B. Wheels, Tongue Removed: When used as a single-family dwelling, a manufactured home must have wheels and tow tongue removed and must be placed on and anchored to a permanent concrete foundation which is designed to meet city standards.
C. PRUDs: Property developed as a PRUD shall be evaluated in accordance with the development standards for the R-1-6 zone. The planning commission may approve a manufactured home park as part of a PRUD.
(Ord. 81-11, 4-2-1981; amd. Ord. 97-36, 5-27-1997)
A. Intent: In order to achieve the general objectives, intent and purpose of this Chapter, preliminary site plan review of mobile home parks proposed for construction, alteration, or extension by the Planning Commission is required. In reviewing the site plan for a proposed park, the Planning Commission shall ascertain whether the proposed site plan is consistent with all regulations of this and all other City ordinances and any applicable State regulations. Further, in consideration of each site plan, the Planning Commission shall endeavor to assure that the movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic within the site and in relation to access streets shall be safe and convenient, that adequate provision is made for the continuation of the existing and planned system of public streets, and that provisions are made so that the proposed manufactured home park will not be harmful to the existing and future uses in the immediate area and the vicinity.
B. Application; Contents: In order to obtain site plan review by the Planning Commission, the application shall contain the following information:
1. Name, address and phone number of recorded applicant or his representative or qualified person preparing the plans;
2. Interest of the applicant in the manufactured home park or recreational coach park;
3. Location and legal description of the park; and
4. Eight (8) copies of the proposed preliminary plan and specifications of the proposed park showing:
a. The area and dimensions drawn to scale of the tract of land and approximate acreage;
b. The number, location and size of manufactured home spaces, recreational coach spaces and open space;
c. The location and width of roadways, walkways and parking areas, and access to public thoroughfare;
d. The location of service buildings and any other proposed structures;
e. The location and size of natural features, including topography, wetlands, streams, lakes, drains and wooded areas, and any anticipated change in these features;
f. The size, location and design of recreational facilities;
g. Property ownership if other than applicant; and
h. A conceptual landscaping plan indicating location of trees and open areas.
C. Final Plan; Contents: Following review and approval of the preliminary plan, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Commission a final detailed site plan for the proposed manufactured home park or the recreational coach park in accordance with the following requirements:
1. Drawings to be of a scale not larger than one inch to fifty feet (1" = 50') nor less than one inch to one hundred feet (1" = 100');
2. Scale, north point and all boundary dimensions;
3. Depiction of spaces, including accurate dimensions, angles and sizes correlated with the legal description of said property;
4. Existing site characteristics:
a. Natural features, such as wooded areas, topography (2 foot contour intervals). Streams, lakes, drains, wetlands, and similar features;
b. Existing manmade features, such as buildings, structures, high-tension towers, pipelines, existing utilities, excavations, bridges, culverts, drains, and easements;
5. Any changes in existing natural or manmade features included;
6. Proposed streets, driveways, sidewalks, exterior lights, and other vehicular and pedestrian circulations featured within and adjacent to the site; location and type of use of all recreational areas; location, area, number and dimensions of parking spaces in the off-street parking areas and identification of service lanes and service parking areas; details of roads and drives, curbs and gutters, including cross sections;
7. Location, use and size of all utility service facilities, including any common fuel storage tank facilities, water and sewer service systems, storm drainage facilities, and fire hydrants;
8. Location and details of any and all signs to be constructed and placed in the park;
9. A detailed landscaping plan which shall include the location and type of all plant materials either to remain or to be planted. Such plant materials shall be hardy when planted and maintained thereafter in a neat, orderly manner; withered and/or dead plant materials shall be replaced within a reasonable period of time, no longer than one growing season;
10. Plans should be designed and prepared by a qualified person in order that all requirements may be met without undue delay; and
11. Any other information deemed necessary by the planning commission.
D. Planning Commission And Mayoral Review: The planning commission shall review the application and plans of the proposed manufactured home park or recreational coach park. It shall consider the report of the other departments and agencies, together with the provisions of this chapter and any other ordinance and shall recommend to the mayor approval, conditional approval or disapproval. Upon receipt of such recommendations, the mayor may grant approval, conditional approval or disapproval. The planning commission and mayor may require the applicant to submit for recording covenants, conditions, and restrictions determined to be necessary to provide adequate guarantees for compliance with the conditions of approval.
E. Time Limitations:
1. A final plan shall be submitted for approval within twelve (12) months of preliminary plan approval. Failure to submit a final plan within the specified time period shall result in the preliminary plan approval becoming null and void.
2. A building permit shall be secured and construction begun in accordance with the approved final plan within twelve (12) months from the date of the mayor's approval of the final plan. Application may be made for not more than six (6) months' extension of the time limit for commencement of construction. Plan approval will expire if no building permits are issued within the time limits specified above.
