The following definitions shall apply to the Hazardous Substances Emergency Response Regulations, 15 RCNY §§ 11-01 et seq., unless the context specifically indicates otherwise.
C.F.R. "C.F.R." shall mean the Code of Federal Regulations.
Commissioner. "Commissioner" shall mean the Commissioner of the New York City Department of Environmental Protection or his/her designee.
Department. "Department" shall mean the Department of Environmental Protection.
Disposal. "Disposal" shall mean the placing of any hazardous substance(s) into or on any land or water so that such hazardous substance(s) or any constituent thereof may be released into the environment.
Hazardous substance. "Hazardous Substance" shall mean each listed hazardous substance or any other chemical substance which when released into the environment may present a substantial danger to the public health or welfare or the environment.
Listed hazardous substance. "Listed hazardous substance" shall mean any substance listed in accordance with § 24-609 of the New York City hazardous substances emergency response law (15 RCNY § 11-04).
Person. "Person" shall mean any individual, trust, firm, corporation, joint stock company, association, partnership, consortium, joint venture, commercial entity or governmental entity.
Release. "Release" shall mean any spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, discharging, injecting, escaping, leaching, dumping or disposing into the environment.
Reportable quantity. "Reportable quantity" shall mean the minimum quantity of a listed hazardous substance which when released will require notification to the Commissioner by any responsible person who knows or has reason to know of such release. These quantities are listed in 15 RCNY § 11-04.
Response measures. "Response measures" shall include actions taken by a city agency or ordered to be taken by a city agency:
(1) to prevent, minimize or mitigate the release of hazardous substances so that they do not migrate to, or in any other manner, cause or threaten to cause substantial danger to the public health or welfare or the environment,
(2) to clean up or remove released hazardous substances from the environment, and
(3) which are necessary and appropriate to protect the public health or welfare or the environment from an immediate and substantial danger caused by a release or a substantial threat of a release of a hazardous substance into the environment, including but not limited to security measures to protect the public.
Responsible person. "Responsible person" shall mean:
(1) any owner, operator, lessee, occupant or tenant, other than a residential lessee, occupant or tenant, of property at the time there is a release, or a substantial threat of a release, of a hazardous substance from such property into the environment or at the time of any response measures implemented in connection with any emergency involving such release or threat of release, provided that if such property is comprised of an owner occupied residential building consisting of six or fewer dwelling units used exclusively for residential purposes, an owner of such property shall be deemed to be a "responsible person" for purposes of this paragraph, only if the willful, knowing, reckless or negligent acts or omissions of such owner caused or substantially contributed to such release or threat of release, and further provided that a federal or state chartered and regulated financial institution which has received title to the property through abandonment, foreclosure, a deed in lieu of foreclosure, or through a judicial or bankruptcy order shall not be deemed to be a "responsible person" for purposes of this paragraph, unless
(i) willful, knowing reckless or negligent acts or omissions of such person caused or substantially contributed to such release or threat of release, or
(ii) the title was received in order to secure the underlying credit extension which had been entered into for the purpose of assisting a responsible person in avoidance of the provisions of this chapter, or
(2) any person whose acts or omissions caused or substantially contributed to a release, or a substantial threat of a release, of a hazardous substance into the environment, provide that where there is a release, or a substantial threat of a release, of a hazardous substance into the environment from property used for residential purposes, a person using such property as a residence and any invitee or licensee of such person who enters such property, other than an invitee or licensee engaged in a business involving the use or transport of any hazardous substance, shall be deemed to be a "responsible person" for purposes of this paragraph, only if the willful, knowing, reckless or negligent acts or omissions of such person or invitee caused or substantially contributed to such release or threat of release, or
(3) any owner, operator, lessee, occupant or tenant of the property at the time of disposal of any hazardous substance thereon, who had caused, authorized or permitted such hazardous substance to be so disposed, where there is a release, or a substantial threat of a release, of such hazardous substance into the environment, or
(4) any person who, pursuant to contractual arrangement, accepts or has accepted any hazardous substance for transport, transports such hazardous substance and there is a release, or a substantial threat of a release, of such hazardous substance into the environment, or
(5) any person who by contract, agreement, or otherwise arranged for disposal or treatment or arranged with a transporter for transport for disposal or treatment of a hazardous substance owned or possessed by such person, and there is a release, or a substantial threat of a release, of such hazardous substance into the environment; provided, however, that no person, who is an entity independent from an otherwise responsible person, authorized by the Commissioner of Environmental Protection to implement response measures at the site of a release, or a threat of a release, of a hazardous substance into the environment, shall be deemed to be a "responsible person" solely on the basis of any authorized response measures attempted or implemented by such person at such site, unless such person's willful, knowing, reckless or negligent acts or omissions caused or substantially contributed to a release, or a substantial threat of a release, of a hazardous substance into the environment.
Treatment. "Treatment" shall mean any method, technique, or process, including neutralization, designed to change the physical, chemical, or biological character or composition of any hazardous substance so as to neutralize such substance or so as to render such substance nonhazardous, safer for transport, amenable for recovery, amenable for storage, or reduced in volume. Such term includes any activity or processing designed to change the physical form or chemical composition of a hazardous substance so as to render it nonhazardous.
(Amended City Record 3/15/2017, eff. 4/14/2017)
Note: The regulations in this section detail the requirement to notify the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection in the event of a release of a listed hazardous substance. This notification is intended to supplement, not replace, other required emergency notifications. Therefore, in addition to any notification required under this section, Police Emergency at 911 should be notified in the event of a significant incident involving a hazardous substance which presents a danger to the public. This alerts the City's Emergency Warning system and assures comprehensive City agency response to such an incident.
(a) Notification requirement.
(1) Any responsible person who knows or has reason to know of any release of any listed hazardous substance in an amount which equals or exceeds the reportable quantity of such substance shall immediately notify the Commissioner pursuant to 15 RCNY § 11-03(b), and shall notify the Commissioner in writing pursuant to 15 RCNY § 11-03(c).
(i) Listed hazardous substances and reportable quantities are specified in 15 RCNY § 11-04.
(ii) Notification shall not be required when a listed hazardous substance is released in an amount authorized pursuant to the provisions of a federal, state, or local permit or order, or court order.
(2) Notification shall be made to the Commissioner by telephoning the Department at 718-595-4646 on business days from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Notification at all other times shall be made to the Department Communications Center at DEP-HELP or 718-337-4357.
(b) Telephone notification. Telephone notification shall include the following information:
(1) Hazardous substance(s) released, quantity or estimated quantity released, and hazardous properties; and
(2) Description of the incident including the cause, effect (e.g., illness or injuries), and status.
(c) Written notification.
(1) Written notification shall be made to the Department within one week of the release by certified mail to the following address:
New York City Department of Environmental Protection
59-17 Junction Boulevard
Corona, New York 11368-5107
Attn: Hazardous Substances Emergency Response Officer.
New York City Department of Environmental Protection
59-17 Junction Boulevard
Corona, New York 11368-5107
Attn: Hazardous Substances Emergency Response Officer.
(2) Written notification shall include the following information:
(i) The name(s) of the responsible person(s) and contact number(s); the name(s) of the owner(s) of the site; the location of the release; the time of the release; the chemical name and any trade names of the substance released; the hazardous characteristics of the chemical (e.g., toxic, flammable, corrosive, etc.); the estimated quantity of any subsequent or continuing release; a description of areas affected by the release, such as public rights-of-way, residues in the area, sewers, catch basins, equipment and structures, and the geographic extent of the affected areas; and
(ii) The nature of the process(es) which take place at the site including, but not limited to, any processes involved in the actual release and any processes which might contribute to a hazardous situation or in any way impede response measures; and
(iii) All climatological conditions which in any way contributed to the hazard of a release; and
(iv) Any available information regarding injuries at the site, adjacent to the site, and elsewhere which may be a result of the release; and
(v) Details regarding abatement and/or cleanup measures taken by responsible person(s) or his/her designee(s), or any other person(s); and
(vi) Any additional details requested by the Department at the time of telephone notification.
(a) Definitions. The following substance categories which appear on the hazardous substances list shall have the following meanings:
Combustible substance. "Combustible substance" shall mean any liquid which has a flash point at or above 100°F (37.8°C) and below 300°F (148.9°C).
Corrosive substance. "Corrosive substance" shall mean:
(i) any liquid or solid that causes visible destruction or irreversible alterations in human skin tissue at the site of contact; or
(ii) any aqueous solution with a pH less than or equal to 2, or greater than or equal to 12.5, as determined by a pH meter, or equivalent methods; or
(iii) any liquid that corrodes steel (SAE 1020) at a rate greater than 5.35 mm (0.250 inch) per year at a test temperature of 130°F (55°C).
