A. The Treasurer shall give bond to the Village in a sufficient amount as determined by the Village President; and the Village President shall approve such bond, conditioned upon the faithful performance by the Treasurer of the Treasurer's duties under this article and under the rules and regulations promulgated in accordance with 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/11-10-2.
B. The Treasurer shall establish a fund in which shall be deposited sums received from the Village Treasurer pursuant to the annual appropriation of the Village Board to the department's Foreign Fire Insurance Board. The fund shall be maintained in a manner consistent with procedures established by the Village for its other funds.
C. All expenditures from the fund must be approved by the Foreign Fire Insurance Board. The Foreign Fire Insurance Board shall develop and maintain a list of those items that the board feels are appropriate expenditures under this article. Expenditures shall be made by warrant, processed and issued in the manner established by the Village for the general expenditure of monies. Expenditures shall be subject to all Village ordinances, rules and policies governing the expenditure of Village funds.
D. Expenditures from the fund may be made only for the maintenance, use and benefit of the Village's Fire Department. The Village Manager shall review all expenditures approved by the board for the sole purpose of determining that such expenditures and approvals thereof are consistent with the requirements of this article. (Ord. 17-261, 9-18-2017)
A. The board shall establish a regular time and place for its meetings and publish notice of same. The board Chairperson may call special meetings at any time subject to the requirements of the Open Meetings Act.
B. The board Chairperson shall preside at board meetings. The Secretary shall keep records of the proceedings and actions of the board, and may certify same. The board may establish rules of procedure not inconsistent with this article which include provisions governing conduct of meetings, the duties of the board and other matters necessary to administer the fund. (Ord. 17-261, 9-18-2017)
There is hereby created and established in and for the Village of Oak Park a commission to be hereafter known as the Disability Access Commission, which shall consist of the following members:
A. Chairperson;
B. Six (6) members;
C. The Chief Building Inspector/Access Advisor for the Village of Oak Park, as an ex officio member.
The members and chairperson shall be appointed by the President with the consent of the Village Board. Members shall serve without compensation and shall initially be appointed as follows: a chairperson and two (2) members for one year, two (2) members for two (2) years, and two (2) members for three (3) years. Thereafter, the chairperson and all members shall be appointed for three (3) year terms. (Ord. 2012-0-07, 2-6-2012)
The purpose of the Disability Access Commission is to advise the Village in its efforts to facilitate full participation in community activities by its disabled residents, to bring disabled persons into the mainstream of Oak Park life by recognizing that disabled persons can lead proud and productive lives, to promote universal access throughout the Village, and to heighten public awareness. (Ord. 2012-0-07, 2-6-2012)
A. Recommend to the Village Board the removal of barriers to the participation of disabled in Village programs and activities.
B. Recommend to the Village Board the removal of physical barriers to disabled access to Village owned property and buildings and provide advisory assistance to the Department of Code Enforcement in the removal of such barriers.
C. Cooperate with and provide support to other Village commissions, committees, task forces, and departments in their efforts to facilitate and promote universal access.
D. Provide advice to any entity within the Village which seeks assistance from the Commission on how to better serve the needs of the disabled beyond minimal requirements of the law.
E. Identify appropriate respite care agencies in Oak Park and, with prior Village approval, make this information available to the public.
F. Develop and present to the Village a plan to increase awareness in both the public and private sector, regarding the rights and abilities of disabled persons.
G. Work with the Manager's office to establish seminars and workshops that promote public awareness of accessibility issues.
H. Establish and carry out a program to recognize excellence in providing access to disabled persons within the Village which will make the public aware of businesses and institutions which are accessible.
I. Create a guidebook to accessible facilities, programs and activities in Oak Park, which guidebook may be made available to the public with the approval of the Village Board.
J. Work with Public Works Department to develop and maintain a safe route map showing the location of all accessible public paths of travel in Oak Park, which map may be made available to the public with the approval of the Village Board.
K. Advise appropriate Village staff on accessibility requirements, as requested.
L. Evaluate the accessibility of buildings and services within the Village and encourage appropriate Village Code Department staff to initiate staff communication with building owners and/or managers regarding the insufficiency of accessibility in their buildings.
M. Promote additional participation on the Commission by disabled persons and disability service providers in Oak Park. (Ord. 1999-0-2, 2-1-99)
A. The Commission shall serve as an advisory body to the Village Board of Trustees on matters of accessibility for the disabled and shall hold such public hearings on the issues of accessibility as the Board, from time to time, shall assign to the Commission.
B. The Commission shall advise Village staff, as requested, on issues involving the interpretation of the Federal, State and/or Municipal codes on accessibility with respect to building accessibility issues.
C. The Commission shall assist Village staff, as requested, in mediation of disputes originating from interpretation of this Code with respect to building accessibility issues.
D. The Commission shall conduct, with Village approval, public awareness, public education and public service programs with regard to accessibility for the disabled. (Ord. 1999-0-2, 2-1-99)