Except as specifically provided in this section, every application made pursuant to Executive Order 91 (August 24, 1977) on or after July 18, 1988 shall include a non-refundable fee which shall be submitted to Land Use Review-Central Intake, 2E, 22 Reade Street, New York, New York 10007-1216, and shall be in the form of a check or money order made out to the "Department of City Planning." The fee for an initial application shall be as prescribed in the following Schedule of Charges. The fee for any formal modification of an application shall be ten percent of the amount prescribed in the schedule of charges for an initial application, except that the fee for any formal modification which increases the square footage of the project by more than 30 percent shall be equal to the fee for an initial application for such additional square footage. Agencies of the federal, state or city governments shall not be required to pay fees nor shall any fees be charged if the owner of the building or property affected is a corporation or association organized and operated exclusively for religious, charitable, or educational purposes, or for one or more such purposes, no part of the earnings of which insures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual, and provided that the property affected is to be used exclusively by such corporation or association for one or more of such purposes. In addition, for applications made on or after July 1, 1987, no fees shall be charged for the project, or such portion thereof, if the Director of the Mayor's Office of Housing Coordination, or any individual succeeding such Director's jurisdiction, certifies that the property affected, or such portion thereof, is to be used for the construction of housing affordable to low, moderate or middle income households. A fee abatement for a portion of such project shall be calculated upon the percentage of the square footage allocated to the affordable housing and shall proportionally reduce the standard fee attributable to the square footage of the entire project, including such affordable housing portion. In no event shall the portion allocated to the affordable housing part of a project be used to decrease the total project square footage so as to place the project into a lower fee category. Fees shall be paid when the application is filed, and these fees may not be combined in one check or money order with fees required pursuant to other land use applications submitted to the Department of City Planning or the City Planning Commission. No application shall be processed by the Department of City Planning or the Department of Environmental Protection until the fee has been paid and twenty-five copies of the application have been filed with the Department of City Planning.
(a) Projects measurable in square feet (square footage of total project).
Fee | |
Less than 10,000 sq. ft. | $425.00 |
10,000 – 19,999 sq. ft. | $1,250.00 |
20,000 – 39,999 sq. ft. | $2,475.00 |
40,000 – 69,999 sq. ft. | $4,550.00 |
70,000 – 99,999 sq. ft. | $7,025.00 |
100,000 – 499,999 sq. ft. | $25,000.00 |
over 500,000 sq. ft. | $43,000.00 |
(b) Projects not measurable in square feet.
(Ex: bus franchises, renewals of special permits).....$2,000.00
Appendix A:
New York City Water Board, Water and Wastewater Rate Schedule
New York City Water Board, Water and Wastewater Rate Schedule
Part I – Definitions
As used in these regulations:
1. "Apartment" means that portion of a building consisting of one or more rooms and occupied by one or more persons as a Dwelling Unit, separate and set apart from other rooms or groups of rooms within a building. This classification includes and applies to maisonette apartments, apartment houses, studio apartments, duplex apartments, kitchenette apartments and dormitories. This classification does not include any occupancy previously required to be metered.
2. "Authorized Representative" means any individual or organization who has an original "Letter of Authorization" ("LOA") on file with DEP, signed by the owner of the premises and notarized, designating that individual or organization as the Authorized Representative. If such LOA fails to state a specific end date, DEP will deem it to expire one year from the date of notarization. A valid Letter of Authorization must contain a statement that the owner hereby rescinds any previously issued LOA. In cases where an owner has authorized multiple representatives, DEP shall deem the latest dated LOA to be valid, superseding any earlier dated LOA.
3. "Bill Date" means the date a bill was issued on DEP's billing system.
4. "Bill Period" means number of days listed as "Days" on a water and wastewater bill signifying the "to" and "from" dates that service was provided.
5. "Billing Programs" means all of the programs specified in Part VI – Billing Programs.
6. "Boarder, Roomer or Lodger" means a person residing within a household who pays a valuable consideration for residence and who does not occupy the space within the household as an incident of employment.
7. "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) of the City of New York, or designee.
8. "Complete Application" means a written submission in which all requested information is provided, that is signed by the Applicant, and is accompanied by all other information and documentation required by the Commissioner. If an application is incomplete, program eligibility will be evaluated based on criteria in effect as of the date the customer submits a complete application, and program benefits will commence as of the date the customer submits a complete application.
9. "Customer" means a current property owner or Authorized Representative of a property owner.
10. "Delinquent Charges" means charges for which payment has not been received by the Water Board by the "Payment Due By" date as indicated on the face of the bill.
11. "DEP" means the Department of Environmental Protection of the City of New York and its authorized agents.
12. "Deputy Commissioner" means the Deputy Commissioner of the DEP Bureau of Customer Services, or designee.
13. "Dishonored Check" means a check returned unpaid for any cause.
14. "Dishonored Payment Charge" means a charge applied to a customer account due to a Dishonored Check.
15. "Due Date" means the date full payment must be received by the Water Board and is shown as "Payment Due By" on the face of the bill.
16. "Dwelling Unit" means the separate residences of a premises. The number of Dwelling Units is determined by the Certificate of Occupancy or Use or other acceptable records of the Department of Buildings as of the date a request for a Billing Program is approved. Where necessary, DEP may inspect the premises to determine the number of Dwelling Units to be used for billing purposes.
17. "Effective Date" means the date a resolution is adopted by the Water Board, or the date otherwise explicitly specified as the "Effective Date" in this Rate Schedule or in the authorizing resolution approved by the Water Board.
18. "Executive Director" means the Executive Director of the New York City Water Board.
19. "Fiscal Year" means the period from July 1 through June 30.
20. "Flat-Rate Account Reconciliation" means a review of frontage billing to validate the fixture count and to determine that an account is appropriately billed.
21. "Late Payment Charges" (LPC) means interest charges applied to Delinquent Charges.
22. "Metered Premises" is a property or premises that is metered at the point of entry of each water service pipe or at a location approved by the Commissioner.
23. "Regulated Rate" means the rate per million gallons of water supplied to users outside of the City, for water supplied which does not exceed the allowance quantity established in accordance with § 24-360 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York.
24. "Residential Premises" means a property or premises that is classified as a private dwelling or as a Class A multiple dwelling under the New York State Multiple Dwelling Law.
25. "Room" means that portion of an Apartment or dwelling legally constructed so that it may be used for separate occupancy by one or more persons.
26. "Service Connection" means a service pipe connecting a property or premises to a water main. Property owners are responsible for maintaining Service Connections.
27. "Wastewater Allowance" is a percentage discount that applies to wastewater charges that otherwise would be assessed on a property or premises.
28. "Water Board" or "Board" means the New York City Water Board.
29. "Water Supply System" and "Wastewater System" means, respectively, the water system and wastewater system under the control and jurisdiction of the New York City Water Board.
Part II – Water Rates and Charges
Water and wastewater charges, if not paid when due, constitute a lien upon the premises served and a charge against the owners thereof. Charges apply unless the water tap has been destroyed in the street or shut off at the connection to the water main, by either DEP or a licensed plumber pursuant to valid permits, disconnecting water service to the premises. These charges do not include wastewater service charges set forth in Part III.
Section 1. Metered Water Rates
A. The charge for water measured by meter is $2.31 per one hundred cubic feet provided. One hundred cubic feet is approximately seven hundred forty-eight gallons.
B. Minimum Charge: The minimum charge imposed for water service is $0.31 per day per water meter within a Bill Period. The minimum charge will be imposed for any Bill Period in which charges based on actual consumption and computed in accordance with Paragraph A above are less than the minimum charge. There is no minimum charge for fire sprinkler system water meters.
Section 2. Unmetered Water Rates
Rates are per year unless otherwise indicated.
A. | Frontage rates | ||
The annual frontage rates apply to premises both wholly or partly unmetered, and not billed on the basis of any other flat-rate billing program or on metered consumption. A minimum charge for frontage accounts shall consist of Item 1 – Front width of building, which includes the first story, one toilet, one bathtub or shower and one Dwelling Unit. A premises will be subject to the minimum frontage charge if the premises is vacant and sealed, from the date of discovery by DEP or the date certified by another agency of the City of New York, provided that no such adjustment shall exceed the four-year complaint filing period. | |||
Property owners are responsible for notifying DEP of any removal or replacement of a water-consuming fixture. As a general rule, DEP will impose fixture charges through the date the Customer notifies DEP in writing of the removal or replacement of a water-consuming fixture, as confirmed by DEP inspection. An exception to the general rule is permitted where fixture charges are different than the substantiated fixture profile. A substantiated fixture profile can be demonstrated only by i) submission by the Customer to DEP of a valid Certificate of Occupancy which indicates a fixture profile different from DEP billing records, as confirmed by DEP inspection, or ii) submission by the Customer to DEP of a valid Work Permit issued by the Department of Buildings that indicates the nature and date of stated physical changes made to the property or its water consuming fixtures, as confirmed by DEP inspection. DEP will correct fixture charges based on a substantiated fixture profile from the date of issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy or completion of work indicated in i) or ii) above, provided that no such adjustment shall exceed the four-year complaint filing period. | |||
The annual frontage rates are as follows: | |||
1. | Front width of building, which includes the first story, one toilet, one bathtub or shower and one Dwelling Unit. | ||
16 feet and under | $96.96 | ||
Over 16 feet to 18 feet | $121.21 | ||
Over 18 feet to 20 feet | $145.47 | ||
Over 20 feet to 22 1/2 feet | $169.67 | ||
Over 22 1/2 feet to 25 feet | $193.86 | ||
Over 25 feet to 30 feet | $242.44 | ||
Over 30 feet to 37 1/2 feet | $290.88 | ||
Over 37 1/2 feet to 50 feet | $339.40 | ||
Each additional ten (10) feet or part thereof | $48.55 | ||
2. | Each story in excess of one per building | $24.24 | |
3. | Rear building on any lot or lots with front building thereon, each twenty-five (25) feet front or fraction thereof | $121.21 | |
Note: A corner-lot building must pay the rates for front width and stories of building.
| |||
B. | Extra Dwelling Unit Rate | ||
Each Dwelling Unit in excess of one Dwelling Unit per building. | $110.97 | ||
C. | Boarder, Roomer or Lodger Rate | ||
Each Room in a building or Apartment available for occupancy by a Boarder, Roomer or Lodger, in excess of the two (2) Rooms permitted a family, in addition to the Dwelling Unit charge, per person, per Room. | $16.21 | ||
D. | Fixture Charges and Miscellaneous Rates | ||
1. | Bathtub or shower in excess of one (1) per building. | $72.72 | |
Bathtub located in a kitchen of a Dwelling Unit that has no other Room containing a bath. | $32.30 | ||
2. | Shower not installed over bathtub, or "sitz" bath, in excess of one (1) per building. | $72.72 | |
3. | Bathtub, in barber shop, public house and bathing establishment. | $121.21 | |
4. | Outdoor shower or bathtub comprising a section of piping with or without spray attachment, located outside of a building. | $121.21 | |
5. | Toilet or urinal in excess of one (1) per building. | ||
Ultra low flow toilet, as approved by the Commissioner. | $22.19 | ||
All other fixtures. | $48.55 | ||
6. | Ash lift. Thirty-can or less capacity per day. | 472.72 | |
Each additional thirty-can lift or fraction thereof. | $48.55 | ||
7. | Backfilling. For each cubic yard, determined on the cubical contents of excavation to be filled with earth. | $0.49 | |
8. | Bakery. Each oven. | $193.86 | |
9. | Barbershop, beauty, hairdressing and manicuring parlor. Up to and including three (3) chairs or tables. | $193.86 | |
Each additional chair or table. | $24.24 | ||
10. | Barge. Water for domestic use only. | $121.21 | |
11. | Motorboat. Tank capacity
(rates given are per month): | ||
3,000 gallons or less | $181.88 | ||
3,001-6,000 gallons | $363.61 | ||
6,001-12,000 gallons | $605.99 | ||
over 12,000 gallons | Use Steamboat Rate (below) | ||
12. | Steamboat. Tank capacity
(rates given are per month): | ||
12,000 gallons or less | $605.99 | ||
12,001 to 20,000 gallons | $909.06 | ||
20,001 to 30,000 gallons | $1,211.95 | ||
30,001 to 40,000 gallons | $1,515.01 | ||
40,001 to 60,000 gallons | $1,817.88 | ||
60,001 to 100,000 gallons | $2,423.84 | ||
13. | Boiler of boat or portable. Water for hoisting, steam rolling, steam shoveling, dredging, erecting, hauling, pile driving, derricks, diggers, conveyors and all floating or portable steam plants and steamboats, except boats supplying shipping, according to the amount of horsepower used
(rates given are per month): | ||
Up to and including: | |||
10 horsepower | $24.24 | ||
15 horsepower | $36.86 | ||
20 horsepower | $48.55 | ||
25 horsepower | $60.75 | ||
30 horsepower | $72.72 | ||
35 horsepower | $84.92 | ||
40 horsepower | $96.96 | ||
45 horsepower | $109.18 | ||
50 horsepower | $121.21 | ||
55 horsepower | $133.44 | ||
60 horsepower | $145.47 | ||
65 horsepower | $157.66 | ||
70 horsepower | $169.67 | ||
75 horsepower | $181.88 | ||
80 horsepower | $193.86 | ||
85 horsepower | $206.13 | ||
90 horsepower | $218.16 | ||
95 horsepower | $229.70 | ||
100 horsepower | $242.44 | ||
Per additional five (5) horsepower or fraction thereof. | $12.14 | ||
An allowance of 33 1/3 percent in the above rates will be made where condensers are used. | |||
14. | Boiler, permanent, when used exclusively for a purpose not covered by any other fixture charge. Per horsepower. | $52.38 | |
15. | Boiler testing. Any boat, when engaged or employed in furnishing water in the testing of boilers in other boats, in addition to paying the regular fixed charges. | $2,423.84 | |
16. | Bottling establishment. Each bottle-washing apparatus, machine or tub. | $242.44 | |
17. | Cafe, restaurant, liquor and beer saloon or any store similarly used. | ||
For each sink. | $121.21 | ||
For each bar. | $242.44 | ||
For each pump where the use of water is required. | $1,211.95 | ||
18. | Cafe, dining saloon, luncheonette, lunch counter, restaurant, or other place where food is served for consumption on the premises. | $193.86 | |
19. | Caisson sinking and air compressors, per hundred (100) cubic feet. | $2.31 | |
20. | Camp. When not furnished with water through an independent service pipe
(rates given are per season). | $72.72 | |
21. | Compressor (portable). For water used by a compressor of any gasoline-operated apparatus with a return cooling circulating system
(rates given are per month). | $24.24 | |
22. | Condenser. Per hundred (100) cubic feet. | $2.31 | |
23. | Dentist. Each fountain cuspidor. | $24.24 | |
24. | Fire line or sprinkler system, in a building. | ||
Per tap or connection: | |||
Each 1 1/2 inch or smaller | $24.24 | ||
Each 2-inch | $48.55 | ||
Each 3-inch | $72.72 | ||
