(a) All applications and plans for incinerator upgradings must be approved by the Bureau of Air Resources.
(b) Incinerators which have a valid Certificate of Operation. The apartment house owner must submit a new application. No additional fee is necessary.
(c) A fee in accordance with Schedule B of Administrative Code § 24-136(c)(2) must accompany each application.
(d) Applications and amendments shall include design data and plans showing the existing incinerator and the upgrading proposed.
(e) All plans must be drawn to scale and shall be filed in triplicate. One set of plans, if approved, will be returned with a Notice of Approval for an installation or alteration permit. This Notice of Approval signifies compliance with this Department's plan filing requirements and does not infer prior approval by other city agencies.
(f) Plot plan must show the building location and dimensions, the flue discharge point, and the location, distances, and heights of all buildings within a reasonable distance. Layouts shall include plan and elevation of incinerator room clearly showing the incinerator, the location and size of fixed ventilation to the outer air. Drawings shall also include a roof plan and elevation showing the flue, and other roof structures such as water tanks, penthouses, etc. The furnace, gas burner, automatic draft controls, flues, etc., shall be shown by plan and elevation cross-sections.
(g) Section 24-124(a) and (b) of the New York City Air Pollution Control Code requires that a Professional Engineer or Registered Architect certify that the application is accurate and that the equipment covered will comply with the requirements of the law. The application and appurtenant drawings, specification sheets and amendments, must also be impressed with the seal of the certifier.
(h) A separate application is required for each unit of equipment or control apparatus, unless identical units of equipment or control apparatus are to be installed, altered, or operated in an identical manner in the same building.
(i) If any structural changes to flues or additional flues are to be provided, or additions or changes to gas piping or water supply piping are to be made, application should be made to other departments having jurisdiction in these matters, e.g., Department of Buildings, Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Fire Department, etc.
(a) General. These criteria apply to existing incinerators in multiple dwellings. Other designs will be considered if it can be demonstrated that the emission performance requirements of the New York City Air Pollution Control Code can be met, and if such designs comply with the applicable provisions of the Administrative Code.
(b) Minimum requirements and performance for upgrading.
(1) Incinerator capacity, where feasible, should be adequate to accommodate refuse load based on four burns per day. (See: Table 1 and figure 1.) Grates and brickwork in incinerator and flue must be in good repair.
(i) grate area shall be at least 50 percent of total burning area, where the existing conditions permit.
(ii) hearths under the charging flue shall be pitched at a 60° angle from the horizontal so that refuse will slide down on to grate.
(2) Auxiliary burner(s) with spark ignited gas pilot, flame failure shutoff (100%), temperature control, temperature indicator, furnace draft and closed damper interlocks shall be installed to provide for ignition of the refuse and maintenance of furnace temperature between 1,400F and 1,600F. (See: Table 1 for gas burner(s) capacity.)
(3) Overfire air fan manifold and nozzles for 25 percent of combustion air requirement shall be installed to assure adequate turbulence and burnout of refuse. Manifold may be located outside furnace as space permits.
(4) Programming electric clock with 24 hour dial, having 15 minute adjustable contact pins, to permit automatic starting and stopping of burner(s) and fans.
(5) Enclosed steel cabinet with locked cover, dust and splash-proof, for housing all control equipment. Located in basement, on wall or steel stand, at least 2 feet from incinerator wall to avoid over-heating. Cabinet shall be prewired.
(6) By-pass damper shall remain closed when the scrubber is in use, but shall be opened automatically when the scrubber is shut down.
(7) Furnace draft, to assure optimum conditions for control of combustion air, shall be maintained at all times at approximately 0.10 in. of water by automatic control of the ID fan damper.
(8) Hopper door locks, if any, shall be synchronized with incinerator operations.
