In addition to the zones hereinabove established, all the land within the incorporated boundaries and overlaid by the airport overlay zone is hereby divided into the following listed height limiting zones:
A. Precision instrument approach surface zone.
B. Nonprecision approach surface zone.
C. Transitional surface zone.
D. Horizontal surface zone.
E. Conical surface zone.
(Ord. 72-13, 7-6-1972; amd. 1999 Code; Ord. 2002-24, 6-4-2002)
The location and boundaries of each of the said zones are hereby established as described herein or as shown on the map entitled "zoning map of Ogden City" and the map entitled "airport zoning map of Ogden City", or as hereafter amended, and all boundaries, notations and other data shown on said maps are made by this reference as much a part of this title as if fully described and detailed herein. Said maps shall be filed in the custody of the city recorder, and may be examined by the public subject to any reasonable regulations established by the city recorder.
(Ord. 72-13, 7-6-1972; amd. 1999 Code)
Where uncertainty exists as to the boundary of any zone, the following rules shall apply:
A. Wherever the zone boundary is indicated as being approximately upon the centerline of a street, alley or block, or along a property line, then unless otherwise definitely indicated on the map, the centerline of such street, alley, or block, or such property line, shall be construed to be the boundary of such zone.
B. Wherever such boundary line of such zone is indicated as being approximately at the line of any river, irrigation canal, or other waterway, or railroad right of way, or public park or other public land, or any section line, then in such case of the center of such stream, canal, or waterway or of such railroad right of way, or the boundary line of such public land or such section line shall be deemed to be the boundary of such zone.
C. Where such zone boundary lines cannot be determined by the above rules, their location may be found by the use of the scale appearing upon the map.
D. Where the application of the above rules does not clarify the zone boundary location, the board of zoning adjustment shall interpret the map.
(Ord. 72-13, 7-6-1972; amd. 1999 Code)
The boundaries of the floodplain overlay zone are hereby established as described herein or as shown on the map entitled "Ogden River floodplain overlay zone", and all boundaries, notations and other data shown on said map is made by this reference as much a part of this section as if fully described and detailed herein. Said map shall be filed in the custody of the city recorder and may be examined by the public subject to any reasonable regulations established by the city recorder.
(Ord. 75-31, 6-19-1975; amd. 1999 Code)
A. For purposes of this title, a zoning district, including an overlay zone or conditional overlay zone, is primarily residential if the majority of the buildings in the zone are used, in whole or in part, for dwelling units.
B. Specific zones that are primarily residential include:
Single-family residential zone | R-1-10 |
Single-family residential zone | R-1-8 |
Single-family residential zone | R-1-6 |
Single-family residential zone | R-1-5 |
Two-family residential zone | R-2 |
Two-family residential zone | R-2A |
Two-family residential zone - East Central | R-2EC |
Multiple-family residential zone | R-3 |
Multiple-family residential zone - East Central | R-3EC |
Multiple-family residential zone | R-4 |
Multiple-family residential zone | R-5 |
Residential manufactured home park zone | Rmh-1 |
Mixed use zone | MU |
(Ord. 2019-46, 10-22-2019)