Each 4-inch | $96.96 | ||
Each 5-inch | $121.21 | ||
Each 6-inch | $145.47 | ||
Each 8-inch | $193.86 | ||
25. | Fish stand. Each. | $242.44 | |
26. | Fish stand for live fish. | $605.99 | |
27. | Florist or conservatory. | $193.86 | |
28. | Fountain, ornamental or display. | $121.21 | |
29. | Garage, connected to the City water supply, located in a building, capacity not more than three cars. | $24.24 | |
30. | Horse trough or half-barrel or tub on sidewalk or street. | $484.77 | |
31. | Hose connection, faucet, or other plumbing fixture attached to the inside or outside of a building or located at any point on a lot, for garden or lawn watering or street, sidewalk or step washing. Each. | $121.21 | |
32. | Ice machine or air conditioning unit, per quarter ton. Air conditioning units requiring a minimum rate of flow of water greater than one-half (1/2) gallon per minute must be metered. | $121.21 | |
a) If equipped with an approved water conserving device, per quarter ton. | $18.17 | ||
b) Air conditioning equipment with rated capacity in tons will be charged pro rata from date of installation to date of metering, per year, per quarter ton. | $121.21 | ||
c) Such units, when equipped with an approved water conserving device, will be charged pro rata from the date installed to the date when the supply is metered, per year, per quarter ton. | $18.17 | ||
d) Air conditioning apparatus not equipped with a refrigerating unit or using water for other than refrigerating uses, for the cleaning or conditioning of the air, for the period between the time the unit is installed and the date when the supply is metered: | |||
Less than one-half (1/2) gallon per minute | $96.96 | ||
1/2 gal. and up to but not including 1 gal./min. | $121.21 | ||
1 gal. and up to but not including 2 gal./min. | $363.61 | ||
2 gal. and up to but not including 3 gal./min. | $484.77 | ||
3 gal. or more per minute, per gallon or fraction thereof. | $242.44 | ||
33. | Laundry. Each wash tub, washing machine or apparatus for washing clothes located in a common area or intended for use by more than one Dwelling Unit. | $193.86 | |
33a. | Laundry. Each washtub, washing machine or apparatus for washing clothes located within an individual apartment or intended for use by one Dwelling Unit. | $36.97 | |
Note: The above Fixture Charge No. 33a shall be applied prospectively to: i) Accounts that have been billed for laundry uses pursuant to Fixture Charge No. 33 and such fixtures have been removed from these common areas and replaced with fixtures located in individual dwelling units; and, ii) Newly constructed or substantially renovated properties where clothes washing laundry fixtures are installed in individual dwelling units. | |||
34. | Milk depot. For the purpose of washing cans or bottles, each washing machine, tub or washing apparatus. | $242.44 | |
35. | Photograph gallery. Each faucet or outlet. | $193.86 | |
36. | Railroad track repair. For each track gang or group engaged in repair work (per month). | $121.21 | |
37. | Rock drilling machine. Water for cooling of drill heads, flushing of jetting drill holes per each one hundred (100) cubic feet of water furnished. | $2.31 | |
38. | Sand and steam blasting machine. Water used to wash or clean walls of buildings, per hundred (100) cubic feet. | $2.31 | |
39. | Soda or mineral water fountain. One sink or glass washing spray. | $193.86 | |
Each additional sink or glass washing spray. | $72.72 | ||
40. | Soda, mineral or carbonic water manufacture. Each machine or apparatus (retail). | $242.44 | |
Each machine or apparatus (wholesale). | $2,423.84 | ||
41. | Stall. In stable, per year. | $24.24 | |
42. | Steam presser. For each boiler serving steam to a presser in a tailoring or other establishment where garments are pressed. | $48.55 | |
43. | For each store or other independent portion of a building used for business purposes: | ||
Hot and cold water available. | $193.86 | ||
Hot water only or cold water only available. | $96.96 | ||
44. | Swimming pool, swimming tank, plunge bath or wading pool. Where located within building or heated so as to be usable on a year-round basis, per each ten (10) cubic feet or fraction thereof. | $24.24 | |
44a. | Where located outdoors and not heated so as to be usable on a year-round basis or where located within structures other than buildings but not so as to be usable on a year round basis: | ||
Less than two thousand five hundred (2,500) cubic feet. | $121.21 | ||
Each additional ten (10) cubic feet or fraction thereof. | $8.06 | ||
Note: Where a swimming pool, swimming tank, plunge bath or wading pool is conducted as a business enterprise and admission charged, the supply must be metered | |||
45. | Test boring. Each machine used in testing boring (per month). | $121.21 | |
46. | Testing of standpipe or other fire line within buildings, per test. | $24.24 | |
47. | Wash drill. Per one hundred (100) cubic feet of water furnished. | $2.31 | |
48. | Water motor. Where the capacity is not greater than one-hundredth (1/100th) horsepower. | $48.55 | |
49. | Unmetered water used in the operation of any machine, apparatus or other facility not previously specified, including hospital fixtures as follows, is charged per hundred (100) cubic feet of water. | $2.31 | |
a) X-Ray machine. Per 100 cubic feet. | $2.31 | ||
b) X-Ray therapy. Per 2,000 cubic feet. | $46.10 | ||
c) Electronic microscope. Per 10,000 cubic feet. | $230.58 | ||
d) Laundry. Where done on premises, 1,750 cubic feet per bed. | $40.36 | ||
e) Sterilizer or autoclave. Per 70,000 cubic feet. | $1,614.00 | ||
f) Kidney dialysis machine, 100-liter size, per 1,850 cubic feet. | $42.66 | ||
g) Kidney dialysis machine, 200-liter size, per 3,700 cubic feet. | $85.30 | ||
Other Hospital Charges: | |||
50. | A business charge per each floor and per each area where there is a separate business, including lunch counters, gift shops, newspaper and magazine stands, employee cafeterias, etc. | $193.86 | |
51. | Each bed or patient. | $16.21 | |
52. | a) Each employee residence or dormitory room. | $16.21 | |
b) Each crib or bassinet. | $16.21 | ||
53. | Canteen machine. Per faucet. | $96.96 | |
54. | One or more autopsy tables (one charge). | $193.86 | |
55. | Developing tank located in reception room, per faucet. | $193.86 | |
56. | Washing machine. | $193.86 | |
57. | Single-faucet vending machine. | $96.96 | |
58. | Amphitheater with water connection. | $193.86 | |
59. | Private hydrant. | $230.87 | |
Section 3. Failure to Install a Meter or Remote
An annual surcharge will be imposed equal in amount to 100% of the last annual unmetered water charge when a Customer fails to install a meter or a remote reading device. The surcharge will be applied from July 1, 2000 until the date the installation takes place and, where a meter is installed by a private plumber, the permit for the work has been returned to DEP.
Section 4. Municipalities outside of the City of New York
The Regulated Rate for water supplied to users outside the City from either the Croton or Catskill/Delaware systems that is within the allowance quantities set forth in § 24-360 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York is $900.31 per million gallons. The rate and charge for water provided to users outside of the City that exceeds the allowance quantities will be equal to the rate and charge for water set forth in Section 1. Metered Water Rates.
Section 5. The City of New York
Water is supplied to the City of New York in accordance with the terms set forth in section 1045-(j)(5) of the New York City Municipal Water Finance Authority Act.
Part III – Wastewater Rates and Charges
Section 1. General Provisions
A. The owner of any parcel of real property connected or required to be connected to the wastewater system, including but not limited to real property connected with the Wastewater System by means of a private sewer or drain, and any person benefiting from the use of, or services furnished, rendered or made available by the Wastewater System, whether or not the owner of any parcel of real property connected or required to be connected to such system, shall pay a wastewater charge for the use of, or services furnished, rendered or made available by the Wastewater System. In instances where a property is required to be connected and has not connected, charges will be assessed retroactive to the date that the property was required to be connected. In instances where a new sewer is installed, charges will be assessed six months after notification that the new sewer has been installed and made available. In instances where a property has connected to the Wastewater System, charges are assessed from the date of connection.
B. 1. With respect to Steam Utility Customer Condensate Discharges (as hereinafter defined), the person who shall be assessed, and who shall be liable for the payment of, Steam Customer Wastewater Charges (as hereinafter defined) in respect of such Discharges, shall be the Retail Steam Customer purchasing the steam which results in such Discharges. With respect to System Discharges (as hereinafter defined), the person who shall be assessed, and shall be liable for the payment of, Steam System Wastewater Charges (as hereinafter defined) in respect of such Discharges, shall be Con Edison.
2. As used herein, the following terms shall have the meanings set out below: "Con Edison" shall mean the Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. or any successor corporation or entity acceding to the wholesale distribution of steam to retail customers in New York City. "Retail Steam Customers" shall mean persons, firms and entities which purchase, directly from Con Edison, steam sold by Con Edison and distributed to properties owned, leased, or otherwise occupied or used by them. "Steam Customer Wastewater Charges" shall mean wastewater charges for Steam Utility Customer Condensate Discharges. "Steam System" shall mean the system owned and operated by Con Edison to distribute steam to properties in the City. "Steam System Wastewater Charges" shall mean wastewater charges for System Discharges. "Steam Utility Customer Condensate Discharges" shall mean discharges to the City's sewer system, at any property served by the Steam System, resulting from the condensation of steam purchased by a Retail Steam Customer for, and delivered by Con Edison to, such property. Steam Utility Customer Condensate Discharges shall not include any System Discharges. "System Discharges" shall mean any discharges to the City's sewer system from the condensation of steam distributed by Con Edison at any point along the route of the Steam System up to the property line of properties receiving steam from such System.
Section 2. Property Supplied with System Water
The wastewater charge for any property supplied with water from the Water Supply System is one hundred fifty-nine percent (159%) of the charges for water supplied to that property from the system, including any surcharges, unless otherwise provided in this Rate Schedule.
Section 3. Property Supplied with River or Well Water
The wastewater charge for property supplied with river water or water from private wells is one hundred fifty-nine percent (159%) of the amount that would be charged for the quantity of water supplied from such sources if the water were supplied from the Water Supply System at the rates charged for water supplied to metered premises. The owner or occupant of the premises must install an accurately functioning water meter approved by the Commissioner to measure the quantity of water supplied from such sources. If necessary, the Commissioner may estimate the quantity of water supplied from such sources and compute the wastewater charge on the basis of the estimated quantity. If property supplied with river water or water from private wells is also supplied with water from the Water Supply System, the wastewater charge for the property is the sum of the charge computed in accordance with this section and the charges computed in accordance with Section 2 of this Part.
Section 4. Miscellaneous Discharges to the Wastewater System
A charge will be imposed for all introductions of water or wastewater into the Wastewater System as set forth in this Section. Any person or entity or the owner of any property who introduces water or wastewater into the Wastewater System, other than that originating from water provided by the Water Supply System, private wells or river water, shall pay a sewer use fee equal to the greater of:
A. $419.00; or,
B. If the discharge is introduced into a sanitary or combined sewer and could flow to a treatment plant, 159% of the amount that would be imposed if the discharge originated from water provided by the Water Supply System; or,
C. If the discharge is introduced into a storm sewer or other facility such that it does not receive treatment services, 38% of the amount that would be imposed if the discharge originated from water provided by the Water Supply System. The Commissioner may estimate the quantity of such water or wastewater introduced into the Wastewater System and compute a charge based upon the estimated quantity.
Section 5. Wastewater Charges for Properties Receiving Service from a Private Wastewater Treatment Plant That Does Not Discharge into the Sanitary or Combined Sewage Transmission Network
The wastewater charge for a property that discharges wastewater that is partially or fully treated by a private wastewater treatment plant that in turn discharges treated wastewater into either a storm sewer, water body, culvert or stream is thirty-eight percent (38%) of the charges for water supplied to the property from the Water Supply System. In the case of a property where water supply is provided by a private well or river water, the wastewater charge will be equal in amount to thirty-eight percent (38%) of the charge that would have been assessed for the quantity of water from such source if the water were supplied from the Water Supply System at the rates charged for water supplied to metered premises. This section does not apply to instances where treated or untreated wastewater is discharged to the City sewer system for treatment.
Section 6. Wastewater Allowances: Commercial or Industrial Property
A. Definitions
As used in this Section, the following terms have the respective meanings below:
1. "AC/R Wastewater Allowance" means a standard wastewater allowance for an air conditioning or refrigeration system in accordance with this Section.
2. "Applicant" means a Customer, owner or Authorized Representative applying for a Wastewater Allowance.
3. "Application" means a written request for a Wastewater Allowance filed by an Applicant with DEP.
4. "Complete Application" means a written submission in which all requested information is provided, that is signed by the Applicant, and is accompanied by all other information and documentation required by the Commissioner, including without limitation:
(a) proof of authorization satisfactory to the Commissioner (if the application is signed by an Authorized Representative of the owner); and,
(b) proof satisfactory to the Commissioner that the system is metered and that the meter is functioning properly.
5. "Wastewater Allowance" means any wastewater allowance that may be applied for under this Section, including among others, an AC/R Wastewater Allowance. A Wastewater Allowance represents a percentage discount that applies to wastewater charges that otherwise would be assessed on a property or premises.
B. Wastewater Allowances – General
Water consumption that is exclusively used for a commercial or industrial purpose and separately metered, where the process is such that water supplied is not discharged entirely into the Wastewater System, may be eligible for a Wastewater Allowance in accordance with the provisions of this Section. A process is eligible for a Wastewater Allowance if the water supply to the process is fully metered to the satisfaction of DEP. DEP may require the installation of sampling or gauging instruments, or approved wastewater discharge meters, if, in the opinion of the Commissioner, the equipment is necessary to verify or monitor flows or discharges for the purpose of determining actual charges or allowances. The owner is responsible for the cost of such meters or instrumentation, their installation and their maintenance. Owners shall maintain these meters to ensure that the meters or instrumentation are registering accurately within industry standards. A Wastewater Allowance previously granted will be revoked if any delinquent charge remains unpaid after written notice of the delinquency is provided to the Customer by DEP or the Board. If a Wastewater Allowance is revoked due to a delinquency, any reinstatement will be prospective only effective as of the date full payment is received. A property is not permitted to simultaneously have more than one Standard Wastewater Allowance applied to a single meter. If an Applicant requests more than one Standard Wastewater Allowance per meter, the Applicant must comply with Section F of this part, Exceptions to Standard Allowances.
