(a) Permits.
(1) No person or Owner shall connect to, make use of, or make an opening into any interceptor sewer, or sanitary, storm, or combined sewer or drain; or install, repair, relay or plug sewer connections, except upon issuance of a permit consistent with the provisions of this Rule. No sewer connections shall be permitted to any catch basin. Any such connection made without a permit shall be in violation of this Rule.
(2) Permits for a new connection or connections shown on certified sewer certification applications shall be required for the following:
(i) new developments;
(ii) alterations performed on existing buildings, where sewer availability certification is required by the DOB;
(iii) existing buildings served by cesspools, septic tanks or shared sanitary connections to be connected to fronting sewers or drains; and
(iv) unplugging and reuse of a plugged sewer connection.
(3) Plug permit(s) shall be required when an existing connection or connections are to be abandoned.
(4) Repair or relay permits shall be required for the repair or replacement of an existing sewer connection. Where realignment of the existing sewer connection or connections to new points of connection results in the plugging of an existing sewer connection or connections, no separate plug permit shall be required.
(5) Permits shall be required to install manholes on existing sewers or drains.
(6) Permits shall be required to install catch basins and catch basin connections outletting to existing sewers or drains, or an approved outlet.
(7) Permits shall be required to install seepage basins and catch basins outletting to such seepage basins.
(8) Any detention or retention system and any replacement of such a system proposed and implemented in order to comply with this rule must be properly maintained throughout the useful life of the system and maintenance records maintained, until replacement as approved by DEP. This obligation applies to current property owners, their successors, assigns, and other persons in control of the property, and shall be made binding in a deed restriction or other form satisfactory to DEP. Three years after the date of approval of a retention or detention system and every three years thereafter the operation of the system shall be inspected by a licensed professional engineer, a registered architect or a licensed master plumber. Such architect, engineer or master plumber shall submit certification to DEP that the system is free of debris and sediments, that its orifice is unobstructed and flowing and that the system is otherwise operating in compliance with this rule.
(b) General Requirements. Sewer connection permits shall be required as follows:
(1) For a single structure on an individual tax lot fronting an existing combined sewer, a new sewer connection permit shall be required for each connection.
(2) For individual structures on one tax lot with individual combined sewer connections to an existing combined sewer or drain, a sewer connection permit shall be required for each individual combined connection. Where such structures have separate connections to separate sanitary and storm sewers, a new connection permit shall be required for each individual sanitary and/or storm sewer connection.
(3) For several individual structures on one tax lot sharing a common internal drain or drains connecting to existing combined sewers, one new sewer connection permit shall be required for each connection. Where such structures have common sanitary and storm internal drains for connection to separate sanitary and storm sewers or drains, a new sewer connection permit shall be required for each connection made to the sewers or drains.
(4) For individual structures on individual tax lots, which will share common internal drains owned, operated or maintained by a Homeowners Association, connections to existing combined sewers shall require a new sewer connection permit for each tax lot.
(5) Where individual structures on individual tax lots, which share common internal drains owned, operated and maintained by a Homeowners Association, connect to separate sanitary and storm sewers or drains, a sewer connection permit shall be required for each sanitary and storm sewer connection made to the common internal drains from each tax lot.
(c) Application Procedure.
(1) A certified house connection proposal or site connection proposal shall be required for all permits, except for the following:
(i) plug permits;
(ii) repair/relay permits;
(iii) catch basin, catch basin connection, and manhole permits;
(iv) catch basin, catch basin connection, and seepage basin permits; and
(v) connection to an existing sewer for elimination of existing cesspool or septic tanks for fee simple one, two, or three family dwelling units.
(2) Prior to the issuance of a permit, applicants shall comply with the following requirements:
(i) Upon certification of a house connection proposal or site connection proposal by the DEP or DOB, the applicant's Licensed Master Plumber shall apply for the required sewer connection permits at the DEP's water and sewer records office.
(ii) If the Licensed Master Plumber retains a subcontractor, that subcontractor is only authorized to conduct non-plumbing work. All plumbing work must be done by the Licensed Master Plumber or persons under the direct employment and continuing supervision of the Licensed Master Plumber. If work is to be done by a subcontractor, said subcontractor must be identified on the application and an affidavit of authorization must be executed by the Licensed Master Plumber. The authorization shall specify the location and work to be done and shall state that the work is being done under the supervision of the Licensed Master Plumber. Such authorization and responsibility will be effective for the duration of the permit. If coring is to be done as part of the work, it shall be performed by the Licensed Master Plumber, or his/her authorized designee.
