Public weighmasters owning scales suitable for weighing commodities loaded in wagons, trucks or other vehicles shall weigh any commodity, produce or articles of merchandise loaded in any wagon, truck or other vehicle when requested to do so by the person bringing the same to the scale of such weighmaster; public weighmasters owning scales suitable for weighing commodities in amounts or quantities less than load lots when not contained in any wagon, truck or other vehicle, shall weigh any such, commodity when requested to do so by any person bringing the same to the scale of such weighmaster.
Each public weighmaster shall be present at his scale, either in person or by deputy, at all reasonable times during each day, except Sundays and public holidays; provided, however, that if requested to do so upon any day preceding any such Sunday or public holiday, the public weighmaster shall be present or cause a deputy weighmaster to be present at such scale on the succeeding Sunday or public holiday; provided further, that the person requesting such weighmaster to be present at his scales on any Sunday or legal holiday shall be required to deposit with such public weighmaster the sum of ten dollars ($10.00), which sum shall be the minimum reimbursement to such weighmaster for his services in weighing commodities on his scale on any Sunday or public holiday.
Public weighmasters, when not the owners or sellers of the articles, commodities or produce weighed by them, shall be entitled to charge and receive a sum not in excess of twenty five cents ($.25) for each and every load or part of a load (or lesser quantity when not contained in any wagon, truck or other vehicle), of any commodity, produce or articles of merchandise weighed by them over the scales of the public weighmasters.
Each public and deputy weighmaster shall procure a seal, at his own expense, which seal shall be round in form not to exceed one and one-quarter inch (11/4") in diameter of a type similar to a notary public's seal. The seal of a public weighmaster shall show his name around the upper half (1/2) of the dies and his title around the lower half (1/2) of the dies. The seal of a deputy public weighmaster shall have the name of the weighmaster who appointed him around the upper half (1/2) of the dies, with his own name across the center of the dies and his title around the lower half (1/2) of the dies. Such seal shall be stamped over the weights set forth therein upon each certificate issued by such public or deputy weighmaster. No deputy weighmaster shall use his seal on any weight certificate other than the one of the public weighmaster by whom he has been appointed.
No deputy weighmaster shall be authorized to weigh or issue certificates for any weighing done on any scale other than those the location of which appear on the license of the public weighmaster appointing him or such additional ones as may be installed after the application has been made, as provided for in this Article; provided, however, that in a case of an emergency caused by the breaking down or getting out of order of the scale of the public weighmaster, he shall, pending the repairing and resealing of such scale be authorized to weigh on another different scale upon the public weighmaster appointing him assuming responsibility for the accuracy of the scale so used.