C. Applications for Wastewater Allowances
1. A Wastewater Allowance will be granted upon satisfaction of the following conditions:
(a) The Applicant for the Wastewater Allowance files a Complete Application with DEP on such forms as the Commissioner prescribes; and,
(b) The written Application includes, among other items that the Commissioner may specify, a copy of all required licenses necessary for business operation; and,
(c) DEP, after review of the Application, determines that the Application is a Complete Application and that the Applicant is eligible for the Wastewater Allowance in accordance with this Section; and,
(d) DEP determines that there are no billed and delinquent water or wastewater charges owed to the Water Board or to the New York City Department of Finance for the property, and there are no billed and delinquent real property taxes owed to the City for the property in question.
2. DEP may reject any Application which, at the time of filing, is missing one or more items of information or documentation that is required in order to make the Application a Complete Application.
3. An Applicant whose Application has been rejected in accordance with paragraph (2) above may re-file the Application upon inclusion of the information or documentation that DEP previously determined to be missing.
D. Wastewater Allowances: Granting of Allowances; Prospective Only; Expiration
Upon receipt by DEP of a Complete Application, and a determination that the Applicant is eligible for a Wastewater Allowance in accordance with this Section, DEP will, by written notice to the Applicant, grant the Allowance, which will be prospective only, starting from the date the complete application is filed with DEP, and such wastewater allowance will expire two years from such date. The Applicant must apply for a renewal of a Wastewater Allowance by submitting a written Application before the expiration of the two-year period on such forms and with such requirements as the Commissioner prescribes, in accordance with the provisions of this Section.
E. Standard Wastewater Allowances The following Standard Wastewater Allowances are authorized for any property that can demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Commissioner, that its commercial purpose or process and predominate water use is consistent with the classification indicated for the allowance.
Business or Water Use | Allowance |
Business or Water Use | Allowance | |
1. | Air Conditioning and Refrigeration: (Metered) See Note 1 | 85% |
2. | Bakeries (Wholesale): Includes manufacturers of biscuits, pies, pastries, bread, etc. | 40% |
3. | Beverages – Soda and Soft Drink Manufacturers | 15% |
4. | Breweries | 30% |
5. | Building Construction & Sanitary Purposes (Metered) | 90% |
6. | Carpet and Rug Cleaning | 20% |
7. | Cemeteries | 50% |
8. | Chemical Industry (Flavoring Extractors) | 20% |
9. | Condiment Manufacturers – Pickles, Relishes, etc. | 20% |
10. | Confectioners (Wholesale) | 10% |
11. | Dry Cleaning Plants and Establishments | 5% |
12. | Florists (Wholesale and Greenhouses) | 50% |
13. | High Pressure Boilers (for power only) | 10% |
14. | Ice Cream Manufacturers (Wholesale) | 10% |
15. | Ice Manufacturers (Wholesale) | 85% |
16. | Industrial Wiping Cloth Plants | 10% |
17. | Launderettes: See Note 2 | 5% |
18. | Laundries: (Flat Finish) See Note 2 | 10% |
19. | Laundries: (Wet Wash and Combination) See Note 2 | 20% |
20. | Meat (Wholesale): Processing, Packing and Slaughtering | 10% |
21. | Metal Products (Finished) | 5% |
22. | Paint, Varnish and Glue Manufacturers | 10% |
23. | Plastic Products Manufacturers | 10% |
24. | Textile: Yarn, Fur Dyers, Shrinkers and Spongers | 25% |
Note 1: Air conditioning or refrigeration systems of 25 tons and more, using recirculated water, will be authorized a wastewater allowance only when the system is metered to the satisfaction of the Commissioner. The allowance, if authorized, will be 85% of the registered volume based on an assumed 15% of water discharged into the Wastewater System for blow-down or bleed-off. This allowance also applies to Residential Premises.
Note 2: Launderettes are defined as establishments who service a predominately residential population using primarily coin-operated washers and dryers, which either allow customers to do their own washing or drying, or offer drop-off and pick-up service; Laundries (Flat Finish) are defined as establishments that perform pressing (flat finishing) exclusively; Laundries (Wet Wash and Combination) are defined as establishments that do washing or drying exclusively for commercial customers.
F. Exceptions to Standard Wastewater Allowances Exceptions to the Standard Wastewater Allowances may be authorized in accordance with the provisions of this Section.
1. An exception to the Standard Wastewater Allowance will be granted upon satisfaction of the following conditions in addition to satisfaction of those conditions required for a Standard Wastewater Allowance:
a. The Application must include a certification by a professional engineer licensed to practice in the State of New York, as to the amount of fluid and solid material discharged to the municipal Wastewater System (including wastewater from all sources, such as well water or river water), the amount of water absorbed by the process (and therefore not discharged), and all supporting data and analysis. In addition, such data and analysis must demonstrate any periodic or seasonal variations (including but not limited to maximum and minimum quantities) in process absorption. The certification must also include:
i. A complete detailed description of all connections of the property and the commercial or industrial processes with the municipal Wastewater System, and with all private sewers or drains discharging into the municipal Wastewater System or otherwise; and,
ii. If the property or process is connected to or utilizes wastewater disposal facilities other than those of the municipal Wastewater System, a complete detailed description of the facilities; and,
iii. A complete listing and description of every source of water supplied or connected to the property or process indicating flow at maximum demand; and,
iv. A written statement that the applicant and owner of the property or process, and the subject property or process, are in full compliance with all rules and regulations of DEP, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the United States Environmental Protection Agency with respect to the use and supply of water and use of the municipal Wastewater System, and that any previously cited violations have been satisfied by compliance with the relevant regulation, and that all penalties associated therewith have been paid; and,
v. A statement disclosing the names and business addresses of all persons having ownership interest in the property or enterprise doing business at the subject premises. If the property or process is owned or operated by a corporation, the certificate(s) of incorporation must be provided. And,
b. Upon review of the Application, DEP determines that the Application is a Complete Application and that the Applicant is eligible for the exception to the Standard Wastewater Allowance in accordance with this Section; and,
c. DEP determines that there are no billed and delinquent water or wastewater charges owed to the Water Board or to the New York City Department of Finance for the property, and there are no billed and delinquent real property taxes owed to the City for the property.
2. Upon receipt by DEP of a Complete Application for an exception to the Standard Wastewater Allowances, and a determination that the Applicant is eligible for the exception, DEP will, by written notice to the Applicant, grant the exception to the Standard Allowance, which will be prospective only, extending from the date of the determination by DEP. All such allowances shall be rounded to the nearest percentage value evenly divisible by five. An exception to the Standard Wastewater Allowance will expire two years from the date of DEP's determination unless a renewal application is submitted to DEP. A renewal application must include a certification of a professional engineer licensed to practice in the State of New York that states:
a. no new uses of water, or changes in the property or process, or in the discharge volume have occurred; and,
b. the original certification supplied to DEP is an accurate representation of current and anticipated conditions at the premises; and,
c. the original certification is available for inspection by DEP.
Section 7. Steam Condensate Discharges to the Wastewater System
A charge shall be imposed for steam condensate discharges into the wastewater system related to the distribution and sale of steam as an energy source. Steam Customer Wastewater Charges shall be determined based on one hundred cubic feet equivalent units ("HCF Equivalent") representing the quantity of water measured in units of one hundred cubic feet per one thousand pounds of steam ("Mlbs") and is equal to the number of Mlbs units of steam consumption divided by 6.2422.
A. In the case of Steam Utility Customer Condensate Discharges:
1. Retail Steam Customers identified as Steam Classification-1 (SC1-Small Users) the wastewater rate set forth in Section 2 of this Part shall be applied to the amount of water equal to 90% of the HCF Equivalent of its steam consumption as determined by the steam provider.
2. Retail Steam Customers identified as Steam Classification-2 (SC2-Large Commercial) the wastewater rate set forth in Section 2 of this Part shall be applied to the amount of water equal to 67% of the HCF Equivalent of its steam consumption as determined by the steam provider.
3. Retail Steam Customers identified as Steam Classification-3 (SC3-Large Residential) the wastewater rate set forth in Section 2 of this Part shall be applied to the amount of water equal to 76% of the HCF Equivalent of its steam consumption as determined by the steam provider.
B. In the case of System Discharges into the wastewater system, Steam System Wastewater Charges shall be equal to 6.3% of all amounts billed to Retail Steam Customers.
C. In cases where the actual discharge of condensate to the sewer system differs significantly from the proportions established above for each Customer's classification, an application for an alternative allowance may be submitted to DEP under Part III, Section 6.F hereof, Exceptions to Standard Allowances.
Part IV – Miscellaneous Fees and Charges
The following fees apply to water and wastewater services.
Section 1. Dishonored Payment Charge
A charge of $20.00 will be imposed on each account where a payment is made with a Dishonored Check.
Section 2. Denial of Access
Customers must facilitate access to the meters serving their premises at least once every twelve months. Customers must also facilitate access by DEP to their premises to install a meter and to the meters serving their premises on demand for cause when necessary to inspect, test, repair, upgrade or replace a meter or remote meter reading device. A Denial of Access charge of $50 will be imposed by the Board on each account for each incident where a Customer fails to facilitate access to the premises either once every twelve months or on demand for cause. This charge shall only be imposed if an owner fails to facilitate access after the issuance by DEP of a written notice to the record owner of the premises and the expiration of a 30-day period from the date of such notice. A bill indicating the imposition of a Denial of Access charge shall be sent to the record owner of the premises and shall be accompanied by a second written notice requiring the owner to facilitate access within the next 30 days. In the event owners continue to deny access to the meters serving their premises after the imposition of a Denial of Access charge and the issuance of a second written notice, DEP may commence termination of service proceedings pursuant to Section 3 of Part VIII of this Rate Schedule.
Section 3. Miscellaneous Fees and Charges for Water Service
Page | |
1. Hydrant Use Fee | 21 |
2. Water Connection Fee | 21 |
3. Meter Permits | 21 |
4. Meter Accuracy Tests | 22 |
5. Special Meter Reading | 22 |
6. Property Transfer – Meter Reading or Flat-Rate Account Reconciliation | 22 |
7. Minor Sales | 22 |
8. Hydrant Flow Test | 22 |
9. Building Purpose Charges | 22 |
10. Water Tap Fees | 22 |
11. Wet Connection Fees | 23 |
12. Water Shut Off | 23 |
13. Tap or Wet Connection Plug | 23 |
14. Tap Location Fee | 23 |
15. Hose Connections | 24 |
16. Ship Connections | 24 |
17. Meter Installation at Customer's Request | 24 |
18. Install Meter Pit at Customer's Request | 24 |
19. Repair/Replace Meter Due to Customer's Vandalism or Failure to Reasonably Protect | 24 |
20. Private Water Main Review and Inspection | 24 |
21. Service Call | 24 |
Section 4. Miscellaneous Fees and Charges for Wastewater Service
1. Sewer Connection Fee | 24 |
2. Manholes, Catch Basin / Basin Connections, Seepage Basins | 24 |
3. Sewer Plugs | 24 |
4. Sewer Connection Review – 1, 2 and 3 Family Homes (SD 1 & 2) | 25 |
5. Site Connection Review – other than 1, 2 and 3 Family Homes | 25 |
6. Private Drainage Proposal Review and Amended Drainage Plan Review | 25 |
7. Private Sewer/Drain Plan Review | 25 |
8. Private Sewer/Drain Field Inspection | 25 |
9. Dye Tests or Engineering Field Inspection | 25 |
Miscellaneous Fees and Charges for Water Service
1. Hydrant Use Fee – This fee is a daily charge for use of a hydrant to provide water for various activities, including, but not limited to, mixing cement, wetting buildings, sandblasting and other forms of construction.
Fee: $55.00 for each 30 day period or portion thereof.
Fee: $13.50 per day for water use
2. Water Connection Fee – This fee is for administrative costs associated with allowing a property to connect to the Water System.
Fee: $200.00 for water connections
3. Meter Permits – This fee is for administrative costs associated with permit processing and maintaining an accurate meter record.
Fee: $35.00 for 5/8" – 2" meter
Fee: $75.00 for 3" meter or larger
4. Meter Accuracy Tests – This fee is to measure the recording accuracy of a meter at a Customer's request.
Fee: $180.00 for all domestic and fire meters
5. Special Meter Reading – This fee is for each meter reading requested on a date other than a scheduled meter reading date.
Fee: $75.00 for 1st Meter
Fee: $25.00 each additional meter at same location
6. Meter Reading or Flat-Rate Account Reconciliation in connection with a Transfer of Property Ownership – This fee is to validate water and sewer charges upon transfer of property ownership to ensure that a property will not be billed retroactively.
Fee: $25.00
7. Minor Sales – This fee is charged for the sale of minor materials, such as elbow joints and water taps, to contractors and utilities to expedite the completion of a job.
Fee: Cost of materials plus 10 percent
8. Hydrant Flow Test – This fee is for testing conducted to measure pressure adequacy of hydrants for fire fighting purposes.
Fee: $250.00
9. Building Purpose Charges – This charge applies only to unmetered premises and are assessed for water used in new construction, alterations, outdoor paving, highway construction, and interior construction in new and rehabilitated buildings. For alterations or rehabilitations of unmetered buildings which do not substantially improve or alter the property, as defined in Local Law 53 of 1985, there is no fee for water used. For new construction alterations or rehabilitations which substantially improve or alter the property as defined in Local Law 53 of 1985, a water meter must be installed before any water from the property is used for the new construction, alteration or rehabilitation. Charges will be assessed based upon the standard metered rate as provided in Part II, Section 1. A hydrant use fee, as provided in Part IV, Section 1, No. 1, will be imposed for any water supplied through a connection to a fire hydrant. In any case where the Commissioner determines that a hydrant use fee is not representative of the amount of water to be used during construction, the Commissioner may install a temporary construction meter. Charges will be assessed based upon the standard metered rate as provided in Part II, Section 1.
10. Water Tap Fees – This fee is for the permit, labor and materials related to the installation of a water tap connecting the water main to the service pipe of a newly constructed building or replacing water taps for an existing building. Fees vary according to tap size and whether or not DEP provides the tap. For tap sizes larger than 2" see "Wet Connection Fees".
Tap Size | DEP Tap | Without Tap |
3/4" | $258.00 | $250.00 |
1" | $262.00 | $250.00 |
1 1/2" | $280.00 | $250.00 |
2" | $295.00 | $250.00 |
11. Wet Connection Fees – This fee is for the permit, labor and materials related to the installation of a water wet connection connecting the water main to the service pipe of a newly constructed building or replacing water wet connections for an existing building. See Wet Connection Fee Schedule below.
