There is hereby established a board known as the Foreign Fire Insurance Board ("board"). This board shall be comprised of officers elected as set forth below, and shall exercise only the powers as designated herein consistent with 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/11-10-1 et seq., of the Illinois Municipal Code. It shall be the mission of the board to receive and account for revenue from the tax on fire insurance policies sold by foreign (out of State) insurance companies for the maintenance, use and benefit of the Fire Department as set forth in 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/11-10-1 and 5/11-10-2. (Ord. 17-261, 9-18-2017)
A. The board shall consist of seven (7) Trustees, which shall include the Fire Chief, who shall hold office by virtue of rank, and six (6) members, who shall be members of the Fire Department and shall be elected at large by the members of the department. If there is an insufficient number of candidates to fill all these positions, the number of board members may be reduced, but not to fewer than three (3) Trustees.
B. For purposes of this article, member of the Fire Department shall mean any non-probationary full-time sworn firefighter or officer of the Fire Department, including the Fire Chief and all promoted positions.
C. The election of the Trustees and officers of the board shall be held in accordance with the rules and regulations established by the board as required by 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/11-10-2.
D. The members of the board shall annually elect officers. These officers shall be a Chairperson, a Treasurer and a Secretary. (Ord. 17-261, 9-18-2017)
A. The Treasurer shall give bond to the Village in a sufficient amount as determined by the Village President; and the Village President shall approve such bond, conditioned upon the faithful performance by the Treasurer of the Treasurer's duties under this article and under the rules and regulations promulgated in accordance with 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/11-10-2.
B. The Treasurer shall establish a fund in which shall be deposited sums received from the Village Treasurer pursuant to the annual appropriation of the Village Board to the department's Foreign Fire Insurance Board. The fund shall be maintained in a manner consistent with procedures established by the Village for its other funds.
C. All expenditures from the fund must be approved by the Foreign Fire Insurance Board. The Foreign Fire Insurance Board shall develop and maintain a list of those items that the board feels are appropriate expenditures under this article. Expenditures shall be made by warrant, processed and issued in the manner established by the Village for the general expenditure of monies. Expenditures shall be subject to all Village ordinances, rules and policies governing the expenditure of Village funds.
D. Expenditures from the fund may be made only for the maintenance, use and benefit of the Village's Fire Department. The Village Manager shall review all expenditures approved by the board for the sole purpose of determining that such expenditures and approvals thereof are consistent with the requirements of this article. (Ord. 17-261, 9-18-2017)
A. The board shall establish a regular time and place for its meetings and publish notice of same. The board Chairperson may call special meetings at any time subject to the requirements of the Open Meetings Act.
B. The board Chairperson shall preside at board meetings. The Secretary shall keep records of the proceedings and actions of the board, and may certify same. The board may establish rules of procedure not inconsistent with this article which include provisions governing conduct of meetings, the duties of the board and other matters necessary to administer the fund. (Ord. 17-261, 9-18-2017)