15-23-1: Parking Lots In DDR Zone
15-23-2: Regulations For New Construction In The DDR Zone
15-23-3: Special Requirements For Landscaping Setback Along 1200 West And 1200 South
15-23-4: Architectural Character And Other Guidelines For MRD Zone
15-23-5: Special Requirements For Specific Uses In The Manufacturing Zones
15-23-6: Architectural Building And Design Requirements In The OCIP Zone
15-23-7: Environmental Land Use Controls In The MRD And DDR Zones
15-23-8: Architectural Guidelines And Special Requirements For The BEI And BEH Zones
15-23-9: Architectural Building And Design Requirements In The FLEX, M-1 And M-2 Zones
A. Notwithstanding the provisions of chapter 12 of this title, parking lots may be located more than five hundred feet (500') from the use for which they are intended to provide parking. A concrete sidewalk shall be installed along the frontage of the property which leads to the required off site parking. Where possible, sidewalks shall be installed along the frontages of all the properties between the use which requires the parking and the parking lot.
B. Parking lots in the DDR zone, except those adjacent to buildings constructed before October 19, 1999, along 600 West from 2nd Street to 300 North, 700 West from 1st Street to 300 North, 800 West from 1st Street to 400 North, 930 West from 2nd Street to 200 North, 1000 West from 2nd Street to 200 North and 1070 West from 2nd Street to 200 North, shall be required to have a ten foot (10') wide landscaped setback from the property line to the parking areas. Parking along those specific streets named above shall not have a required landscaped setback. For other locations the landscaping shall be in accordance with the requirements defined in chapter 12 of this title for parking areas.
C. Any parking lot which is developed or expanded in the DDR zone along 2nd Street, Amidan Street, or Ward Avenue shall have a twenty foot (20') landscaped setback from the right of way line of that street. Fencing shall not be permitted in the twenty foot (20') wide landscaped area in front of the parking lot on these three (3) streets.
(Ord. 2015-4, 2-24-2015)
A. Any new building construction which occurs in the DDR zone, whether it is a freestanding building or an expansion of an existing building shall have a minimum building setback of twenty feet (20') from the following street right of way lines: Burns Avenue, Doughten Street, Clark Avenue, Craner Avenue, Loffredo Avenue, Stitzer Avenue, 2nd Street, Amidan Street and Ward Avenue. The setback area shall be landscaped.
B. Expansion of existing buildings shall be allowed, provided the expansion does not remove any required on site parking nor increase the need for truck maneuvering to occur off the property.
C. Any new building which is constructed adjacent to the Ogden Nature Center property located in the O-1 zone shall be designed so that the loading and unloading of trucks is screened from that portion of the O-1 zone by the building. No vehicle accessways shall be developed between the building and the Ogden Nature Center property located in the O-1 zone. For purposes of this subsection, the "Ogden Nature Center property" shall refer to the boundaries of the property to be conveyed to Ogden City for the benefit of the Ogden Nature Center pursuant to the DDOU reuse plan.
(Ord. 2015-4, 2-24-2015)
A forty foot (40') wide landscaping setback is required for all uses along the frontage of 1200 West from Harrisville Road to 1200 South and along the frontage of 1200 South from 1200 West to 500 West which is the west side of the main railroad line and known as the former Defense Depot Ogden site. Landscaping in this setback shall be in accordance with the landscaping and buffering requirements defined in chapter 4 of this title.
(Ord. 2015-4, 2-24-2015)
These guidelines apply to all MRD zones:
Structures shall be developed in a way that is in harmony with the setting and consistent with the intended uses. They should reflect a contemporary style and should be unified in terms of materials and colors to achieve a campuslike feel. Unsightly uses shall be screened from public view.
A. Building Facades: Structures shall have equally attractive sides, rather than placing all emphasis on the front elevation of the structure. The same types of building materials shall be used on all four (4) sides, though the amount of material used on each side may vary. Structures shall be designed and arranged with variations in wall surfaces by using such things as varying textures, materials, and planes to avoid a blank wall appearance.
B. Materials: Buildings shall be constructed with materials of durability and quality. Walls shall be constructed of rough textured stucco, concrete, concrete masonry units, bricks, stone, or other material with similar appearance. All concrete shall have texturing over a minimum of two-thirds (2/3) of the exposed surface. No metal sided structures shall be built. Roof materials shall have dull finishes. In the areas where the new buildings are mixed with existing structures, compatibility of materials is required as long as the materials meet the material types listed in this subsection.
C. Colors: Building colors shall be predominantly warm, muted earth tones, with brighter colors used for accents or detailing (maximum 10 percent of surface area, excluding signage) if desired.
D. Glass: Nonmirrored glass is preferred, especially at street level and public entrances.
E. Screening Of Mechanical Equipment: All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be concealed from public view to the maximum extent by screening it with integral portions of the architecture. "Concealed from public view" is determined by what a person would see when standing on the public sidewalk in front of the building. All conduit, vents and other appurtenances shall be painted to match the color of the surrounding building surfaces.
F. Walkways: Parking lot walkways within the site shall be located and aligned to directly and continuously connect areas or points of pedestrian origin and destination, and shall not be located solely based on the outline of a parking lot configuration that does not provide such direct pedestrian access.
G. Fencing: No fencing shall be allowed to extend beyond the front line of the main building. For properties which are a corner lot, fencing shall not extend beyond the side of the building facing the street.

H. Walls: Exterior building walls that face streets or required parking shall have landscaped areas at least five feet (5') wide placed directly along at least fifty percent (50%) of such walls.
I. Conditional Use Warehousing Adjacent To The Ogden Nature Center Property Line: A conditional use for warehousing can only be considered if the warehousing is adjacent to the property line of the Ogden City Nature Center and the following development standards are met:
1. The building, parking and access lanes are screened by a six foot (6') tall, landscaped berm which exists along the nature center north property line or by installing shrubs that are six feet (6') or taller in mature height along the east property line;
2. Dock orientation is prohibited on the side of the building facing the nature center property;
3. Maximum building height is forty feet (40');
4. Any outdoor lighting is shielded so that the source is not directly visible from the nature center and the lighting is directed down and away from the nature center property.
5. Sixty foot (60') building setback along the east property line of the nature center.
J. Buildings Adjacent to 1200 West:
1. Maximum building height adjacent to 1200 West but not adjacent to the Ogden Nature Center is fifty feet (50').
2. For manufacturing of food products adjacent to 1200 West, in addition to all activities being inside an enclosed building, any noise, odors or fumes created by the use must be contained within the building.
K. Public Transportation: Businesses or land uses which are primarily engaged in uses of public transportation:
1. Stand alone parking lot: Public parking, not to exceed twenty four (24) consecutive hours, shall be shared for different sites.
2. Bus station: Limited to the eastern edge of the MRD zone along railroad tracks.
(Ord. 2015-4, 2-24-2015; amd. Ord. 2021-37, 7-6-2021)