, household, or business use (excluding retail tobacco specialty business) and rendering services incidental to the sale of such goods, e.g., grocery, clothing, supplies, jewelry, toys, etc. | C | N | ||
A sales establishment of greater than 5,000 square feet of floor area doing business in an enclosed permanent structure engaged in the selling of goods or merchandise to the general public for personal, household, or business use and rendering services incidental to the sale of such goods, e.g., grocery, clothing, supplies, jewelry, toys, etc. | N | N | ||
A sales establishment engaged in the preparing, serving and selling of food and drink for human consumption on or off premises, e.g., restaurants, drive-ins, etc. | P | N | ||
A sales establishment that in addition to food and drink provides live entertainment, e.g., cabaret. In addition to the requirements of the conditional use permit process, the planning commission shall consider the potential effects of cabaret operations on adjacent uses, including, but not limited to, any residential dwellings in the vicinity, considering hours of operation, noise, parking and traffic conflicts, and possible activities of patrons on and around the site. | C | N | ||
Sales establishments which engage in the sales of aircraft or aircraft parts and equipment, e.g., aircraft brokers, aircraft distributors, aircraft dealers, aircraft accessories, etc. | P | C | ||
Sales establishment primarily involved in the retail sale of motor fuels dispensed on site, e.g., service station, gas station, convenience store. | C | N | ||
Sales establishment that has general and aviation fuel storage tanks, e.g., fuel farms, aboveground tanks intended to be used for storage of fuel for retail sales. | C | C | ||
Sales establishments that engage mainly in selling alcoholic beverages, e.g., drinking establishments, liquor stores. In addition to the requirements of the conditional use process, the following conditions shall apply: | C | N | ||
A. Establishment must be located in, or accessory to, a hotel, restaurant, or terminal. | ||||
B. Parking shall be located on the same lot with the building and conveniently located to the entrance of the building. In determining conveniently located parking, the planning commission shall consider: | ||||
1. The visibility of the parking area from the building; | ||||
2. The lighting, existing physical development, and types of uses adjacent to the parking lot and sales establishment; | ||||
3. The potential for parking conflicts with the parking lots of adjacent uses; and | ||||
4. The potential for customer usage of on street parking in front of residential uses. | ||||
Operational hours shall be considered to assure compatibility with the surrounding uses. | ||||
Sales (or rental) establishment classified as sexually oriented businesses including adult bookstores or adult videos (see section 15-13-13 of this title for applicable conditions). | P | N | ||
Services: | ||||
A business engaged in aircraft repairs provided all the work and storage occurs in a completely enclosed building, e.g., aircraft maintenance, aircraft repair, MRO, aircraft completion centers, propeller repair, avionics repair, etc. Retail sale of related aeronautical items is permitted provided not more than 10 percent of the floor area is utilized for such sales. | P | P | ||
A business engaged in aircraft restoration provided all the work and storage occurs in a completely enclosed building. | C | C | ||
A business located in an enclosed building engaged in providing services directly to individuals, businesses or agencies such as personal, professional, financial and business services, e.g., appraisal and marketing, insurance, corporate office, barbershop, laundry, architects, banking, real estate, hotels, engineering, electrical systems design, emergency training, etc. | P | N | ||
A business located in an enclosed building engaged in providing data processing, telemarketing, product uses, support services, or other business support services. Such businesses do not have contact with the general public except by means of mail or telecommunications. | P | C | ||
A business located in an enclosed building engaged in providing aeronautically related services to individuals, businesses or agencies such as air charter, air ambulance, air cargo, aircraft cleaning/detailing, aircraft management, flight lessons, simulator training, air consulting services, aerial photography, hangar rental, helicopter services, crop dusting services, airplane storage, flight planning, etc. | P | P | ||
A business located in an enclosed building engaged in providing airport terminal services, e.g., ticketing office, automobile rental, cafe or cafeteria, etc. | P | N | ||
A medical clinic located in an enclosed building engaged in providing medical services, e.g., corporate flight department medical service, executive medical services, workplace injuries, or other work related conditions, etc. | P | C | ||
Flying clubs or other fractional aircraft ownership services. | P | P | ||
Sexually oriented business (see section 15-13-13 of this title for applicable conditions): | ||||
Adult live entertainment businesses or adult movie theaters. | N | N | ||
Outcall services or adult entertainment dance agencies. | P | N | ||
Transportation, utilities, communication: | ||||
Businesses or land uses which are primarily engaged in uses or public transportation, e.g., parking lots, bus stations, etc. | P | P | ||
Utility or communication business engaged in the delivery of services aboveground, e.g., substations, relay towers, commercial transmitting towers, etc. | C | C | ||
(Ord. 2013-50, 12-3-2013; amd. Ord. 2020-24, 6-23-2020)
The following dimensional requirements shall apply in each airport zone to building and parking setbacks, measured from the property line:
A-C Zone | A-I Zone |
A-C Zone | A-I Zone | |
Minimum lot area | 3,000 square feet | 4,000 square feet |
Minimum lot dimensions | 40 foot width | 50 foot width |
Maximum impervious coverage | 80 percent | 90 percent |
Maximum building height | See section 15-24-10 of this chapter | See section 15-24-10 of this chapter |
Front yard setback | 20 feet | 10 feet |
Side yard setback (facing a street) | 20 feet | 10 feet |
Side yard setback | 10 feet | 10 feet |
Rear yard setback | 20 feet | 10 feet |
A. Distance Between Buildings: Hangars may be constructed without a minimum distance between buildings to the side or rear in accordance with the international building code. Hangar locations must allow a taxi lane area to the front of at least eighty feet (80') between buildings.