Flammable substance. "Flammable substance" shall mean any liquid having a flash point below 100°F (37.8°C).
Ignitable substance. "Ignitable substance" shall mean any substance which has any of the following properties:
(i) It is a solid which is capable under standard temperature and pressure of causing fire through friction, absorption of moisture, or spontaneous chemical changes; and which, when ignited, burns so vigorously and persistently that it creates a hazard; or
(ii) It is flammable compressed gas, as defined in 49 C.F.R. § 173.300, and as determined by the test methods described in that regulation; or
(iii) It is an oxidizer as defined in 49 C.F.R. § 173.151.
Reactive substance. "Reactive substance" shall mean any substance which has any of the following properties:
(i) It is normally unstable and readily undergoes violent change without detonating; or
(ii) It reacts violently with water; or
(iii) It forms potentially explosive mixtures with water; or
(iv) When mixed with water it generates toxic gases, vapors or fumes in a quantity sufficient to present a danger to human health or the environment; or
(v) It is a cyanide or sulfur bearing substance which, when exposed to pH conditions between 2 and 12.5, can generate gases, vapors or fumes in a quantity sufficient to present a danger to human health or the environment; or
(vi) It is capable of detonation or explosive reaction if it is subjected to a strong initiating source or if heated under confinement; or
(vii) It is readily capable of detonation or explosive decomposition or reaction at standard temperature and pressure; or
(viii) It is a forbidden explosive as defined in 49 C.F.R. § 173.51, or a Class A explosive as defined in 49 C.F.R. § 173.53, or a Class B explosive as defined in 49 C.F.R. § 173.88.
(b) Definitions.
Flash point. For the purposes of these subdivision (a) and (b), "flash point" shall mean the minimum temperature at which a liquid gives off vapor in a test vessel of sufficient concentration to form an ignitable mixture with air near the surface of the liquid. Such temperature shall be determined:
(i) by a Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Tester using the test method specified in ASTM Standard D 93-79 or D 93-80; or
(ii) by a Setaflash Closed Cup Tester using the test method specified in ASTM Standard D 3278-78; or
(iii) by a Tag Closed Cup Tester, using the test method specified ASTM D 56-79.
(c) Reportable quantities.
(1) Following is a list of hazardous substances and reportable quantities. Any responsible person who knows or has reason to know of a release of any listed hazardous substance in an amount which equals or exceeds the reportable quantity shall notify the Department as specified in § 11-03, except that no notification shall be required when such release occurs in an amount authorized pursuant to the provisions of a federal, state, or local permit or order, or court order.
(2) There may be circumstances in which a release of a hazardous substance or mixture of substances in an amount less than a reportable quantity creates a risk or danger to the public health, welfare, or the environment. In the event that a release of any amount of a listed hazardous substance combines with other variables to produce such a hazard, any responsible person who knows or has reason to know of such release should notify the Commissioner of any such release.
(d) List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities (RQ).
Hazardous substance
| Cas. No.
| Trade Names and Synonyms
| Amb. Phy. State
| RQ (lbs)
Hazardous substance
| Cas. No.
| Trade Names and Synonyms
| Amb. Phy. State
| RQ (lbs)
Acetaldehyde | 75-07-0 | Ethyl aldehyde | L | 100 |
Acetaldehyde, trichloro | 75-87-6 | Chloral, 2,2,2-Trichloroacetaldeyde | L | 1 |
Acetic acid | 64-19-7 | Ethanoic Acid, glacial acetic acid | L | 100 |
Acetone | 67-64-1 | 2-Propanone | L | 100 |
Acetone cyanohydrin | 75-86-5 | Lactonitrile, 2-cyano-2-Propanol | L | 10 |
Acetone thiosemicarbazide | 1752-30-3 | Hydrazinecarbothioamide | S | 1 |
Acetophenone | 98-86-2 | 1-Phenyl-2-ethanone, Methyl Phenyl ketone | L | 100 |
Acrolein | 107-02-8 | Acraldehyde, Acrylic Aldehyde | L | 100 |
Acrylamide | 79-06-1 | Acrylic amide, Propenamide | S | 1,000 |
Acrylonitrile | 107-13-1 | Fumigrain, Acrylon, 2-Propenenitrile | L | 100 |
Acrylyl chloride | 814-68-6 | Acryloyl chloride, 2-Propenoyl chloride | L | 1 |
Adiponitrile | 111-69-3 | Hexanedinitrile, Adipodinitrile, 1,4-Dicyanobutane | L | 1 |
Aldicarb | 116-06-3 | Carbamyl, Carbanolate, Temik | S | 1 |
Aldrin | 309-00-2 | Aldrex, Aldrite, Aldrosol, Drinox, Octalene, Seedrin | S | 1 |
Allyl alcohol | 107-18-6 | Weed Drench, 2-Propenyl Alcohol, Vinylcarbinol | L | 100 |
Allyl chloride | 107-05-1 | Ethanoyl chloride, 3-Chloro-1-propane | L | 100 |
Allylamine | 107-11-9 | 2-Propenylamine, 3-Aminopropene | L | 1 |
Aluminum phosphide | 20859-73-8 | AIP, Celphos, Delicia, Detia, Phostoxin Al-Phos | S | 100 |
Aminopterin | 54-62-6 | 4-Amino-PGA, Aminopteridine, 4-Aminofolic Acid | S | 1 |
Amiton | 78-53-5 | Metramak, Tetram, Inferno, Citram | L | 1 |
Amiton oxalate | 3734-97-2 | Tetram 75, Monooxalate, Chipman 6199 | S | 1 |
Ammonia | 7664-41-7 | Anhydrous Ammonia | G | 100 |
Ammonium chloroplatinate | 16919-58-7 | Platinic Ammonium Chloride | S | 1 |
Ammonium hydroxide | 1336-21-6 | Aqua ammonia, Ammonia water | L | 100 |
Ammonium sulfide | 12135-76-1 | Ammonium polysulfide | S | 100 |
Ammonium thiocyanate | 1762-95-4 | Ammonium sulfacyanate | S | 1,000 |
Amphetamine | 300-62-9 | Benzedrine, Phenedrine, Rhinalator. Sympamine | L | 1 |
Aniline | 62-53-3 | Aminobenzene, Benzidam, Blue Oil, Cyanol, Phenylamine | L | 100 |
Aniline,2,4,6-trimethyl | 88-05-1 | Mesidine, 2-Aminomesitylene | L | 1 |
Antimony pentachloride | 7647-18-9 | Antimony perchloride | L | 100 |
Antimony pentafluoride | 7783-70-2 | Antimony Fluoride | L | 1 |
Antimony trichloride | 10025-91-9 | Antimony chloride | S&L | 100 |
