Service Stations
118.001 Definition
118.002 License required; fee
118.003 Fire extinguishers
118.004 Nonbusiness filling stations
118.005 Dispensing of fuel; bulk sales
118.006 Safety and sanitation
118.007 Additional licenses for additional businesses; license revocation
118.008 Deceptive trade practices; identification of gasoline and petroleum products
Sexually Oriented Businesses
118.020 Purpose and intent
118.021 Definitions
118.022 Permit required
118.023 Administration and enforcement responsibilities
118.024 Permit application
118.025 Investigation and application
118.026 Issuance or denial of permit
118.027 Expiration of permit
118.028 Suspension of permit
118.029 Revocation of permit
118.030 Hearing
118.031 Appeal procedure for permit denial, suspension or revocation
118.032 Transfer of permit
118.033 Sexually oriented business employee license
118.034 Regulations pertaining to the exhibition of sexually explicit films or videos in booths
118.035 Sexually oriented businesses featuring nudity or live performance
118.036 Prohibitions regarding minors and sexually oriented businesses
118.037 Advertising, loitering and lighting regulations
118.038 Hours of operation
118.039 Additional prohibitions for the operation of a sexually oriented business without a valid permit
118.040 Exemptions
118.041 Immunity from prosecution
Tobacco Sales
118.055 License required; fee
118.056 Sale of cigarettes or alternative nicotine products to minors
118.057 Purchase of tobacco products or alternative nicotine products by minors; misrepresentations
118.058 Possession of tobacco products or alternative tobacco products by minors
Dry Cleaners
118.070 Definitions
118.071 License required; posting, suspension and revocation; fees
118.072 License applications
118.073 Buildings
118.074 Sanitation
118.075 Lighting
118.076 Ventilation and exhaust systems
118.077 Machines
118.078 Machine installation
118.079 Dry cleaning solvents
118.080 Operations
118.081 Safety and testing equipment
118.082 Plant and equipment alterations
118.083 Inspections by Fire Chief
118.095 Permit required; fee
118.096 Permit application; issuance or denial of permit
118.097 Bond
118.098 Inspections by City Engineer before issuance of permit
118.099 Grading and drainage
118.100 Inspections of completed work
118.101 Release of bond
118.102 Responsibility of property owners
118.103 Maintenance by property owners
Itinerant Merchants, Peddlers and Solicitors
118.115 Definitions
118.116 License required; prohibited activities
118.117 License applications
118.118 Investigation; reasons for disapproval of applications
118.119 License and permit revocation
118.120 Reasons for revocation
118.121 Appeals
118.122 Service of process
118.123 Display of license and badge
118.124 Nonprofit organizations; blanket permits and waivers
118.125 Request for individuals to solicit on public property on behalf of nonprofit organizations
118.126 Exceptions to subchapter
118.127 Hours of operation
118.128 Effective period of licenses and permits
118.129 License fee; deposit
118.130 Prohibited soliciting
118.131 Nonliability of city
118.145 License required; fee
118.146 Vehicle requirements
118.147 Disposal or storage of refuse
Secondhand Dealers and Lenders
118.160 Definitions
118.161 Authorization of subchapter
118.162 Exceptions to subchapter
118.163 License required; transferability; fee
118.164 License applications
118.165 Investigation of applicant
118.166 Grounds for denial of license
118.167 Appeals
118.168 Exhibition of licenses; additional licenses and fee
118.169 Designation of place of business
118.170 Change in business location; license transfer and fee
118.171 Purchasing from minors
118.172 Performance standards
118.173 Electronic reporting of transactions
118.174 Records of transactions
118.175 Inspection of records and goods by police
118.176 Required holding period before disposing of goods; exception
118.177 Melting, wrecking or remodeling of articles made from precious metals
118.178 Coin collectors and dealers; coin collection swap meets and conventions
118.179 Non-conformance
118.180 Suspension and revocation of licenses
Secondhand Articles Drop-off Containers
118.190 Definitions
118.191 Prohibitions
118.192 Licensing and inspection
118.193 Regulations
118.194 Nonusable container
118.195 Application for license
118.999 Penalty