B. Landscaping Requirements: No landscaping other than grass or turf is required on airside area of structures, e.g., aircraft hangar, taxi, or tie down areas.
(Ord. 2002-24, 6-4-2002)
Notwithstanding the required landscaping for those setbacks that are along street frontages (see table at section 15-24-5 of this chapter), there may be additional landscaping required based on other provisions of this title. Additional requirements include, but are not limited to, installation of landscaping in public rights of way 1 , preserving existing vegetation 2 , screening of service and storage areas 3 , parking lot landscaping 4 and special requirements 5 for specific requirements for listed types of development or development in specific zones. See section 15-24-10 of this chapter for landscaping height limitations.
(Ord. 2002-24, 6-4-2002)
1 | 1. See subsection 15-4-5E3a of this title. |
2 | 2. See subsections 15-4-5E7a and E7b of this title. |
3 | 3. See subsection 15-4-5G of this title. |
4 | 4. See subsections 15-12-9B and C of this title. |
5 | 5. See chapter 23 of this title. |
A. Landscaping Limitations:
1. No tree or shrub species shall be allowed that produces berries or seeds that would attract wildlife to the airport.
2. Trees must be selected to grow within the height limitations of section 15-24-10 of this chapter.
B. Hangar Limitations:
1. Hangars are intended to be used for the storage of aircraft. Not more than fifty percent (50%) of hangar floor space may be used for storage or business use.
2. Hangars may be used for the general maintenance of aircraft in compliance with restrictions found in title 8 of this code and any applicable fire and building codes.
(Ord. 2002-24, 6-4-2002, eff. 6-16-2002)
Structures shall be developed in a way that is in harmony with the setting and consistent with the intended uses. They should reflect a contemporary style and should be unified in terms of materials and colors to achieve a campus like feel.
A. Building Facades: Structures shall be designed with equal emphasis placed on all sides, rather than placing all emphasis on the front elevation of the structure. The same types of building materials shall be used on all four (4) sides, though the amount of material used on each side may vary. Structures shall be designed and arranged with variations in wall surfaces by using such things as varying textures, materials and planes to avoid a blank wall appearance.
B. Materials: Buildings shall be constructed with materials of durability and quality. Walls shall be constructed of rough textured stucco, concrete, concrete masonry units, bricks, stone or other material with similar appearance. All concrete shall have texturing over a minimum of two-thirds (2/3) of the exposed surface. In no case are metal premanufactured buildings permitted nor shall metal sided structures be built. Roof materials shall have dull finishes. In the areas where the new buildings are mixed with existing structures, compatibility of materials is required as long as the materials meet the material types listed in this subsection.
C. Colors: Building colors shall be predominantly warm, muted earth tones. Brighter colors may only be used for accents or detailing (maximum 10 percent of surface area, excluding signage) if desired.
D. Screening Of Mechanical Equipment: All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be concealed from public view to the maximum extent possible by screening it with integral portions of the architecture. "Concealed from public view" is determined by what a person would see when standing on the public sidewalk in front of the building. All conduits, vents and other appurtenances shall be painted to match the color of the surrounding building surfaces.
E. Walkways: Parking lot walkways within the site shall be located and aligned to directly and continuously connect areas or points of pedestrian origin and destination, and shall not be located solely based on the outline of a parking lot configuration that does not provide such direct pedestrian access.
F. Fencing: No fencing shall be allowed to extend beyond the front line of the main building. For properties that are a corner lot, fencing shall not extend beyond the side of the building facing the street.
(Ord. 2002-24, 6-4-2002, eff. 6-16-2002)