Antimony trifluoride | 7782-56-4 | Antimony fluoride | S | 100 |
Antimony trioxide | 1309-64-4 | — | S | 100 |
Antimycin A | 1397-94-0 | Virosin, Antipiricullin | S | 1 |
Antu | 86-88-4 | Rat-tu, Rattrack, Dirax, Krysid, trichloride, trichlormethylbenzene, Chloromethylbenzene | S | 100 |
Arsenic pentoxide | 1303-28-2 | Zotox, Orthoarsenic Acid, Arsenic | S | 1,000 |
Arsenous oxide | 1327-53-3 | Arsenic Trioxide, Arsenite, White | S | 1,000 |
Arsenous Trichloride | 7784-34-1 | Arsenic Butter, Caustic Oil of Arsenic, Trichloroarsine | L | 100 |
Arsine | 7784-42-1 | Arsenic Trihydride, Hydrogen Arsenide | G | 1 |
Asbestos | 1332-21-4 | — | S | 1 |
Asbestos, anthophylite | 77536-67-5 | — | S | 1 |
Asbestos, chrysotile | 12001-29-5 | — | S | 1 |
Asbestos, crocodolite | 12001-28-4 | — | S | 1 |
Asbestos, tremolite | 7753-68-6 | — | S | 1 |
Asbestos, actinolite | 77536-66-4 | — | S | 1 |
Asbestos, amosite | 12172-73-5 | — | S | 1 |
Azinphos-ethyl | 2642-71-9 | Ethyl Gusathion, Crysthion, Ethyl Guthioci | S | 1 |
Azinphos-methyl | 86-50-0 | Methyl Guthion, Carfene, Cotnion, Crysthyon | S | 1 |
Bacitracin | 1405-87-4 | Ayfivin, Baciguent, Parentracin | S | 1 |
Barium cyanide | 542-62-1 | Barium dicyanide | S | 10 |
Benzyl chloride | 98-87-3 | Benzyl Dichloride, Benzylidine Chloride | L | 100 |
Benzenamine,3-(tri-fluoromethyl) | 98-16-8 | m-(Trifluoromethyl)aniline, m-toluidine | L | 1 |
Benzene | 71-43-2 | Benzol | L | 100 |
Benzene, 1(chloromethyI)-4-Nitro | 100-14-1 | p-Nitrobenzyl chloride, alpha-Chloro-p-nitrotoluene | S | 1 |
Benzenearsonic acid | 98-05-5 | Phenyl Arsenic Acid, Phenylarsonic Acid | S | 1 |
1,3-Benzenediol | 108-46-3 | Resorcinol | S | 100 |
Benzenesulfonyl chloride | 98-09-9 | Benzene sulfonic chloride, Phenylsulfonyl chloride | L | 100 |
Benzoyl chloride | 98-88-4 | Benzyl carbonyl chloride | L | 100 |
Benzotrichloride | 98-07-7 | Benzyl trichloride, Toluene trichloride, trichloromethylbenzene | L | 1 |
Benzyl chloride | 100-44-7 | alpha Chlorotoluene, Toly chloride, chloromethyl benzene | L | 100 |
Benzyl cyanide | 140-29-4 | 2-Phenylacetonitrile, Cyanotoluene | L | 1 |
Bicyclo[2.2.1]heptane-2-carbonitrile, 5-chloro-6- ((((methylamino)carbony l)oxy)lmino) | 15271-41-7 | Tranid | S | 1 |
Bis(chloromethyl)ketone | 534-07-6 | 1,3-Dichloroacetone, 1,3-Dichloro-2-Propanone | S | 1 |
Bitoscanate | 4044-65-9 | Biscomate, Jonit, Phenylene-1, 4-Diisothiocyanate | S | 1 |
Boron tricholoride compound with methyl ether (1:1) | 10294-34-5 | Trichlorborane, Boron chloride | L | 1 |
Boron trifluoride | 353-42-4 | Boron trifluoride dimethyl etherate | L | 1 |
Boron trifluoride | 7637-07-2 | Boron fluoride, Trifluoroborane | G | 1 |
Bromadiolone | 28772-56-7 | Maki, Ratimus, Bromone, Contrac, Termus | S | 1 |
Bromine | 7726-95-6 | — | L | 1 |
Bromoacetone | 598-31-2 | 2-Propanone, 1-bromo- | L | 100 |
Bromoform | 75-25-2 | Tribromomethane | L | 100 |
Butadiene | 106-99-0 | Vinylethylene, Divinyl, Erythrene | L | 1 |
Butanol | 71-36-3 | Butyl alcohol, n-Butyl alcohol | L | 100 |
Butyl isovalerate | 109-19-3 | n-Butyl isopentanoate, Butyl 3-methybutyrate | L | 1 |
Butyl vinyl ether | 111-34-2 | Butoxyethene | L | 1 |
Butyric acid | 107-92-6 | Butanoic acid-propenyl alcohol, vinyl carbinol | L | 100 |
C.I. basic green 1 | 633-03-4 | Brilliant Green, Aniline Green, Ethyl Green | S | 1 |
Cadmium bromide | 7789-42-6 | — | S | 100 |
Cadmium oxide | 1306-19-0 | Cadmium fume | S | 1 |
Cadmium stearate | 2223-93-0 | Alaixol 11, Cadmium octadecanoate | S | I |
Calcium arsenate | 7778-44-1 | Pencal, Spracal | S | 1,000 |
Calcium cyanide | 592-01-8 | Cyanogas | S | 10 |
Calcium hypochlorite | 7778-54-3 | Bleaching Powder | S | 10 |
Camphechlor | 8001-35-2 | Toxaphene, Alltex, Estonox, Melipax | S | 1 |
Cantharidin | 56-25-7 | Cantharone, Spanish Fly | S | 1 |
Carbachol chloride | 51-83-2 | Carbanoylcholine chloride | S | 1 |
Carbamic acid, methyl 0-(2,4-Dimethyl-1,3- Dithiolan-2-yl) | 26419-73-8 | Tirpate | S | 1 |
Carbon disulfide | 75-15-0 | Weeviltox, Carbon Bisulfide | L | 100 |
Carbon tetrachloride | 56-23-5 | Tetrachloromethane | L | 100 |
Carbonyl fluoride | 353-50-4 | Carbon oxyfluoride | G | 100 |
Carbophenothion | 786-19-6 | Acarithion, Dagadip, Endyl, Garrathion, Trithion | L | 1 |
Chlordane | 57-74-9 | Dowchlor, Toxichlor, Ortho-klor, Niran, Synklor | L | 1 |
Chlorfenvinfos | 470-90-6 | Birlan, Dermaton, Sapecron, Supone, Vinyphate | L | 1 |
Chlorine | 7782-50-5 | Berltholite | G | 10 |
Chlormephos | 24934-91-6 | Dotan | L | 1 |
Chlormequat chloride | 999-81-5 | Chlorocholine Chloride, Retacel, stabilan | S | 1 |
Chlormethyl methyl ether | 107-30-2 | Methoxy chloromethane, Chlorodimethyl Ether | L | 1 |
Chloroacetaldehyde | 107-20-0 | 2-Chloro-1-ethanal, Chloroaldehyde | L | 100 |
Chloroacetic acid | 79-11-8 | Chloroethanoic Acid | S | 1 |
Chloroaniline | 106-47-8 | Chlorobenzeneamine | L | 100 |
Chlorobenzene | 108-90-7 | Phenyl chloride | L | 100 |
Chloroethanol | 107-07-3 | Ethylchlorohydrin, Glycomonochlorohydrin | L | 1 |
Chloroethyl chloroformate | 627-11-2 | 2-chloroethyl chlorocarbonate | L | 1 |
Chloroform | 67-66-3 | Freon 20, Trichlormethane | L | 10 |
Chloromethyl ether | 542-88-1 | Bis(chloromethyl)ether,1,1'-dichlorodimethyl Ether | — | — |
Chlorophenol | 95-57-8 | — | S | 100 |
Chloroxuron | 1982-47-4 | Chloroxifenidim, Norex, Tenoran | S | 1 |
Chlorphacinone | 3691-35-8 | Drat, Liphadione, Quick, Raviac, Rozol, Delta, Ranal | S | 1 |
Chlorthiophos | 21923-23-9 | Celathion | L | 1 |
Chromic acid | 11115-74-5 | Chromium Oxide Solution | L | 100 |
Cobalt | 7440-48-4 | — | S | 1 |
Cobalt carbonyl | 10210-68-1 | Cobalt Tetracarbonyl, Dicobalt Carbonyl | S | 1 |
Cobalt, 2,2'- | 62207-76-5 | Fluomine | S | 1 |
Colchicine | 64-86-8 | Colsin, Colsaloid, Condylon, Colchisol | S | 1 |
Combustible substances | — | — | L | 100 |
Copper cyanide | 544-92-3 | Cupric cyanide | S | 10 |
Corrosive substances | — | — | L,S | 100 |
