All vegetables, vegetable products, meats and nonliquid animal products, butter, cheese and other similar dairy products, sold or offered for sale within the Village for delivery within the Village shall, in the absence of a contract or agreement in writing to the contrary signed by the parties thereto, be sold by standard avoirdupois net weight or by numerical count; provided, however, that seeds, grain, flour, meal and other cereals or cereal products and vegetable roots, which by common custom in the Village are sold by the bunch, and commodities in original packages shall not be included in the provisions of this section.
The term "original packages" as herein used, shall be taken to mean packages in which commodities have been packed before shipping by the grower, producer or original packer thereof, and the contents of which have not been disturbed or diminished, except for the purpose of ripening or of replacing spoiled goods. (Ord. 2009-0-059, 9-8-09)
All fresh berries, cherries, currants and other small fruits sold or offered for sale in the Village shall, in the absence of a special agreement in writing signed by the parties thereto to the contrary, be sold by standard avoirdupois net weight, numerical count or uniform size baskets, boxes or other receptacles containing one quart, one pint or one-half (1/2) pint standard dry measures, or multiples thereof, and in no other way. Such receptacles shall be uniformly and evenly filled throughout. Baskets, boxes or other receptacles in which or out of which, such berries, cherries, currants or other small fruits are sold or offered for sale shall not be required to be tested and sealed, but the Inspector of Weights and Measures or any of his deputies may at any time test the capacity of a sample basket, box or other receptacle in which, or out of which, such berries, cherries, currants or other small fruits are sold or offered for sale. (Ord. 2009-0-059, 9-8-09)
28-2-1: Duties Performed By Village Clerk
28-2-2: Annual Inspection; Seal And Certificate Of Accuracy; Table Of Tolerances
28-2-3: Register To Be Kept
28-2-4: Reports Of Violation Of Chapter
28-2-5: Sale Of Weights And Measures Prohibited
28-2-6: Police Powers Generally; Right Of Entry
28-2-7: Power To Arrest And Seize Property
28-2-8: Condemnation, Adjustment And Seizure Of Incorrect Weights And Measures
28-2-9: Inspection Fees; Schedule
28-2-10: Inspection Fees; Limitation
28-2-11: Inspection Fees; Disposition, Report To The Village Manager
28-2-12: Resignation Or Removal From Office
28-2-13: Interference, Impersonation Prohibited
The Village Clerk is made the Inspector of Weights and Measures and shall be responsible for all duties required by this chapter, the statutes of the state and the regulations of the director of insurance of the state. Deputy inspectors may be appointed by the Clerk to perform the duties set forth in this article. (1981 Code)
It shall be the duty of the Inspector of Weights and Measures to inspect and examine not less than once in each year all weights, measures, scale beams, patent balances, steelyards and other instruments used for weighing and measuring in the Village and to stamp with a suitable seal all weights, scales, measures and weighing and measuring devices so used which are found accurate, and deliver to the owner thereof a certificate of their accuracy. The Inspector shall also provide a table of tolerances and specifications in conformity with those approved by the national bureau of standards. Any person who shall wilfully remove, destroy or in any manner erase any stamp or seal of inspection from any scale, weight or measure shall be punished as provided in section 1-1-5 of this code. (1981 Code)
It shall be the duty of the Inspector of Weights and Measures to make a register of all the weights, measures, scale beams, patent balances, steelyards and other instruments used for weighing, inspected and sealed by him, in which shall be stated the names of the owners of the same, and whether they are in conformity to the standards of the State.