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New York City Overview
The New York City Charter
The New York City Administrative Code
The Rules of the City of New York
Title 1: Department of Buildings
Title 2: Board of Standards and Appeals
Title 3: Fire Department
Title 6: Department of Consumer and Worker Protection
Title 9: Procurement Policy Board Rules
Title 12: Franchise and Concession Review Committee
Title 15: Department of Environmental Protection
Chapter 1: Asbestos Control Program
Chapter 2: Engineering Criteria for Fossil Fuel Burning Boilers and Water Heaters
Chapter 3: Cessation of Operation and Removal and Sealing of Refuse Burning Equipment
Chapter 4: Certification of Gasoline Dispensing Sites and Transport Vehicles
Chapter 5: Criteria Used For Upgrading Existing Apartment House Incinerators
Chapter 6: Interpolation of Allowable Sound Levels For Motor Vehicles
Chapter 7: Tunneling
Chapter 8: Industrial Equipment
Chapter 9: Gas Fired Burner Installations
Chapter 10: Air Pollution Control Instruction in Fuel Burning Equipment Using Residual Fuel Oil and Refuse Burning Equipment
Chapter 11: Hazardous Substances Emergency Response
Chapter 12: Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaning Facilities
Chapter 13: Rules Pertaining to the Prevention of the Emission of Dust from Construction Related Activities
Chapter 14: Rules Concerning the Use of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel and Emissions Control Technology in Nonroad Vehicles Used in City Construction
Chapter 15: Rules Concerning the Use of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel and Emission Control Technology on City Motor Vehicles
Chapter 16: NYCDEP Rules for the Recreational Use of City Property*
Chapter 17: [Occupation or Use of New York City Property (Lands, Water Bodies, Reservoirs and Infrastructure) in the Counties of Delaware, Dutchess, Greene, Orange, Putnam, Schoharie, Sullivan, Ulster, and Westchester]
Chapter 18: Protection from Contamination, Degradation and Pollution of the New York City Water Supply and Its Sources
Chapter 19: Use of the Public Sewers
Chapter 19.1: Stormwater Management for Water Pollution Control
Chapter 20: Governing and Restricting the Use and Supply of Water
Chapter 21: Water Shortage Emergency Rules
Chapter 22: Withdrawal of Water from the New York City Water Supply System
Chapter 23: Construction of Private Sewers or Private Drains
Chapter 24: [Contamination of Tax Lot by Hazardous Materials or Hazardous Waste; Placement and Removal of an (E) Designation on Tax Lot in Connection with Zoning Map Amendment]
Chapter 25: Rules Concerning the Use of Emissions Control Technology on Sight-Seeing Buses
Chapter 26: Rules Concerning the Use of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel and Emissions Control Technology on Vehicles That Transport Children to and from School
Chapter 27: Rules Concerning the Use of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel and Emissions Control Technology On Solid Waste Vehicles
Chapter 28: Citywide Construction Noise Mitigation
Chapter 29: Commercial Music Noise Mitigation Rules
Chapter 30: Minimal Noise Impact Construction Activities
Chapter 31: Rule Governing House / Site Connections to the Sewer System
Chapter 32: Adjudications
Chapter 33: Sale of Tax Liens and Complaint Resolution
Chapter 34: [Air Pollution Control Code Fees]
Chapter 35: Voluntary Master Environmental Hazard Remediation Technician Registration Program
Chapter 36: Cure Period for Certain Air and Noise Code Violations
Chapter 37: Emission Reduction Technologies for Char Broilers
Chapter 38: Emissions Reduction Technologies for New Cook Stoves
Chapter 39: Engine Idling
Chapter 40: Rules Concerning the Registration of Emergency Generators [Repealed]
Chapter 41: Community Right-to-Know Regulations
Chapter 42: City Environmental Quality Review (CEQR) (City Planning and Department of Environmental Protection)
Chapter 43: Air Code Penalty Schedule