Coumafuryl | 117-52-2 | Fumarin, Krumkil, Lurat, Rathafin, Rat-A-Way, Tomarin | S | 1 |
Coumaphos | 56-72-4 | Colsin, Colsaloid, Condylon, Colchisol | S | 10 |
Coumatetralyl | 5836-29-3 | Endox, Endrocide, Racumin | S | 1 |
Cresol,o- | 95-48-7 | Cresylic Acid, o-toluol,2-Methylphenol | S | 100 |
Crimidine | 535-89-7 | Castrix | S | 1 |
Crotonaldehyde | 4170-30-3 | 2-Butenal, Crotonal, Crotylaldehyde | L | 100 |
Crotonaldehyde. (E)- | 123-73-9 | Trans-2-Butenal, Topanel | L | 100 |
Cyanogen bromide | 506-68-3 | Campilit, Bromine Cyanide, Bromocyan | S | 100 |
Cyanogen iodide | 506-78-5 | Iodine Cyanide, Jodcyan | S | 1 |
Cyanophos | 2636-26-2 | Ciafos, Cyanox, Cyap | L | 1 |
Cyanuric fluoride | 675-14-9 | 2,1,6-Trifluoro-s-Triazine | L | 1 |
Cychlohexane | 110-82-7 | Hexamethylene | L | 100 |
Cychloheximide | 66-81-0 | Acti-Aid, Actidion, Hizarocin, Kaken, Naramycin | S | 1 |
Cyclohexylamine | 108-91-8 | Hexahydroaniline, Hexahydrobenzeamine | L | 1 |
Cyclopentane | 287-92-3 | Penatmethylene | L | 1 |
Decaborane (14) | 17702-41-9 | Decarboron | S | 1 |
Demeton | 8065-48-3 | Systox, Isosystox, Thioldemeton, Mercaptofos | L | 1 |
Demeton-s-methyl | 919-86-8 | Isometasystox, Metaisoseptox, Teolovy | L | 1 |
Dialifos | 10311-84-9 | Dialifor, Torak | S | 1 |
Diborane | 19287-45-7 | Boron Hydride, Boroethane | G | 1 |
Dibutyl phthalate | 84-74-2 | Elaol, Celluflex DPB | L | 10 |
Dichlorbenzalkonium chloride | 8023-53-8 | Tetrosan | S | 1 |
1,2-Dichlorbenzene | 95-50-1 | o-Dichlorobenzene | L | 100 |
1,3-Dichlorbenzene | 41-73-1 | m-Dichlorobenzene | L | 100 |
1,4-Dichlorbenzene | 106-46-7 | p-Dichlorobenzene | L | 100 |
1,1-Dichloroethane | 75-34-3 | Ethylidene dichloride | L | 100 |
1,2-Dichloroethane | 107-06-2 | Ethylene dichloride | L | 100 |
1,1-Dichloroethylene | 75-35-4 | Vinylidene chloride | L | 100 |
Dichloroethyl ether | 111-44-4 | Bis(2-chloroethyl)Ether, Chlorex | L | 1 |
Dichloromethyphenylsilane | 149-74-6 | Phenylmethyldichlorosilane | L | 1 |
2,4-Dichlorophenol | 120-83-2 | — | S | 100 |
2,6-Dichlorophenol | 87-65-0 | — | S | 100 |
2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid, esters, salts | 94-75-7 | 2,4-D | S | 100 |
2,2-Dichloropropionic acid | 75-99-0 | Dalapan | L | 100 |
1,3-Dichloropropene | 542-75-6 | — | L | 100 |
Dichlorvos | 62-73-7 | Marvex, Phosvit, Vapona, Atgard, Nuvan, Tenac | L | 10 |
Dicrotophos | 141-66-2 | Bidrin, Oleobidrin, Carbicron, Carbomicron | L | 1 |
Diepoxybutane | 1464-53-5 | Bioxiran, Butadiene Dioxide | L | 1 |
Diethyl chlorophosphate | 814-49-3 | Diethoxyphosphorous Oxychloride | L | 1 |
Diethyl-p-phenylene diamine | 93-05-0 | N,N,-Diethyl-1,4-Benzenediamine | L | 1 |
Diethylcarbamazine citrate | 1642-54-2 | Cypip, Banocide, Dicarocide, Ditrizine, Franocide | S | 1 |
Digitoxin | 71-63-6 | Acedoxin, Digitalin, Glucodigin, Purpurid | S | 1 |
Diglycidyl ether | 2238-07-5 | Bis(2,3-Epoxypropyl)ether | L | 1 |
Digoxin chloride | 20830-75-5 | Acygoxin, Lanicor, Digacin, Lanoxin, Rougoxin | S | 1 |
Dimefox | 115-26-4 | Hanane, Pestox 14, Terrasystum, Tetrasystam | L | 1 |
Dimethoate | 60-51-5 | Crygon. Daphene, Dimethon, Perfecthion, Phosphamide | S | 10 |
2,4-Dimethylphenol | 105-67-9 | — | S | 100 |
Dimethyl phosphoro-chloridothioate | 2524-03-0 | Chlorodimethoxyphosphine sulfide | L | 1 |
Dimethyl phthalate | 131-11-3 | Avolin, Fermine, Mipax, Repeftal, Solvanom, Unimolum | L | 1,000 |
Dimethyl sulfate | 77-78-1 | DMS, Methyl Sulfat | L | 1 |
Dimethyl sulfide | 75-18-3 | DMS,2-Thiapropane, Dimethyl Thioether, Exact-S | L | 1 |
Dimethyl-p-phenylene diamine | 99-98-9 | N.N,-Dimethyl-1, 4-Benzenediamine | S | 1 |
Dimethylamine | 124-40-3 | Methylmethanamine | G | 100 |
Dimethyldichlorosilane | 75-78-5 | Dichlorodimethylsilicon, Inerton AW-DMCS | L | 1 |
DimethyIhydrazine | 57-14-7 | Dimazin, Unsymmetrical DimethyIhydrazine | L | 1 |
Dimetilan | 644-64-4 | Fly Bands, Snip | S | 1 |
Dinitrobenzene | 25154-54-5 | Dinitrobenzol | S | 100 |
Dinitrocresol | 534-52-1 | 2,4-Dinitro-6-Methylcresol, Antinonin, Capsine Elgetol | S | 10 |
Dinitrophenol | 25550-58-7 | — | S | 10 |
Dinitrotoluene | 25321-14-6 | Methyl-dinitrobenzene | S | 100 |
Dinoseb | 88-85-7 | Butaphene, Caldon, Dibutox, Elgetol, Premgra | S | 100 |
Dinoterb | 1420-07-1 | Herbogil, Stirpanforte, Veraline, Creme | S | 1 |
Dioctyl phthalate | 117-84-0 | 1,2-Benzene tricarboxylic Acid Dioctyl Ester | L | 1,000 |
Dioxathion | 78-34-2 | Bercotox, Delnatex, Dioxothion, Navadel, Ruphos | L | 1 |
Dioxolane | 646-06-0 | 1,3-Dioxole, Ethylene Glycol Formal, Formal | L | 1 |
Diphacinone | 82-66-6 | Diandrin, Didion. Dipaxi, Diphacin, promar, Ramik | S | 1 |
Diphosphoramide | 152-16-9 | Lethalaire G-59, Ompatox, Ompax Postox III | L | 100 |
Disulfoton | 98-298-04-4 | Disystox, Ethylthiometon, Frumin, Glebofos | L | — |
Dithiazanine iodide | 514-73-8 | Abminthic, Anelmid, Delvex, Dilombrinl, Partel | S | 1 |
Dithiobiuret | 541-53-7 | 2-Thio-1-thiocarbamoyl urea | S | 100 |
Emetine, dihydrochloride | 316-42-7 | Amebicide, Emetine Hydrochloride | S | 1 |
Endosulfan | 115-29-7 | Thiosulfan, Thiotex, Benzoepin, Chlorthiepin | S | 1 |
Endothion | 2778-04-3 | Endocide, Exothion, Phosphopylon, Phosphopyrone | S | 1 |
Endrin | 72-20-8 | Hexadrin, Isodrin Epoxide, Endrical, Endrex, Mendrin | S | 1 |
Epichlorohydrin | 106-89-8 | 1-chloro-2,3-Epoxypropane, Glycidyl Chloride | L | 100 |
EPN | 2104-64-5 | Santox | S | 1 |
Ergocalciferol | 50-14-5 | Activated Ergosterol, Condol, Drisdol, Vitamin D2 | S | 1 |
Ergotamine tartrate | 379-79-3 | Gynergen, Ergam, Exmigra, Rigtamin, Secagyn, Secopan | S | 1 |
Ethanesulfonyl chloride, 2-chloro | 1622-32-8 | 2-Chlolroethylsulfonyl Chloride | L | 1 |
Ethanol,1,2-dichloro-acetate | 10140-87-1 | 1,2-Dichloroethyl Acetate | L | 1 |
Ethion | 5563-12-2 | Diethion, Ethopaz, Hylemox, Rhodocide, Soprathion | L | 10 |
Ethoprophos | 13194-48-4 | Mocap, Ethoprop, Jolt, Prophos, Rovokil, VC9-104 | L | 1 |
Ethyl cyanide | 107-12-0 | Propanenitrile | L | 10 |