F. Financial Guarantee: To the extent not otherwise required by city ordinance, the developer shall be required to provide a financial guarantee in an amount determined by the director guaranteeing the completion of any required public improvements or the development of the recreational areas, open space, landscaping plans or a phase thereof. The financial guarantee shall meet the requirements of section 15-13-23 of this title.
(Ord. 81-11, 4-2-1981; amd. Ord. 97-36, 5-27-1997; Ord. 2001-32, 6-5-2001, eff. 6-30-2001)
A. Size And Density: Minimum site size for a manufactured home park shall be ten (10) acres. Average park density shall not exceed seven and two-tenths (7.2) manufactured home units per gross acre. Accessory areas designated for recreational coach use may have an average density of twenty five (25) units per gross acre. "Gross acre" shall not include any areas dedicated as public rights of way.
B. Manufactured Home Space Coverage: Maximum manufactured home space coverage shall not exceed seventy percent (70%) of each individual space. Coverage shall mean any manmade apparatus, such as a parking space, trailer pad, storage areas, patio and sidewalks, etc.
C. Park Perimeter Setbacks: All manufactured homes, recreational coaches and accessory buildings shall be set back not less than twenty feet (20') from the perimeter property lines of the park. Except as necessary for driveways, access ways or walkways, the perimeter setback area shall be landscaped in accordance with the approved landscaping plan.
D. Private Roads And Driveways: All private interior roads and driveways shall be hard surfaced and designed to handle all anticipated peak loads and shall be lighted for safety and ease of movement of vehicles. Minimum pavement width shall be twenty two feet (22') for two-way roads, with no on-street parking allowed. Driveways shall be a minimum width of ten feet (10'). Except as necessary to provide for the extensions of the city's street system, the manufactured home park road system should be so designed as to prevent the use of such roads for through traffic. The entire width of the vehicle travel lanes shall be hard surfaced with concrete or asphalt, with concrete curb and gutters placed along both sides of all roads. Types of curbs and gutters shall reflect topographic conditions and road design. Four foot (4') walkways shall be required on both sides. Approval of the design for road system, curb and gutters and walkways will be subject to the City Engineer's approval.
E. Public Streets:
1. Street Improvements: Where the park borders an existing street which does not meet City standards, the Mayor may require additional dedication and improvements on streets and highways abutting the proposed manufactured home park.
2. Continuation Of City Streets: The Planning Commission and Mayor shall review whether the continuation of public streets in the surrounding areas is necessary for convenient movement of traffic, effective fire protection, efficient provision of services, and as may be required in accordance with the approved transportation plan. If continuation of the streets is determined to be necessary, the Mayor may require dedication and improvement of such street.
3. Dedication And Improvement Standards: Standards for dedication and improvements shall be the same as required for a new subdivision under Title 14 of this Code.
F. Off-Street Parking: Adequate hard surface paving shall be provided for off-street parking, vehicle storage and access in accord with the following schedule:
1. Each manufactured home space shall be provided with off-street parking space for two (2) vehicles. This may be provided totally on the space or in parking compounds conveniently located and readily accessible to the space which they are intended to serve, or as a combination of the above.
2. For all other uses, sufficient parking shall be provided to fit the scale of the contemplated use and activity to be developed.
3. Each parking space shall have a minimum width of nine feet (9') and a minimum depth of eighteen feet (18').
4. All parking spaces and parking compounds shall be hard surfaced with asphalt or concrete.
5. A separate parking area for recreational vehicles shall be provided at a ratio of one space per three (3) manufactured home spaces. Adequate screening fences and landscaping shall enclose this area from the manufactured home park spaces and the surrounding properties.
6. Guest, service and delivery parking shall be provided throughout the park at recreational buildings, service buildings and other convenient locations at a ratio of one parking space for every four (4) manufactured home spaces.
G. Site Drainage:
1. A manufactured home park shall be located on a well-drained site properly graded to provide for adequate disposition of runoff. Such areas shall be free of flood hazards from external sources.
2. Storm drainage facilities shall be provided, designed and constructed so as to protect those that will reside in the manufactured home park as well as the property owners adjacent to the park. Such park facilities shall be of such capacity to ensure rapid drainage and prevent the accumulation of stagnant pools of water in or adjacent to the park.
3. All hard surface areas shall be designed and constructed in conformance with a drainage plan approved by the City Engineer.
4. The Mayor may require dedications and improvements which will ensure proper protection to the park and surrounding properties in accordance with this Section.
H. Utilities And Services:
1. Adequate sanitary sewage and culinary water facilities, including connections provided to all individual spaces, shall be provided in accordance with City standards.
2. The plumbing connections to each manufactured home space or recreational coach space shall be constructed so that all lines are protected from freezing, from accidental bumping or from creating any type of nuisance or health hazard.
3. All electric, telephone and other lines from supply poles to each manufactured home space or recreational coach space shall be underground. When meters are installed they shall be uniformly located.
4. Adequate facilities for the storage and disposal of trash and garbage in a sanitary manner shall be provided in each park. All solid waste containers shall be enclosed on three (3) sides with a minimum six foot (6'), solid wall or fence.