Chapter 44: Standard Test Procedures to Determine Smoke Emissions from Generators with an Output of 40 kw or More
Chapter 45: Abatement Orders
Chapter 46: Filming and Photography Authorized by the Department
Chapter 47: Noise Code Penalty Schedule
Chapter 48: Green Infrastructure Grant Program
Chapter 49: Spraying Insulating Material
Chapter 50: Registration of Other Emission Sources or Activities
Chapter 51: [Retrofit Technology in Heavy Duty Trade Waste Hauling Vehicles]
Chapter 52: After Hours Noise Complaints
Chapter 53: Air Asbestos Penalty Schedule
Chapter 54: Community Right-To-Know Law Penalty Schedule
Chapter 55: Stormwater Penalty Schedule
Chapter 56: Sewer Control Rules Penalty Schedule
Chapter 57: Rules Concerning Drilling and Excavation
Chapter 58: Notification of Mold Remediation
Chapter 59: Hazardous Substances Emergency Response Law Penalty Schedule
Chapter 60: Rulemaking Petitions
Chapter 61: Public Hearings Held Pursuant to Administrative Code § 24-110
Chapter 62: Emissions Reduction Technologies for Existing Cook Stoves
Chapter 63: Stationary Engines
Title 16: Department of Sanitation
Title 17: Business Integrity Commission
Title 19: Department of Finance
Title 20: Tax Appeals Tribunal
Title 21: Tax Commission
Title 22: Banking Commission
Title 24: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Title 25: Department of Mental Health and Retardation [Repealed]
Title 28: Housing Preservation and Development
Title 29: Loft Board
Title 30: Rent Guidelines Board
Title 31: Mayor's Office of Homelessness and Single Room Occupancy
Title 34: Department of Transportation
Title 35: Taxi and Limousine Commission
Title 38: Police Department
Title 38-A: Civilian Complaint Review Board
Title 39: Department of Correction
Title 40: Board of Correction
Title 41: Department of Juvenile Justice
Title 42: Department of Probation
Title 43: Mayor
Title 44: Comptroller
Title 45: Borough Presidents
Title 46: Law Department
Title 47: Commission on Human Rights
Title 48: Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH)
Title 49: Department of Records and Information Services
Title 50: Community Assistance Unit
Title 51: City Clerk
Title 52: Campaign Finance Board*
Title 53: Conflicts of Interest Board
Title 55: Department of Citywide Administrative Services
Title 56: Department of Parks and Recreation
Title 57: Art Commission
Title 58: Department of Cultural Affairs
Title 60: Civil Service Commission
Title 61: Office of Collective Bargaining
Title 62: City Planning
Title 63: Landmarks Preservation Commission
Title 66: Department of Small Business Services
Title 67: Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications
Title 68: Human Resources Administration
Title 69: Department of Aging
Title 70: In Rem Foreclosure Release Board
Title 71: Voter Assistance Commission
Title 72: Office of Emergency Management
Title 73: Civic Engagement Commission
Title 74: Community Hiring
Part 2: Work Procedures
§ 1-125 Work Area Preparation.
The following work area preparation shall be followed during the conduct of pre-demolition abatement activities:
   (a)   Prior to the start of abatement activities on asbestos projects the building owner or designated representative must post a general notification at all main entrances to the structure. Postings of this notification must be in English and Spanish, at eye level in a conspicuous well-lit place that can be viewed by the public without obstruction. Information provided in the notification must include contractor, project location, that the project is regulated by NYC DEP, and the Call Center "311" for government information and services. The notice must have the following heading: NOTICE OF ASBESTOS ABATEMENT, in a minimum of one inch sans serif, gothic or block style lettering, with the balance of the lettering of the notice to be of the same type lettering in a minimum of one quarter inch size. The notification must be posted throughout all abatement activities.
   (b)   The building shall be vacated prior to the start of abatement activities.