(iii) Only a Licensed Master Plumber may apply for a permit to install new catch basins, catch basin connections, and manholes on existing sewers or drains.
(iv) A Licensed Master Plumber or a Contractor may apply for a permit or permits to install seepage basins, catch basins, and catch basin connections outletting to such seepage basins.
(v) No sewer connection permit shall be issued without the presentation of a valid building construction permit or alteration repair application (ARA) from DOB or other required work permit from any other agency having jurisdiction.
(vi) No permits shall be issued to install new catch basins, catch basin connections, seepage basins, or manholes on existing sewers or drains until an approved builder's pavement plan has been submitted.
(d) Permit Issuances.
(1) Prior to the issuance of any permit for sewer connection, applicants must submit the following to the DEP:
(i) the appropriate permit application form and, if applicable, an affidavit by the Licensed Master Plumber authorizing a subcontractor to perform non-plumbing work;
(ii) a certified house connection proposal or site connection proposal application;
(iii) a valid street/sidewalk opening permit from the DOT or other entity having jurisdiction;
(iv) proof of payment of the appropriate permit fee to the Water Board;
(v) proof of compliance with all conditions set forth in the certified house connection proposal or site connection proposal application form;
(vi) a letter of authorization from the Owner to retain a Licensed Master Plumber;
(vii) except for a single structure condominium development, which is exempt from this requirement, a declaration of covenants and restrictions establishing a Homeowners Association or a declaration of condominium recorded at the appropriate City Register's or County Clerk's Office and a letter issued by the New York State Attorney General accepting the offering plan/prospectus for filing; or a "No- Action Letter" issued by the New York State Attorney General and reviewed by the Legal Counsel of the DEP;
(viii) easement documents, declaration of maintenance and deed restrictions approved by the Legal Counsel of the DEP and recorded at the office of the County Clerk.
(ix) proof of compliance with all other conditions that may be set forth by the City and with all applicable Federal, State, and Local Laws, Rules and Regulations.
(2) Reuse of Plugged Connection and Reuse of Existing Connection. Permits for unplugging and reuse of a plugged sewer connection, or reuse of an existing sewer connection will be issued upon:
(i) compliance with all of the requirements listed in paragraph (1) of this subdivision (d); and
(ii) submission to the DEP of the following:
(A) notarized letter of intent from the owner requesting reuse of the plugged sewer connection or reuse of the existing sewer connection;
(B) signed and sealed certification from the filing professional engineer or registered architect that the existing sewer connection is adequate; and
(C) signed and sealed certification from the Licensed Master Plumber that such plumber has verified that the existing sewer connection is in good working order.
(3) Plug Permit for plug of an existing sewer connection will be issued upon:
(i) compliance with the requirements contained in subparagraphs (i), (iii), (iv), (vi) and (ix) of paragraph (1) of this subdivision (d);
(ii) presentation of a notarized letter of intent from the Owner to plug the existing sewer connection and to retain a Licensed Master Plumber for this purpose; and
(iii) verification of the existence of the sewer connection to be plugged.
(4) Repair or Relay of Existing Sewer Connections. Permits for repair/relay of existing sewer connections will be issued upon compliance with the requirements in subparagraphs (i), (iii), and (ix) of paragraph (1) of this subdivision (d);
(5) Connections to an existing sewer for the purpose of eliminating cesspools, septic systems or shared sanitary connections. Permits for sewer connections to an existing sanitary or combined sewer in order to eliminate cesspools, septic systems or shared sanitary connections will be issued upon:
(i) compliance with the requirements contained in subparagraphs (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), and (ix) of paragraph (1) of this subdivision (d);
(ii) for fee simple one, two or three family dwelling units, submission of approval from DOB to abandon the existing cesspool, septic system or shared sanitary connection;
(iii) for other than fee simple one, two or three family dwelling units, submission of:
(A) an approval from DOB to abandon the existing cesspool, septic system or shared sanitary connection; and
(B) a certified site connection proposal from the appropriate department, as required by subparagraphs (i), (ii) and (v) of paragraph (1) of this subdivision (d).