Ethyl ether | 60-29-7 | Diethyl ether, Ethyl oxide, Ether | L | 1 |
Ethyl thiocyanate | 542-90-5 | Ethyl Rhodanate, Ethyl Sulphocyanate, Thicyanatoethane | L | 1 |
Ethylbenzene | 100-41-4 | Phenylethane | L | 100 |
Ethylbis(2-chlorethyl) amine | 538-07-8 | 2,2'-Dichlorotriethylamine | L | 1 |
Ethylene dibromide | 106-93-4 | 1,2-Dibromoethane | L | 1,000 |
Ethylene dichloride | 107-06-2 | 1,2-Dichloroethane | L | 100 |
Ethylene fluorohydrin | 371-62-0 | 2-Fluoroethanol, beta-fluoroethanol | L | 1 |
Ethylene oxide | 75-21-8 | Oxane, Oxirane, Oxyfume, Oxacyclopropane | G | 1 |
Ethylenediamine | 107-15-3 | 1,2'-Diaminoethane, Dimethylenediamine | L | 100 |
Ethyleneimine | 151-56-4 | Azacyclopropane, Azirane, Aziridine, Ethylimine | L | 1 |
Ethylidene dichloride | 75-34-3 | 1,2-Diaminoethane, Dimethylenediamine | L | 100 |
Ethylmercuric phosphate | 2235-25-8 | Soilsin, Ruberon, Ceresan, Lignasin, Granosan M | S | 1 |
Fenamiphos | 22224-92-6 | Nemacur, Phenamiphos | S | 1 |
Fenitrothion | 122-14-5 | Nitrophos, Metathion, Nuvanol, Sumithion, Fentrothione | L | 1 |
Fensulfothion | 115-90-2 | Agricur, Dasanit, Terracur, Daconit, Chemgro 25141 | L | 1 |
Flammable substances | — | — | L | 100 |
Fluenetil | 4301-50-2 | Fluenethyl, Lambrol, Mytrol | S | 1 |
Fluoracetyl chloride | 359-06-8 | — | L | 1 |
Fluorine | 7782-41-4 | — | G | 10 |
Fluoroacetamide | 640-19-7 | Fussol, Megatox, Navron, Rodex, Yanock, Fluorakil 100 | S | 100 |
Fluorouracil | 51-21-8 | Efudex, Fluoroplex, Fluracil, Fluril | S | 1 |
Fluroacetic acid | 144-49-0 | Cymonic Acid, Gifblaar Poison | S | 1 |
Fonofos | 944-22-9 | Dyphonate, Difonat, Difonatul, Dyfonate | L | 1 |
Formaldehyde | 50-00-0 | Formalin, Lysoform, Morbicid, Methanai, Formal | G | 100 |
Formaldehyde cyanohydrin | 107-16-4 | Hydroxyacetonitrile, Cyanomethanol, Glycolic Nitrile | L | 1 |
Formetanate | 23422-53-9 | Formenatate Hydrochloride, Carzol | S | 1 |
Formothion | 2540-82-1 | Aflix, Anthio, Toprose, Antio | L | 1 |
Formparanate | 17702-57-7 | — | S | 1 |
Fosthietan | 21548-32-3 | Acconem, Geofos, Nem-a-tak | L | 1 |
Fuberidazole | 3878-19-1 | Fuberidatol, Fubridazole, Voronit, Fuberisazol | L | 100 |
Furan | 110-00-9 | Tetrol, Axole, 1,4-Epoxy-1,3-Butadiene, Furfuran | L | 100 |
Gallium trichloride | 13450-90-3 | Gallium (III) Chloride | S | 1 |
Hexachlorocyclopentadiene | 77-47-4 | Graphlox, Perchlorcyclopentadiene | L | 1 |
Hexachloronaphthalene | 1335-87-1 | Halowax 1014 | S | 1 |
Hexamethylenediamine, N,N'-dibutyl | 4835-11-4 | 1,6-N,N'-Dibutylhexanediamine | L | 1 |
Hydrazine | 302-01-2 | Diamine, Levoxine | L | 1 |
Hydrochloric acid | 7647-01-0 | Muriatic acid | L | 100 |
Hydrocyanic acid | 74-90-8 | Hydrogen Cyanide, Prussic Acid, Cyclon, Evercyn | G | 10 |
Hydrofluoric acid | 7664-39-3 | Fluohydric Acid | L | 100 |
Hydrogen chloride | 7647-01-0 | Hydrochloric Acid, Muriatic Acid, Spirits of Salt | L,G | 100 |
Hydrogen fluoride | 7664-39-3 | Hydrofluoric Acid, Antisal 2B | L,G | 100 |
Hydrogen peroxide (conc>52%) | 7722-84-1 | Albone, Inhibine, Perhydrol, Superoxol | L | 1 |
Hydrogen selenide | 7783-07-5 | Selane, Selenium Anhydride, Selenium Dihydride | G | 1 |
Hydrogen sulfide | 7783-06-4 | Sewer Gas, Stink Damp, Hydrosulfuric Acid | G | 100 |
Hydroquinone | 123-31-9 | 1,4-Benzenediol, Quinol, Tequinol, Arctuvin | S | 1 |
Hydrosulphuric acid | 7783-06-4 | Aqueous hydrogen sulfide | L | 100 |
Ignitable substances | — | — | S,L,G | 100 |
Indomethacin | 53-86-1 | Amuno, Artrivia, Indacin, Indomed, Metartril, Sadoreum | S | 1 |
Iridium tetrachloride | 10025-97-5 | Iridium(IV)Chloride, Iridic Chloride | S | 1 |
Iron,pentacarbonyl- | 13463-40-6 | Pentacarbonyliron, Iron Carbonyl | L | 1 |
Isobenzan | 297-78-9 | Omtan, Telodrin | S | 1 |
Isobutyronitrile | 78-82-0 | 2-Cyanopropane, Isopropyl Nitrile, Isopropyl | L | 1 |
Isocyanic acid,3,4-dichlorophenyl ester | 102-36-3 | 1,2-Dichloro-4-Isocyanatobenzene | S | 1 |
Isodrin | 465-73-6 | Experimental Insecticide 711 | S | 1 |
Isofluorphate | 55-91-4 | Difmpyl, Dyflos, Floropryl, Fluostigmine | L | 100 |
Isophorone | 78-59-1 | — | L | 100 |
Isophorone diisocyanate | 4098-71-9 | — | S | 1 |
Isopropyl chloroformate | 108-23-6 | Isopropyl Chlorocarbonate | L | 1 |
Isopropyl formate | 625-55-8 | — | L | 1 |
Isopropylmethylpyrazolyl dimethylcarbamate | 119-38-0 | Primin, Saolan, Isolan | L | 1 |
Kepone | 143-50-0 | Chlordecone | S | 1 |
Lactonitrile | 78-97-7 | 2-Hydroxypropanentrile, Acetocyanohydrin | L | 1 |
Leptophos | 21609-90-5 | Abar, Fosvel, Lepton, OJeophosvel, Vlsicol 506 | S | 1 |
Lewisite | 541-25-3 | Chlorovinylarsine Dichloride | L | 1 |
Lindane | 58-89-9 | Aficide, Isotox, Silvanol, Viton, Gammahexa, Horte | S | 1 |
Lithium hydride | 7580-67-8 | — | S | 1 |
Malathion | 1.21-75-5 | Carbofos | L | 1 |
Malononitrile | 109-77-3 | Dicyanomethane, Propanedinitrile, Methylenedinitrile | S | 100 |
Manganese, tricarbonyl methylcyclopentadienyl | 12108-13-3 | Antiknock-33, Methylcymantrene | L | 1 |
Mechlorethamine | 51-75-2 | Chloramine, Mustargen, Nitrogen Mustard, Embichin | L | 1 |
Mercuric acetate | 1600-27-7 | Mercury(II)Acetate, Mercuric Diacetate | S | 1 |
Mercuric chloride | 7487-94-7 | Mercury(Il)Chloride, Corrosive Sublimate, Fungchex Solem | S | 1 |
Mercuric cyanide | 592-04-1 | Canurina | S | 1 |
Mercuric oxide | 21908-53-2 | Montroydite, Red Precipitate, Yellow Precipitate | S | 1 |
Mercury | 7439-97-6 | Quick Silver | S | 1 |
Mesitylene | 108-67-8 | 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene, Fleet X | L | 1 |
Mesphosfolan | 950-10-7 | — | L | 1 |
Methacrolein diacetate | 10476-95-6 | — | L | 1 |
Methacrylic anhydride | 760-93-0 | Methacryloyl Anhydride | L | 1 |
Methacrylonitrile | 126-98-7 | 2-Cyano-1-Propene, Isopropene Cyanide | L | 100 |
Methacryloyl chloride | 920-46-7 | Methacrylic Chloride | L | 1 |
Methaeryloyioxyethyl isocyanate | 30674-80-7 | — | L | 1 |
Methamidophos | 10265-92-6 | Monitor, Acephate-Met. Hamidop, Tamaron, Chevaron 9006 | S | 1 |
