Police officers of the Village shall have power and authority, in a peaceable and quiet manner, to enter any house, store, shop or other building in the Village, in which any person may reasonably be expected to be for unlawful purposes. If any person shall be found therein, in the commission of any crime, misdemeanor or violating any provision of this code or any other ordinance for the preservation of peace and good order of the Village, or who may reasonably be suspected thereof, or who shall be aiding and abetting such person so doing, they shall apprehend and keep in custody such person, as in cases of other arrests. (1981 Code)
The term "special police" is defined as any person who, for hire, guards or protects any property or person within the Village, provided this term shall not apply to regularly appointed police officers of the Village or to any sheriff or deputy sheriff of the County. (1981 Code; amd. Ord. 1982-0-57, 9-20-1982)
Applications showing the necessity of the appointment of a person to serve as a special police person shall be made to the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police or the Village Clerk shall have the power to appoint and administer the oath to any number of special police persons for special police duty at any fixed place in the Village or at any necessary places for the protection of persons and property. The expenses and charges of the special police shall be paid by the applicant. The appointment shall extend only for such specific purpose and territory and during such time as limited in said appointment and in no event exceeding one year from its date. Every such appointment shall be revocable at any time by the Board of Trustees.
Additionally, under the provisions of section 28-2-6 of this code the Village Inspector of Weights and Measures and any authorized deputies are to be considered as special police. (1981 Code; amd. Ord. 1982-0-57, 9-20-1982)
A. Each special police person must meet the following requirements:
1. Be at least twenty one (21) years of age;
2. Be a citizen of the United States;
3. Not have been convicted of a felony or not have been dishonorably discharged from the Armed Services of the United States;
4. Not have been discharged for cause from any branch of the state or municipal government.
B. Additionally, the following qualifications are required for appointment:
1. A special police person must comply, if applicable, with "an act to provide for the licensing and regulating detectives and detective agencies". Three (3) copies of said act being on file in the office of the Village Clerk.
2. If a special police person is to carry a firearm, he must have successfully completed a course of study approved by and supervised by the Department of Registration and Education consisting of not less than thirty (30) hours of training, which shall include theory of law enforcement, liability for acts, and the handling of weapons, as set forth in section 24-2 of the criminal code. Three (3) copies of said act having been placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Special police shall not carry exposed weapons away from their place of employment.
3. Each special police person shall furnish the Police Department with a complete set of fingerprints.
4. Each special police person shall take an oath of office. (1981 Code; amd. Ord. 1982-0-57, 9-20-1982)