Any person selling and delivering or attempting to deliver any load lot of any commodity, produce or articles of merchandise that has been reweighed on the scale of the public weighmaster on which it was originally weighed at his request, who shall refuse or fail to allow such load to be delivered to the destination it was originally billed or sent to, or who shall fail or refuse to have the load removed from the vehicle used in the delivery thereof, or who shall hinder or obstruct the Inspector of Weights and Measures, or any deputies, from obtaining and ascertaining the net weight of the commodity, produce or articles of merchandise delivered or attempted to be delivered shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished as provided in Section 1-1-5 of this Code.
When any commodity, produce or articles is or are sold subject to public weighmaster's weights, the net weight shown in the weight certificate issued by such public weighmaster shall be taken to be the true net weight of the same, subject to the right of reweighing as herein provided. Net weight, within the meaning of this Article, shall be the actual weight of the commodity, produce or articles excluding the weight of the vehicle, if any, in which it is loaded, and excluding the weight of the driver of such vehicle, if such driver be weighed as part of the tare weight.