Note: The fee for a tap size not specified in the following table is the fee for the next largest tap size.
Wet Connection Fees (Dollars)
Size | Valve | Sleeve | Labor and OTPS | Total |
Size | Valve | Sleeve | Labor and OTPS | Total |
6" × 2" | $56 | $261 | $1,200 | $1,517 |
6" × 3" | $280 | $368 | $1,200 | $1,848 |
6" × 4" | $304 | $346 | $1,200 | $1,850 |
8" × 3" | $280 | $308 | $1,200 | $1,788 |
8" × 4" | $304 | $352 | $1,200 | $1,856 |
8" × 6" | $380 | $412 | $1,200 | $1,992 |
12" × 3" | $280 | $301 | $1,200 | $1,781 |
12" × 4" | $304 | $407 | $1,200 | $1,911 |
12" × 6" | $380 | $444 | $1,200 | $2,024 |
12" × 8" | $550 | $696 | $1,200 | $2,446 |
16" × 3" | $280 | $442 | $1,200 | $1,922 |
16" × 4" | $304 | $495 | $1,200 | $1,999 |
16" × 6" | $380 | $537 | $1,200 | $2,117 |
16" × 8" | $550 | $788 | $1,200 | $2,538 |
16" × 12" | $895 | $788 | $1,200 | $2,883 |
20" × 3" | $280 | $404 | $1,200 | $1,884 |
20" × 4" | $304 | $790 | $1,200 | $2,294 |
20" × 6" | $380 | $828 | $1,200 | $2,408 |
20" × 8" | $550 | $1,180 | $1,200 | $2,930 |
20" × 12" | $895 | $1,453 | $1,200 | $3,548 |
24" × 3" | $280 | $481 | $1,200 | $1,961 |
24" × 4" | $304 | $585 | $1,200 | $2,089 |
24" × 6" | $380 | $798 | $1,200 | $2,378 |
24" × 8" | $550 | $1,228 | $1,200 | $2,978 |
12. Water Shut Off – This fee is levied when DEP shuts off a Customer's water service at the tap.
Fee: $500.00
13. Tap or Wet Connection Plug – This fee is for administrative costs and to certify that a tap or wet connection is no longer in use.
Fee: $200.00
14. Tap Location Fee – This fee is for a tap location through the use of an electrical indicator.
Fee: $375.00
15. Hose Connections – This fee is for the use of a hose connection to connect hoses for activities such as lawn sprinkling.
Fee: $121.21 per year
16. Ship Connections – This fee is for tugboats and other vessels connecting to the City water supply on a pier, wharf or bulkhead.
Fee: $53.63 plus $2.31 per HCF of consumption
17. Meter Installation – This fee is for installing a meter, setter, or remote in basement (cut-in).
Fee: DEP's recent contract prices for similar work or in the absence
Fee: of a recent contract price, some other reasonable measure.
18. Install Meter Pit at Customer's Request – This fee is for installing a meter pit at Customer's request for a new installation, where plumbing configuration does not require a pit.
Fee: DEP's recent contract prices for similar work or in the absence
Fee: of a recent contract price, some other reasonable measure.
19. Repair/Replace Meter Due to Customer's Vandalism or Failure to Reasonably Protect Meter – Charges levied when failure of the meter or components is due to Customer's vandalism or failure to reasonably protect the meter or components.
Fee: DEP's recent contract prices for similar work or in the absence
Fee: of a recent contract price, some other reasonable measure.
20. Private Water Main Review and Inspection – This fee is for the review and inspection of private water main constructions.
Fee: Water main diameter less than 8" $1.15 per foot or part
Fee: Water main diameter 8" or greater $1.95 per foot or part
21. Service Call – This fee is for a service inspection at the request of the Customer and the complaint is found to be outside the jurisdiction of DEP.
Fee: $75.00
Miscellaneous Fees and Charges for Wastewater Service
1. Sewer Connection Fee – This fee is for the review and administrative costs associated with allowing a property to connect to the Wastewater System.
Fee: $200.00
2. Manhole, Catch Basin / Basin Connection or Seepage Basins Permits – This fee is for the issuance of permits for the construction of new manholes, catch basin / basin connections and seepage basins.
Fee: $200.00
3. Sewer Plugs – This fee is to certify that a sewer service has been terminated.
Fee: $200.00
4. Sewer Connection Review – 1, 2 and 3 Family homes (SD 1 & 2) – This fee is for the review and administrative costs associated with determining the capability of the Wastewater System to receive wastewater flow from the new connection.
Fee: $200.00
5. Site Connection Review – other than 1, 2 and 3 Family homes – Same as above; in addition, the review requires that catch basins must meet DEP specifications for capacity. $325.00 minimum.
Fee: $0.02 per square foot for the first 10 acres.
Fee: $0.015 per square foot for each square foot after 10 acres.
6. Private Drainage Proposal Review and Amended Drainage Plan Review – This fee applies to the review of private drainage proposals and amended plans as they relate to work involving public or private wastewater systems.
Fee: $1,500.00 for the first 100 linear feet.
Fee: $2.00 per linear foot for each foot thereafter.
7. Private Sewer/Drain Plan Review – This fee applies to the review of private sewer/drain plans submitted for the construction of private wastewater systems.
Fee: $1,500.00 for the first 100 linear feet.
Fee: $2.00 per linear foot for each foot thereafter.
8. Private Sewer/Drain Field Inspection – This fee is charged for the field inspection of the construction of private wastewater systems.
Fee: $7.00 per linear foot
9. Dye Test or Engineering Field Inspection – This fee is charged when DEP, at the request of a Customer, performs a dye test to determine a property's connection to the Wastewater System or performs an engineering field inspection to verify the existence and condition of a sewer, catch basin, seepage basin, watercourse or a watercourse diversion.
9. Fee: $200.00
Part V – Payment and Billing Terms
Section 1. General Provisions
Water and wastewater charges and all unpaid charges are the legal responsibility of the owner of a property receiving water and wastewater service. The owner's responsibility to pay such charges is not affected by non-receipt of bills or any lease, license or other arrangement, or any assignment of responsibility for payment of such charges. Water and wastewater charges constitute a lien on the property until paid. This lien is not removed when property is transferred. As a consequence, property owners and purchasers are advised to obtain a meter reading or flat-rate account reconciliation in connection with a transfer of property ownership through the date of property ownership transfer. In addition to legal action against the owner, failure to pay such charges when due may result in foreclosure of the lien by the City of New York, the property being placed in a lien sale by the City or any other collection enforcement remedy available to the Board or DEP, including but not limited to termination of service. All water and wastewater charges must be paid to the New York City Water Board or authorized agents. Full payment must be received by the Due Date to avoid the imposition of Late Payment Charges. Unless otherwise explicitly provided in this Rate Schedule, or by the authorizing resolution approved by the Board, the Effective Date of a rate, charge, program or billing policy is the date of adoption by the Water Board.
Section 2. Owner Registration
Property owners are responsible for ensuring receipt of water and sewer bills and related notices. To this end, property owners must file a Customer Registration Form for Water and Wastewater Billing when a property is acquired or when a change in the mailing address occurs or for any reason necessary to ensure receipt of water and wastewater bills and related notices. Original bills for water and wastewater service and related notices will be mailed to the owner, at the owner's address specified on DEP's Customer Registration Form for Water and Wastewater Billing, which may be obtained by calling the DEP Customer Service Call Center at (718) 595-7000, visiting a borough office of the Bureau of Customer Services (BCS), writing DEP/BCS Customer Service, P.O. Box 739055, Elmhurst, NY 11373-9055 or visiting DEP's web site www.nyc.gov/dep. DEP will provide a duplicate copy of bills to one other party (such as a managing agent) if so requested, provided, however, that any failure or delay by DEP in providing duplicate copies of bills shall in no way relieve the owner from their liability to pay all outstanding water and wastewater charges.
Section 3. Late Payment Charges
Late Payment Charges are assessed on all Delinquent Charges, Fees, Dishonored Payment Charges, as well as prior Late Payment Charges. Late Payment Charges are calculated by multiplying all delinquent charges then outstanding by the allocable portion of the annual interest rate established by the City Council following a recommendation from the Banking Commission for unpaid real estate taxes on properties where the assessed value is $80,000 or less and the property is not vacant land. As of the date of adoption of this Rate Schedule, this annual rate is 9%, subject to change.
Section 4. Remedies and Penalties for Late or Non-Payments
The provisions of the Administrative Code of the City of New York relating to the imposition and collection of water and wastewater rates and charges, and relating to remedies and penalties for late or non-payments continue in full force and effect to the extent not inconsistent with section 1045-(j) of the Public Authorities Law and these regulations.
Section 5. Refunds
Credit balances will be applied to future charges and to charges due on other accounts of the same owner. Any remaining credit may be refunded upon the Deputy Commissioner's approval of a complete application and verification of a valid credit subject to the limitations in Part VI Section 1 with respect to credit balances resulting from the application of a Billing Program. A Customer must submit verifiable proof of payment, acceptable to DEP, in addition to the complete refund application. A Customer may elect to transfer an overpayment to another account in lieu of a refund check. Refund applications can be requested by calling the DEP Customer Service Call Center at (718) 595-7000, by visiting a borough office of the Bureau of Customer Services (BCS), by writing DEP/BCS Customer Service, P.O. Box 739055, Elmhurst, NY 11373-9055, or by visiting DEP's web site www.nyc.gov/dep.
Section 6. Back Billing Limits
As used in this section, "Unbilled Service" means service was provided to a property and no billing transaction(s) for that service period was posted to the records of either the Water Board, DEP or the Department of Finance. "Unbilled Service" does not mean that a paper bill(s) was not provided, or that U.S. Postal Service failed to deliver a bill(s), or that the owner's name or address was incorrectly recorded in the billing records with the result that a bill(s) was not received or was forwarded to an incorrect party or to an incorrect address. DEP shall not issue a bill for previously Unbilled Service or upwardly adjust previously issued billing to a property after four years from the time service was provided to such property. A reasonable administrative delay between the end date of the service period being billed, or the date of discovery of an unbilled or under billed period, and the actual new bill issuance date is permitted and not inconsistent with this provision. The Executive Director may establish specific criteria for which a shorter backbilling limit can be applied. The provisions of this Section do not apply when the culpable conduct of a Customer or a third party caused or contributed to the failure to render timely or accurate billing. Culpable conduct includes, without limitation, failure to provide access to the meter or premises for inspection, failure of a Customer's plumber or other authorized party to secure or return a meter permit and failure of a Customer to properly protect the meter. Premises in violation of the Certificate of Occupancy or Use, as determined by the NYC Department of Buildings, are not eligible for back billing limits. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to billing unbilled periods or upwardly adjusting bills covering specific periods where such billing periods are contained within a longer period for which a billing adjustment is sought by the Customer provided that the total amount rebilled is less than the total amount billed prior to the billing adjustment. Nothing contained herein shall require DEP to adjust a bill unless a written complaint is filed within four years of the bill date.
Section 7. Exemptions
In accordance with New York State Law (Chapter 696 of the Laws of 1887, as amended by Chapter 893 and 894 of the Laws of 1980), the premises of certain qualifying organizations may be eligible for a full or partial exemption from water and sewer charges. Such premises must meet the eligibility criteria established by law and are subject to certain administrative guidelines established by DEP. Further information including an exemption application is available online at www.nyc.gov/html/dep/pdf/exemption.pdf, or by calling the DEP Customer Service Call Center at (718) 595-7000, by visiting a borough office of the Bureau of Customer Services (BCS) or by writing DEP/BCS Customer Service, P.O. Box 739055, Elmhurst, NY 11373-9055.
Part VI – Billing Programs
Section 1. General Provisions
The following conditions apply to all Billing Programs in this Part VI:
A. Accounts that are delinquent will not be eligible for any Billing Programs until the Customer pays the total amount due in full or enters into a payment agreement with DEP to pay the total amount due. If the terms of a valid payment agreement are subsequently violated, any benefits received under a discretionary billing program after the date of such agreement will be withdrawn and the account's billing will revert to its original status.
B. Premises in violation of the Certificate of Occupancy or Use, as determined by the NYC Department of Buildings, are not eligible until the violation is corrected. Upon correction of the violation, the Billing Program's benefit will only apply from the date of correction. There will be no retroactive application of benefits for the period during which the premises was in violation.
C. Credit balances resulting from the application of a Billing Program will be refunded only if the entire credit balance will not be used under normal service usage within one year of the date of application of the Billing Program.
D. Information on Billing Programs may be obtained by calling the DEP Customer Service Call Center at (718) 595-7000, by visiting a borough office of the Bureau of Customer Services (BCS), by writing DEP/BCS Customer Service, P.O. Box 739055, Elmhurst, NY 11373-9055 or by visiting DEP's web site www.nyc.gov/dep. Requests for Billing Programs must be made in writing to DEP/BCS Customer Service, P.O. Box 739055, Elmhurst, NY 11373-9055.
Section 2. Adjustment of Due Date
Due Dates of water and wastewater bills may be adjusted in accordance with the following:
A. If a water and wastewater bill becomes delinquent because an escrow arrangement for paying water and wastewater bills expired less than twelve (12) months before the bill date of the original bill, and DEP was provided notice of a change in the account's mailing name and address, and if the property owner brings the correct mailing name and address to the attention of DEP by submitting an appropriate registration card to DEP within twelve months of the Due Date of the original water and wastewater bill, then upon written request to DEP by the property owner or an Authorized Representative, Late Payment Charges will be removed.
B. A retroactive water and wastewater bill that covers a Bill Period of more than one year may have its Due Date extended for six months from the original Due Date.
Section 3. Innocent Purchaser
DEP is authorized to cancel water and wastewater charges in limited situations for the benefit of an "Innocent Purchaser." To qualify for "Innocent Purchaser" status:
A. The property transfer must be an "arm's length" transaction; and,
B. Charges for a Bill Period occurring before the earlier of the meter reading or Flat-Rate Account Reconciliation in connection with a transfer of property ownership and the property transfer date are billed to the account after the property transfer date ("qualifying charges"); and,
1. If a metered account, the meter reading in connection with a transfer of property ownership must have been properly requested and paid for at a borough office of DEP at least 30 days prior to the property transfer date; or,
2. If a frontage account, a Flat-Rate Account Reconciliation must have been properly requested and paid for at a borough office of DEP at least 30 days prior to the property transfer date.
C. If a purchaser qualifies as an "Innocent Purchaser", DEP will cancel the qualifying charges.
D. The property owner or Authorized Representative must request Innocent Purchaser status in writing within 18 months of the date of the original bill.
E. The provisions of this section shall not apply where the culpable conduct of the Customer prevents or impedes DEP from securing a meter reading or inspection of the premises.