(6) New manholes on existing sewers or drains for new sewer connections or for new catch basin connections. Permits for new manholes to be placed on existing sewers for new sewer connections or for new catch basin connections will be issued upon:
(i) compliance with all of the requirements in subparagraphs (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), and (ix) of paragraph (1) of this subdivision (d); and
(ii) for new catch basin connections, compliance with all requirements contained in paragraph (7) of this subdivision (d).
(7) New catch basins, catch basin connections, and seepage basins. Permits for new catch basins, catch basin connections, and seepage basins will be issued upon:
(i) compliance with the requirements contained in subparagraphs (i), (iii), (iv), and (ix) of paragraph (1) of this subdivision (d); and
(ii) presentation of a valid approved Builders Pavement Plan. A Builders Pavement Plan, approved by the City, must be on file with the Borough office of BWSO prior to issuance of the permit.
(e) Terms and Conditions.
(1) Each permit shall be valid for a period not to exceed sixty (60) calendar days from the date of issuance. An additional one time thirty (30) day extension may be granted upon written request by the Licensed Master Plumber explaining reasons for the delay.
(2) After expiration of the permit period and any extension, the permittee shall be required to file for a new permit and pay all required fees.
(3) Any permit issued by the DEP pursuant to this Rule may be revoked by the Commissioner for cause.
(f) Fees.
(1) All fees shall conform to the latest fee schedule published by the Water Board.
(2) All fees shall be paid to the Water Board.
(g) Violations. It shall be a violation to perform any operation or work without a permit as required by this Rule.
(Amended City Record 2/15/2022, eff. 2/15/2022; amended City Record 12/31/2024, eff. 1/30/2025)
(a) General Requirements. All new sewer connections shall comply with this Rule. All work must be done in such a way that the connection to the sewer will not result in any protrusion beyond the internal wall of the sewer.
(b) Specific Requirements.
(1) Sewer connections may be made to available existing sewers, drains, or approved outlets, upon the issuance of a permit.
(2) New sewer connections shall have a minimum of four (4) feet of cover unless the DEP grants approval for a lesser cover. No cover above a sewer connection less than two and a half (2.5) feet shall be permissible. Sewer connections with less than three (3) feet of cover must be encased in concrete.
(3) Connections to sewers supported by piles must be ductile iron pipe Class fifty-six (56), on broken stone with push on joints. The thickness of the broken stone bedding shall be a minimum of nine (9) inches.
(4) Where the replacement or repair of an existing sewer connection results in damage or defect to adjacent or connected facilities, the Commissioner, upon being notified of such damage or defect, may order the Licensed Master Plumber to investigate and effect any repairs to the adjacent or connected facilities that may be required at such plumber's own expense. Representatives of adjacent or connected facilities shall be mailed copies of the Commissioner's order.
(5) Catch basin connections to storm or combined sewers of forty-eight (48) inches in diameter or smaller shall be made to existing or new manholes. For sewers larger than forty-eight (48) inches in diameter, the catch basin connections shall be made to existing manholes, if available, or directly to the sewer. Details of all other methods of connections shall be reviewed and approved by the DEP. All work must be in accordance with any Builders Pavement Plan, approved by the City.
(6) New sewer connections shall be made to existing spurs fronting the property.
(7) In cases where no spurs exist, or connection to an existing spur is not feasible, one of the following methods of connection shall be used:
(i) For six (6) inch diameter sewer connections to six (6) inch diameter sewers or drains, or eight (8) inch diameter sewer connections to eight (8) inch diameter sewers or drains; when connecting to clay sewers, three (3) sections of the existing sewer or drain shall be replaced with two (2) straight pipe sections and a central spur piece; when connecting to sewers or drains of other materials, minimum one section shall be replaced with three (3) shorter segments with minimum length of four (4) feet each.
(ii) For six (6) inch diameter sewer connections to eight (8) inch diameter sewers or drains, or eight (8) inch diameter sewer connections to ten (10) inch diameter sewers or drains, if the existing eight (8) or ten (10) inch diameter sewer or drain is not supported by a concrete cradle, the connection method described in subparagraph (i) of this paragraph (7) shall apply. For sewers or drains on concrete cradles, a minimum of two (2) feet in length of the existing sewer or drain on either side of the point of connection shall be encased in concrete. The concrete encasement shall follow Department sewer design standards. The concrete shall be allowed to set for forty-eight (48) hours, after which time, core drilling shall be performed.