Methanesulfonyl fluoride | 558-25-8 | Fumette | L | 1 |
Methanol | 67-56-1 | Methyl alcohol, Wood alcohol | L | 100 |
Methidathion | 950-37-8 | Ultracide, Supracide, Medathion, Somonil, Supracid | S | 1 |
Methiocarb | 2032-65-7 | Mesurol, Metmercapturon | S | 10 |
Methomyl | 16752-77-5 | Lannate, Meysomile, Nudrin | S | 100 |
Methoxyethylmercuric-acetate | 151-38-2 | Landisan, Mercuran, Radosan | S | 1 |
Methy thiocyanate | 556-64-9 | Methyl Rhodanate, Methyl Sulfocyanate | L | 1 |
Methyl 2-chloroacrylate | 80-63-7 | Methyl 2-chloro-2-Propenoate | L | 1 |
Methyl bromide | 74-83-9 | Bromomethane, Corafume, Pestmaster, Rotox, Zytox | G | 100 |
Methyl chloride | 74-87-3 | Chloromethane | G | 1 |
Methyl chloroformate | 79-22-1 | Methoxycarbonyl Chloride, Methyl Chlorocarbonate | L | 100 |
Methyl disulfilde | 624-92-0 | Dimethyldisulfide | L | 1 |
Methyl ethyl ketone | 78-93-3 | 1-Butanone | L | 100 |
Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide | 1338-23-4 | 2-Butanone peroxide | L | 10 |
Methyl isobutyl ketone | 108-10-1 | Methyl pentanone, 4-Methyl-2-pentanone | L | 5,000 |
Methyl isocyanate | 624-83-9 | Isocyanatomethane | L | 1 |
Methyl isothiocyanate | 556-61-6 | Methyl Mustard Oil, Trapex, Trapexide, Vorlex, Vortex | S | 1 |
Methyl mercaptan | 74-93-1 | Methanethiol, Thiomethanol, Mercaptomethane | G | 100 |
Methyl methacrylate | 80-62-6 | Methyl methacrylate monomer | L | 100 |
Methyl phenkapton | 3735-23-7 | Methyl Phencapton | L | 1 |
Methyl phosphonic dichloride | 676-97-1 | — | S | 1 |
Methyl vinyl ketone | 78-94-4 | 2-Butenone, 3-Buten-2-one, Methylene Acetone | L | 1 |
Methylene bromide | 74-95-3 | Dibromomethane | L | 100 |
Methylene chloride | 75-09-2 | Dichloromethane | L | 100 |
Methylhydrazine | 60-34-4 | Hydrazomethane, 1-Monomethylhydrazine | L | 10 |
Methylmercuric dicyonamide | 502-39-6 | Agrosol, Morsodren, Morton Soil Drench, Pano-Drench | S | 1 |
Methyltrichlorosilane | 75-79-6 | Methylsilyl Trichloride, Trichloromethyl silicon | L | 1 |
Metolcarb | 1129-41-5 | Tsumacide, m-Cresyl Methyl carbamate, Kumia, Metacrate | S | 1 |
Mevinphos | 7786-34-7 | Apavinphos, Fosdrin, Gesfid. Gestid, Meniphos, Menite, Phosfene | L | 10 |
Mexacarbate | 315-18-4 | Zectran, Mexicarbate, Zectane, Zaxfran, Zactran | S | 1,000 |
Mitomycin C | 50-07-7 | Ametycine, Mutamycin | S | 1 |
Monocrotophos | 6923-22-4 | Azodrin, N-methyl Bidrin, Nuvacron, Bilogran, Monocron | S | 1 |
Muscimol | 2763-96-4 | Agarin, Agarine, Pantherine | S | 1,000 |
Mustard gas | 505-60-2 | Sulfur Mustard. Yperite, Yellow cross liquid, Mustard Vapor | L | 1 |
Napthalene | 91-20-3 | Naphthene | S | 100 |
Nickel | 7440-02-0 | Nickel sponge, Raney Alloy, Cabonyl nickel powder | S | 1 |
Nickel carbonyl | 13463-39-3 | Nickel tetracarbonyl | L | 1 |
Nickel cyanide | 557-19-7 | — | S | 1 |
Nicotine | 54-11-5 | Destruxol orchid spray, Mach-Nic, Nicocide, Nico-Dust | L | 100 |
Nicotine sulfate | 65-30-5 | Black leaf 40 | S | 1 |
Nitric acid | 7697-37-2 | Aqua fortis. Nital, Engraver's acid, Azotic Acid | L | 100 |
Nitric oxide | 10102-43-9 | Nitrogen Monoxide, Nitrogen Oxide | G | 10 |
Nitrobenzene | 98-95-3 | Mirbane oil, essence of myrbane | L | 100 |
Nitrocyclohexane | 1122-60-7 | — | L | 1 |
Nitrogen dioxide | 10102-44-0 | Nitrito, Nitro, Nitrogen peroxide, Nitrogen tetroxide | G | 10 |
Nitroglycerine | 55-63-0 | Nitroglycerol, glycerine trinitrate | L | 10 |
Nitroxodimethylamine | 62-75-9 | Dimethyl Nitrosamine, Dimethylnitrosoamine | L | 1 |
Nitrotoluene | 1321-12-6 | Methylnitrobenzene | L | 100 |
Norbormide | 991-42-4 | Raticide, Raticate, Shoxin | S | 1 |
Oleum | 0 | Fuming Sulfuric Acid | L | 1 |
Organorhodium complex (PMN-82-147) | 0 | — | — | — |
Orotic acid | 65-86-1 | Animal galactose factor, Whey Factor, Orodin, Orotonin | S | 1 |
Osmium tetroxide | 20816-12-0 | Osmic acid anhydride, Perosmic Oxide, Osmium Oxide | S | 100 |
Ouabain | 630-60-4 | Acocantherin, Astrobain, Storphosan, Purostrophan | S | 1 |
Oxamyl | 23135-22-0 | Thioazmyl, Vydate | S | 1 |
Oxetane,3,3 bis(chloromethyl)- | 78-71-7 | Penton | L | 1 |
Oxydisulfoton | 2497-07-6 | Disyston Sulfoxide, Oxydemeton-ethyl | L | 1 |
Ozone | 10028-15-6 | Triatomic oxygen | G | 1 |
Paraformaldehyde | 30525-89-4 | Paraform | S | 100 |
Paraquat | 1910-42-5 | Crisquat, Gramoxone, Methyl, Vilogen, pathclear | S | 1 |
Paraquat methosulfate | 2074-50-2 | Paraquat Dimethyl Sulfate, Gramoxone Methyl Sulfate | S | 1 |
Parathion | 56-38-2 | Ethyl Parathion, Alkron, Phoskil, Panthion, Phosphenol | L | 1 |
Parathion methyl | 298-00-0 | Azophos, Dalf, Metaphos, Metacide, Metron, Nitrox, Wofotox | S | 100 |
Paris green | 12002-03-8 | Basle Green, Pigment Green 21, Cupric acetoarsenite | S | 100 |
Penol, 2,2'-thiobis [4-chloro-6-methyl] | 4418-66-0 | Chlorbisan, Orbisan | S | 1 |
Pentaborane | 19624-22-7 | Pentaboron Nonahydride | L | 1 |
Pentachloroethane | 76-01-7 | Pentalin, Ethane Pentachloride | L | 1 |
Pentachlorophenol | 87-86-5 | Chem-Tol, Chlorophen, Penta, Weedone, Permacide | S | 10 |
Pentadecylamine | 2570-26-5 | 1-Pentadecanamine | S | 1 |
Peracetic acid | 79-21-0 | Peroxyacetic Acid, Acetyl Hydroperoxide | L | 1 |
Perchloromethylmercaptan | 594-42-3 | Trichloromethane sulfenyl chloride | L | 100 |
Petroleum Distillates and Residues | — | — | L | 10 |
(a) light crude and light distillates (petroleum ether, gasoline, naphtha, Stoddard's solvent, mineral spirits, petroleum spirits, ligroin, benzine(e); | — | — | — | — |
(b) kerosene, diesel oil (light or heavy), #2, fuel oil; | — | — | L | 100 |
(c) #4 and heavier fuel oils, heavy crude oil and residues. | — | — | L | 500 |
Phenol | 108-95-2 | Carbolic Acid, Izal, Phenyl Alcohol | S | 100 |
Phenol,3-((1-methylethy l)-ethyl)-methylcarbamate | 64-00-6 | m-Cumenyl methyl carbanate, Hercules 5727 | S | 1 |
Phenol,2,2-thiobis [4,6-dichloro-] | 97-18-7 | Actamer, Bidiphen, Bithionol, Bitin, Lorothiodel, Neopellis | S | 1 |
Phenoxarsine,10,10'-oxydi | 58-36-6 | Estabex ABF | S | 1 |