Section 4. Cap on Metered Charges
A. A Residential Premises receiving metered water and wastewater service is eligible to have its metered water and wastewater charges limited to a maximum amount, as set forth in this Section. The maximum metered charge applies to all routine domestic use of water and wastewater service. This provision will not apply to premises that have excessive water use related to a leak, irrigation, commercial processes or recreational activities. A proportional cap for an account receiving only water service may be determined with reference to the rate in effect during the period covered by a specific bill. A mixed-use premises that has both residential and commercial use, with a DEP approved meter on the entire commercial use, may receive a cap on metered charges only for the separately metered residential portion of the premises.
B. A metered Residential Premises is eligible to have a maximum metered charge ("Bill Cap") imposed for water and wastewater services if the following conditions are met:
1. The Customer has permitted DEP or DEP's duly authorized contractor to perform a leak and waste inspection, residential water survey or water audit, and the inspection, survey or audit indicates that no leak or waste condition exists at the premises; and,
2. The property owner has permitted access to the property for the inspection of the premises, or installation, repair, or replacement of a meter or a remote reading device; and,
3. If the premises is a multiple dwelling as defined by the New York State Multiple Dwelling Law, then the building manager or owner must have participated in the Water Conservation Seminar sponsored by DEP and the NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development; and,
4. At least 70% of the toilets at the premises are low-consumption toilets.
C. Bill Cap: The maximum metered charge for any qualified Residential Premises is $1,383.70 per year for the first Dwelling Unit and $922.11 per year per additional Dwelling Unit.
D. The property owner or Authorized Representative must request in writing a cap on metered charges within 18 months of the date of the original bill.
Section 5. Initial Meter Bill Cap Program for Residential Premises with Five or Fewer Dwelling Units
Initial Meter Bill Cap Program: A premises properly metered under the Universal Metering Program may request that the initial meter bill for the premises be limited to a maximum of one-hundred fifty percent (150%) of the last annual frontage charge assessed on the premises (i.e., last annual frontage charge multiplied by 1.5).
A. A premises is eligible for a cap on their initial meter bill if:
1. The initial meter bill is more than the "Initial Meter Bill Cap Amount". The "Initial Meter Bill Cap Amount" is one-hundred fifty percent of the last annual frontage charge assessed on the premises, adjusted to cover a period of time equal in length to the period of time covered by the initial meter bill. If the last annual frontage charge issued for the premises is greater than three years before the date of the initial meter bill, the Commissioner may determine the Initial Meter Bill Cap amount by adjusting the last annual frontage bill assessed to the frontage charge that would have been assessed for the last full Fiscal Year immediately preceding the Fiscal Year of the meter installation. And,
2. a. The Customer has permitted DEP or DEP's duly authorized contractor to perform a leak and waste inspection, residential water survey or water audit and the inspection, survey or audit indicates that no leak or waste condition exists at the premises; or,
b. If the inspection, survey or audit indicates that a leak or waste condition exists, the leak or waste condition is corrected within ten (10) days of notification and the Customer submits a report from a licensed plumber that the leak or waste condition was corrected.
B. If a premises meets the conditions set forth above, DEP will cancel the initial meter bill for the premises and issue a new bill equal to the Initial Meter Bill Cap Amount.
C. This Section does not apply to an account that was previously metered.
D. The property owner or Authorized Representative must request in writing the Initial Meter Bill Cap Program within 18 months of the date of the original bill.
Section 6. Transition Program for Residential Premises with Six or More Dwelling Units
The following billing policies apply to newly metered, but previously constructed Residential Premises with six or more Dwelling Units. New construction is not eligible for this Transition Program. A property with metered water charges is not permitted to return to water charges based upon this Transition Program.
A. A newly metered premises with six or more Dwelling Units will have water and wastewater charges imposed in accordance with the unmetered rate schedules set forth in Part II – Section 2 until the owner requests in writing meter based billing in accordance with Part C of this Section or until this program is revoked or revised by the Water Board, if:
1. The meter or meters were installed by either DEP or a contractor representing DEP or in accordance with Local Law 53 of 1985 or under Regulation No. 1 (the Reimbursable Metering Program, formerly the Window of Opportunity Program); and,
2. There has been no substantial change in pattern of use or occupancy; and,
3. The meter set date is on or after July 1, 1992; and,
4. The premises is entirely residential or if the premises is a mixed use property, the commercial portion of the premises is separately metered to the satisfaction of the Commissioner and can be billed separately.
B. Charges for Premises Upgrading Their Plumbing Fixtures to Conform with the Standards Set Forth in Local Law 29 of 1989: A premises with six or more Dwelling Units metered under the Universal Metering Program in which plumbing fixtures are upgraded in accordance with the standards set forth in Local Law 29 of 1989 will have, in addition to any period of unmetered billing to which they are entitled in accordance with this Section, an additional twelve (12) months during which water and wastewater charges will be imposed in accordance with the unmetered rate schedules set forth in Part II – Section 2. Premises with six or more Dwelling Units are eligible for the additional twelve-month period of unmetered billing if:
1. The premises is not newly constructed or substantially renovated and metered pursuant to Local Law 53 of 1985, and,
2. The owner of the premises has completed the installation or replacement of:
a. At least fifty-one percent of the toilets with ultra-low flow toilets that meet the standards of Local Law 29 of 1989; and,
b. At least fifty-one percent of the shower heads; and,
c. Substantially all faucet aerators (except where technically infeasible); and,
d. The installation or replacement has been approved by the Commissioner.
C. Owners' Election of Meter-Based Billing: An owner of a metered Residential Premises may elect to convert to the metered basis of billing at any time. The election to convert to the metered basis of billing must be in writing on DEP's Election of Meter Billing form and is irrevocable and will be effective as of the day that a meter reading is obtained after receipt of the written request for conversion to metered billing. The conversion to meter-based billing will be prospective only from the date of DEP's initial meter reading. If an Election of Meter Billing form is submitted when a meter is not registering consumption or is not installed to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of DEP, the conversion will be effective on a prospective basis only from the date an approved meter is subsequently installed and read by DEP. To convert to metered-based billing, an owner must:
1. Send a written request to BCS to receive metered-based billing; and,
2. Provide DEP access to the premises to enable the recording of an initial meter reading.
Section 7. Pre-Transition Program Flat-Rate Charge
A. A Residential Premises with six or more Dwelling Units substantially renovated and metered pursuant to Local Law 53 (1985) and with a meter set date before July 1, 1992, or metered between 1988 and 1991 by either DEP or under the Board's Window of Opportunity Program, is eligible to have water and wastewater charges imposed from the date a Complete Application is received in accordance with the flat-rate charge set forth in this section, notwithstanding any other provisions herein, if:
1. The premises is entirely residential or if the premises is a mixed use property, the commercial portion of the premises is separately metered to the satisfaction of DEP and can be billed separately; and,
2. The premises was not newly constructed at the time a meter was installed pursuant to Local Law 53; and,
3. DEP has received a written Complete Application to have charges assessed in accordance with the provisions of this Section; and,
4. The Customer has permitted DEP or DEP's duly authorized contractor to perform a leak and waste inspection, residential water survey or water audit and the inspection, survey or audit indicates that no leak or waste condition exists at the premises; or, if the inspection, survey or audit indicates that a leak or waste condition exists, the leak or waste condition is corrected within ten (10) days of notification and the Customer submits a report from a licensed plumber that the leak or waste condition was corrected; and,
5. The Customer submits a copy of the Certificate of Occupancy or Use to DEP, which validates the number of Dwelling Units.
B. The flat-rate charge for water and wastewater service for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2008 is $727.26 per Dwelling Unit. This charge is assessed in lieu of any metered charge or charges and will be prorated from the date a Complete Application is received to June 30, 2009 for eligible properties.
C. Owners are advised that the DEP/Water Board review of a Complete Application will focus on eligibility parameters only (detailed in Section A 1 to 5, above) and not on economic factors. The decision whether to choose meter billing or Pre-Transition Flat-Rate billing rests solely with the owner or authorized representative. Neither DEP nor the Water Board makes any claim with regard to which method will produce the lowest charge for the Customer. The Customer must do this analysis and neither DEP nor the Water Board will be held responsible for any incorrect choice made by an owner or authorized representative.
Section 8. Forgiving Water and Wastewater Charges for Metered Premises Due to Extraordinary Leaks or Disasters
A. A Customer is eligible under the terms of this section for partial forgiveness of an unusually high metered water and wastewater charge assessed on a premises if:
1. The unusually high charge was assessed on the basis of the Board's metered rate schedule; and,
2. The unusually high water and wastewater charge is due to a burst pipe or service line, or a leak where the Customer reasonably could not be expected to detect the burst pipe or leak, or have a fair chance to repair it, provided that the leak was not due to the failure of a maintainable plumbing fixture, including but not limited to toilets or faucets, or the unusually high charge was due to a disaster or emergency that was declared by the Mayor of the City of New York or recognized by resolution of the Water Board, or resulted from a fire or other natural disaster outside the control of the Customer; and,
3. The Customer has submitted proof in the form of an itemized dated bill from a licensed plumber, or a similarly verifiable document, evidencing that the burst pipe, service line or other leak has been repaired; and
4. The Customer has permitted DEP or DEP's duly authorized contractor to perform a leak and waste inspection, residential water survey or water audit and the inspection, survey or audit indicates that no leak or waste condition exists at the premises; or, if the inspection, survey or audit indicates that a leak or waste condition exists, the leak or waste condition is corrected within ten (10) days of notification and the Customer submits a report from a licensed plumber that the leak or waste condition was corrected.
5. The unusually high charge results from an average daily flow (ADF) that is:
a. At least 200% of the ADF of the most recent representative metered bill based on comparable usage and actual readings for the premises; or,
b. If the most recent representative bill is based on the Board's unmetered rate schedule, the ADF of the unusually high charge is at least 200% of the previous flat-rate charge for the premises adjusted to cover a number of days equal to the number of days covered by the unusually high charge, and adjusted to reflect rate increases; and,
6. The difference between the unusually high bill and any new bill issued in accordance with this Section is equal to at least $530.74 annualized.
b. A premises meeting the above conditions is eligible for partial forgiveness of the unusually high water and wastewater charge calculated as follows:
1. The unusually high bill will be canceled and a new bill issued in the amount of one half of the unusually high bill, provided however, that no bill issued will be less than 150% of the charge calculated by multiplying the ADF of the most recent representative bill by the number of days in the period covered by the unusually high bill, and multiplying that consumption by the metered water and wastewater rates in effect during the period covered by the unusually high bill, except as provided in the meter bill cap or the initial meter bill cap program;
2. If the previous bill for the premises was based on the Board's unmetered rate schedule, the new bill will be issued in the amount of one half of the unusually high bill, provided however that no bill issued will be less than 150% of the previous flat-rate charge for the premises adjusted to cover the number of days in the period covered by the unusually high metered bill, and adjusted to reflect rate increases;
3. In the event a premises was fully or partially vacant during the previous period and the previous ADF does not represent reasonable expected consumption for the premises, DEP may adjust the ADF of the previous period to reflect typical per Dwelling Unit consumption, or may use the ADF of as much as the prior three-year period to represent the expected consumption for the premises, whichever is higher.
C. Forgiveness of a water and wastewater charge will be granted only once to the same Customer for the same premises in any two year period.
D. Nothing contained in this section precludes a Customer from being eligible for the meter bill cap or the initial meter bill cap program.
E. The property owner or Authorized Representative must request application of the Leak Forgiveness Program in writing within 18 months of the date of the original bill.
Section 9. Multiple Family Conservation Program
This program is available to multiple family residential buildings consisting of six or more residential dwelling units that: i) meet specific Program eligibility criteria set forth in the Program's Administrative Guidelines promulgated by the Board, dated May 3, 2001 and as subsequently amended; ii) that have filed a Complete Application in accordance with the Administrative Guidelines; and iii) have been approved for eligibility by DEP. For Fiscal Year 2009, the charge per billable dwelling unit is $744.75.
Section 10. Comprehensive Water Reuse Program
A. Definition
A Comprehensive Water Reuse Program is reserved exclusively for buildings that have a Comprehensive Water Reuse System ("CWRS"). A CWRS building means a residential, commercial or mixed-use building located within the City of New York meeting the criterion for either "Blackwater Systems" or Greywater / Recycled Water Systems" as shown below, plus the requirements of conditions 2 through 6 below, as demonstrated to the satisfaction of DEP:
1. "Blackwater Systems." A wastewater treatment system that captures and treats sanitary wastewater and recycles it within the building for non-potable use in toilet flushing and for air conditioning and refrigeration. The wastewater treatment system must at all times meet each of the following criteria.
a. The CWRS has a collection tank that DEP determines is adequately sized to meet the recycled water supply requirements of the building.
b. The collection tank is equipped with a trap that separates floatable and heavy debris typically found in wastewater.
c. The collection tank has attached to it a separate, secondary treatment process that provides for sediment removal, color normalization and disinfections.
d. The building does not discharge the floatables, debris and sediment collected in (a), (b), and (c) above into the Wastewater System, or into any other method of disposal approved by DEP, at any time of recorded precipitation in New York City or whenever sewage flow in the drainage district in which a CWRS building is located is being bypassed.
e. A storage reservoir for the treated water is attached to the secondary treatment process. This storage reservoir supplies the non-potable demands of the building.
f. A plumbing system, separate and apart from the plumbing system for the potable water supply for the building is attached to the storage reservoir.
g. The building also captures and detains storm water for at least 24 hours or captures and recycles storm water.
2. "Greywater / Recycled Water Systems." A water recycling system that captures and treats greywater and stormwater or stormwater and district steam condensate and recycles it within the building for non-potable use in toilet flushing, for air conditioning and refrigeration or other approved non-potable purposes. "Greywater" is defined as wastewater from lavatories, showers and clothes washers unless further limited by the Department of Buildings and/or the Department of Health. The wastewater treatment system must at all times meet conditions "a," "c," "e," and "f" listed in "1."
3. The building demonstrates an aggregate annual reduction in demand for potable water of at least 25% as compared to non-CWRS buildings of similar size and use. A baseline of 60 gallons per person per day shall be used for residential buildings and 10 gallons per employee per day for indoor use in an office building. Baselines for other occupancies may be proposed for review by an applicant.
4. The building is metered on all service connections to the Water System as well as on all service lines from the storage reservoir.
5. The building is equipped with low consumption plumbing fixtures, as follows:
a. All toilets are DEP-approved models and flow at no more than 1.6 gallons per flush and urinals shall flush at no more than 0.5 gallons per flush;
b. All showerheads flow at no more than 2.5 gallons per minute (gpm) as measured at the showerhead;
c. All faucets flow at no more than 2.5 gpm except that lavatory faucets in nonresidential occupancies shall flow at no more than 1 gpm and shall be equipped with automatic controls which prevent flow for more than 15 seconds without repeated activation; and
d. All washing machines meet the criteria of no more than 9.5 gallons per cubic foot of machine capacity ("water factor").