(iii) Core drilling to install a spur into an existing sewer or drain shall only be performed with an approved coring machine. Such coring shall be made at the one (1) or two (2) o’clock or ten (10) to eleven (11) o’clock position as described in paragraph (9) of this subdivision (b). The cored portion of the sewer shall be retained and submitted to the Inspector. Core drilling shall only be permitted in the following circumstances:
(A) where the new sewer connection is six (6) inches in diameter and the existing sewer or drain is ten (10) inches in diameter or larger;
(B) where the new sewer connection is eight (8) inches in diameter and the existing sewer or drain is twelve (12) inches in diameter or larger;
(C) where the new sewer connection is ten (10) inches in diameter and the existing sewer or drain is fifteen (15) inches in diameter or larger;
(D) where the new sewer connection is twelve (12) inches in diameter and the existing sewer or drain is eighteen (18) inches in diameter or larger; and
(E) where the new sewer connection is fifteen (15) or sixteen (16) inches in diameter and the existing sewer or drain is thirty (30) inches in diameter or larger.
(iv) Any sewer connection ten (10) inches in diameter to existing sewers or drains less than 15 (fifteen) inches in diameter; or sewer connection twelve (12) inches in diameter to existing sewers or drains less than eighteen (18) inches in diameter; or sewer connection fifteen (15) or sixteen (16) inches in diameter to existing sewers or drains less than thirty (30) inches in diameter, shall be made only to an existing or proposed manhole. For sewer connections larger than sixteen (16) inches in diameter, the applicant shall submit a detail of the proposed method of connection to the Department for review and approval, and a manhole must be constructed in accordance with Department standards to accommodate the connection. When a non-standard manhole is required, an additional Department review is required. No new manhole may be built on a Department sewer within 50’ of an existing manhole without proof of substantial hardship.
(8) Core drilling. Core drilling shall be performed in accordance with the following requirements:
(i) Clay or Cement Sewers or Drains. A six (6) inch thick concrete encasement on top and bottom of the existing sewer or drain for a minimum of four (4) feet length along the existing sewer shall be provided. The concrete encasement shall be allowed to set for a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours before the core drill may be performed.
(ii) Brick Sewers or Drains. A three (3) inch concrete encasement with six (6) by six (6) w2.9/w2.9 wire mesh over the top half of the sewer for a minimum of four (4) feet along the length of the sewer shall be provided. The concrete encasement shall be allowed to set for a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours before the core drill may be performed.
(9) Installation of a spur on the existing sewer or drain shall be performed in accordance with the following requirements:
(i) A hole shall be core drilled with an approved core drilling machine to produce a smooth hole equal to the inside diameter of the sewer connection. A tap saddle/tee made of cast iron shall be installed and bonded to the existing sewer or drain with a quick setting two-part mix of epoxy adhesive that will harden in four (4) to seven (7) hours.
(ii) A hole shall be core drilled with an approved core drilling machine to produce a smooth hole equal to the outside diameter of either a Dutchman (short piece of pipe with belt) or the outside diameter of a neoprene rubber tee fitting, which shall be placed in the drilled hole and held in place by a tampered plastic insert. The sewer connection shall fit into the open end of the tee fitting and be held in place by a mechanically tightened steel band.
(10) Should unanticipated field conditions necessitate a different method of construction than that shown on the certified sewer certification application, such method shall be submitted for review and approval by the DEP, prior to any work being performed.
(c) Materials.
(1) The materials used for new sewer connections or replacement of existing sewer connections and appurtenances shall meet the following requirements:
(i) Extra strength vitrified clay pipe (ESVP), conforming to ASTM C 700 on six (6) inch concrete cradle, class forty (40), for sewer connections up to and including an eighteen (18) inch diameter;
(ii) Ductile iron pipe (DIP), Class fifty-six (56) with push-on joints, conforming to A.N.S.I. specification on broken stone bedding conforming to ASTM C 33, size sixty-seven (67);
(iii) Pre-cast Reinforced Concrete Pipe (PCRP) Class three (3) or higher on six (6) inch concrete cradle conforming to ASTM. Class thirty five (35) for sewer connections of a twenty-four (24) inch diameter and larger;
(iv) Extra heavy cast iron soil pipe (EHCI) on broken stone bedding conforming with ASTM. Class thirty-three (33), size sixty seven (67).