(9) Overtime burning. If the furnace is too small to hold the refuse accumulated overnight between 5p.m. and 7a.m, and the furnace cannot be enlarged, permission for overtime burning, between 6a.m. and 11p.m., may be granted. The hours for burning shall be shown on the Certificate of Operation.
(10) Every incinerator must meet the particulate emission performance requirements set forth in the New York City Air Pollution Control Code. This may be accomplished by the installation of a scrubber or other control device capable of reducing the uncontrolled particulate emission to a level not exceeding the allowable particulate emission rate. Materials of construction for air cleaners shall provide suitable corrosion and erosion resistance.
(c) Incinerator and flue design. The following are four examples of existing incinerators requiring upgrading:
(1) Single flue, single combustion chamber (Figure 2)
(2) Refuse chute and direct fed multiple chamber (Figure 3)
(3) Single flue, multiple chamber (Figure 4) with bypass flue in basement or at first or second floor.
(4) Double flue, multiple chamber (Figure 5) with one flue extending through roof.
(d) Conversion of single flue incinerators to double flue or separate gas flue incinerators. With scrubber or equivalent air cleaner installed, a separate gas flue may be provided by one of the following designs.
(1) Refractory flue (Figure 6) built alongside charging flue, extending through roof of building.
(2) Use of boiler flue (Figure 7) provided size and combustion controls, etc., are in accordance with following:
(i) Boiler flue must provide sufficient draft under maximum load conditions for natural draft installations.
(ii) Both boilers and incinerators are provided with required combustion controls.
(iii) Dampers are provided in boiler and incinerator flues to prevent excessive gas cooling during cleaning or shut-down periods.
(iv) Connecting flues from oil fired boilers and incinerators are relatively short and are provided with cleanout doors.
(e) Operating cycles.
(1) Single flue, single combustion chamber with air cleaner.
(i) Burning cycle.
(A) Lock hopper doors, if included.
(B) Start air cleaner and automatic draft controller.
(C) Start auxiliary burner to ignite refuse.
(D) Start over fire air fan.
(E) Burn for preset interval, usually 30 to 60 minutes.
(ii) At end of burning cycle.
(A) Stop auxiliary burner.
(B) Stop overfire air fan.
(C) Stop air cleaner, close automatic draft controller and open automatic by-pass damper.
(D) Unlock hopper door locks, if included.
(E) Remove accumulated residue and siftings from grate and ash pit at least once each day or more frequently.
(2) Refuse chute and direct fed multiple chamber with air cleaner.
(i) Burning cycle.
(A) Charge refuse from charging chute into furnace at set intervals to avoid excess pileup of refuse in chute hopper.
(B) Start air cleaner and automatic draft controller.
(C) Start auxiliary burner and overfire air fan.
(D) Burn down refuse under supervision of operator or by automatic controls.
(ii) At end of burning cycle.
(A) Stop auxiliary burner and overfire air fan.
(B) Stop air cleaner, close automatic draft controller and open automatic by-pass damper.
(C) Remove accumulated residue at least once a day.
(3) Single flue, multiple chamber with by-pass flue at first or second floor.
(i) Burning cycle.
(A) Lock hopper doors, if included.
(B) Close charging flue gate.
(C) Start air cleaner and automatic draft controller.
(D) Start auxiliary burner and overfire air fan.
(E) Burn for preset interval.
(ii) At end of burning cycle.
(A) Stop auxiliary burner and over fire air fan.
(B) Stop air cleaner, close automatic draft controller and open automatic by-pass damper.
(C) Unlock hopper doors, if included.
(D) Open charging flue gate briefly to discharge accumulated refuse into furnace. This gate is normally closed.
(E) Clean grate and ash pit daily.
(4) Double flue, multiple chamber, with one flue extending through roof.
(i) Between burns. Charging flue gate shall remain closed except for opening briefly at 15 to 30 minute intervals to discharge accumulated refuse. Opening and closing cycle shall continue 24 hours per day.
(ii) Burning cycle.
(A) Open and close charging flue gate.
(B) Start air cleaner and automatic draft controller.
(C) Start auxiliary burning and overfire air fan.
(D) Burn for preset period.
(iii) At end of burning cycle.
(A) Stop auxiliary burner and overfire air fan.
(B) Stop air cleaner, close automatic draft controller and open automatic by-pass damper.