6. The building complies with all requirements of other governmental agencies having jurisdiction over the design, construction and operation of its water and wastewater systems, including the New York City Departments of Buildings and Health, New York State Department of Health, the Department of Environmental Conservation and, if appropriate, the United States Environmental Protection Agency. All required construction and operating permits from such agencies must have been obtained.
B. Water Conservation Incentives for CWRS Buildings
1. Subject to the terms and limitations of this Section B and Section C below, upon a determination by DEP that a CWRS Building Application is complete and that the building in question is eligible by meeting all of the criteria defining a CWRS Building as set forth in Section A above, a CWRS Building will be provided with the following rate incentives:
a. Metered Water Rate Concession – The charge for water measured by the meter supplying water subject to the CWRS is $1.74 per one hundred (100) cubic feet provided. One hundred cubic feet is approximately seven hundred forty-eight gallons.
b. Exception to Standard Wastewater Allowances – All CWRS Buildings, irrespective of whether the building is residential, commercial or mixed-use may be granted an Exception to the Standard Wastewater Allowances utilizing the procedures contained within Part III, Section F of this Rate Schedule. DEP's grant to the CWRS Building of this Exception to the Standard Wastewater Allowances in no way means that the CWRS Building is entitled to a Standard Wastewater Allowances as well. In addition, DEP's grant of this Exception to the Standard Wastewater Allowances to residential and mixed-use properties that qualify as a CWRS Building in no way means that other residential and mixed-use properties that do not qualify as a CWRS Building may be granted any other Exceptions to the Standard Wastewater Allowances, unless otherwise explicitly stated in this Rate Schedule.
2. The incentives enumerated in this Section B are prospective only, from and after the date of approval by DEP of a Complete Application. In no event will DEP grant any benefits under this program retroactively.
3. The continuation of the incentives enumerated in this Section B is expressly conditioned on:
a. The building's continued eligibility as a CWRS Building; and,
b. the payment in full, on or before the due date, of all water and wastewater charges billed by the Water Board to the CWRS Building.
4. If, at any time,
a. DEP determines that either (i) the building in question no longer is a CWRS Building, or (ii) the owner of the building has failed to pay in full by the due date any water or wastewater charges billed to the CWRS Building by the Water Board, or
b. DEP, after giving reasonable advance notice to the owner or its duly authorized agent, is denied access to inspect the building in question for the purpose of determining whether the building continues to be eligible as a CWRS Building or to confirm any of the statements or representations made by the owner in the application for incentives hereunder, or
c. DEP, after giving reasonable advance notice to the owner or its duly authorized agent, is denied access to read any meter or meters at the building in question, the Water Board may, in addition to any other rights or remedies available to it at law or in equity, terminate the incentives provided to such building under this Section B, by written notice to the building owner or its duly authorized agent, specifying the date of termination.
C. Application Procedures A building is eligible for the Comprehensive Water Reuse Program if (a) the building meets all of the specific eligibility criteria set forth in the definition of a CWRS Building in this Section; (b) the owner of a CWRS Building has filed a Complete Application with DEP, on such forms and conditions as DEP prescribes; and (c) the CWRS Building has been approved for eligibility in writing by DEP. The application must be executed by the owner of the property. No application will be accepted that is executed by a consultant, attorney or other agent for the owner.
Part VII – Use of Meters
Section 1. Universal Water Metering Program
A. The Commissioner is authorized to install, cause to be installed or authorize owners to have installed, water meters on all service connections to the Water Supply System. DEP approved water meters will be used to determine water charges on all such premises unless stated otherwise in this Rate Schedule.
B. The Commissioner is directed to develop programs to ensure the installation of water meters on all service connections to the Water Supply System. These programs may include, but are not limited to reimbursable metering programs and may be implemented through the adoption of appropriate rules, regulations and policy guidelines by the Commissioner.
C. Charges for water furnished by the Board to any premises will be computed in proportion to the water furnished as ascertained by meter, subject to minimum service charges as may be established, unless stated otherwise in this Rate Schedule.
D. Any property with metered water charges is not permitted to return to water charges based upon unmetered rates or upon any fixed rate Billing Program, unless otherwise authorized.
Section 2. Maintenance and Repair of Meters
The Commissioner is responsible for the maintenance and repair of all water meters that are connected to the Water Supply System and used by DEP for billing purposes, except for meters used exclusively to measure wastewater allowances, meters in upstate communities under separate contract with the City, sub-meters installed or maintained as private property and meters that are required to be installed, repaired or maintained by the Customer to be eligible for a reduction in charges pursuant to a billing program, wastewater allowance, or any other modification to standard billing rates and meters illegally removed, vandalized or not properly protected. The Commissioner's responsibility for the maintenance and repair of water meters used for billing purposes does not extend to the building's plumbing system, including but not limited to service lines, control valves, check valves, and internal piping which are the responsibility of the property owner. Accordingly, owners are responsible for ensuring that the building's plumbing system is in an adequate state of repair so as to enable DEP to repair, upgrade or replace the meter.
Section 3. Use of Average Daily Flow
If a water meter registers incorrectly, stops registering, or is removed or bypassed for any cause or reason, a charge for water will be imposed for water consumed during that period of time based upon the consumption measured by an accurately functioning meter for a representative period of time either prior to or subsequent to the period of meter failure as reasonably determined by DEP, at the appropriate rates in effect for that period.
Section 4. Estimated Bills
If DEP cannot read the meter or if the meter reading appears questionable, DEP may issue estimated bills based on previous consumption or other reasonable criteria. If not paid when due, estimated bills are subject to authorized late payment charges and all collection enforcement options.
Part VIII – Collection Enforcement
Section 1. Sale of Liens Arising from Outstanding Water and Wastewater Charges
A. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Rate Schedule, if a lien arising from outstanding water and wastewater charges is sold by or on behalf of the Board, no bill issued before the date of such sale may be canceled or reissued absent the approval of the Board or a final, nonappealable order from a court of competent jurisdiction requiring the Board to do so.
B. If a lien arising from outstanding water or wastewater charges is sold by or on behalf of the Board, Billing Programs, including but not limited to caps on metered charges, transition and forgiveness programs, will be available on a prospective basis only, limited to charges billed after the date a lien relating to the property affected is sold.
Section 2. Termination of Water and/or Wastewater Service
In accordance with Sections 1045-h(8) and 1045-(j)(5) of the New York Public Authorities Law the Board, at its meeting of June 22, 1999, approved regulations which authorize DEP to discontinue or disconnect the supply of water or the provision of sewerage service, or both, for non-payment of charges imposed by the Board. The regulation sets forth the conditions under which DEP may terminate service and the procedures to be followed to effect a service termination.
Section 3. Termination of Water and/or Wastewater Service for Denial of Access
In accordance with Sections 1045-(g) and 1045-(j)(5) of the New York Public Authorities Law, the Board, at its meeting of May 3, 2002, approved Regulation Number 3, which authorizes DEP to discontinue or disconnect the supply of water or the provision of sewerage service, or both, for denial of access to the premises. The regulation sets forth the conditions under which DEP may terminate service and the procedures to be followed to effect a service termination.
Section 4. Payment Agreements
DEP or the Water Board may at their discretion enter into an installment payment agreement with a Customer. The terms of a standard payment agreement will include a down payment of 10% of the amount due and a repayment period not to exceed 60 months for the remaining balance including interest at the rate prevailing for delinquent water/sewer charges at the time the agreement is entered. The Commissioner or Executive Director may prescribe either more stringent or less stringent alternate payment agreement guidelines which would apply as appropriate to cases including but not limited to instances where a Customer has defaulted on a prior payment agreement and seeks to avoid a subsequent collection enforcement action or otherwise has exhibited bad faith, or upon a showing of cause or financial hardship demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Commissioner or Executive Director. Failure to remain current on the payment agreement and on future bills as issued throughout the term of the installment payment agreement will render the agreement null and void and DEP may then exercise any collection enforcement options including but not limited to termination of service. DEP may terminate Payment Agreements if a lien is sold by or on behalf of the City of New York for unpaid property taxes.
Part IX – Customer Account Information and Complaint Resolution
Section 1. Customer Account Information
Water and Wastewater Customers are advised to promptly and carefully review all charges upon receipt of a bill for service. A Customer or Authorized Representative may request an explanation of a water and wastewater bill or charge by calling the DEP Customer Service Call Center at (718) 595-7000, by visiting a borough office of the Bureau of Customer Services (BCS), by writing DEP/BCS Customer Service, P.O. Box 739055, Elmhurst, NY 11373-9055 or by visiting DEP's web site www.nyc.gov/dep. If Customers are not satisfied with the explanation, a written complaint must be filed within four years of the bill date in accordance with Section 2, below.
Section 2. Complaint Resolution and Appeal Process
A. Complaint Resolution
The Customer or Authorized Representative must file a written complaint of a disputed water and wastewater bill, which specifically sets forth the basis for such claim, within four years of the bill date to DEP/BCS Customer Service, P.O. Box 739055, Elmhurst, NY 11373-9055. DEP will not adjust a disputed bill unless the written complaint is filed within four years of the bill date. DEP will provide a written reply within 90 days of receipt of the complaint.
B. Appeal
A Customer or Authorized Representative may appeal the decision or resolution of a Customer complaint. An appeal must be made no later than 120 days after the date DEP provides a written response to the complaint. Petitions for an extension of this 120-day deadline may be presented before an appeal's due date and will be granted upon a showing of reasonable cause. An appeal of the charges must be made through a written request to the Deputy Commissioner, BCS, 59-17 Junction Blvd., 13th Floor, Flushing, NY, 11373-5108. The appeal must include the identification of the property (street address, account number) and charge that the Customer is disputing, and a statement of the reason or reasons why the Customer believes the charges are incorrect. The Deputy Commissioner will make best efforts to render a written decision as to whether the charges are correct or incorrect, including a statement of the reasons for the decision, within 90 days of receipt of the Customer's appeal. If circumstances within the control of the Customer, including but not limited to a failure to provide access to a premises or a meter, prohibit the Deputy Commissioner from making a decision, the Customer will be notified in writing stating why a decision cannot be rendered and indicating what actions the Customer must take to enable the Deputy Commissioner to render a decision. If the Deputy Commissioner determines that the questioned charges are correct, the charges are due and payable as set forth on the bill or delinquency notices. If the questioned charges are determined to be incorrect, appropriate remedial action will be taken including the issuance of cancellations or corrected bills, and providing information relating to requests for refunds or credits.
C. Final Appeal
If a Customer disagrees with the decision rendered by the Deputy Commissioner in accordance with paragraph B. above, the Customer may appeal the decision by submitting a written request to the Executive Director of the New York City Water Board within 30 days of the date of the denial by the Deputy Commissioner. The Final Appeal must include: the identification of the property (street address, account number, or borough, block and lot number) and charge that the Customer is disputing; a statement of the reason or reasons why the Customer believes the decision in the appeal was incorrect; a copy of the initial appeal, including supporting documentation, and decision of the Deputy Commissioner; and additional documentation to support the reversal of the appeal. Final Appeals to the Executive Director must establish at least one of the following conditions to be considered: (1) new or additional information is presented; (2) the Customer demonstrates that factual information stated in the decision of the Deputy Commissioner is incorrect; (3) the Deputy Commissioner has not correctly interpreted or applied a Water Board rule or rules; (4) the material facts are not as described in the decision. Final Appellants should be aware that the Executive Director is not empowered to overrule Water Board rules and regulations. Arguments based on hardship, inability to pay, or lack of knowledge of rules and regulations do not constitute a basis for overturning a previous decision. Billing decisions will not be reversed unless the Customer can demonstrate that an error has been made or presents additional facts relevant to Water Board rules. The Executive Director will make best efforts to render a decision in writing within 60 days of receipt of the final appeal. If circumstances within the control of the Customer, including but not limited to failure to provide access to a premises or a meter, prohibit the Executive Director from making a decision, the Customer will be notified in writing stating why a decision cannot be rendered. If the Executive Director determines that the questioned charges are correct, the charges are due and payable as set forth on the bill or delinquency notices. If the questioned charges are determined to be incorrect, appropriate remedial action will be taken including the issuance of cancellations or corrected bills, and providing information relating to requests for refunds or credits.
D. Disposition of Late Payment Charges ("LPC") During the Complaint Resolution Process
1. Customers are advised to pay all charges and appeal afterward. During the complaint resolution process, LPC on unpaid charges continue to accrue until the charges are paid in full.
2. If a Customer decides not to pay a charge and in the case of an appeal being decided in favor of a Customer, LPC in connection only with the erroneous charge(s) will be waived.
3. If a Customer decides not to pay a charge and in the case of the appeals process taking longer than the time periods specified, unless due to circumstances within the control of the Customer as noted above, all LPC in connection with the disputed charge may be waived for the period of the additional delay beyond the time periods set forth above, provided that the Executive Director does not find any such appeal to be frivolous.
4. If a Customer decides not to pay a charge and the questioned charges are determined to be correct, LPC will continue to accrue from the original Due Date of the charge until the charge is paid in full.