(2) Materials differing from those described in paragraph (1) of this subdivision (c) shall not be issued without written approval of the DEP. The burden of establishing the suitability of the material shall be with the applicant.
(d) Manhole Connections.
(1) The inner top of the proposed sewer connection shall not be lower than the inner top of the sewer. The invert of the proposed sewer connection shall be at least three (3) inches above the bench elevation at the manhole wall. The invert of the proposed sewer connection shall not be more than four (4) feet above the spring line (1/2 the diameter) of the sewer.
(2) The use of pre-cast manholes on existing sewers or drains shall be in conformance with the latest DEP Sewer Design Standards, and shall be supplied by an approved vendor.
(3) No pre-cast manholes shall be installed on existing brick sewers.
(e) Seepage Basins, Catch Basins and Catch Basin Connections.
(1) All proposed seepage basins, catch basins, and catch basin connections shall be installed in accordance with any Builders Pavement Plan approved by the City and the latest DEP standards and requirements, and shall be supplied by approved vendors.
(f) Trench Excavation.
(1) Prior to performing any excavation, the permittee shall give notice to the New York City & Long Island One Call Center in accordance with 16 NYCRR Part 753.
(2) Excavations, trenching, and shoring as required, shall be in conformance with sections 23 and 53 of the New York State Industrial Code, and all other applicable Federal, State, and Local Laws, Rules and Regulations.
(3) Permittees shall comply with all requirements of the DOT or other entity having jurisdiction.
(4) The permittee shall properly support, protect, and maintain all facilities encountered.
(5) Rock excavation for proposed sewer connections shall be made in compliance with applicable sections of the DEP's Standard Specifications.
(6) The maximum width of a sheeted trench shall be in accordance with DEP Sewer Design Standards.
(g) Backfilling.
(1) Backfilling and pavement restoration shall be in compliance with the Standards and Requirements of the DOT or other entity having jurisdiction.
(2) No backfilling shall commence until the sewer connection, seepage basin, catch basin and catch basin connection has been properly installed, inspected and accepted by the Inspector.
(3) If the work is not accepted by the Inspector, the permittee shall make the trench safe, including plating in as required by the DOT or other entity having jurisdiction.
(Amended City Record 2/15/2022, eff. 2/15/2022; amended City Record 12/31/2024, eff. 1/30/2025)
(a) Specific requirements. When planting trees, the separation distance shall not be less than:
(1) six feet center to center from distribution mains;
(2) eight feet center to center from mains greater than twenty inches in diameter; or
(3) four feet from the sheeting area for sewers.
(b) Variances. Variances from these requirements may be granted in cases where the minimum separation distances cannot be physically met and, subject to DEP approval, where additional root protection systems are proposed. In no case may a tree be planted directly above a water main or a sewer.
(a) General Requirements.
(1) All sewer connections, including new connections, relays/repairs, plugs, catch basin and catch basin connections, and seepage basins shall be inspected and approved by a Department Inspector unless the Department accepts photographic or video verification that the work meets Department standards.
(2) For connection work in the vicinity of the sewer, all work must be done in such a way that connections to the sewer will not result in any protrusions beyond the internal wall of the sewer. The Department must be able to confirm by inspection during installation or by a permittee-provided photographic or televised inspection of the sewer, as required and specified by the department, that there are no protrusions into the sewer wall beyond the internal wall of the sewer.
(3) DOB will inspect the building drain(s) and DEP will inspect the building sewer(s).
(4) A permittee shall be granted an inspection one business day following the request for such inspection.
(5) Prior to commencing excavation for sewer connections, the permittee shall verify that the sewer or drain is not surcharged, obstructed, or damaged. If the sewer is surcharged, obstructed, or damaged, the permittee shall not perform any work and shall immediately notify the DEP.
(6) No sewer connection or related work shall be inspected or approved by an Inspector unless the trench is open for any length of previously un-inspected work and all pipes, joints, and related work are visible. A suitable ladder affording safe access for such inspection shall be provided by the permittee. Trenches must conform to all applicable Rules, Regulations and laws regarding safety.