5. Yard lights, attached to standards approved by the City, shall be provided in sufficient number and intensity to permit the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians at night, and shall be effectively related to buildings, trees, walks, steps and ramps.
I. Landscaping: A landscape planting design shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for its approval as part of the overall development. At a minimum such design shall include the following:
1. There shall be at least two (2) 2-inch caliper deciduous trees for each manufactured home space and at least one 4-foot tall evergreen tree for every three (3) manufactured home spaces. The required trees shall be located within:
a. The setback perimeter;
b. Landscaped areas designed to define the circulation patterns; and
c. Areas that will enhance the living spaces.
2. The landscaped, perimeter setback area shall be developed with a mixture of hardy deciduous and coniferous plant material and grass or ground cover.
3. All required landscaping shall be maintained thereafter in a neat and orderly manner. Withered or dead plant material shall be replaced within a reasonable period of time, but no longer than one growing season.
4. The landscape design for the recreational area shall have a minimum of one 2-inch caliper deciduous tree or one 4-foot tall evergreen tree for every three thousand feet (3,000') of reserved recreational area. The retention of existing trees in the recreation area can be used to meet this requirement.
J. Recreational Areas: A minimum of eight percent (8%) of the gross area of the park, excluding public rights of way, shall be designed and developed as recreational facilities for its residents. The required setback areas shall not be counted as part of the eight percent (8%) recreational area requirement, although the recreation areas may be next to any required setback areas. These facilities and areas shall be designed with trees, grass, benches, equipment, etc., in relationship to park clientele. The recreational areas design shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Commission and the Mayor, considering its location, accessibility and functionality.
K. Individual Manufactured Home Space Standards:
1. Space Area And Width: Each manufactured home space shall contain a minimum area of four thousand (4,000) square feet with a minimum width of fifty feet (50') fronting on a roadway or public right of way; provided however, that:
a. Spaces larger than the above minimum sizes may be required along the perimeter where it is determined that said space size is necessary to be compatible with the general pattern established by adjacent development; and
b. Spaces on curved driveways or cul-de-sacs where space lines are either converging or diverging from the front to the rear of the space shall have an average width of at least fifty feet (50') measured twenty feet (20') from the roadway or street.
2. Patio Area: An outdoor patio area of not less than one hundred eighty (180) square feet shall be provided at each manufactured home space, conveniently located to the entrance of the manufactured home and appropriately related to open areas of the space and other facilities for the purpose of providing suitable outdoor living space to supplement the limited interior spaces of a manufactured home.
3. Stands: Each manufactured home space shall be provided with either a gravel stand and shall be treated to prevent the growth of weeds, or a concrete pad, mat or platform not less than four inches (4") in depth, or of equal bearing strength if reinforced concrete is used. All stands shall be located a minimum of five feet (5') from any roadway curb or walk.
4. Utility Cabinets: Each manufactured home space shall be provided with one metal or other suitable material utility cabinet, which shall be uniform as to size and location throughout the manufactured home park site. All cabinets shall be kept clean and shall be maintained in good condition and kept painted and shall contain a minimum of ninety (90) cubic feet of storage area and be a minimum of six feet (6') in height. No other such accessory building will be allowed.
L. Clearance: Manufactured homes shall be located so that they are at least twenty five feet (25') apart side-by-side and fifteen feet (15') apart from side-to-rear, and the manufactured home, measured from the hitch, shall be located at least eight feet (8') from any roadway curb or walk. Manufactured home hitches shall face the interior roads.
M. Height: Maximum height of all manufactured homes, buildings and structures shall be twenty feet (20').
N. Skirting And Canopies:
1. Each manufactured home, unless placed on a permanent foundation, shall be skirted within ninety (90) days after establishment in a manufactured home park.
2. Such skirting shall be of twenty six (26) gauge metal, aluminum or other noncorrosive metal or material of equal strength and so constructed and attached to the manufactured home so as to deter and prevent the entry of animals and to screen from view those materials that may be stored under the manufactured home.
3. Canopies may be attached to any manufactured home, but they shall not exceed twelve feet (12') in width, nor exceed the corresponding length or height of the manufactured home. "Canopies" shall include any shade structure installed, erected or used adjoining or adjacent to a manufactured home, and which is completely open on at least two (2) sides.
O. Attached Garages: Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Chapter, manufactured homes with attached garages shall be allowed, provided they meet the following requirements:
1. A minimum eight foot (8') side yard setback from space line to structure. No structure, awning, canopy, manufactured home or garage be closer than sixteen feet (16') to an adjoining structure, manufactured home, canopy, awning or garage except that a minimum five foot (5') side yard setback from any space line and ten foot (10') separation from adjacent unit may be allowed; provided, that the wall of said structure shall have no openings and in addition have a minimum of a one hour fire rating.
2. Garages shall have a twenty foot (20') minimum front yard setback.
(Ord. 97-36, 5-27-1997)