Appendix B:
Regulation No. 1 – Reimbursement Rates for Meters Installed by Property Owners under the Private Installation Program
Regulation No. 1 – Reimbursement Rates for Meters Installed by Property Owners under the Private Installation Program
The New York City Water Board has adopted the Reimbursable Metering Program, formerly the Window of Opportunity Program, whereby owners of unmetered properties or owners with outdated or malfunctioning water meters are allowed the opportunity to have meters installed/replaced by licensed Master Plumbers of their own choosing, and to receive reimbursement from the Board. Reimbursement will be in the form of a credit to the property's water/wastewater account which can be applied against current or future bills or be refunded to those customers who are eligible and so request. The credit will be equal to the scheduled amount or the actual amount paid to a plumber for each type and size meter installed, whichever is less. In connection with reimbursements to a homeowners association, the owners of all of the attached residential units must agree to have separate meters installed on each of the service line segments providing water to each of the residential units. No reimbursements will be provided to any owner until all residential units furnish proof of having a meter installed. The reimbursement schedule is as follows:
Reimbursable Metering Reimbursement Schedule (1)
New Residential Meters for Unmetered Properties Only
New Residential Meters for Unmetered Properties Only
Type and Size of Meter | Scheduled Reimbursement |
Type and Size of Meter | Scheduled Reimbursement | |
Displacement Meters: | ||
3/4" | $450 | |
1" | $540 | |
1.5" | $1,125 | |
2" | $1,400 | |
Turbine Meters: | ||
2" | $2,125 | |
3" | $3,170 | |
4" | $4,825 | |
6" | $7,250 | |
8" | $11,900 | |
Compound Meters: | ||
2" | $2,350 | |
3" | $3,440 | |
4" | $4,700 | |
6" | $7,980 | |
8" | $11,625 | |
Detector Check Assemblies: | ||
2" | $2,260 | |
3" | $2,780 | |
4" | $3,150 | |
6" | $4,130 | |
8" | $5,600 | |
Over 8" | Individually Negotiated | |
Reimbursable Metering Reimbursement Schedule (1)
New Residential Outdoor Pit Meters for Unmetered Properties Only
New Residential Outdoor Pit Meters for Unmetered Properties Only
Type and Size of Meter | Scheduled Reimbursement |
Type and Size of Meter | Scheduled Reimbursement | |
Displacement Meters Installed in Outside Pits (See Note 2): | ||
3/4" (Paved areas/Unpaved Areas) | $1,240/$1,110 | |
1" | $1,320/$1,190 | |
1 1/2" | $3,775 | |
2" | $3,950 | |
Turbine Meters Installed in Pits (See Note 2) | ||
2" | $11,800 | |
3" | $12,575 | |
4" | $13,575 | |
6" | $20,100 | |
Compound Meters Installed in Pits (See Note 2) | ||
2" | $12,370 | |
3" | $13,600 | |
4" | $15,130 | |
6" | $21,975 | |
Detector Checks Installed in Pits (See Note 2) | ||
3" | $13,100 | |
4" | $13,700 | |
6" | $19,025 | |
All Other Meters Installed in Pits (See Note 2) | ||
Over 6" | Individually negotiated | |
Reimbursable Metering Reimbursement Schedule Replacement Meters Only
Type and Size of Meter | Scheduled Reimbursement |
Type and Size of Meter | Scheduled Reimbursement | |
Replacement of Displacement Meters | ||
5/8" | $304 | |
3/4" | $300 | |
1" | $351 | |
1.5" | $490 | |
2" | $606 | |
Replacement of Turbine Meters | ||
Replacement of 1.5" - 3" | $1,126 | |
4" | $1,640 | |
6" | $3,018 | |
8" | $4,663 | |
10/12" | $7,120 | |
Replacement of Compound Meters | ||
2/3" | $1,718 | |
4" | $2,532 | |
6" | $4,140 | |
8" | $6,063 | |
Replacement of Fire Meter or Detector Check with New Detector Check (only if old meter does not have an encoded register or DEP has certified that old meter is not operating) | ||
3" | $1,164 | |
4" | $1,304 | |
6" | $1,630 | |
8" | $2,540 | |
10" | $3,780 | |
Furnishing and Installing Strainers (only where existing meter lacks a strainer) | ||
3" | $520 | |
4" | $660 | |
6" | $890 | |
8" | $1,290 | |
10" | $1,660 | |
12" | $1,870 | |
Installation/Replacement of Remote Receptacle (New shall be Touch Pad-type only) | ||
All | $59 | |
Replacement of Meter Register Head(s) | ||
Displacement Meters, Turbine Meters, | $270 | |
Single-Register Compound Meters | ||
Double-Register Compound Meters | $440 | |
Notes, Terms and Conditions
1. Reimbursement amounts shown are for the cost of the meter, fittings and pipe work necessary for its installation/replacement only. Except for the installation of a strainer in meter replacement projects, the cost of any other work which may be necessary to correct deficiencies or improve a building's piping is not included in the scheduled amounts and will not be reimbursed. The reimbursement will be equal to the scheduled amount for each size and type of meter installed or the actual amount paid to a plumber, whichever is less. The licensed plumber shall provide the owner with a one-year warranty on labor.
2. Meters installed in pits (i.e., outdoors) are only allowed for locations when an inside-the-building meter location is not possible as determined and approved in writing by DEP. The reimbursement amounts indicated above include the cost of the meter, all required appurtenances, and the meter pit itself which must conform to the Department's regulations/specification for meter pit installations. For 3/4" and 1" meters, installations must conform to the Department's "Specifications for Small (3/4" and 1") Residential Pit Meter Installations." The "pit meter" reimbursement amounts apply only to pits dug outside. They do not apply to expansion of concrete pits inside a basement or home.
3. All work must comply with the "Rules and Regulations Governing and Restricting the Use and Supply of Water" (Rules of the City of New York, Title 15, Chapter 20) and DEP's Approved Meter List and Typical Installation Details.
4. New construction, meters required to comply with Local Law 53/1985, fire meters, submeters of any kind or meters for an end use which may qualify for a wastewater allowance under the Water and Wastewater Rate Schedule do not qualify for reimbursement under the "Reimbursable Metering Program."
5. The licensed plumber and applicant shall follow the specific application procedures described in the Department's booklet, "Reimbursable Metering Program."
6. The reimbursement for strainers applies only if the old meter lacks a strainer and this fact has been reported in a DEP inspection.
7. The reimbursement for replacement of fire meters or detector check valve assemblies ("DCV") shall only apply if the existing fire meter or DCV does not have an encoded register (register does not permit remote reading) or DEP has previously found that the existing meter is not operating properly. The replacement meter on any fire line shall be a detector check valve assembly.
8. This reimbursement schedule shall supersede all previous reimbursement schedules and shall take effect on the date of its adoption by the New York City Water Board. Any reimbursement submissions submitted to the Department on or after that date shall be processed under this reimbursement schedule. The reimbursement amounts for DCV's shall take effect on the date of their formal adoption by the New York City Water Board, and shall apply to meters installed on or after that date.
Appendix C:
Regulation Governing the Discontinuance of Water Supply and/or Sewer Service Because of Nonpayment
Regulation Governing the Discontinuance of Water Supply and/or Sewer Service Because of Nonpayment
Statement of Basis and Purpose
The regulation is authorized by Sections 1045-h(8) and 1045-j(5) of the New York Public Authorities Law, which provide that the rules and regulations of the New York City Water Board (the "Board") may provide for the discontinuance or disconnection of the supply of water or the provision of sewerage service, or both, for nonpayment of charges imposed by the Board. The regulation authorizes the New York City Department of Environmental Protection ("DEP") to terminate water and sewer services to customers because of nonpayment of assessed charges. The regulation sets forth the conditions under which DEP may terminate service, the notice requirements to which DEP shall adhere, the days of the week and the times of day during which DEP may terminate service, special procedures to be followed in the case of medical emergencies and the procedures for avoiding service termination by making payment of, or entering into an installment agreement covering, all delinquent charges. The regulation is intended to assist in the collection of delinquent water and sewer charges and to benefit water and sewer ratepayers by improving system collection rates. It provides the Board with a further mechanism – the ability to terminate service – to enforce collection of such charges. While fully intended to supplement (and not to replace) the Board's other rights and remedies in the event of nonpayment, the ability to terminate service is a useful mechanism to secure payment of delinquent charges. Most water utilities have shut-off regulations as an integral part of their enforcement policy. Water utilities with high collection rates tend to use shut-offs more frequently than utilities with lower rates. This Regulation was considered at a public hearing held on June 17, 1999, and was approved by the New York City Water Board at its meeting of June 22, 1999.
Section 1. Definitions
As used in this Regulation, the following terms shall have the respective meanings ascribed to them below:
(1) Board. The term "Board" shall mean the New York City Water Board.
(2) City. The term "City" shall mean The City of New York.
(3) Customer. The term "Customer" shall mean any person or entity, including (without limitation) any individual, sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, association or joint venture, to whom or for whose benefit the Board is supplying water and/or providing sewer service, and who has an account established with the Board for payment of charges associated with such water and/or sewer service.
(4) DEP. The term "DEP" shall mean the New York City Department of Environmental Protection.
(5) Delinquent Charges. The term "delinquent charges" shall mean fees, rents or other charges imposed by the Board on a customer's account for the supply of water and/or the provision of sewer service, which remain open and unpaid after the due date thereof.
(6) Nonpayment. The term "nonpayment" shall mean the failure or refusal, by a customer, to pay any fees, rents or other charges imposed by the Board on such customer's account for the supply of water and/or the provision of sewer service, on or before the same are due, thereby rendering such fees, rents or other charges delinquent charges.
(7) Termination of service. The term "termination of service", "Terminate Service", "Terminate", and all such similar word forms shall mean the discontinuance or disconnection of the supply of water and/or the provision of sewer service to any customer.
Section 2. General
2.1 Authorization to Terminate Service. DEP may, and it is hereby authorized by the Board, to terminate the supply of water and/or the provision of sewer service to any customer for nonpayment, in such circumstances as are specified in, and subject to the requirements of, this Regulation.
2.2 No Alteration of Rights, Powers and Privileges of DEP and Board. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to alter, amend or modify the rights, powers, or privileges of DEP or the Board otherwise conferred by law, or to subject DEP or the Board to the jurisdiction of any other governmental agency, authority, board, bureau, department or other body with respect to any termination of service.
2.3 Termination in Addition to Other Remedies. Anything in this Regulation to the contrary notwithstanding, termination of service shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other right or remedy available to DEP or the Board in respect of delinquent charges, including (without limitation) the imposition of a lien on real property to the extent permitted by applicable law.
Section 3. Termination of Service
3.1 Classes of Accounts where Service May be Terminated. Subject to Section 4 below, service may be terminated for the following classes of accounts:
(i) Commercial and all other non-residential accounts: At least one delinquent charge must exist on the account which has remained open and unpaid for at least two (2) years after its due date.
(ii) Residential accounts with one to five units: At least one delinquent charge must exist on the account which has remained open and unpaid for at least three (3) years after its due date.
(iii) Residential accounts with six or more units: At least one delinquent charge must exist on the account which has remained open and unpaid for at least two (2) years after its due date. DEP may, but shall not be obligated to, establish additional criteria within each such class of account, to further prioritize and select accounts where service will be terminated. Such criteria may include, but shall not be limited to: the dollar amount of delinquent charges; the length of time the delinquent charges have remained open and unpaid; the expected effectiveness and cost of other collection methods; the type of property which is receiving service; the current use of such property; and the eligibility of such property for inclusion in any program for the sale or other transfer of liens held by the Board as security for the payment of delinquent charges.
3.2 Notice of Termination.
(a) Except as provided in Sections, 3.4(g), 4.4 and 6.3 below, prior to any termination of service under this Regulation, DEP shall, at least forty-five (45) days prior to the earliest date on which DEP will effect such termination of service, serve a written notice of termination on the following parties:
(i) the subject customer; and
(ii) the owner of the premises which will be affected by such termination of service. Such notice in every case shall be served either personally on the person, firm or corporation to which it is directed, or by mailing the same via regular mail to such person, firm or corporation. In the case of service on the owner of the affected premises, DEP shall be entitled to rely on the name and address of the record owner as reflected in the records of the New York City Department of Finance, as of the date the notice is served.
(b) Each notice served pursuant to Section 3.2(a) above shall clearly state and include:
(i) the earliest date on which termination of service may occur;
(ii) the reasons for termination of service, including the total amount required to be paid to the Board to avoid termination of service, and the date by which such payment must be made;
(iii) a description of the actions which the customer must take to avoid termination of service;
(iv) the address and telephone number of a DEP representative that the customer may contact in reference to the subject account;
(v) a description of the procedures specified in Section 4 below, which are available to the customer to register a complaint about the subject account, and to have such complaint considered before termination of service;
(vi) a summary of the exceptions set forth in Section 5 below, together with a notice that any customer eligible for any such exception should contact DEP at the telephone number indicated;
(vii) a statement that any payment of charges due with a check or draft that is subsequently dishonored does not constitute payment, and shall entitle the Board and DEP to terminate service on the account without further demand or notice; and
(viii) an opportunity to enter into an installment payment agreement with DEP; the terms and conditions of such an agreement are described more fully in Section 6 of this Regulation.
(c) The total amount specified in any notice of termination as being required to be paid to avoid termination of service may include all delinquent charges then open on the subject customer's account.
3.3 Additional Notice for Multiple Dwellings.
(a) If any termination of service would result in the discontinuation of water service to an entire multiple dwelling (as defined in the New York Multiple Dwelling Law or the New York Multiple Residence Law), DEP shall, in addition to serving the notice required by Section 3.2(a) above, also post and/or mail all additional notices required under Section 116 of the New York Public Service Law, in the manner specified in such Section.
3.4 Physical Termination of Service.
(a) DEP shall effect terminations of service only on the days of the week and during the times of day permitted under Section 89-b of the New York Public Service Law.
(b) DEP shall verify, on the day termination of service is scheduled to take place, that payment on the subject account, in the full amount required to avoid termination of service, has not been posted to the account as of the opening of business on such day.
(c) Except as provided in Sections 3.4(g), 4.4 and 6.3, DEP shall not terminate service on a date which is more than ninety (90) days after the date of service of the related notice of termination required under Section 3.2 above, unless it has, since such date of service, issued a new notice of termination in the manner required by Section 3.2 above.
(d) DEP shall discontinue termination of service if, prior to the time that termination is to take place, (x) the customer files a complaint with DEP with respect to any charges giving rise to such termination, (y) such complaint is received after service of, and in the manner specified in, the related notice of termination, and (z) such complaint remains under consideration by DEP, provided that this shall not prevent DEP from terminating service for nonpayment of any undisputed charges.
(e) DEP shall discontinue termination of service if, at the time that termination of service is to take place,
(i) the customer claims that payment in full of all delinquent charges giving rise to the termination has been made, and produces a written record of payment, or
(ii) the customer claims that a complaint with respect to the subject account was filed with DEP after service of, and in the manner specified in, the related notice of termination, and that such complaint is still under consideration by DEP, provided that in each case the DEP field representative is able to verify after reasonable efforts, on the date that termination is to take place, that the claim made by the customer is correct.
(f) DEP shall discontinue termination of service if, at the time that termination of service is to take place, the customer offers to immediately pay, and does immediately pay to DEP, the full amount demanded in the related notice of termination. DEP shall be entitled in such circumstances to require that payment be made by postal money order, certified check, or such other form of payment as may be acceptable to DEP. If such immediate payment is made, the DEP field representative shall provide the customer with a receipt showing the date, account number, the amount received, the form of payment, and either the name or identification number of the DEP representative.
(g) DEP shall discontinue termination of service if (x) at the time that termination of service is to take place, the customer immediately offers to enter into an installment agreement, in accordance with the provisions of Section 6 hereof, and (y) within three (3) days thereafter, the customer executes such agreement, in form and substance satisfactory to DEP, and pays the down payment or initial installment specified therein at the time of execution. If the customer has elected to accept an installment agreement, and the customer thereafter fails or refuses to execute such agreement and/or pay the down payment or initial installment specified therein within such three-day period, DEP may proceed to terminate service without further demand or notice.