(7) An Inspector is required to be present during any drill-in to a sewer or drain.
(8) Any trench backfilled without completed inspection shall be re-excavated to the degree necessary as determined by the Inspector.
(9) Inspections will be conducted Monday through Friday (except on holidays) between the hours of 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. Exceptions to this requirement may be granted upon traffic and work stipulations set forth by the DOT or other entity having jurisdiction or for other unforeseen circumstances, at the discretion of the department.
(10) No inspection shall be performed unless all permits and appropriate documentation required by the DEP are displayed at the work site. Such documentation shall include:
(i) the certified house connection proposal or certified site connection proposal, with all pertinent supporting documents where required;
(ii) the approved permit application and sewer connection permit;
(iii) the street opening permit from the DOT or other entity having jurisdiction, and when a Builder's Pavement Plan has been required, an approved copy thereof;
(iv) all approved shop drawings;
(v) all Mayor's Traffic Construction Coordination Committee traffic stipulations, where weekend and/or night work is scheduled; and
(vi) all applicable notarized affidavits regarding the reuse of existing connections.
(b) Certificate of Inspection.
(1) A certificate of inspection shall be issued for each permit granted by the DEP upon: (i) successful completion of an inspection; and
(2) For sewer certifications with multiple permits, a certificate of inspection shall be issued for each unit.
(3) No certificate of inspection shall be issued unless all sewer work shown on the certified house connection proposal or site connection proposal has been completed and inspected.
(Amended City Record 2/15/2022, eff. 2/15/2022; amended City Record 12/31/2024, eff. 1/30/2025)
(a) General Requirements.
(1) When a sewer house connection, private pumping station, private sanitary ejector, private sanitary force main house connection, or a private force main is found to be leaking, inoperative or defective at a particular premises, the DEP shall issue a repair order to the Owner of such premises. The repair order shall instruct the Owner to make all necessary repairs and otherwise comply with the requirements of such order within 30 days of the date of issuance of such order, except when the DEP determines that there is an immediate danger to public health, property or to the environment, in which case such order may provide that repairs shall be made immediately upon issuance of such order. For purposes of this section, "ejector" shall mean a mechanical device used to pump or eject sewage.
(2) If the Owner has not complied with the repair order in the period allowed, the DEP shall shut off the water service tap/wet connection of the premises. All repair work concerning a sewer connection shall be performed by a Licensed Master Plumber, as provided herein.
(3) If an Owner believes that a repair order has been issued in error or that exigent circumstances exist such that shutting off the tap/wet connection of the premises would result in extreme hardship, the Owner may apply by letter to the Commissioner who shall make a final determination as to whether the repair order was issued in error or whether exigent circumstances exist warranting an abeyance of issuance of the repair order.
(4) A Licensed Master Plumber shall obtain a sewer connection repair permit prior to performing work pursuant to a repair order on a sewer connection or in compliance with 15 RCNY §§ 31-04(a)(4) and 31-08(a). Upon completion of all necessary repairs by the Licensed Master Plumber and approval by the DEP, a Licensed Master Plumber shall obtain a tap/wet connection permit to restore the water service.
(5) When the water service is shut off by the DEP, the Owner must engage a Licensed Master Plumber to assume responsibility for the excavation over the tap or wet connection. If the Owner fails to engage a Licensed Master Plumber, the water service will remain shut off, the excavation will be backfilled, and the street will be properly restored.
(a) The amendments to this chapter made by the rule that added this section do not apply to any site with a sewer availability certification issued prior to February 15, 2022.
(b) Notwithstanding subdivision a of this section, a site that is within an area that was rezoned as a result of a zoning map amendment application filed by the Department of City Planning, that received final approval after November 15, 2021 but before the effective date of the rule that added this section, must comply with the requirements of the amendments to this Chapter made by such rule if such site seeks to develop a parcel of land pursuant to such rezoning. Where any application for certification for such a site was submitted or any certification for such a site was issued under the rules in effect prior to the effective date of the rule that added this section, the applicant may not proceed under that application for certification or issued certification and must submit a new application for certification in compliance with 15 RCNY §§ 31-02 and 31-03, as amended by the rule that added this section.
(Added City Record 2/15/2022, eff. 2/15/2022)