   (c)   Electric power to all work areas shall be shut down and locked out. Safe temporary power and lighting shall be provided in accordance with all applicable NYC Code(s) and Regulations. Existing light sources (e.g., house lights) shall not be utilized. All power to a work area shall be brought in from outside the area through ground-fault interrupter at the source.
   (d)   The worker decontamination enclosure system shall be installed or constructed prior to plasticizing the work area and before disturbing ACM. The waste decontamination enclosure system shall be installed or constructed prior to commencement of abatement. The area in which these systems are located shall require HVAC system isolation and plasticizing of electrical outlets and equipment that are within 6 inches of floor level.
   (e)   Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) System shall be shut down and locked out. Isolation barriers shall be installed to prevent interior duct work contamination.
   (f)   Abatement shall not commence until work place preparation has been completed.
   (g)   Methods that raise dust, such as sweeping or vacuuming with equipment not equipped with HEPA filters, are prohibited.
   (h)   Objects which can be removed from the work area prior to abatement without disturbing ACM shall be pre-cleaned using HEPA-filtered vacuum equipment and/or wet cleaning.
   (i)   The isolation barriers (i.e. sealing off of all openings, including but not limited to windows, corridors, doorways, barriers, skylights, ducts, grills, diffusers, and any other penetrations of the work areas) shall be installed with 2 layers of fire retardant 6-mil plastic sheeting separately sealed with tape. All seams of HVAC or other system components that pass through the work area shall also be sealed. Chimney effects in stacks, columns, flues, shafts, double- walled enclosures, etc., that impact the work area, shall be eliminated by sealing the accesses with solid material covered with a double layer of 6-mil plastic sealed with tape.
   (j)   Cinderblock and porous construction materials, painted or unpainted, must be covered with one layer of fire retardant 6-mil plastic sheeting, sealed at edges and seams.
   (k)   Flooring within the work area shall be water-tight.
   (l)   Suspended ceiling tiles and T-grid components in proximity to ACM shall remain in place until the work area has been fully prepared as outlined in this section and electrical and HVAC systems have been shut down. Contaminated suspended ceiling components shall be removed prior to abatement and treated with a penetrating encapsulant.
   (m)   Required means of egress, including emergency and fire exits, must be maintained at all times during abatement activities except as otherwise provided, pursuant to the New York City Building and Fire Codes. Exits must be checked daily to ensure that there is no blockage or impediments to exiting.
   (n)   Entrances to the work area that will be used for worker entry or emergency exits shall be locked against unauthorized entry.
   (o)   Elevators running through the work area shall conform to the following:
      (1)   The elevator door in the work area shall be enclosed with conventional 2 x 4 stud framing, covered with 3/8" fire rated plywood sheeting and sealed at all edges and seams. The barrier shall be covered and lapped for 8 inches with two layers of fire retardant 6-mil plastic sheeting adhered individually with edges taped for airtightness.
      (2)   Elevators not remaining in service shall have the fuses removed and the power switch locked in the open position.
      (3)   Elevators that remain in service shall conform to the following additional procedures to minimize the piston effect that results:
         (i)   Elevator control shall be modified to bypass the work area.
         (ii)   A final larger layer of fire retardant 6-mil plastic sheeting is to be taped airtight but with slack forming a larger perimeter diaphragm. Air leakage across the barrier shall be corrected upon discovery, and the elevator shaft shall be checked for airborne asbestos contamination.
         (iii)   This system shall be smoke tested daily.
      (4)   Elevator shafts shall not be used as waste chutes for asbestos-containing waste material.
   (p)   Adequate toilet facilities shall be provided in the vicinity of the clean room external to the work place. Where such facilities do not exist, portable service shall be provided.
(Amended City Record 12/7/2018, eff. 1/6/2019; amended City Record 8/21/2019, eff. 9/20/2019)
§ 1-126 ACM Procedures: Order of Work.
