(A)   (1)   The room in which a coin-operated dry cleaning machine is installed shall be ventilated so that there is a minimum flow of air per machine from the area to which the public is admitted of at least 500 cubic feet per minute in a room where there are not more than three machines installed; 400 cubic feet per minute where there are not more than eight machines installed; 375 cubic feet per minute where there are not more than 16 machines installed; and 360 cubic feet per minute where there are 17 or more machines installed.
      (2)   For this purpose, each cleaning cell shall be considered one machine.
   (B)   (1)   Ventilation facilities shall be constructed so that air is exhausted from the customer service area either directly to the exterior of the plant or through properly sized openings in a partition separating the front of the machine from the maintenance portion of the machines.
      (2)   The openings, if grills are used, shall be sized on the basis of 500 cubic feet per minute per square foot of net grill area, and each opening shall be located in such a manner that the bottom of the opening is from six to 12 inches above the top of the machine. The exhaust ventilation shall be provided on a continuous basis while the plant is open to the public or in operation.
   (C)   The exhaust ventilation equipment shall be wired in such a manner that machines cannot be placed in operation unless the ventilating equipment is in operation.
   (D)   (1)   A general dilution ventilation fan shall be installed in the maintenance area of the plant.
      (2)   The ventilation shall, when combined with the system required in division (B) of this section, enable the exhausting of air directly to the exterior of the plant in accordance with the following schedule:
Number of  Machines
Minimum Air Flow Rate Per Machine (cubic feet per minute)
1 to 3
4 to 8
9 to 16
17 or more
   (E)   Solvent storage rooms, if separate from maintenance areas, shall be provided with exhaust ventilation equipment capable of exhausting air directly to the exterior of the plant at the rate of 1,000 cubic feet per minute.
   (F)   The exhaust system must maintain a minimum flow of 100 cubic feet per minute face velocity through the loading door whenever the door is open.
   (G)   The discharge stack for the machines and for the room in which the machines are located shall extend at least two feet above the level of any window which can be opened, located within 50 feet of the outlet of the stack, and shall be at least 50 feet away from any fresh air intake leading to any premises.
   (H)   One scavenger pipe shall be provided for every two machines to provide adequate local exhaust ventilation around base tanks and machine bases. Each scavenger duct shall be located in back of and exactly between two machines two to four inches above the floor line and exhausted to a discharge stack as described in division (G) of this section.
   (I)   All air required to be exhausted shall discharge to the exterior of the plant and shall discharge a minimum of 25 feet horizontally from any fresh air intake.
   (J)   A supply of tempered (heated to a minimum of 60°F) make-up air, equal to or greater than the total volume of air exhaust from the plant, shall be provided from the exterior.
(2000 Code, § 5.16.070)