(h) Anything in this Regulation to the contrary notwithstanding, whenever, pursuant to Sections 3.4(d), (e), (f) or (g) above, DEP is obligated or elects to discontinue termination of service to a customer in respect of certain delinquent charges, nothing contained herein shall prevent or prohibit DEP from terminating service to such customer, in accordance with this Regulation, in respect of any other fees, rents or charges owing to the Board for the supply of water or the provision of sewer service (that is, fees, rents or charges other than those giving rise to the termination which has been discontinued).
Section 4. Complaints
4.1 If a customer receiving a notice of termination wishes to register a complaint about the subject account, with regard to the charges giving rise to such notice of termination (any such complaint being referred to as a "Termination Complaint"), such customer shall observe the procedures set forth in Section 4.2 or 4.3 below (as applicable) in registering such complaint. DEP may require a good faith payment of a portion of the outstanding charges due on the subject account for which termination is sought, up to a maximum of 25% of such charges, for a Termination Complaint filed under subsection 4.2 or 4.3 below to effect a discontinuance of termination as provided by Sections 3.4(d) and 3.4(e) above. If the complaint is resolved wholly or partially in favor of the customer, the Board shall refund that portion of such good faith payment which exceeds the actual charges determined to be due on the account, if any, plus interest accrued at the same rate charged by the Board for delinquent charges, from the payment date to the refund date.
4.2 If such customer had not previously used the existing procedure set forth in Part IX of the Board's Water and Wastewater Rate Schedule (the "Existing Procedure"), to address his/her Termination Complaint, the customer shall be afforded the opportunity, and shall be required, to utilize the Existing Procedure to register and seek resolution of his/her Termination Complaint.
4.3 If such customer had already used the Existing Procedure to seek resolution of his/her Termination Complaint, the customer may request an expedited reconsideration of such Complaint. A request for reconsideration of a previously decided billing complaint must be submitted in writing by the customer. Such request must be addressed to and received by the Executive Director of the Board within fifteen (15) days of the date of the subject notice of termination issued by DEP. The Executive Director shall make best efforts to render a final decision with respect to a request for reconsideration of a billing complaint resulting from a notice of termination within fifteen (15) days of its receipt. DEP may not terminate service earlier than ten (10) days after a final decision in connection with a request for reconsideration has been rendered to the customer.
4.4 Any notice of termination issued by DEP pursuant to Section 3.2(a) above shall contain a description of the procedures described in Sections 4.2 and 4.3 above, including a description of the Board's Existing Procedure. The failure by a customer to provide any information required to be provided and set forth in a notice of termination issued in accordance with Section 3.2(a) above, may be deemed by DEP to constitute a failure by the customer to avail himself of the billing complaint procedures provided under Sections 4.2 and 4.3 above, and shall entitle DEP to terminate service on the account without further demand or notice.
Section 5. Termination of Residential Service – Special Procedures
5.1 Significant Medical Conditions. DEP shall not terminate or refuse to restore service to a residential premises when a significant medical condition exists. A significant medical condition exists when a resident of such premises suffers from a serious illness or medical condition that severely affects his or her well-being, as certified in writing by a licensed medical doctor (M.D.) or the New York City Department of Health ("NYCDOH") in accordance with the provisions of this Section, and the absence of water service at the subject residential premises will aggravate such existing significant medical condition. Such written certification shall:
(a) be submitted on stationary of a licensed medical doctor or the NYCDOH, and be signed by the medical doctor or an official of the NYCDOH qualified to make a medical judgment;
(b) state the name and address of the certifying medical doctor, and the doctor's State registration number;
(c) state the name and address of the ill person; and
(d) include an affirmation that the absence of water service will aggravate an existing significant medical condition at the customer's premises.
5.2 Procedures for Initial Certification.
(a) Initial certification of a significant medical condition may be made to DEP by a licensed medical doctor or the NYCDOH either writing or telephoning the Deputy Commissioner, Bureau of Customer and Conservation Services.
(b) Initial certification is effective for 30 calendar days from the date DEP receives it.
(c) If the initial certification is made by telephone, DEP must receive a written certification from the licensed medical doctor or the NYCDOH within five (5) business days or the initial certification by telephone will be void.
(d) Within five business days of receipt of written certification, DEP shall provide the customer with a written notice that:
(i) DEP received such certification and such certification is effective for 30 calendar days;
(ii) advises the customer of the procedures required for renewal of certification, including specifically a statement that if the customer does not renew the certification before the 30-day period expires and arrangements for payment acceptable to DEP are not made, DEP may proceed with termination.
5.3 Procedures for Renewal of Certification.
(a) If the significant medical condition is likely to continue beyond the expiration of any written certification, the certification may be renewed, provided that before the expiration of the initial certification a licensed medical doctor (M.D.) or official of the NYCDOH submits a new written certification that also states the expected duration of the significant medical condition and explains the reasons why termination of service would aggravate the significant medical condition.
(b) A renewed certification remains in effect for 30 calendar days, except for cases certified as chronic by a licensed medical doctor or official of the NYCDOH. Renewed certification for those chronic cases shall be in effect for 60 calendar days. In the case of a chronic condition, the customer may request that the renewed certification remain in effect for a period longer than 60 days. Any such request shall be made in writing to the Deputy Commissioner, Bureau of Customer and Conservation Services, who shall be authorized to approve such longer period stating any special conditions to be met by the customer.
(c) DEP may only terminate service to a customer who has submitted a certification of a significant medical condition after written notice has been provided to the customer of DEP's determination that the certification of a significant medical condition is no longer in effect.
5.4 Customers who are Elderly, Blind or Disabled. DEP shall not terminate or refuse to restore service to residential premises where any residents of such premises is known or identified to DEP as being blind, disabled, 62 years of age or older, or 18 years of age or under, without complying with the procedures set out in this Section 5.4. As used in this Section 5.4, the following terms shall have the respective meanings assigned to each below:
(i) a "blind person" shall mean a person who has central vision acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with the use of a correcting lens. An eye with a limitation in the fields of vision such that widest diameter of the visual field subtends an angle no greater than 20 degrees, shall be considered as having a central vision acuity of 20/200 or less.
(ii) a "disabled person" shall mean a person with a physical, mental or medical impairment resulting from anatomical, physiological or neurological conditions which prevents the exercise of a normal bodily function or is demonstrable by medically accepted clinical or laboratory diagnostic techniques, as defined in the State Human rights Act (State Executive Law, section 292[21]); or a person who is unable, because of mental or physical problems to manage his or her own resources or to protect himself or herself from neglect or hazardous situations without the assistance of others.
(a) Procedure Before Termination of Service: (i) DEP shall make a diligent effort to contact personally an adult resident at the subject premises at least 72 hours before termination of service to attempt to secure an agreement that would avoid termination and arrange for payment of the outstanding charges; (ii) Where efforts at personal contact are unsuccessful or where DEP and a customer are unable to agree on an agreement, DEP must notify the NYC Human Resources Administration/Department of Social Services ("NYCDSS") of the name and address of the customer and the date of termination so that such office may ascertain if the customer is eligible for any assistance. DEP must continue service for at least 15 business days after providing this notice, unless notified by such office that other arrangements have been made.
(b) Procedures After Termination of Service: (i) in cases where service has been terminated and DEP is later notified that the customer should have received the protections under this Section 5.4, DEP shall make a diligent effort to contact personally an adult resident at the subject premises, within 24 hours of such notification, to attempt to secure an agreement that would restore service and arrange for payment of outstanding charges; and (ii) where efforts at personal contact are unsuccessful or where the DEP and the customer are unable to agree on an agreement, notify the NYCDSS of the name and address of the customer and the date of termination so that such office may ascertain if the customer is eligible for any assistance.
(c) In cases where DEP has terminated service consistent with the provisions of this Section, DEP shall make a diligent effort to contact personally an adult resident at the subject premises within 10 calendar days after termination, to determine whether alternative arrangements have been made for the provision of service and, if none have been made, attempt to secure an agreement that would restore service and arrange for payment of outstanding charges.
5.5 Newborn Baby Exception. DEP shall not terminate or refuse to restore service to a residential premises when a newborn baby is in residence at such premises. A newborn baby shall mean an infant human being not more than six months in age. This section shall apply when either the father or the mother of such newborn baby resides at the premises which DEP has identified as eligible for a potential termination of service. The newborn baby exception shall be subject to DEP's review of a birth certificate or such other evidence that will substantiate the infant's date of birth, parentage and the parent's legal residence.
5.6 Procedures During Cold Weather Periods for Premises with Heat-Related Service. During cold weather periods, before terminating water service to any residential premises with heat-related service, DEP shall first make an attempt to determine whether a resident of the subject premises may suffer serious impairment to health or safety as a result of termination, in accordance with the procedures set forth below. Doubts as to whether a person may suffer serious impairment to health or safety as a result of termination must be resolved in favor of making such a finding. As used in this Section 5.6, the following terms shall have the respective meanings assigned to each below:
(i) A "cold weather period" shall mean that period of time beginning November 1st of each year and ending April 15th of the following year.
(ii) "Heat related service" shall mean water service which is necessary for the on-going operation of a customer's primary heating system.
(a) For the purposes of this Section 5.6, a person may suffer serious impairment to health or safety as a result of termination when there is evidence of any of the following:
(i) dependency on such service due to age, poor physical condition or mental incapacitation;
(ii) use of life support systems, such as dialysis machines or iron lungs;
(iii) serious illness; or
(iv) disability or blindness.
(b) Procedures: DEP shall not terminate service to customers known to be receiving heat-related service during cold weather periods, unless DEP has made a diligent effort to contact personally the customer or an adult resident at the subject premises at least 72 hours before the intended termination, and if unsuccessful, at the time of termination, in order to determine whether a resident may suffer a serious impairment to health or safety as a result of termination, to fully explain the reasons for termination and to provide the customer with information on the protections available under this Section 5.6.
(c) Where DEP determines that a resident may suffer a serious impairment to health or safety as a result of termination, DEP shall not terminate service unless:
(i) DEP notifies the NYCDSS orally and within five calendar days in writing, that a resident may suffer a serious impairment to health or safety as a result of termination; and
(ii) such office, after an investigation, informs DEP that the reported condition is not likely to result in a serious impairment to health or safety, or that an alternative means for protecting the person's health or safety has been arranged.
(iii) If DEP has notified such office under subparagraph (i), it must inform the customer of the referral and explain its purpose.
(d) Termination of Service
(i) If DEP terminates service to a customer under this Section 5.6, and the customer or an adult resident of the subject premises was not personally contacted by DEP before termination of service and the customer has not contacted DEP for the purpose of requesting reconnection before 12 noon on the day following termination of service, DEP must, by onsite personal visit with the customer or other adult resident, immediately attempt to determine whether there is continuing occupancy and whether a serious impairment to health or safety may result of service remains terminated. If DEP determines that a serious impairment to health or safety may result, it must immediately restore service. If DEP is unable to make an onsite personal visit with the customer or an adult resident, and does not have reasonable grounds to believe that the premises have been vacated, DEP must immediately refer the name and address of the customer to the NYCDSS.
(ii) If after the discovery of tampered equipment, DEP decides to terminate service to a residential premises because of an unsafe condition arising out of such tampered equipment, it must determine, in accordance with this Section, whether a resident of the subject premise may suffer a serious impairment to health or safety as a result of termination. If DEP determines that a resident may suffer a serious impairment, it must follow the procedures set forth in subdivisions (b), (c), and (d) above; provided however, that continued service is not required if it is impractical for DEP to eliminate such unsafe condition. In any cases where a resident of the subject premises may suffer a serious impairment to health or safety and DEP terminates service to preclude the continuation of an unsafe condition, DEP shall notify the NYCDSS on the same day service is terminated and request an immediate consideration of the case.
Section 6. Installment Agreement
6.1 General. DEP shall offer each customer issued a notice of termination an installment payment agreement in lieu of immediate payment of the full amount demanded by such notice. Execution of such an agreement by a customer and DEP in accordance with the terms set forth herein will enable the customer to avoid termination of service provided that the customer shall, at all times, remain in full compliance with all terms of such Agreement. Each offer of an installment agreement shall: inform the customer of the availability of an agreement; state the minimum terms which would be accepted by DEP in such agreement; explain any alternate terms that may be available; state the date by which the customer must contact DEP and execute an agreement in order to avoid termination of service; indicate the name and telephone number of a DEP representative that the customer may call to discuss an agreement; state what action DEP will take if an installment agreement is not executed and returned by its due date.
6.2 Terms of Agreement. Any such installment agreement shall set forth:
(a) the total amount and dates of the delinquent charges covered by such agreement;
(b) the time period over which such total amount shall be paid;
(c) the number, due date and amount of each periodic payment due under the agreement;
(d) the amount of the required down payment or initial installment, which shall be at least equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the total amount covered by the agreement, and shall be due and payable upon execution of the agreement by the customer; and
(e) the interest rate to be charged on the unpaid balance under the agreement, which shall be equal to the interest rate charged by the City (as then in effect) for unpaid real estate taxes on a property where the annual real estate taxes are $2,750 or less.
6.3 Reservation of Rights to Terminate. Anything in this Regulation to the contrary notwithstanding, DEP reserves the right to terminate service to any customer who/which has executed an installment agreement, in the following circumstances: (x) forthwith, without further demand or notice, if the customer fails to pay any installment or other amount owing under such installment agreement when the same is due; or (y) in accordance with and subject to the notice and other provisions of this Regulation if the customer thereafter fails to pay any other fees, rents or charges owing to the Board for the subject account for the supply of water or the provision of sewer service (that is, fees, rents or charges other than those covered under such installment agreement).
Section 7. Other
7.1 Fee for Termination of Service and for Reconnection.
(a) The Board may establish, and may from time to time revise, fees to be charged to customers in connection with (x) any termination of service to a customer under this Regulation, and (y) for any restoration of service to such customer. Such fees shall respectively be due and payable to the Board thirty (30) days after termination of service is effected, and thirty (30) days after service is restored. If any such fee is not paid when due, it shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law, become a lien and charge against the subject real property.
(b) Once service is terminated pursuant to this Regulation, it shall not be restored unless and until any outstanding fees owing to the Board for termination of service, or for the restoration of service, shall have been paid to the Board in full.
Section 8. Public Service Law
8.1 In accordance with the requirements of the New York City Municipal Water Finance Authority Act, all terminations of service shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Subdivisions three-a, three-b and three-c of Section 89-b and Section 116 of the Public Service Law, as applicable.