(f) Air for incineration. Adequate provisions for admission of air to incinerator room shall be provided. (Figure 8.)
(g) Operating instructions. The following precautions should be taken:
(1) During alteration.
(i) Do not use incinerator for burning construction or other waste. Excessive temperatures may damage the furnace, flues, and other parts.
(ii) Be sure that chambers, passages and flues are cleaned of building debris before sealing.
(iii) Install controls last to minimize damage during construction.
(2) Placing in service.
(i) Unseal incinerator and clean out combustion chamber, ash pit, separation chambers, flues, etc.
(ii) Test burners, fans, flue gate, scrubber, dampers, hopper doors, etc., to insure that they work properly.
(iii) Start a slow fire to dry out gradually the refractory in the furnace and flues.
(iv) Set controls for the operation cycle.
(v) Set the timing mechanism for 4 or more burns per day: For example: 6 - 7 a.m., 2 - 3 p.m., 7 - 8 p.m., 10 - 11 p.m.
(vi) It may be necessary to make seasonal adjustments in the choice of operating periods.
(h) Maintenance instructions.
(1) Daily.
(i) Remove residue and siftings from primary and secondary chambers as well as ash pit.
(ii) Inspect for proper operation: gas burner and controls; grates; flue gate; overfire air fan system; air cleaner and pump; cycling clock.
(iii) Check all cleanout doors.
(2) Weekly.
(i) Remove accumulated fly ash from flues.
(ii) Inspect hopper doors for tightness of fit.
(iii) Inspect spark arrester for cleanliness and repair.
(iv) Remove accumulated fly ash in secondary chambers.
(v) Remove sludge from scrubber sump.
(vi) Inspect refractory and repair or replace defective brick.
Note: Report immediately any malfunctioning or deterioration to owner or agent.
Table 1. Flue Fed Incinerators – 100 to 1,000 Rooms – Manual Grates
No. of Rooms or population per incinerator | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 600 | 800 | 1,000 | |
Refuse per day at 1.44 lbs per room | lbs | 144 | 288 | 432 | 576 | 865 | 1,152 | 1,440 |
Volume of refuse per day at 4.1 lbs/cu ft. | cu ft | 35.1 | 70 | 105 | 141 | 211 | 282 | 351 |
Heat input per day at 6,000 Btu/lb | Btu | 864,000 | 1,728,000 | 2,590,000 | 3,460,000 | 5,180,000 | 6,912,000 | 8,640,000 |
Refuse per hourly burn at 25% 4 burns per day | lbs/hr | 36 | 72 | 108 | 144 | 216 | 288 | 360 |
Volume of refuse per hourly burn at 4.1 lbs/cu ft. | cu ft/hr | 8.8 | 17.6 | 26.3 | 35.2 | 52.7 | 70.2 | 87.8 |
Heat input per hourly burn at 6,000 Btu/lb | Btu/hr | 216,000 | 432,000 | 648,000 | 865,000 | 1,300,000 | 1,730,000 | 2,160,000 |
Furnace heat release rate | Btu/cu ft/hr | 2,800 | 4,800 | 6,270 | 7,600 | 9,680 | 10,500 | 11,400 |
Gas weight leaving furnace at 200% excess air | lbs/hr | 440 | 880 | 1,323 | 1,760 | 2,650 | 3,520 | 4,415 |
Gas volume leaving furnace at 1,600F | CFM | 379 | 758 | 1,138 | 1,515 | 2,280 | 3,030 | 3,900 |
Combustion air weight | lbs/hr | 405 | 810 | 1,215 | 1,620 | 2,440 | 3,240 | 4,050 |
Combustion air volume at 80F | CFM | 90 | 180 | 276 | 367 | 554 | 735 | 920 |
Underfire air – 50% of total – at 80F | CFM | 45 | 90 | 138 | 183 | 277 | 367 | 460 |
Adjustable air port area | Min. sq in | 50 | 100 | 153 | 200 | 310 | 420 | 510 |
Overfire air fan at 25% of total at 1" S.P. | CFM | 22.5 | 45 | 69 | 92 | 139 | 184 | 230 |
Overfire air duct and manifold area at 2,000 FPM | sq in | 1.62 | 3.24 | 4.97 | 6.62 | 10.0 | 13.25 | 16.5 |
Equivalent schedule 40 pipe size | in | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 6 |
No. of 1" pipe nozzles for O.F. air | No. | 4 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 9 |
Gas flue and fresh air inlet | Min. sq ft | 1.0 | 1.37 | 1.86 | 2.36 | 3.29 | 4.05 | 4.86 |
Auxiliary burner capacity per hourly burn | Min. Btu/hr | 72,000 | 144,000 | 216,000 | 288,000 | 433,000 | 577,000 | 720,000 |

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Editor's note: the image displayed above is the highest quality available to the publisher.

Editor's note: the image displayed above is the highest quality available to the publisher.

Editor's note: the image displayed above is the highest quality available to the publisher.

Editor's note: the image displayed above is the highest quality available to the publisher.

Editor's note: the image displayed above is the highest quality available to the publisher.

Editor's note: the image displayed above is the highest quality available to the publisher.

Editor's note: the image displayed above is the highest quality available to the publisher.