Phenyl dichloroarsine | 696-28-6 | Phenylarsinedichloride | L | 1 |
Phenylhydrazine hydrochloride | 59-88-1 | Phenylhydrazine Monohydrochloride | S | 1 |
Phenyl mercury acetate | 62-38-4 | Mersolite, Liquiphene, Dyanacide, Algimycin, Trigosan | S | 100 |
Phenylsilatrane | 2097-19-0 | — | S | 1 |
Phenylthiourea | 103-85-5 | Phenythiocarbamide | S | 100 |
Phorate | 298-02-2 | Thimet, Granotox, Rampart, Vegfru, Foratox, Vergfru | L | 10 |
Phosacetim | 4104-14-7 | Gophacide, Phosazetim | S | 1 |
Phosfolan | 947-02-4 | Cyolane, Cayolan, Cylan, Cyolan | S | 1 |
Phosgene | 75-44-5 | Carbonyl Chloride, Chloroformyl Chloride | G | 10 |
Phosmet | 732-11-6 | Prolate, Imidan, Decemthion, Ftalophos, Percolate | S | 1 |
Phosphamidon | 13171-21-6 | Dimecron, Dixon, Famfos, Merkon, Sundaram | L | 1 |
Phosphine | 7803-51-2 | Celphos, Delicia, Hydrogen Phosphide, Detia Phosphorus Trichloride | G | 100 |
Phosphonothioic acid methyl-S-((2-bis(1- methylethyl)amino) ethyl)O-ethyl ester | 50782-69-9 | — | L | 1 |
Phosphonothioic acid, dimethyl 4-(methylethio) phenyl ester | 2665-30-7 | CP40294 | L | 1 |
Phosphonothioic acid, methyl-, O-ethyl O-(4- methyrthio)phenyl | 2703-13-1 | Bayer 29952 | L | 1 |
Phosphoric acid | 7664-38-2 | — | L | 100 |
Phosphoric acid, dimethyl | 3254-63-5 | — | L | 1 |
Phosphorus | 7723-14-0 | Rat-Nip, Bonide Blue Death Ratkiller, Exolit, LPK | S | 1 |
Phosphorus oxychloride | 10025-87-3 | Phosphoric Trichloride, Phosphorus Oxytrichloride | L | 100 |
Phosphorus pentachloride | 10026-13-8 | Phosphoric Perchloride, Phosphorus (V) Chloride | S | 1 |
Phoxphorus pentoxide | 1314-56-3 | Phosphoric Acid Anhydride, Phosphorous (V) Oxide | S | 1 |
Phylloquinone | 84-80-0 | Vitamin K1, Synthex P, Kephton, Aquamephyton | L | 1 |
Physostigmine | 57-47-6 | Calabarine, Esgrine, Esromiotin, Ezerin, Physost | S | 1 |
Physostigmine salicylate (1:1) | 57-64-7 | Eserine Salicylate, Physostol Salicylate | S | 1 |
Picrotoxin | 124-87-8 | Cocculus, Indian Berry, Cocculin, Fish Berry | S | 1 |
Piperidine | 110-89-4 | Azacyclohexane, Cylopentimine, Cypentil | L | 1 |
Piprotal | 5281-13-0 | Heliotropin Acetal, Tropital | S | 1 |
Pirmifos-ethyl | 23505-41-1 | Fernex, Pirimifosethyll, Primicid, Primotec, Pinicid | L | 1 |
Platinous chloride | 10025-65-7 | Platinum Chloride, Muriate of Platinum | S | 1 |
Platinum tetrachloride | 13454-96-1 | Platinum (IV) Chloride, Platinic Chloride | S | 1 |
Polychlorinated Biphenyls | 1336-36-3 | PCBs, Aroclors | L | 10 |
Posphorus trichloride | 7719-12-2 | Trichlorphosphine | L | 100 |
Potassium arsenite | 10124-50-2 | Potassium Metaarsenite, Fowler's Solution | S | 1,000 |
Potassium cyanide | 151-50-8 | Cyanide of Potassium | S | 10 |
Potassium hydroxide | 1310-58-3 | Caustic potash | S,L | 100 |
Potassium silver cyanide | 506-61-6 | Potassium Argentocyanide, Potassium Dicyanoargentate | S | 1 |
Promecarb | 2631-37-0 | Carbamult, Promecarb | S | 1 |
Propargyl bromide | 106-96-7 | 3-Bromo-Propyne, gamma-Bromoallylene | L | I |
Propiolactone, beta- | 57-57-8 | 2-Oxetanone, Betaprone, 3-Hydroxypropionic Acid Lactone | L | 1 |
Propionitrile | 107-12-0 | Cyanoethane, Ether Cynatus, Ethyl cyanide, Propylnitrile | L | 10 |
Propionitrile, 3-chloro- | 542-76-7 | 3-Chloropropanonitrile, 1-chloro-2-cyanoethane | L | 100 |
Propyl chlorformate | 309-61-5 | Propyl Chlorocarbonate | L | 1 |
Propylene glycol, allyl ether | 1331-17-5 | Propanol, Allyloxy;1,2-Propanediol, Allyl Ether | L | 1 |
Propylene oxide | 75-56-9 | 1,2-Epoxypropane, Methyl Oxirane, Propylene | L | 100 |
Propyleneimine | 75-55-8 | 2-Methyl Aziridine, 2-Methylazacyclopropane | L | 1 |
Prothoate | 2275-18-5 | Trimethoate, Fostion, Oleofac, Prothoat, Telefos | S | 1 |
Pseudocumene | 95-63-3 | 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene, Pseudocumol,psi-cumene | L | 1 |
Pyrene | 129-00-0 | Benzo [d,e,f,] henanthrene, beta-Pyrene | S | 1,000 |
Pyridine, 2-methyl-5-vinyl | 140-76-1 | 2-Picoline 5-vinyl, 2-Methyl-5-Ethylpyridine | L | 1 |
Pyridine, 4-amino- | 504-24-5 | Aritrol, p-Aminopyridine, 4-Pyradinamine | S | 1,000 |
Pyridine,4-nitro-,1-oxide | 1124-33-0 | 4-Nitro-Pyridine-N-Oxime | S | 1 |
Pyriminil | 53558-25-1 | VACOR, DLP-87, DLP 787 | S | 1 |
Reactive substances | — | — | S,L,G | 100 |
Rhodium trichloride | 10049-07-7 | Rhodium (III) Chloride, Rhodium Chloride | S | 1 |
Salcomine | 14167-18-1 | Salcomin, Salcomine Powder | S | 1 |
Sarin | 107-44-8 | Trilone 46, Isopropyl Methyl Fluorophosphate | L | 1 |
Selenium oxychloride | 7791-23-3 | Seleninyl Chloride, Selenynyl Dichloride | L | 1 |
Selenous acid | 7783-00-8 | Selenious Acid, Monohydrated Selenium Dioxide | S | 10 |
Semicarbazide hydro-chloride | 563-41-7 | Amidourea Hydrochloride, Hydrazine Carboxamide Hydrochloride | S | 1 |
Silane,(4-aminobutyl) diethoxymethyl- | 3037-72-7 | delta- Aminobuty lmethyldiethyl oxy s ilane | L | 1 |
Silvex | 93-72-1 | 2,4,5-TP acid | L | 100 |
Sodium anthraquinone-1-sulfonate | 128-56-3 | — | S | 1 |
Sodium arsenate | 7631-89-2 | Sodium Orthoarsenate, Fatsco Ant Poison, Sweeney's Ant Go | S | 100 |
Sodium arsenite | 7784-46-5 | Sodium Metaarsenite, Kill-All, Penite, Prodalumnol, Atlas 'A' | S | 100 |
Sodium azide (Na(N3)) | 26628-22-8 | Azide, Azium, Kazoe, Smite | S | 1 |
Sodium cacodylate | 124-65-2 | Silvisar, Arsycodile, Alkarsodyl, Ansar 160 | S | 1 |
Sodium cyanide (Na(CN)) | 143-33-9 | Cyanogran, Cymag | S | 10 |
Sodium fluoroacetate | 62-74-8 | Fratol, Furatol, Compd 1080, Yasoknock, Ratbane 1080 | S | 10 |
Sodium hydroxide | 1310-73-2 | Caustic Soda, Caustic | S,L | 100 |
Sodium hypochlorite | 7681-52-9 | — | S,L | 100 |
Sodium pentachlorophenate | 131-52-2 | Pentaphenate, Santobrite, Weedbeads, Dowicide G | S | 1 |
Sodium selenate | 13410-01-0 | Disodium Selenate, Sel-Tox SS02 | S | 1 |
Sodium selenite | 10102-18-8 | Disodium Selenite, Disodium Selenium Trioxide | S | 100 |
Sodium tellurite | 10102-20-2 | Sodium Tellurate (IV) | S | 1 |
