Recreation and/or open space areas to be permanently reserved shall be improved, landscaped, and maintained in accordance with a plan approved by the Planning Commission and the cluster subdivision provisions of the subdivision title.
(Ord. 72-13, 7-6-1972)
A preliminary plan of the cluster subdivision showing the areas within the subdivision to be permanently reserved for recreation and/or open space, and plans showing the proposed use, improvements and method of maintenance of such areas shall be approved by the Planning Commission before the cluster subdivision proposal becomes a permitted use in the zone in which it is proposed.
(Ord. 72-13, 7-6-1972)
A. The subdivider of a cluster subdivision shall submit plans of landscaping and improvements for the common open space. The subdivider shall also explain the intended use of the open space maintained. A cluster subdivision must assure proper use, construction, and maintenance of open space facilities and must result in a development superior to conventional development in terms of its benefits to future owners of the subdivision, surrounding residents and the general public.
B. The Planning Commission may place whatever additional conditions or restrictions it may deem necessary to ensure development and maintenance of the desired character for common open space, including plans for disposition or reuse of property if the open space use is not maintained in the manner agreed upon or is abandoned by the owners.
(Ord. 98-37, 6-16-1998)