No ACM removal shall be performed in a building concurrently with the full demolition of such building or with the removal of one or more stories of such building, except as otherwise provided in these rules pursuant to 15 RCNY §§ 1-03 and 1-26. This subsection shall not apply to emergency work being performed pursuant to Article 215 of Chapter 2 of Title 28 of the Administrative Code.
§ 1-127 Clean-up Procedures During Abatement.
The following clean-up procedures shall be followed during conduct of pre-demolition abatement:
   (a)   (1)   All waste generated shall be bagged, wrapped, or containerized immediately upon removal. The personal and waste decontamination enclosure systems shall be HEPA vacuumed and wet cleaned at the end of each work shift at a minimum.
      (2)   Visible accumulations of asbestos-containing waste material may be containerized utilizing rubber dust pans and rubber squeegees or HEPA vacuums. Metal shovels may also be used EXCEPT in the vicinity of plastic sheeting which could be perforated by these tools.
   (b)   The waste decontamination enclosure system shall be wet cleaned twice using wet cleaning methods upon completion of waste removal. When the worker decontamination enclosure shower room alternates as a waste container wash room, the shower room shall be washed immediately with cloths or mops saturated with a detergent solution prior to wet cleaning.
   (c)   The worker decontamination enclosure system shall be wet cleaned / HEPA vacuumed, as appropriate, after each shift change and meal break.
   (d)   If there is free standing water or if flooding occurs in the area, work must stop until the water is collected and safely and properly removed.
(Amended City Record 12/7/2018, eff. 1/6/2019)
§ 1-128 Clean-up Procedures: Preparation for Clearance Air Monitoring.
The following final clean-up procedures for pre-demolition abatement shall be performed prior to commencement of clearance air monitoring:
   (a)   All visible accumulations of asbestos-containing waste material shall be removed and containerized. Metal shovels may be used to pick up or move accumulated waste EXCEPT in the vicinity of plastic sheet isolation and surface barriers which could be perforated by these tools. The areas around the plastic sheet isolation barriers shall be cleaned of visible accumulations utilizing rubber dust pans and rubber squeegees. To pick up excess water and gross wet debris, a wet-dry shop HEPA vacuum dedicated to asbestos abatement may be used.
   (b)   All containerized waste shall be removed from the work area through the decontamination enclosures and the holding area.
   (c)   All surfaces in the work area shall be wet cleaned using rags or mops. After allowing sufficient time for drying of the work area, HEPA vacuums shall be used to thoroughly clean all surfaces after gross clean-up.
   (d)   The plastic sheeting installed, pursuant to 15 RCNY § 1-125(j), must be cleaned as in subdivision (c) above, then sprayed with a lockdown encapsulant and removed when dry.
   (e)   All surfaces in the work area which were not the subject of removal or abatement shall be sprayed with a lockdown encapsulant, which upon drying will not dissolve upon rewetting. Sufficient time for drying shall be allowed.
   (f)   All tools and equipment shall be removed from the work area and decontaminated in the equipment decontamination enclosure system.
   (g)   After successful clearance air monitoring (see 15 RCNY §§ 1-31 et seq.), a HEPA vacuum must be used to clean up any dust or debris when removing the isolation barriers.
   (h)   Within 21 days of the completion of all steps set forth above, including successful clearance air monitoring, a project monitor’s report (Form ACP15) must be submitted to DEP. Failure to submit the ACP15 Form will result in suspension of the air monitor’s account and the contractor’s account in the ARTS E-File System until the form is submitted. This report must be based on an inspection performed after the completion of all steps listed in this section and may not be based on the visual inspection performed prior to the commencement of clearance air monitoring. This inspection must be documented in the project air sampling log. The project monitor who prepares the report must be independent of the abatement contractor. If a project is being performed on multiple floors of a building, a separate project monitor’s report may be submitted as each floor is completed. Compliance with this subdivision is the responsibility of the building owner.
(Amended City Record 12/7/2018, eff. 1/6/2019; amended City Record 1/15/2025, eff. 2/14/2025)