Solfoxide,3-chloropropyl octyl | 3569-57-1 | MGK Repellent 1,207 | L | 1 |
Strychnine | 57-24-9 | Certox, Kwik-kill, Mouse-Rid, Sanaseed, Strychnos, Mouse Notes | S | 10 |
Strychnine, sulfate | 60-41-3 | Strychnidin-10-one, Sulfate (2:1) | S | 1 |
Styrene | 100-42-5 | Phenylethylene | L | 100 |
Sulfotep | 3689-24-5 | Dithion, Dithiofos, Bladafum, Thiotep, Pirofos | L | 100 |
Sulfur dioxide | 7446-09-5 | Sulfur oxide, Sulfurous Anhydride | G | 1 |
Sulfur tetrafluoride | 7783-60-0 | Sulfur Fluoride (SF4), Tetrafluorosulfurane | G | 1 |
Sulfur trioxide | 7446-11-9 | Sulfan, Sulfuric Anhydride, Sulfuric oxide | S | 1 |
Sulfuric acid | 7664-93-9 | Battery Acid, Dipping Acid, Oil of Vitrei, Hydrogen Sulfate | L | 100 |
Sylylene dichloride | 28347-13-9 | bis-Chloromethyl Benzene, Xylylene Chloride | S | 1 |
Tabun | 77-81-6 | — | L | 1 |
Tellurium | 13494-80-9 | Aurum Paradoxum, Metallum Problematum | S | 1 |
Tellurium hexafluoride | 7783-80-4 | Tellurium Fluoride (TeF6) | G | 1 |
Tepp | 107-49-3 | Tetraethyl Diphosphate, Tetron, Hexamite, Killax | L | 10 |
Terbufos | 13071-79-9 | Counter | L | 1 |
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane | 79-34-5 | Unsymmetric tetrachlorethane | L | 1 |
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane | 630-20-6 | Acetylene tetrachloride | L | 100 |
Tetrachloroethylene | 127-18-4 | Perchloroethylene, Perc | L | 1 |
Tetrachlorobenzene | 95-94-3 | Benzene tetrachloride | L | 100 |
Tetraethyltin | 597-64 | Tetraethylstannane | L | 1 |
Thallic oxide | 1314-32-5 | Dithallium Trioxide, Thallium (III) Oxide, Thallium Sesquioxide | S | 100 |
Thallium sulfate | 10031-59-1 | Ratox, Zelid | S | 100 |
Thallous carbonate | 6533-73-9 | Thallium (I) Carbonate, Dithallium Carbonate, Thallium Carbonate | S | 100 |
Thallous chloride | 7791-12-0 | Thallium (I) Chloride, Thallium Monochloride, Thallium Cloride | S | 100 |
Thallous malonate | 2757-18-8 | Formomalenic Thallium, Propanedioic Acid, Dithallium Salt | S | 1 |
Thallous sulfate | 7446-18-6 | Thallium (I) Sulfate, Dithallium Sulfate | S | 100 |
Thiocarbazide | 2231-57-4 | 1,3-Diamino-2Thiourea, Thiocarbonic Dihydrazide | S | 1 |
Thiocyanic acid, 2-(benzothiazolylthio methyl ester) | 21564-17-0 | Busan 30, Busan 72, Ichiban | L | 1 |
Thiofanox | 39196-18-4 | Dacomax | S | 100 |
Thiometon | 640-15-3 | Ekatin, Intrathion, Intration, Luxistelm, Thiameton | L | 1 |
Thionazin | 297-97-2 | Cynem, Nemafos, Nemaphos, Nematocide, Zinophos | L | 100 |
Thiophenol | 108-98-5 | Benzenethiol, Mercaptobenzene, Phenyl Mercaptan, Phenylthiol | L | 100 |
Thiosemicarbazide | 79-19-6 | 1-Amino- 2-Thiourea, Thiocarbamoylhydrazine, Hydrazinecarbothioamite | S | 100 |
Thiourea,(2-chlorophenyl) | 5344-82-1 | (o-Chlorophenyl)Thiourea | S | 100 |
Thiourea,(2-methylphenyl) | 614-78-8 | 1-o-Tolyl-2-Thiourea | S | 1 |
Titanium tetrachloride | 7550-45-0 | Tetrachlorotitanium, Titanic Chloride, Titanium Chloride | L | 1 |
Toluene | 108-88-3 | Mefhylbenzene | L | 100 |
Toluene 2,4-diisocyanate | 584-84-9 | Hylene TM, Mondur TD, Niax TDI, Nacconate 100 | L | 100 |
Toluene 2,6-diisocyanate | 91-08-7 | Hylene TM, Niax TDI | L | 100 |
Toxaphene | 8001-35-2 | Octachlorocamphene | S | 1 |
Trans-1,4-dichlorobutene | 110-57-6 | 1,4-Dichloro-2-Butene, 1,4-Dichloro-trans-2-Butene | L | 1 |
Triamiphos | 1031-47-6 | Triamphos, Wepsin, Wepsyn | S | 1 |
Triazofos | 24017-47-8 | Hostathion, Triazophos | L | 1 |
Trichloracetyl chloride | 76-02-8 | Tricholoroacetic Acid Chloride, Trichloro-acetochloride | L | 1 |
Trichloro(chloromethyl)silane | 1558-25-4 | (Chloromethyl)Trichlorosilane | L | 1 |
Trichloro(dichIorophenyl)silane | 27137-85-5 | (Dichlorophenyl)trichlorosilane | L | 1 |
1,1,1 -Trichloroethane | 71-55-6 | Methyl chloroform | L | 100 |
1,1,2-Trichlorethane | 79-00-5 | Vinyl trichloride | L | 1 |
Trichloroethylene | 79-01-6 | Trichloroethene, TCE | L | 100 |
Trichloroethylsilane | 315-21-9 | Ethyltrichlorosilane, Ethyl Silicon Trichloride | L | 1 |
Trichloromonormoromethane | 75-69-4 | Trichlorofluoromethane | L | 100 |
Trichloronate | 327-98-0 | Agrisil, Agritox, Fenophosphon, Fitosol, Phytosol | L | 1 |
Trichlorophenols | 25167-82-2 | — | S | 10 |
2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxy acetic acid | 93-76-5 | 2,4,5-T | L | 1,000 |
Trichlorophenyisilane | 98-13-5 | Phenyitrichlorosilane, Silicon Phenyl Trichloride Richloronate | L | 1 |
2,4,6-Trinitrophenol | 88-89-1 | Picric Acid | S | 1 |
Trichlorophon | 52-68-6 | Phoschlor, Prolox, Soldep, Trichlorophene, Trinex, Tugon | S | 100 |
Triethoxysilane | 998-30-1 | — | L | 1 |
Trimethylolchlorosilane | 75-77-4 | Trimethylsilyl Chloride, Chlorotrimethylsilane | L | 1 |
Trimethyltin chloride | 1066-45-1 | Chlorotrimethyl Stannane, Chlorotrimethyltin | S | 1 |
Trimethyoipropane phosphite | 824-11-3 | — | S | 1 |
Tri nitrobenzene | 99-35-4 | Trinitrobezol | S | 1 |
Triphenyltin Chloride | 639-58-7 | Brestanol, Chloro triphenyltin, Fentin Chloride, Tinmate | S | 1 |
Tris(2-chloroethyl)amine | 555-77-1 | 2,2',2'-Trichlortotriethylamine | L | 1 |
Valinomycin | 2001-95-8 | Antibiotic N-329 B, Vanilomicin | S | 1 |
Vanadium pentoxide | 1314-62-1 | Vanadic Anhydride, Divanadium Pentoxide | S | 100 |
Vinyl acetate monomer | 108-05-4 | Vinyl Acetate HQ, Vyac, Zesett, Ethenyl Acetate | L | 100 |
Vinyl chloride | 75-01-4 | Chloroethane, Chlorethylene | L | 1 |
Vinylnorbornene | 3048-64-4 | 5-Vinyl-2-Norborene,2,-Vinylnorborene | L | 1 |
Warfarin | 81-81-2 | 200 Coumarin, Athrombine-K, Coumadin, Coumafen, Ratoxin | S | 100 |
Warfarin sodium | 129-06-6 | Athrombin, Coumadin Sodium, panivarfin, Panwrfin, Waran | S | 1 |
Xylene | 1330-20-7 | Dimethylbenzene | L | 100 |
Xylenol | 1300-71-6 | Dimethylphenol | L | 100 |
Zinc cyanide | 557-21-1 | — | S | 100 |
Zinc dichloro(4,4-dimethyl-5(((Methyl-amino)cabonyl oxy)imino)pentanenitrile | 58270-08-9 | — | S | 1 |
Zinc phosphide | 1314-84-7 | Blue-Ox, Delusal, Kilrat, Mous-con, Phosvin, Rumetan, Stutox | S | 100 |