It shall be the duty of the Inspector of Weights and Measures to report forthwith to the Corporation Counsel the names and places of business of all persons violating any of the provisions of this Chapter, and of all persons making use of any fraudulent or unsealed weights or measures, gauges or balances.
It shall be unlawful for the Inspector of Weights and Measures to vend any weights, measures, scale beams, patent balances, steelyards or other instruments to be used for weighing, or to offer or expose the same for sale, or be interested directly or indirectly in the sale of the same in the Village.
The Inspector of Weights and Measures and any authorized deputies are hereby made Special Police (allowed under Section 19-2-1 of this Code) and shall have the power to, and shall from time to time, weigh or measure and inspect packages or amounts of commodities of whatsoever kind kept for the purpose of sale, offered or exposed for sale, or sold or in the process of delivery in order to determine whether the same contain the amounts represented, and whether they be offered for sale or sold in accordance with the laws in relation to weights and measures, and may, for the purposes above mentioned, and in the general performance of their official duties, enter and go into or upon any stand, place, building or premises, or stop any vendor, peddler, junk dealer, coal wagon, ice wagon, delivery wagon or conveyance of any kind, or any person whatsoever, and require him, if necessary, to go to some convenient place which the Inspector of Weights and Measures or any of his deputies may specify, for the purpose of making proper tests.
The Inspector of Weights and Measures and any authorized deputies shall have the same powers as are now held by, or may from time to time be conferred on, regular police to arrest, with or without formal warrant, any violator of this Chapter in relation to weights and measures, and to seize for use as evidence, with or without formal warrant, any false or unsealed weight, measure or weighing or measuring device or package or amounts of commodities found to be used, retained or offered or exposed for sale or sold in violation of this Chapter.
the Inspector shall examine, inspect and seal all weights, measures, scale beams, patent balances, steelyards and other instruments used for weighing at the stores and places where the same may be used. In case they, or any of them, shall not be in conformity to the standard of the State, they shall be marked "condemned", and the owner thereof shall within ten (10) days thereafter have the same properly adjusted and sealed; the Inspector may, at any time after the expiration of the time aforesaid, seize and destroy any and all such condemned weights, measures, scale beams, patent balances, steelyards and other instruments used for weighing which may be found in use.
The Inspector of Weights and Measures shall receive and collect fees for the use of the Village for service at the following rates, which shall be due and payable at the time of such inspection:
For testing scales of the capacity of 240 to 2,000 pounds, except hopper scales | $3.00 |
For testing scales of less capacity than 240 pounds | 2.00 |
For testing liquid measures of the capacity of one quart and upwards, each | .50 |
For testing yard measures, each | .50 |
For testing linear measure, for each 3' length | .50 |
For testing any tape line exceeding 50' in length, each | 2.00 |
For testing any automatic machine used for linear measuring, each | 2.00 |
For testing any automatic device used for measuring or dispensing liquids at retail, into vehicle tanks | 3.00 |
It shall be unlawful for the Inspector of Weights and Measures to make charges for inspecting and examining weights, measures, scale beams, patent balances, steelyards or other instruments used for weighing more than once in each year, except charges for inspecting and examining truck scales and scales of a capacity of three (3) tons or more, which shall not be made more than once in every six (6) months, unless such weights, measures, scale beams, patent balances, steelyards or other instruments used in weighing and measuring shall be found to be not in conformity to the State standard.
The Inspector of Weights and Measures shall pay over to the Village Treasurer daily all fees, charges, moneys, emoluments or valuable considerations of any kind whatsoever collected or received by him by reason of, for or on account of the performance by him of the duties of his office; and each such payment shall be accompanied by such documentation as may be required by the Village Treasurer. Each month the Inspector of Weights and Measures shall make a report in writing to the Village Manager which report shall show in detail the number and type of inspections made by the Inspector of Weights and Measures during the month preceding the day of such report.